MTL - My Iron Suit-Chapter 1528 trust

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Kamora couldn't help but give Rocket Raccoon a white look, and said coldly.

"No one wants to blow up satellites!"

"You have wiped out the fun!"

Rocket Raccoon complained, then lowered his head and continued to assemble.

Even if you can't bomb satellites, it's a good idea to bomb warships!

However, Xingjue didn't talk to Rocket Raccoon anymore, but walked to Chen Mo and whispered to him.

"Boss, there is a buyer in Kamora's hand who is willing to spend 4 billion to buy the cosmic spiritual ball. I am going to abandon my original goal and'deal' with him!"

When Chen Mo heard the words, he naturally knew what Xing Jue meant by "transaction", and he knew the true identity of the buyer in Kamora's hands.

But he didn't say anything, he just nodded, letting Xing Jue figure it out.

With Chen Mo's approval, Xing Jue felt at ease.

After all, Chen Mo got this cosmic spiritual ball, and Chen Mo's identity and abilities are there. It is obvious that Chen Mo's words are the main thing between the two. Some important decisions still require Chen Mo to nod before he can do it boldly.

Xingjue's address to Chen Mo also showed his position, and he obeyed Chen Mo's decision in everything.

This is completely different from his attitude when he was under Yongdu!

But it's easy to understand.

Not to mention that Chen Mo's own strength is obviously much stronger than that of Yongdu. Chen Mo's brilliant record in World War II also proves that in addition to his strong strength, he also has excellent leadership and overall command ability, whether it is analyzing and processing problems. His abilities are still a big picture, far from being comparable to that of Yongdu, a violent interstellar mercenary.

The most important thing is that from the emotional aspect, one is the ferocious alien who took him away from the earth, and the other is the superhero he admired since childhood. Xingjue’s attitude towards the two of them is very different, which seems very normal. !

With Chen Mo's approval, Xingjue immediately walked to the touch screen next to the table, called up the star map, and turned his head to say to Kamora.

"I need the coordinates of the buyer you contacted."

Kamora was immersed in her own world, and she couldn't help raising her head to look at him when she heard Xing Jue's words.

At the same time when he saw Xingjue, Camora also remembered what Chen Mo had said to her and Drax before. Xingjue was an orphan like her, which made Camora's gaze at Xingjue softer.

However, this does not mean that she will trust Xing Jue without reservation, even if he has just saved her life not long ago.

Growing up under Thanos, he came into contact with cruel, cruel and cunning people. Although Kamora was not completely assimilated by them, he was very defensive against others.

Unless she really touches her heart, she will not easily believe in a person.

So in the face of Xing Jue's question, Camora just said lightly.

"For the time being, there is no problem with our sailing direction."

Xingjue couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard the words and said.

"If you really want to cooperate, at least try to trust me more!"

"Then how much do you trust me?"

Camora asked.

When Xing Jue returned to the prison, he always carried the cosmic spirit ball with him. He preferred to risk being caught and snatched by the prison guards rather than handing it to them.

And never revealed that Chen Mo might come to rescue them.

They didn't realize that Xingjue had such a powerful backing until Chen Mo suddenly appeared.

"If you tell me what it is, I can trust you more!"

Xingjue wanted to see if Kamora knew about the power gem, when he put the cosmic spiritual ball on the table, he tentatively said.

"I guess this should be some kind of weapon!"

When she said this, Xingjue's eyes were fixed on Kamora, observing her reaction. If she knew that it was a power gem, she would definitely have a reaction when she heard him guess it.

Under Xing Jue's gaze, Camora looked at the cosmic spirit ball on the table and frowned.

"I don't know what it is."

Kamora only knew that Ronan had made a deal with Thanos, and exchanged the cosmic spirit ball for Thanos to help him destroy Xandal.

She didn’t know why Thanos wanted this cosmic spirit ball, but she knew that once the cosmic spirit ball fell into Ronan’s hands, Xandal would not be able to stop Thanos’ army and would be completely destroyed overnight. .

And she could feel that Thanos values ​​this cosmic spirit ball very seriously, maybe as Xingjue guessed, there may be some kind of powerful weapon hidden in it, so he can't get the cosmic spirit ball. Up!

Otherwise, more people will die in Thanos' hands!

At this time, Drax sitting on the chair beside him heard the words of Xing Jue, could not help but get up and picked up the universe spirit ball, and said excitedly.

"If it is really a weapon, then it can be used against Ronan!"

Kamora couldn't help but his face sank. She didn't have a good impression of this reckless and impulsive muscular man. The Universe Spirit Orb, which is likely to hide some powerful weapon, was held in her hand by her. Even more worried.

"Quickly put it down, you fool! You will kill us!"

Drax also disliked Kamora, Ronan's female assassin, and immediately opened his eyes and said angrily.

"I just want to kill you! Female killer!"

Kamora couldn't help taking a step forward when he heard that, glaring at Drax, and said angrily.

"I let you off once! Missy!"

"I am not the eldest! I am a man!"

Drax, who couldn't turn his mind, didn't hear Kamora's irony, but it didn't prevent him from staring at Kamora.

Seeing the sword drawn between the two, it seemed that he was about to do it at any time, Xing Jue quickly spoke uprightly to discourage him.

"Don't kill anyone on my spaceship!"

"At least before we get the money, we must stand together!"

Hearing Xing Jue's words, the two stopped, and Drax threw the cosmic spirit ball in his hand to Xing Jue and said in a deep voice.

"I'm not for the money!"

His only goal is to kill Ronan, he doesn't care about money at all.

Xingjue said happily after hearing the Great! Then the three of us can get more points! "

As soon as Xing Jue's voice fell, Grout, the tree-person who had not moved, suddenly stood up.

"I, yes, Groot!"

Seeing this, Xing Jue rolled his eyes helplessly and corrected his words.

"The four of us! Alright?"

After speaking, Xingjue suddenly realized that something was wrong, and quickly turned his head to look at Chen Mo, and then said to Kamora.

"No, it should be five!"

"If it wasn't for my boss, we would have been bombarded to pieces by those prison guards, right, Rockets!"

While talking, Xingjue turned to look at the Rocket Raccoon on the other side, and asked him.

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