MTL - My Hi-tech Library-Chapter 27 Ultra light alloy Y

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The liveliness of the outside world seems to have no influence on Xingyao Technology.

Xingyao Media also did not take up this topic. In response to the authenticity of the news and rumors, all employees of Xingyao Technology kept silent on the news.

Xingyao City, the top floor of Xingyao headquarters building, inside the luxurious office.

Li Yi woke up and exited from the star map space of the library. He searched for knowledge from the library again, and obtained clues to lead human civilization to the correct technological route.

The prosperity of a civilization is not only in terms of science and technology, but also spiritual, cultural, institutional, financial, etc. It is almost all-round. However, human civilization has just started from the mother star civilization and started the planetary civilization, and is in a very fragile stage. There is a lot of homework to do.

Nowadays, individuals in human society are attached to virtual networks. Through virtual projection and a powerful interstellar communication network, the development efficiency of human civilization and the speed of information transmission have been improved to an extremely efficient level. Combined with the industrial structure dominated by intelligent machinery , The development speed of human scientific and technological civilization has reached an unprecedented height.

However, the level of development of human civilization is far from the alien civilization that has been developed for thousands of years or 10,000 years. Finally, the foundation of human civilization is too poor. From ancient civilization to modern scientific and technological civilization, It is only three or four hundred years, and it is only thirty or forty years into the interstellar era.


Thinking of this, Li Yi couldn't help sighing. After all, time is a big problem. He is not too old. I don't know if there will be a chance to see the interstellar spacecraft of human civilization sailing out of the solar system in this life.

Li Yi turned off the light curtain and stopped thinking about these questions. He was going to relax, click on the virtual projection, and with a swoosh, Li Yi appeared in the spaceship design room of the Xingyao Experimental Center.

"Mr. Li!" Zhang Diyun, the head of the design room, saw Li Yi's virtual projection and hurriedly bowed his greetings.

Li Yi waved his hand and asked with a smile, "I'll take a look, what are you guys doing?"

The spacious design is that several designers are thinking about something around a shuttle-shaped flying device in front of the large holographic screen.

"Mr. Li, our department is designing a small space war shuttle for the Alliance mothership: Thunder Aurora. It has a rated number of two pilots and a total of 34.7 tons. The fuselage material is made of superalloy A series light metal, equipped with two Small fusion powered engines, four ion engines,..."

The specific model of the space shuttle can be seen on the holographic screen. It is about 18 meters long, 2-5 meters wide, in the shape of a shuttle, and about 4 meters high. The whole is not very large. The ion engine at the bottom and around it

Because there is no atmosphere in the universe, it does not need to be in the shape of a falcon like a fighter jet, considering aerodynamics or something, but directly adopts the most flexible shuttle shape.

Loaded, of course, is a small nuclear bomb! Conventional missiles have long been obsolete in space warfare.

Looking at the flight parameters of the space shuttle, Li Yi frowned and asked with concern: "The maximum speed is only 720,000 kilometers per hour? Equivalent to 200 kilometers per second, how long can this speed last? Can't continue to improve?"

Being used to seeing the sub-light speed of 35% of the starship, Li Yi couldn't help but feel very dissatisfied when he saw the flying speed of this space shuttle.

200 kilometers per second, this speed was an unimaginable number in the past. However, after entering the interstellar era, it is of course faster than the previous aircraft. But it's ridiculously slow for space.

The speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second, which is 300,000 kilometers per second. The most advanced third-generation antimatter spacecraft is 35% of the speed of light, which is about 100,000 kilometers per second. Li Yi really can't figure out what the space shuttle has at this speed. use.

Hearing Li Yi's dissatisfaction, the staff at the scene immediately became nervous.

The chief designer, Professor Zhang Yifeng reminded next to him: "Mr. Li, we need to consider the speed and response of our space warships to surround enemy warships to attack, or to orbit around the planet's low-Earth orbit. , to start close combat, this speed has actually exceeded the standard of human control,"

"Yes! Mr. Li, the speed of human nerve transmission is about 100 meters per second. A well-trained soldier has a reaction speed of between 0.1 and 0.3 seconds. When fighting over time, it is 200 kilometers per second, which definitely exceeds the demand. ."

