MTL - My Master is a Bug-Chapter 2 what a bug

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After Fang Mu quietly listened to it, he asked again, "Then what happened to your cultivation?

When you went out to travel more than three months ago, didn't you already have a good mood? "

Guo Xing continued to explain: "It was an internal test half a year ago, and now it has been tested publicly, and all the archives of the internal test have been deleted."

When Guo Xing said this, he suddenly froze for a moment and said, "By the way, master, why didn't you get called back?"

After listening to what his apprentice had just said, Fang Mu had already roughly understood the meaning of this sentence.

He said lightly: "There was indeed a time rewind a few months ago, but this area was banned by me, and it was not affected."

Guo Xing: "!!"

Fang Mu glanced at him and said, "What, is there any problem?"

‘Of course there is a problem, there is a big problem, the rollback has no effect on you, you are a bug! ’

The corners of Guo Xing's mouth twitched slightly and said, "No problem, no problem, Master, you are unparalleled in the world... Hey, it seems that there is really a problem!"

Fang Mu asked curiously, "What's the problem?"

Guo Xing swallowed and said, "Master, you haven't been recalled, but don't let the GM know about it.

If those people knew that the reversion did not reset you, they would definitely use various means to erase you! "

Fang Mu said thoughtfully: "If the person who controls everything behind the scenes really has the ability you said, this kind of thing is indeed possible, but..."

After a pause, he glanced at Guo Xing and continued:

"However, if you just said it like this, the guys hiding behind the scenes should have heard it too."

Guo Xing: "!!"

Guo Xing didn't take this layer into consideration at all just now.

He swallowed and comforted himself: "This, it shouldn't be.

After all, you have already been reverted, and the GM should not be staring at the bugs dealt with before all the time. "


As if in response to Guo Xing's words, a thundercloud suddenly condensed in the sky.

Lightning streaks, like dragons with their teeth and claws, frantically roared at the master and apprentice below.

The originally clear sky turned pitch black in a short period of time. Only when the 'evil dragon' in the sky roared, did the blue light illuminate the figures of the master and the apprentice.

Guo Xing is just an ordinary player, and he has never seen such a doomsday scene.

Although he knew that this was just a game screen, the screen was so real that it almost made his pants wet.

He shivered and said, "Teacher, master, let's run quickly..."

Fang Mu looked at the electric lights rolling in the clouds with great interest, and this scene evoked an unforgettable memory for him.

He just stood silently under the thundercloud, without any intention of dodging.

The thundercloud got lower and lower, and the electric mans rolling in the thundercloud became more and more powerful.

The apocalyptic scene pressed Guo Xing to the point of suffocation.

"It's fake, it's all fake, it's just a game screen..."

Guo Xing muttered and comforted himself, but his consciousness gradually blurred.


Just when Guo Xing was about to pass out, a light sigh came out of Fang Mu's mouth.

This voice is very light, completely incomparable to the mad thunder in the sky.

But the mad thunder that filled the sky couldn't suppress the light and fluttering sigh, and instead let it spread farther and farther.

"Ah... alas... alas..."

Almost in the blink of an eye, a sigh resounded throughout the world.

Wherever it passed, the thundercloud dissipated instantly.

In the blink of an eye, the sun returns and the sky is clear!

'Lie... rely on! ’

Guo Xing was completely stunned.

He reached out his hand subconsciously and pinched his thigh.


A burst of pain almost made Guo Xing cry, but it also brought him back to his senses.

He carefully glanced at Fang Mu and said, "Master, did you kill another GM just now?"

Fang Mu shook his head and said, "No, the GM in your mouth seems to be hiding.

Just Piece Thundercloud is a derivative of Dao Yun, not a spell released by anyone. "

Guo Xing, who has been influenced by countless novels, instantly understood the meaning of this sentence.

He nodded and said: "Those GMs of Huancang Technology may have been frightened by the previous incident.

Now they have all learned to be smart, they dare not directly use the account in the game to shoot you, they only dare to secretly change the code behind the scenes.

But master, you have to be careful.

If those guys find that your bug has not been removed, they will definitely continue to use other means to deal with you. "

click! Kaka…

As soon as his voice fell, the surrounding rocks began to shake violently.

Guo Xing raised his head in amazement and found that the surrounding area was filled with void cracks.

One by one unknown monsters drilled out of those void cracks.

Because the nearby rocks could not bear the breath of these monsters, they began to gradually crack.

Guo Xing looked at Fang Mu subconsciously, looking for a little comfort, but found that Fang Mu was looking at him with a weird look.

He twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Master, those monsters have nothing to do with me, they definitely didn't come from me!"

After Fang Mu stared at his stupid apprentice for a while, UU reading slowly looked away from him.

At this time, the cracks in the void were already densely covering the entire area, and the monsters that climbed out of the cracks in the void also turned their attention to the two masters and students in the center.

A terrifying-looking monster didn't want to wait any longer, and charged directly towards Fang Mu.

Its action immediately caused a chain reaction.

Those monsters seemed to be stimulated by a bee colony, overwhelmingly surrounding Fang Mu.

Compared with the natural disaster just now, the momentum of this scene is slightly weaker, but in Guo Xing's view, it is even more terrifying.

After all, he can still leave a whole body after being struck by lightning, and these strange-looking monsters make the scalp tingle just by looking at them.

"Teacher, master, where are we going now..."

Fang Mu ignored his stupid apprentice, he unhurriedly stretched out a finger, and made a vacuous move towards the front.

His fingers seemed to be poking into the calm water, and ripples spread out from his fingers.

Where the ripples reached, those monsters dissipated silently, and the dense void behind them gradually disappeared with the trembling of the ripples.

After a while, the surroundings regained their previous tranquility, leaving only a piece of mess.

Fang Mu glanced at the broken rocks around him, and sighed softly:

"Just sending away some demons, even making such a big movement, still can't reach the realm of silently turning Xuanhuang."

Guo Xingzheng looked at the surrounding scene in amazement, and suddenly heard such a sentence.

He twitched the corner of his mouth and said, "Master, do you know that in our world, there is a word called Versailles..."

Read The Duke's Passion