MTL - My Immortal Cultivation Game Life-v2 Chapter 283 The ancestor will be happy to accept you as a direct disciple

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

, my game life of cultivating immortals

"Tsk, Yu Yuanwu, don't give me a hard time here! Believe it or not, I beat you?" Peak Master Ling Luo waved his fist.

Yu Yuanwu shrank his neck, and looked at Peak Master Lingluo warily: "I'm just talking."

The young man at the side smiled at Lu Yi and the others: "This is Yu Yuanwu, my brother-in-law. I am Yu Hanguang, Ling Luo's eldest brother. From now on, you can call me uncle."

"Hello Master." Lu Yi nodded and greeted with a smile.

He found that this Yu Hanguang might be extremely powerful, not even worse than the Yu Tianfeng that Lu Yi had seen before.

You know, Yu Tianfeng is a Golden Immortal, and this one is probably a Golden Immortal as well.

Liu Ningshuang and the others also greeted each other.

"Then call me uncle!" Yu Yuanwu leaned over and said.


Yu Hanguang smiled slightly: "Father and mother are already waiting for you, come with us."

Several people entered the palace together. Along the way, Yu Yuanwu was very curious about Lu Yi, and asked beside Lu Yi: "I heard that you have mastered a very powerful law of space? When the Rakshas invaded, you seemed to be very powerful."

"Master, I'm overwhelmed, but the law of space is indeed mastered."

"Really? That's great. After mastering the laws of space, it's easier to run when you meet a powerful guy." Yu Yuanwu looked envious.

Lu Yi: "..."

His face darkened, he didn't expect this guy to think of this?

Is he the type to run away so easily?

"By the way, let's compete in a few days. I heard from Uncle Tianfeng that your strength may not be weaker than mine. I should be one of the strongest among the Heavenly Immortals of the Yu family." Yu Yuan Wu looked forward to looking at Lu Yi.

Lu Yi said to himself, "I want to defeat Yu Yuanwu."


Defeat Yu Yuanwu

Reward: Star Essence*1000, Designated Law Increase by 20%*2, Immortal Sutra "Magic and Magic Sutra"

Whether to accept the task: yes/no

The rewards are quite generous?

Lu Yi silently accepted the task, and then said with a smile, "Since Master Uncle is interested in this, of course I have no objection."

Yu Yuanwu's eyes lit up, and he said with a cheerful smile, "Really? That's settled."

Peak Lord Ling Luo glanced at Yu Yuanwu speechlessly, then looked at Lu Yi and said, "You kid, there's no need to know him as well, he's just a bit boring."

The group of people talked, and soon passed through the corridors and courtyards of the palace, and came to a side hall.

There is a dining table inside, a handsome man and a graceful woman are sitting at the first seat, and there are several maids serving dishes beside them.

Seeing Peak Master Lingluo bringing Lu Yi and others in, the graceful woman smiled.

"Lingluo is back, come quickly."

Lingluo Peak Master smiled and walked over: "Mother, long time no see. Father."

The handsome man next to him smiled and nodded.

Then he looked at Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang and said with a light smile, "Are they your disciples?"

"Lu Yi, Liu Ningshuang and Donggong Mingyue are, Yun Xi and Jian Ruyu are not, but they are all Lu Yi's Taoist companions, and they are also immortal bodies, with high talents." Lingluo Peak Master introduced.

"I've met Master, Master." Lu Yi and the others said respectfully.

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

Lu Yi looked at the handsome man and found that he didn't have the slightest aura fluctuation, but Lu Yi's instinct seemed to have encountered a terrifying creature.

He dared not neglect in the slightest.

This one might be stronger than that Jinxian-level Yu Tianfeng.

The handsome man nodded with a gentle smile: "Not bad, very good, Lu Yi, I heard that you performed very well on the Tianming battlefield. I didn't expect that Lingluo has a disciple like you, it's her luck."

Lingluo Peak Master was immediately unconvinced when he heard the words: "Obviously I am the one who knows the pearl!"

Lu Yi smiled a little embarrassedly: "It is also my luck to meet such a good master."

"Hahahaha." The handsome man smiled happily: "I am Yujiao, the head of the Yu family. Since you are all disciples of Lingluo, you are also members of my Yu family. Today is a family banquet. Han Guang, let the housekeeper Send them the identity token of the Yu Family."

Yu Hanguang smiled and nodded: "Okay."

"You kids, are you tired after rushing all the way back? Let's eat first." The graceful woman next to him chuckled.

Peak Master Ling Luo also sat down beside Lu Yi, and greeted Lu Yi and the others to eat: "Eat quickly, these are all good things."

Lu Yi and the others naturally noticed that the spiritual food on the table exuded the aura of fairy spirits, obviously they were all fairy-level spirit stones!

And the spirit wine is also at the immortal level.

Just for this table meal, I am afraid that a lot of fairy-level natural materials and earth treasures were used.

