MTL - My Immortal Cultivation Game Life-v2 Chapter 300 Tianming's Upheaval

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

The speed of the Chiyang Zhou was extremely fast, and all the way through the star gates, it didn't take long to return to the territory of the Three-Eyed Clan.

Afterwards, Chiyangzhou traveled through the large array of space shuttles again and again, quickly shuttled through the space, and returned to the Tianxing galaxy in about ten days.

Looking at the familiar stars outside the window, Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang all had relaxed expressions.

"I'm back." Jian Ruyu sighed.

"Yeah, I didn't expect to walk away for two hundred years." Yun Xi also said.

You know, they have been practicing for less than a thousand years.

I spent so much time outside, I feel like I have been away from my hometown for a long time.

"I don't know how Baiyunzong is doing?" Donggong Mingyue said with a smile.

The eyes of the others also flickered, Jian Ruyu was thinking about Wenjian Villa and Shenjianzong, and Yun Xi was thinking about Wanhuazong.

Peak Master Lingluo looked calm, after all, although she had been in Tianming for a long time, her home was Yuxing.

At this time, a voice sounded from the side: "Brother-in-law, this is your hometown? It seems that the spirit energy is very poor."

Yu Yuanwu stood aside, looking out at the stars through the window.

After entering the territory of the Three-Eyed Clan, Yu Lingluo released Yu Yuanwu and threatened him not to pass their news back to the Yu family, otherwise he would make him look good.

Yu Yuanwu himself clicked his head quickly.

Lu Yi chuckled and said, "Well, I just became a fairy star at dawn."

"I know about this. I heard that brother-in-law is the one who has attracted great rewards for your talent? To be honest, I still can't believe that such a proud brother-in-law can appear in Tianming." Yu Yuanwu sighed emotionally.

Lu Yi just smiled slightly.

After all, strictly speaking, he is also a time traveler. Although he was born and raised in Tianming, he came from another world after all.

Chiyang Zhou rowed across the starry sky and approached Tianming at an extremely fast speed while everyone was communicating.


Qingzhou in the Eastern Region.

Because of the tide of spiritual power brought by Lu Yi's breakthrough, the entire Tianming was sublimated into a fairy star, and the Baiyun sect obtained the most spiritual energy, plus Lu Yi planted the immortal tree and fairy grass on Lingluo Peak.

At this moment, the entire Qingzhou is the area with the strongest aura in Tianming, and the Baiyun Sect, not to mention the aura in it, turns into clouds and mist, and the aura of fairy spirits surges, creating a scene of a blessed land of immortals.

With the changes in the concentration of aura, the forces of the entire Tianming naturally experienced many changes.

A large number of holy places of Xianzong and Dajiao began to migrate, moving their ancestral lands to the vicinity of Qingzhou.

Even the holy lands of Xianzong in other domains are no exception.

After all, the concentration of spiritual energy in Qingzhou is too high, and the concentration of such spiritual energy has already exceeded the concentration of spiritual energy in their original ancestral land.

The immortals who returned to Tianming because of the tide of aura naturally yearned for the aura of the immortals, so they made a direct decision and moved the entire holy land of the immortal sect to Qingzhou and several nearby states.

One can imagine the turmoil brought about by the migration of so many behemoths.

Facing these powerful holy lands of Xianzong, the small sect of the Eastern Region had no choice but to make way.

Such a sacred place for cultivation is simply not something that ordinary small sects can possess.

Even sects with the realm of Mahayana have to stay away.

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

And between the Dajiao and the Holy Land of the Immortal Sect, in order to grab some of the best areas, there was even a big fight, and even the immortals went to the starry sky for a few times.

No one knows the final result of the fight, but the Divine Sword Sect, Tianlong Holy Land, and Leiyin Holy Land, which were originally the Eastern Region's Xianzong Holy Land, successfully occupied several areas of Qingzhou.

And a great sect like the Taihuang Sword Sect has also gained the glory of the Divine Sword Sect. It has guarded an area not far from the territory of the Divine Sword Sect, not far from Qingzhou.

Although the entire Tianming cultivation world was extremely turbulent.

However, no one dared to touch the Baiyun Sect, Wanhua Sect and Wenjian Villa located in Qingzhou.

Even if the position occupied by Baiyunzong is a real paradise, even immortals are extremely envious.

But they all knew who was standing behind Baiyunzong, and Lu Yi relied on his own power to transform Tianming from a mortal star into a fairy star. Who would dare to provoke such a monster?

Not to mention Lu Yi, but also Peak Master Lingluo, the second young lady of the Yu family, who is of high status, and no one dares to be distracted.

Similarly, Wanhua Sect and Wenjian Villa are both sects where Lu Yi's Taoist couple belonged, so naturally no one dared to make a decision.

However, not long after the Xianzong Holy Land had just occupied the territory, Wanhuazong and Wenjian Villa both announced that they would move the sect to the vicinity of Baiyunzong.

The three sects announced to merge into one Baiyun Xianzong.

