MTL - My Hi-tech Library-Chapter 264 all-time high

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Shining Star International Media, Star Shining Chronicle's program is still going on.

The host - Xu Qiuxuan smiled and asked Professor Liao Wenjun, "Professor Liao, this antimatter experiment was successful, and there is still a long way to go before the actual application of antimatter!"

"This question is difficult to answer. However, the antimatter furnace designed by Professor Zhou Shuzhi is very remarkable. It can solve several major problems of antimatter production, storage and utilization at one time. The first major problem has been solved, and the subsequent two functions should not take long. , it is expected that the use from the laboratory to the reality will be realized within 1-2 years!" Professor Liao Wenjun introduced with a smile.

"So soon? Can you introduce this antimatter furnace to everyone?" The host - Xu Qiuxuan's eyes lit up and asked with concern.

"Of course there is no problem. When talking about the antimatter furnace, we must first start with the structure of antimatter. Antimatter actually exists in our daily life, but its existence time is very short and very small, so we can't feel it, such as : Bananas that we regularly eat also release antimatter."

"Each banana releases a positron about every 75 minutes, and that's because there's a small amount of potassium-40 in bananas, a substance that releases a small amount of positrons during decay, and humans also have potassium- 40, so humans will also produce a certain amount of positrons, but unfortunately these positrons are too few, they will disappear immediately after they appear, and the energy released is almost negligible."

"The physical phenomenon in which matter and antimatter disappear together and turn into energy is called "annihilation", and the energy generated by positive and antimatter is called "annihilation reaction", and the positive and negative protons per millionth of a gram are annihilated and released. The energy is almost equal to the explosion of 37.8 kilograms of TNT."

"The efficiency of releasing energy after the collision between antimatter and positive matter is very high. The amount of antimatter reaches one gram. The energy generated by the annihilation of antimatter is no less than a small explosion. The energy released by the annihilation of a tablet-sized antimatter can make the spacecraft sail for hundreds of years. Light years, unfortunately, it is a very difficult problem to put together so much antimatter."

"First of all, the manufacturing cost of antimatter is too high. From the beginning of antimatter research, the antimatter produced by Fermilab's Tera Electron Volt accelerator is only one billionth of a gram. The method of making antimatter mainly relies on particle accelerators. , the energy required to make antimatter far exceeds the energy released after the extinction of these antimatter, it can be said that the gain outweighs the loss."

"Next, there is the problem of storage after the successful manufacture of antimatter. These manufactured antimatter are difficult to preserve. Once they come into contact with normal matter, they will disappear and disappear. The cost of preserving these antimatter is not small. At the same time, in the process of using antimatter, , it also requires an extreme environment to operate, and these reasons make antimatter the most expensive matter in the world today."

"However, the antimatter furnace developed by Professor Zhou Shuzhi combines antimatter manufacturing, antimatter storage, and antimatter reactions in one furnace, and uses a super-strong magnetic field to store antimatter and force it to react with positive matter. Difficulty exploiting."


Professor Liao Wenjun introduced the knowledge of popular science antimatter to the host, Xu Qiuxuan, and introduced the details of the antimatter furnace project.

After a pause, Professor Liao Wenjun continued: "Once the antimatter melting pot is successfully developed, it can definitely push the speed of the interstellar spacecraft to a new height. However, the flying power of the spacecraft is important, and the material of the spacecraft that carries this speed will become The ship is the key."

"At this speed, the load of the interstellar spacecraft will be an extremely terrifying number. You must know that there are still many invisible substances remaining in the vacuum of the universe. The speed of the interstellar spacecraft reaches 10% of the speed of light. Existing spacecraft The force field defense system will be unbearable, the faster the speed of the spacecraft, the requirements for the material and defense system of the interstellar spacecraft are exponential." Professor Liao Wenjun took a deep breath and introduced in a heavy tone.

"Professor Liao, what do you mean, even if the antimatter furnace is successfully developed, the antimatter power engine of the interstellar spacecraft is no problem, and we can't develop a higher-speed interstellar spacecraft?" The host - Xu Qiuxuan nodded and looked at Liao Wenjun the professor asked with concern.