As expected of the Yu Family, any table meal is a wealth that is difficult for ordinary immortals to obtain in a lifetime.

Lu Yi started to eat happily, and Liu Ningshuang and the other four naturally followed suit.

Because they are all immortal-level spiritual food, Yun Xi and Donggong Mingyue, two monks who have not yet reached the immortal level, just took a few mouthfuls and couldn't eat any more. A little bit too much.

But Jian Ruyu and Liu Ningshuang are slightly better, after all, they have already ascended and ate a lot more.

However, soon the two of them also stopped their taciturn.

Only Lu Yi was still happily eating immortal food and drinking immortal wine.

Like Lu Yi, there is Yu Yuanwu on the other side.

He seemed to be the same as Lu Yi, he would eat as much as Lu Yi ate.

Soon, his eyes widened in surprise, and he realized that he had almost eaten, and Lu Yi hadn't let go of the fast food yet?

Is the animal's belly so big? Even though his cultivation base is not as high as his, he actually eats more than him?

Yu Yuanwu was a little unconvinced, and continued to stuff it into his mouth when he was full.

When he couldn't hold on anymore, he stared at the calm Lu Yi.

The jade orangutans at the side naturally also noticed this.

The jade gorilla and the mistress of the Yu family looked at each other and smiled.

Yu Hanguang smiled: "Lu Yi, your foundation is very solid, I'm afraid the third brother is not as good as you."

Hearing this, Lu Yi was taken aback, and then looked at Yu Yuanwu beside him.

The corner of Yu Yuanwu's mouth twitched, and he said in a low voice, "I'm just not feeling well today..."

Lingluo Peak Master was rather proud, and patted Lu Yi on the shoulder cheerfully: "This kid's ascension has elevated the entire Tianming to a fairy star. This talent is not because I underestimate the third brother. He must not be able to do it."

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

Hearing this, even the jade gorilla and the mistress of the Yu family were taken aback.

Yu Hanguang looked at Lu Yi in a little astonishment.

Yu Yuanwu exclaimed even more: "Really? This kid's ascension can turn Fanxing into a fairy star?"

Peak Lord Lingluo rolled his eyes: "Of course it's true, how can I lie to you? Not only that, Lu Yi's Ascension Thunder Tribulation is a fusion of dozens of different kinds of heavenly thunders."

Even the jade gorilla and the mistress of the Yu family were shocked.

"Lingluo, what you said is true? Xiao Yi's ascension sky thunder contains dozens of different types of sky thunder?" Madam Yu looked at Lu Yi with surprise in her eyes.

"That's right, didn't the ancestor say that when he ascended, he attracted nine kinds of rare thunders? Lu Yi has more than him." Ling Luofeng was even more proud when he saw that even the jade gorilla and the mother of the Yu family were so surprised. up.

Although she is not as strong as herself, she is also her direct disciple after all.

How close the relationship between master and apprentice is, rounding it up is no different from attracting so many thunders when she herself ascended.

Thinking of this, Peak Master Lingluo became even more proud.

The jade gorilla glanced at Lingluo Peak Lord, looked at Lu Yi, smiled and praised: "Xiao Yi, I didn't expect that your talent is higher than I imagined. How about this, I will inform the ancestor, I think the ancestor will I am very happy to accept you as my personal disciple."

Lu Yi was taken aback, a little surprised.

Who is the ancestor of the Yu family?

That's an elder at the level of an immortal. I didn't expect that because of his talent, the Patriarch of the Yu family would be willing to let someone at the level of an immortal teach him?

Well, Lu Yi was actually a little cautious.

After all, the task rewards that Master can get are very generous.

Even if the strength of his own master is not as good as him now, every time he preaches, he can get an epiphany.

And if his master is replaced by a person of the level of immortal master, among other things, the reward for preaching will definitely be stronger.

When Lu Yi was a little cautious, Peak Master Ling Luo beside him was dumbfounded: "Huh?"

She immediately became unhappy: "No! This brat is my direct disciple! How can I ask someone else to be my teacher?"

Yu Zhuan smiled and said, "Isn't that simple? You just need to terminate the master-student relationship. Anyway, they are all members of the Yu family."

Lingluo Peak Master: "???"

She looked at the jade gorilla in disbelief, she didn't expect you to be such an old man? !

She turned her head to look at Lu Yi, with threats in her eyes, she said fiercely: "You brat, tell me, are you willing to be my direct disciple or someone else's direct disciple."

Lu Yi is not yet the opponent of Peak Master Ling Luo, coughed dryly, and said seriously: "Of course he is Master's disciple."

Only then did Lingluo Peak Master nodded in satisfaction: "Well, not bad not bad."

Yu Yuanwu on the side was anxious for Lu Yi: "I said Lu Yi, don't listen to this woman, she is the ancestor! A figure of the immortal level! Ordinary people, even the disciples of the Yu family, would If you can't ask for such an opportunity, you must seize it!"