Naturally, no one objected to this move.

Occupying such a blessed land of the immortal family, coupled with a genius and evildoer like Lu Yi behind him, the Baiyun sect naturally has the conditions to become an immortal sect, but it lacks the accumulation of time and lacks foundation.

However, with Lu Yi's name, all the geniuses and monsters in Tianming are rushing towards Baiyun Xianzong like crazy. Coupled with the unique cultivation conditions, it won't take long for the overall strength of Baiyunzong to undergo a huge transformation.

On this day, a crimson light flew into Tianming from outside the sky.

All the immortals who were practicing in closed-door training in the ancestral land opened their eyes and looked towards the direction of the sky, showing a look of surprise.

All the immortals immediately went out and came to the sky, looking in the direction of the red light.

In the sky, Buyunjian and Wei Kang were both there. Besides them, there were a few friends they had made outside. In addition to the immortals from the Excalibur Sect, there were also Long Yuan from the Heavenly Dragon Holy Land and a few friends, Lei Yin All the immortals from the Holy Land, Yutian Palace and other major Immortal Sect Holy Lands were present.

Everyone's eyes widened, looking at the crimson light approaching Qingzhou, their eyes flickered with surprise.

"This spiritual pressure... what level of fairy weapon is it?!" Buyunjian's voice was full of shock.

The others also looked shocked.

Even though they are all celestial beings, and there are even a few immortals at the level of true immortals, they all feel fear from the depths of their souls in the face of such spiritual pressure.

The eyes of a white-haired young man in Yutian Palace flashed an incomparably dignified look: "It's definitely a top-grade, even a top-grade fairy weapon!"

"This..." The immortals looked at each other in blank dismay.

At this time, Wei Kang on the side looked at the familiar Chiyang boat that was getting closer and closer, his eyes widened, showing a look of surprise: "I know this sky boat, I have seen it before!"

Hearing this, everyone looked at Wei Kang.

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

"Wei Kang, have you seen it? What kind of big man's car?" A blond old man looked at Wei Kang.

Wei Kang said pleasantly: "It belongs to Master Lu Yi! Master Lu Yi's Chiyang Boat, according to Master Lu Yi, this is a top-grade fairy weapon."

"Lu Yi?!"

"Friend Lu Yi?!"

The faces of the immortals changed one after another, with curiosity, surprise, and awe.

After all, the name Lu Yi is now a legend throughout Tianming.

Even the immortals who came out of Tianming, when they mentioned the name Lu Yi, they all had different emotions.

The personal disciple of the second lady of the Yu family, transformed Tianming into a fairy star with his own power, and played a huge role in the invasion of the Raksha clan. It's like a fairy tale.

However, this is all done by one person.

It is conceivable how much pressure such a character brings to people.

At this moment, many immortals who came back from outside had never seen Lu Yi, and they were all a little embarrassed at the moment.

Immortals like Buyunjian and Wang Jianyuan who have made good friends with Lu Yi are indeed surprised and smiling.

"Hahaha, it turns out that Fellow Daoist Lu Yi is back."

"The old man was taken aback, let's go and meet Fellow Daoist Lu Yi together."



And Lu Yi and the others on the Chiyang Boat also felt a lot of immortal aura at this moment.

Lu Yi glanced at the direction of the breath in the distance: "This breath... there are nearly a hundred immortals, right? When did we have so many immortals in Tianming?"

He frowned slightly: "Could it be that you are here to ask for trouble?"

Donggong Mingyue and the others on the side also frowned.

Yu Yuanwu was thoughtful: "If there is an immortal star without an owner, it will indeed be peeped by some immortals."

Peak Lord Ling Luo glanced at Yu Yuanwu, and said lazily, "It's okay, I felt a few familiar breaths, it should be Tianming's immortal, I am afraid that because Tianming transformed into a fairy star, the person who left Tianming before Immortals have also returned from outside."

Lu Yi raised his eyebrows slightly, but felt a little more relaxed.

After all, my master is already at the level of Xuanxian, and the cultivation is also related to the spiritual power of the fairy scriptures, and the perception ability is stronger than him. Since she said so, it should be true.

Soon, as Chiyangzhou approached, Lu Yi also felt the breath of Buyunjian and others, and he relaxed completely.

"It turned out to be them."

Soon, Chiyang Zhou approached the immortals and stopped.

Lu Yi, Lingluo Peak Master and others left Chiyangzhou.

With a wave of his hand, Lu Yi took Chiyang Zhou into his body.

Headed by Wang Jianyuan and Buyunjian, they flew over with a group of immortals.

"I've seen Miss Yu." Everyone first saluted Yu Lingluo, and then looked at Lu Yi.

"Fellow Daoist Lu Yi, I haven't seen you for a long time, I miss you very much." Buyunjian said with a smile: "I would like to thank fellow Daoist Lu Yi for saving my Zong Weikang, otherwise, our Shenjianzong will lose one Immortal."