"Yeah! The maximum speed of 200 kilometers per second is completely uncontrollable with the physical fitness and neural response ability of ordinary soldiers. In fact, under normal conditions, with the assistance of computers, a speed of 30 kilometers per second is better. s Choice."

"Is there any difference between such a space station shuttle and cannon fodder?" Li Yi's brows were still furrowed. What could he achieve in a group battle at a speed of 30 kilometers per second? If you fight with real aliens and face energy weapons close to the speed of light, isn't it the same as snails?

Although human civilizations will not necessarily fight alien civilizations.

However, through the observation of the 'Wan Liyan', there are two alien civilizations within 3,000 light years near the solar system where human civilization lives. It is a matter of time to prevent the invasion of alien civilizations.

"Mr. Li, the human body is too fragile, it seems that drones are more reliable, ..., even if you use drones, you have to be controlled by people behind your back, double the speed, and at a speed of 400 kilometers per second, no It also exceeds the reaction speed of normal people?"

"Yeah! Even if the firepower is handed over to the artificial intelligence brain, the speed of the unmanned space shuttle should be controlled within 500 kilometers per second, ..."


After listening to Li Yi's questioning, a group of experts interpreted your words and my words one after another.

Li Yi waved his hand and stopped the experts' prompting.

Li Yi sighed and explained: "Actually, it's already very good. Its individual combat capability is good, and the cost is relatively cheap. If unmanned driving is adopted, the cost of life-saving devices and other miscellaneous things can be removed, and the cost can be lower. , can be mass-produced.”

"Indeed, high mobility is always good. It's good to use it as a drone. We have a drone with a similar design." Professor Zhang Yifeng nodded in agreement.

After speaking, Professor Zhang Yifeng stretched out his hand a little, and called up the drone-type space shuttle on the holographic screen. Overall, its body shape was affected, and its performance and parameters were improved in all aspects.

Li Yi frowned, still a little dissatisfied. The shuttle-shaped space drone is flexible, but the performance is too poor, and the overall combat potential is not good enough.

Li Yi turned his head, looked at Professor Zhang Yifeng and asked, "Are there any other models?"

"Of course!" Professor Zhang Yifeng nodded quickly.

The entire design studio has studied the interstellar spacecraft for so many years, and it is impossible to only come up with this type of space fighter.

Professor Zhang Yifeng reached out and clicked on the holographic screen to call up all types of space fighters. The next moment, dozens of space fighters appeared on the holographic screen, shuttle-shaped, disc-shaped, eagle-shaped, ..., all kinds of model,

Professor Zhang Yifeng stretched out his finger, clicked on an eagle-shaped drone, and introduced: "This is a mimetic version of the 'Blackfish' drone. I named it Blackhawk-001. It is both a space fighter. It is also an expedition-type spacecraft and can also be used as a landing spacecraft.”

"It is about 36 meters long, 16 meters wide and 16 meters high, uses a lot of light metal, and has a rated empty load of 760 tons, ..., uses four core cold fusion engines, and has a maximum speed of 3,000 kilometers per second, That is, the speed of one hundredth of a light-year, to reach this maximum speed, it takes eight hours to accelerate the flight,..." Professor Zhang Yifeng introduced Li Yi in detail.

Li Yi frowned, still dissatisfied with this type of space fighter.

Usually, Li Yi pays attention to some big projects. He has not paid much attention to such small projects as space fighter design. However, he often previews the technology of other alien civilizations and various alien spaceships in the star map space. , so that his vision and insight far exceed those of these experts and professors.

Soon, Li Yi directly clicked on the holographic screen to view all types of space fighters.

The human alliance mothership is already in the manufacturing stage, and some of the interstellar motherships use the third-generation antimatter power engine technology. In the future, they will carry the first step of human civilization in the solar system and carry the important task of human civilization to explore the galaxy.

The design of the third-generation mothership has already taken shape, but the space fighters carried by the mothership have not been finalized. Today, when there is time, Li Yi decided to implement this work.

Soon, Li Yi locked on a spherical space fighter, looked at its parameters, and thought in his eyes.

"Mr. Li, the 'Thunderball' space fighter, we designed it to simulate the Thunderball Lightning, its diameter is 200 meters, it has 36 built-in miniature nuclear fusion power engines, it is made of heavy metal, super titanium alloy steel, ... . "Professor Zhang Yifeng stepped forward and introduced Li Yi in detail.

