MTL - My Master is a Bug-Chapter 10 The great elder is invincible

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Fang Mu's footsteps were slow and slow. He walked and watched in Tianshumen, as if he was swimming in the mountains and water.

The monks beside him all turned a blind eye to him, as if he did not exist.

His arrogant actions made the old man in the devil's rage furious.

"How dare you!"

The billowing demonic energy seemed to emerge from the abyss, and the waves roared incessantly.

"Hey, the old thing Chu Zhanyu can actually see me, it seems that I'm still a bit incomplete in hiding..."

Fang Mu first muttered a little dissatisfied, then shook his head and said:

"Why are the people of Tianshumen still doing this? It's been decades, and they still haven't made much progress."

While commenting on Chu's prison techniques, he had already raised his foot on the demonic energy that was rushing towards him.

When Chu Zhanyu saw this, his anger became more and more intense.

He shouted violently again, and the billowing demonic energy suddenly turned into grimace, as if to drown Fang Mu.

However, Fang Mu was like an open boat, no matter how the devilish energy rolled, he still walked leisurely step by step in the raging sea.


Chu Zhanyu's pupils shrank suddenly.

That billowing demonic energy came from his hundreds of years of ascetic cultivation.

Even in the entire Canglang Realm, there are not many people who can resist.

If Fang Mu hadn't come up and hacked his mountain gate, he wouldn't have used this killer move as soon as he came up.

However, he never expected that the person on the other side would be able to act so leisurely in his ultimate move.

'Is it...'

Chu Zhanyu's heart tightened, and those legendary names could not help but emerge in his mind.

But in the next moment, he suppressed these names.

Those people hadn't appeared for many years, and he didn't believe his luck would be so bad.

And recently his strength has skyrocketed, and this is his home again.

Even if those legendary people really appeared, he felt that he would be able to fight.

"No matter who you are, since you dare to come to trouble me in Tianshumen, you will have to pay the price!"

Chu Zhanyu shouted violently, raised his hand and threw out a broken body.

The corpse looked tattered, as if it had just been slashed with a knife.

However, just after it appeared, the surrounding demonic energy automatically dissipated towards the surroundings.

It was as if the corpse was born to suppress demonic energy.

The playful expression on Fang Mu's face finally dissipated, and instead showed a little solemnity.

As the corpse approached, the invisible barrier around Fang Mu's body made waves for the first time.

For the first time, the figure he had been hiding was truly revealed.

It was only at this time that the group of monks below finally found out that someone had already entered Tianshumen.

"Look, there are people there!"

"When did he come in?"

"I said why the elder has never cared about the little guy outside, it turns out that the little guy is just a bait!"

"What kind of cultivation is this person in the sky, how can he fight with the elder to such a degree?"

"How can the first elder let the town send the demon out? Could it be that the first elder is him, he..."

"Don't talk nonsense, the Great Elder occupies a favorable location, and there is also the help of the demons sent by the town, so they will not be at a disadvantage.

And before the person rushed into my Tianshu Gate, he deliberately threw a bait outside the gate.

If he is really sure to beat the Great Elder, why bother! "

This man is right.

The rest of the people listened, and suddenly their hearts were relieved.

Someone echoed: "That's right, as soon as the town sent the demons out, no matter what cultivator is, there is no way to stop their demonic power.

Last time, didn't the first elder also rely on the town to send the demons to beat the group of people to the ground.

You see, the town faction demon has turned into an endless abyss.

That man has been shrouded in the abyss! "

"Haha, the great elder is invincible!"

"Congratulations to the elders for strangling a strong enemy again!"

"Congratulations to the elders..."

Chu Zhanyu's face finally showed a hint of color.

When the newcomer was floating in the devilish energy just now, he really thought that he had encountered a powerful enemy that he could not deal with.

Unexpectedly, this person is strong on the outside, and he can't even break free from the abyss of the demon.

'It's time for this person to come, and the Zhenpai Tianmo just lacks a physical body.

With the cultivation level shown by this person, if he can cultivate into a demon body, the power of my Tianshumen's treasure of the town's sect will probably be able to reach a higher level. ’

Just as he was thinking excitedly about how to use this newly captured corpse, he suddenly realized that the aura around him was a bit wrong.

He raised his head in amazement, and found that at some point, a black cloud had formed in the sky.

'This is... a catastrophe! ? ’

The black cloud in the sky seemed to feel Chu Zhanyu's gaze, and suddenly rolled violently.


With a loud explosion, a lightning bolt several meters thick fell straight down.

Where the electric light passed, the billowing demonic energy melted silently like ice and snow meeting the scorching sun.

Chu Zhanyu watched the demonic energy he had cultivated so hard to be dissolved in such a way, and his heart was bleeding instantly.

However, the fall of this lightning is not the end, but the beginning.

It's like an introduction.

Countless lightning bolts followed, and the dense smashed towards the tumbling demonic energy.

Chu Zhanyu was stunned, and recovered his demonic energy like madness.

What terrified him was that those demonic qi seemed to be trapped by something. No matter how he drove the spell, those demonic qi would remain motionless.

In the center of the tumbling magic, UU reads www. a figure looming.

Although he couldn't see his appearance clearly, Chu Zhanyu knew clearly that the figure was not his demon, but the intruder.

After the man was swallowed by the Abyss Demon Territory, he was able to come out intact!

What terrified him even more was that the town-sect demon he had just released had lost contact with him in this short moment.

Amidst the thunder and lightning that filled the sky, Chu Zhanyu only felt cold all over.

His lips wriggled slightly: "He... Who is he?"

Chu Zhanyu's murmur was instantly drowned out by the roar of lightning.

Lightning bolts smashed into the tumbling demonic energy, weakening the thick demonic energy a little bit, but Chu Zhanyu couldn't do anything.

After just a moment, the originally strong demonic energy became more and more faint.

At this time, the Tianshumen monks who were watching the battle below finally discovered the abnormality in midair.

"Then, that person doesn't seem to be dead!"

"How could he persist in the Abyss Demon Realm for so long?"

A cultivator who was full of confidence before suddenly pointed to the sky with a look of horror:

"He, what is he holding in his hand?"

The others looked in the direction of his fingers, and their expressions changed one by one.

Someone murmured: "That seems to be the head of the town demon!"

"How is it possible, how could the head of the Zhenpai Tianmo fall off!"


A muffled sound interrupted the discussion of these people.

They looked in the direction where the muffled sound appeared, and saw a bunch of stumps that were bunched together.

Although the stumps were completely twisted together, the group of monks still recognized that these stumps came from the body of the demon.