After all, the Divine Sword Sect is not such a behemoth as the Yu family, and the loss of a celestial being is enough to make them vomit blood.

Lu Yi smiled: "Fellow Daoist Bu, you're being polite. Fellow Daoist Wei Kang is blessed, otherwise I won't be able to save him."

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

Wang Jianyuan smiled and said: "Fellow Daoist Lu Yi, I heard that you have done great things in the Zhen'an battlefield. Sure enough, you will not be safe anywhere."

The corner of Lu Yi's mouth twitched, his head was full of black lines: "I don't want to either."

Who knew that such a situation would happen just after going to the Zhen'an battlefield?

Lu Yi glanced at the nearby immortals, many of whom Lu Yi didn't know, even when the Raksha tribe invaded.

The Buyun sword on the side introduced it to Lu Yi, and Lu Yi suddenly realized that they were all the immortals behind the Tianming Immortal Sect Holy Land.

"Didn't you all leave Tianming? Why are you back?"

Wei Kang smiled wryly and said: "Master Lu Yi, you don't know something. It's not so easy to mess around outside. Most of us are just angels. We can't be reused in powerful immortal-level forces, but in Xuanxian-level forces Among them, even if they are reused, there are not many resources. Now that Tianming has transformed into a fairy star, the conditions are not worse than those outside, and may even be better. We are better than wandering outside? Wouldn’t it be better to return to the sect? "

Lu Yi was stunned when he heard this.

After all, these immortals are different from Lu Yi. Lu Yi has a lot of star marrow. Even if the external environment is not good, his cultivation speed will not be slow.

For ordinary immortals, the cultivation environment is very important, since there are no cultivation resources like star marrow.

This is similar to the fact that in the process of urbanization in the previous life, a large number of young people from the countryside went to work in the city, and when the township developed, those young people returned to the township to develop.

"Fellow Daoist Lu Yi hasn't come back for so many years, but I don't know, Tianming has changed a lot now, so I'll tell you on the way." Wang Jianyuan said with a light smile.

Lu Yi was a little curious and nodded: "Okay."

Thus, a group of people flew towards Bai Yunzong while talking.

After hearing that Baiyun Sect had turned into Baiyun Immortal Sect, both Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang were a little surprised.

However, it also feels reasonable.

All the people present were immortals, and they were very fast. As they spoke, they approached the Baiyun Mountain Range not long after.

Lu Yi discovered that the Baiyun Mountains had changed drastically.

Under the nourishment of spiritual energy, the Baiyun Mountains continued to grow, spreading for thousands of miles, beautiful and handsome, and the spiritual energy turned into clouds, floating in the sky.

Among them, the core area is surrounded by patches of fairy spirit, just like the secret realm of the fairy family.

"This is our Baiyun sect?" Donggong Mingyue's small mouth grew, a little unbelievable.

"I didn't expect such a big change after not coming back for two hundred years." Liu Ningshuang also sighed a little.

"Everyone, Baiyun Xianzong is over there. These years, because of the fairyland left by fellow Taoist Lu Yi, Baiyun Xianzong has shown outstanding talents again and again." Buyunjian looked envious.

The environment here is great.

In tens of thousands of years, Bai Yunzong may even have new immortals appear again.

After all, Baiyunzong is the place where Lu Yi was born and raised. UU Reading sees that Baiyunzong is getting better and better, Lu Yi is also very happy from the bottom of his heart.

[To be honest, I have recently followed up, changed sources, and have many voices for reading aloud. Huanyuanapp, Android and Apple are all available. 】

"Go back and have a look."

Just as they were flying towards Baiyunzong, streamers of light quickly flew out from Baiyunzong's direction.

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【My Immortal Cultivation Game Life】【】

They are all fusion realms.

Feeling the familiar atmosphere, Lu Yi smiled.

These streamers fell in front of the immortals, and Wu Qingfeng, the leader of the Baiyun Immortal Sect, clasped his fists with both hands, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Seniors came to my Baiyun Immortal Sect, and some were far away to welcome them. Why are you here, seniors? "

Behind Wu Qingfeng are Elder Xuan Ming and Elder Qi Ling. Among them, Elder Ming is already at the peak of integration, and he is not far from the Mahayana realm.

In such a cultivation environment, even ordinary people can quickly improve their cultivation, let alone these elders who are not weak in talent?

Although Wu Qingfeng was only at the peak of the body, he didn't panic at all when facing the immortal, it was because Lu Yi and Yu Lingluo supported him behind him.

During this period of time, Wu Qingfeng, Elder Xuanming and others were all excited about the changes in Baiyunzong.

The leader Wang Jianyuan smiled slightly: "Wu Qingfeng, look who this is?"

Only then did Wu Qingfeng and the others see Lu Yi and the others surrounded by the crowd.

Immediately, Wu Qingfeng and the others widened their eyes, revealing expressions of incomparable surprise.

"Yi'er?! Junior Sister Lingluo?! Why are you back?!"

Read The Duke's Passion