"This is not bad. Let the think tank optimize it. The space fighters of the mothership develop in a spherical direction, and other types of space fighters are temporarily used as a reference." Li Yi decided.

"Ah! President Li, there is no such special requirement on the alliance side!" Zhang Diyun, the head of the design studio, was startled, looked at Li Yi, and reminded.

"You just do it, I will discuss this matter with the alliance government." Li Yi waved his hand and gestured.

After speaking, Li Yi disconnected the virtual connection, and the virtual projection disappeared directly from the design room.

In the star map world, one thing Li Yi saw is that the vast majority of alien civilizations, whether interstellar spaceships or small spaceships, are definitely developing in a spherical direction. This makes sense. The most perfect and most perfect in the universe The form of harmony is spherical. In the future, human civilization must develop in the direction of star fortress.

In the luxurious study, Li Yi connected to the holographic screen again and came to the Materials Research Institute of the experimental center. Materials research has always played a vital role in the development of human civilization to the current level of technology.

As the most basic science, material science is used in too many places. Whether it is machinery manufacturing, weapon manufacturing, energy field, and interstellar spaceflight, it must be supported by materials with sufficient performance.

The development of human science and technology is getting faster and faster, and the required materials are getting higher and higher. Without more new materials coming out, it is not enough to support various cutting-edge equipment with higher and higher requirements.

"Mr. Li, good afternoon!"

"Mr. Li!"

Li Yi's virtual projection appeared in the Materials Experiment Command Room, welcoming a group of scientists and warm greetings from all leaders.

"I'll take a look, you guys keep busy!" Li Yi waved his hand, and his eyes fell on the large holographic screen in front of him. There were dozens of screens on it, showing the materials research projects being carried out by the Institute of Materials Research.

"Mr. Li, just look at it, and if there is anything you need me to introduce, just ask!" The person in charge of the Materials Research Institute hurried over to greet Li Yi when he learned of Li Yi's arrival.

"Well! Director Lin, have any important materials come out recently?" Li Yi nodded, looking at Zhang Qingming and asked with concern.

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"Yes, yes, of course, according to the material data deduced by the brain, we have started research and experiments to deduce many important materials, and updated a lot of material smelting processes, such as particle compression furnaces, atomic layer force field generators, ..., The most important breakthrough recently is the ultra-light alloy Y, which is a hybrid metal material combined with aerogel. It is characterized by being very light and strong enough. The main metal elements are titanium and aluminum, with the same volume. Now, its quality is only one-fifth of the traditional aluminum alloy." Zhang Qingming was refreshed and introduced to Li Yi endlessly, wishing that he could contribute all the good things to him in one breath.

"Oh! Is there a finished product? Take it out and take a look." Li Yi nodded with a smile, particularly interested in this new material.

This material is very clear to Li Yi. It is a very important main material in the construction of star fortresses. It is the main material of the inner core. It has a super effect on the pattern of cosmic radiation and various negative energies. It is airtight and compatible. , ..., etc., a material with excellent properties.

" Yes, I'll have someone bring it over!" Zhang Qingming responded quickly, and after speaking, he turned to look at a young researcher.

The young researcher hurriedly acted, turned and ran to the laboratory. Not long after, he held a tray and wore a piece of black metal, and hurried to Li Yi.

"Mr. Li, this is the ultra-light alloy Y, which is definitely one of the best main materials for making spaceships. Its mass is not only one-fifth lighter than that of aluminum alloy, but its strength is hundreds of times that of ultra-titanium alloy steel. It's impeccable." Zhang Qingming stretched out his hand, used **** to pick up the piece of black metal, showed it to Li Yi, and then introduced: "The volume of this ultra-light alloy Y is about For: 300 cubic centimeters, but its weight is only 75 grams, and using it to make the inner wall of the spacecraft can definitely reduce the overall mass of the spacecraft.”

"Manufacturing difficulty! When will energy production start?" Li Yi nodded with a smile and asked with concern.

Li Yi has long known about the various parameters and properties of ultra-light alloy Y, and he is more concerned about the mass production process of this material.

Hearing Li Yi's question, Zhang Qingming's excited expression froze, and other researchers in the institute turned around one after another, busy with their own affairs, and dared not pay attention to Li Yi secretly.

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