Even Yu Hanguang nodded: "Yuan Wu is right. With your talent and your current strength, my sister can no longer hand you over to you."

Lingluo Peak Master: "???"

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

She is speechless, are these still her family members?

Who is the family? !

Liu Ningshuang and the other four beside him all had blank expressions now.

They never expected that having a meal would turn into Lu Yi's direct disciple of the Immortal Venerable?

They were all in Tianming before, but these years, they have also heard about the power of the Immortal Venerable, who is the real master of the Yu family.

Unexpectedly, Lu Yi could become the disciple of such a character!

The four of them are proud, which shows that their husband's talent is so powerful.

Even Liu Ningshuang and Donggong Mingyue, two disciples of Lingluo Peak Master, are a little entangled at the moment.

Do you want to stand by Master's side?

At this moment, Mistress Yu's family laughed lightly and said:

"If Ling Luo doesn't want to, why not form a Taoist couple with Yi'er, the relationship will be closer instead?"

Lingluo Peak Master: "????"

Lu Yi: "???"

Liu Ningshuang and the others: "???"

Several people were a little dumbfounded all of a sudden.

The atmosphere was a little awkward for a while.

Mistress Yu blinked her eyes and said with a light smile, "What? Did I say something wrong?"

Jade Gorilla showed a thoughtful expression and looked at Lu Yi, as if he was sizing up something.

"Wait, wait! What are you thinking?! I am this kid's master! How can I become a Taoist companion?!" Peak Master Lingluo stood up excitedly, expressing strong opposition.

The four of Liu Ningshuang looked at each other and made eye contact, but they didn't know what they were thinking.

Hearing this, Lu Yi looked at Peak Master Lingluo, and suddenly realized that his master seemed to be pretty good-looking?

Doesn't seem like a loss?

But soon he reacted.

This guy is so cruel, and if he really formed a Taoist couple, he was afraid that he would not be able to suppress her.

Unless you are stronger than her.

"Cough! Regarding this matter, I will talk to the ancestor first, and the ancestor will make a decision at that time." Jade Gorilla said.

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After all, Lu Yi's talent is too powerful.

Dozens of rare sky thunders were attracted during the ascension, this talent is too exaggerated.

Even Yu Zhuang, as the head of the Yu family, has never heard of it, seen it and has never seen it, so he has to pay attention to it.

At the same time, the jade gorilla looked at the tense appearance of Lingluo Peak Master, and was also thinking in his heart.

It wouldn't be a bad thing if Ling Luo and Lu Yi were to become Taoist couples.

After all, the relationship between a Taoist couple is even closer than that of a master.

In the future, if Lu Yi can achieve the level of Immortal Venerable, then the Yu family can have another strong Immortal Venerable.

If it surpasses the Immortal Venerable... about this point, the jade gorilla is hard to imagine.

After all, even the jade gorilla only knows that only a few factions have living fossils at the level of immortal kings.

If Lu Yi can really become the Immortal King, then even if Lu Yi returns to his own family in the city, the Yu family can also achieve great development.

As for the Immortal Emperor, the jade gorilla didn't even dare to expect extravagantly.

Thinking of the back, UU reading www.uukanshu. The jade gorilla was a little excited.

Wouldn't it be impossible to combine the two?

The jade gorilla made a final decision, and Lingluo Peak Master naturally couldn't object.

After all, Lu Yi's talent is indeed too amazing, so she can understand it naturally.

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

It's just that this old guy wants her to marry his disciple? !

Peak Master Ling Luo was so angry that he gritted his teeth.

Everyone finished the family banquet with their own concerns, and then, the Mistress of the Yu family arranged for Lu Yi and others to live in the courtyard of Lingluo Peak Master.

At the time of parting, Yu Yuanwu also reminded Lu Yi to have a good rest, and then to discuss with each other.

After hearing that Lu Yi's talent was so powerful, Yu Yuanwu became even more excited.

Back in the courtyard, Peak Master Lingluo glared at Lu Yi, gritted his teeth and said, "Stinky boy, you don't want to let me be your Taoist partner, do you?!"

Lu Yi immediately said seriously: "How is it possible? How can I, Lu Yi, be such a person?!"

Liu Ningshuang and the others beside him had strange expressions, thinking about you, weren't they?

Peak Lord Lingluo nodded in satisfaction when he heard Lu Yi's words: "That's fine. You guys go back and have a good rest."

Peak Lord Lingluo returned to the room, and Lu Yi and others also returned to the room.

Inside the room, Donggong Mingyue suddenly said: "By the way, if the master really becomes the brother's Taoist partner... then should we call the master junior sister or what?"

Liu Ningshuang: "???"

Lu Yi: "???"

Both Jian Ruyu and Yun Xi had strange expressions, and the room was silent for a while.

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