"Haha, I don't know about that. Professor Chen Jianbo works in the scientific research unit of Xingyao Technology. He must have a better understanding of this issue. Has Xingyao Technology developed more advanced technology in the field of interstellar spaceships?" Professor Liao Wenjun laughed. Turning the subject to Professor Chen Jianbo, looking at him and asking.

The host - Xu Qiuxuan immediately understood what Professor Liao Wenjun meant, looked at Professor Chen Jianbo and asked with a smile, "Professor Chen, is it convenient for you to reveal some inside information in this regard!"

"This is difficult for me. I am in the field of laser research, and I am not very clear about the news in this regard. However, the particle field defense technology used by interstellar spacecraft can really only be used for low-speed spacecraft applications. If antimatter energy It shouldn't be a problem to be able to use this powerful energy system on the spacecraft to develop a higher-strength energy defense system." Professor Chen Jianbo smiled wryly, thought for a moment, and replied.

"What about the materials for making high-speed spacecraft? Does the company invest in research in this area?" The host - Xu Qiuxuan nodded and asked.

"There must be this. Xingyao materials have just been launched! They must have been involved in the development of such materials. I don't know the specific progress!" Professor Chen Jianbo then revealed.

"However, as far as I know, the Starship Design Department of the Xingyao Experiment Center seems to have started the design of the next-generation spacecraft. I believe it will not be long before the results will be announced." Professor Chen Jianbo revealed with a mysterious smile. .

"Professor Chen said what he said, and he didn't say it. The audience didn't just want to know some useful information. If it's convenient, you can reveal a little bit!" Professor Liao Wenjun was dissatisfied. For the effect of the show, he laughed and teased.

"Yeah! As far as the current news is concerned, Professor Chen, if you know it, let me know if it's convenient!" The host - Xu Qiuxuan smiled and followed.

"Okay! Let me tell you some news that I know, that is, Xingyao. After Dawn, the new ship Hope built by Xingyao City will be offline in a few months. It is said that a lot of advanced technologies have been applied, such as : Interstellar gravitational wave communicator, biological brain host, supermagnetic energy shield,..." Professor Chen Jianbo reluctantly responded and introduced with a smile.

"Will Hope be completed in a few months? What good news! What kind of mission will it carry?" The host - Xu Qiuxuan's eyes lit up, looking at Professor Chen Jianbo, and asked with concern.

"I don't know much about this. I suggest that you do a special program of the No. Hope so that everyone can understand." Professor Chen Jianbo smiled and shook his head.

The host - Xu Qiuxuan nodded happily, turned her head to face the camera, and introduced with a smile: "Audiences, the Hope is about to go offline, do you want to see its manufacturing progress and the tasks it will carry, the next issue's' "Xingyao Chronicle", we will enter the spaceship dock of Xingyao City and make three special reports around the Hope."

After introducing the program preview of the next episode, the host - Xu Qiuxuan smiled and said goodbye to the audience: "Due to time constraints, today's program is here. Thank you two professors for being guests on 'Xingyao Chronicle', see you next week!"


Under the attention of countless viewers, the show of the Era of Stars came to an end.

In the background of the program group, the staff burst into cheers.

"The effect of the program is great. The viewing data of this episode has created the most broadcast of 'Xingyao Chronicle'!"

"75%, which is on par with the ratings of the Mars series of special reports!"

"Yeah! The next issue - Hope, definitely has the potential to surpass the Mars series."


In the backstage studio of the program group, the staff cheered excitedly and filled with laughter.

The series of special reports on Mars has been on fire for several months, and the exploration scope of the underground world has continued to increase. Many Martian plants, relics of underground civilization, and hundreds of underground Martian creatures have been discovered, but no main creatures of Martian intelligent civilization have been found. exploration continues.

However, nearly half a year has passed, and there has been no huge discovery. The program effect of the Mars series of special reports is continuing to decline, but it still maintains the highest ratings.

Now, this episode of 'Xingyao Chronicle' has a tendency to overtake the special reports of the Mars series. The staff of the program working group cheered and cried with joy.

They are so easy! They have been suppressed by the series of special reports on Mars for so long. You must know that before the event of 'Mars Exploration', their program has always been the big brother in the stage. In the next issue, the special report of Hope, they should have a chance to turn over. .

With the end of this issue of "The Chronicle of Stars".

The outside world also responded quickly!

Antimatter has been successfully developed and will be applied to interstellar spacecraft in the near future. As soon as the news was broadcast, a whirlwind blew across the world, and major media reprinted the reports one after another.

"Professor Zhou Shuzhi led the scientific research team to achieve a major breakthrough in the field of antimatter, and the use of antimatter power engines on interstellar spacecraft is just around the corner."

"Major news, the interstellar spacecraft power system has brought about new technological breakthroughs, and antimatter will help the interstellar spacecraft to speed up dozens of times."

"First Clan"

"After cold fusion, Xingyao Technology has made a major breakthrough in the field of antimatter!"

"Antimatter energy has successfully broken through, and the interstellar spacecraft flying to other galaxies is just around the corner!"


For a time, major news media around the world reprinted this news one after another, and topics related to antimatter energy quickly became hot news, attracting the attention of countless people around the world.

"Xingyao Technology is amazing! Another major scientific and technological achievement has been achieved!"

"Hey! How can we catch up with this speed! Hurry up and join!"

"To colonize alien galaxies, the power of all mankind should be united."

"Envy, everyone has already started to use antimatter, but we haven't even built a fusion energy station. It's too far behind!"

"The development of human civilization still depends on Xingyao Technology!"

"Their system is so good that another great scientist was born."


Countless foreign viewers who watched the news left all kinds of envious comments. At the same time, they expressed extreme disappointment and strong dissatisfaction with domestic research institutions and parliamentarians.

No comparison doesn't hurt.

After so many years, the development of Xingyao Technology in the field of advanced technology has attracted worldwide attention. However, the development of science and technology in their country has not only not progressed, but has continued to regress. No scientific research organization can keep up with the pace of Xingyao Technology.

The successful breakthrough of the antimatter research and development project has a huge impact on the domestic stock market. As soon as the stock market opened, the stock price of Xingyao Aerospace, which was just listed, immediately ushered in a wave of skyrocketing, driving the sector and the stock index to rise directly by 5%. Materials are a close second.

"Crazy! Going crazy!"

"Again, another major breakthrough, Xingyao Technology is too powerful!"

"This stock price is going to go up, and the value of the antimatter power engine is so high!"

"Hurry up and leave your bags for safety!"

"Crazy, it's just an experimental news, how can the stock price rise like this!"

"Come on! Antimatter energy has been successfully developed, and the real interstellar era of mankind is about to begin!"

"With the efficiency of Xingyao within ten years, the antimatter interstellar spacecraft will definitely be able to fly to other galaxies."

"Hahahaha, make a fortune! The full warehouse is waiting to rise, continue to rise!"


In the face of the sudden skyrocketing of the aerospace sector, countless small and medium investors are so excited that they can't help themselves.

Several companies listed by Shining Star Technology have given all participating investors the opportunity to share its new technological breakthroughs.

Over the years, Xingyao Technology has frequently produced major scientific and technological achievements that have changed the pattern of the human world, and have had a profound impact on the development of the entire human civilization.

However, at that time, Shining Star Technology did not split up any branches to go public, and all investors could not obtain investment income from this leading technological change, and share the fruits of scientific and technological progress from Shining Star Technology.

Countless investors watched Xingyao Technology helplessly, in less than 20 years, from a small company started from scratch, it has expanded into the largest company in the world, involving dozens of technology industries, with assets exceeding one trillion billion scale.

Well now, several branches of Xingyao Technology are listed, and now an extremely significant new technological breakthrough has been announced, a major technological achievement that can greatly increase the speed of the starship.

For a time, countless investors in the global capital seized this historical opportunity, ignoring the originally extremely high stock price of Xingyao Aerospace, and retaliated and bought frantically regardless of the cost.

The market value of Xingyao Aerospace has successfully exceeded 70 trillion, which is more than triple the stock price at the beginning of the listing. Xingyao Materials, Xingyao Machinery, and Xingyao Urban Construction have followed suit, driving other stocks to explode. It has successfully driven the A-share market value to break through a record high of 260 trillion yuan.

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