MTL - My Master is a Bug-Chapter 505 Heaven and Earth Vision

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Remember [New] for a second,! Ren Leisure's spiritual sense moved, and he transferred Zheng Zheng's information.

After recalling all the relevant memories, he frowned slightly and said:

"Zheng Zheng... that name doesn't sound like the protagonist.

Well, he also has a buddy named Wang.

So, he's a supporting character with personality? "

After Ren Leisure muttered a few words, he looked at Sun Tu again and said, "Did you just teach Zheng Zheng a lesson?"

Sun Tu twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Do you want to stop it?"

Ren Leisure shook his head and said, "That depends on the situation.

According to the development of the general plot, it should be the protagonist's best friend who was made trouble by the new elders.

At this time, if you are only punishing a little, there is still the possibility of whitewashing in the future.

But if you strike too hard, it's time for me to stop it.

After that, I can take advantage of the trend to become friends with the protagonist and become a backer when the protagonist is weak. "

When Ren Leisure said this, his eyes suddenly lit up and he said, "Hurry up and do it!"

Sun Tu: "..."

After a moment of confusion, the reincarnated demon shook his head and said:

"Forget it, since they are all yours, I won't interfere.

It's up to you to host. "

Ren Leisure blinked and said, "Aren't you going to take action?

So how can I highlight my role? make a token shot? "

Sun Tu was speechless again for a while, he simply turned his head and closed his eyes, showing a fascinated look.

Ren Leisure saw that Sun Tu really didn't want to care anymore, so he could only wave his hand and let out a gleam of starlight and said:

"Children, the opportunity for you to enter the Canglang Realm this time shows that you are all people with strong luck.

I, Peng Xinghui, can be regarded as a small greeting.

You can concentrate on the spot and try to feel the flow of spiritual energy around you. "

The young people below were just nervous about Sun Tu's dismounting, but when they turned around, a kind old man came, which made many people unable to turn around for a while.

Only a few people sensed Peng Xinghui above their heads immediately following Sun Tu's instructions.

Among them is Wang Le, who has been keeping his waist straight.

After Wang Le resonated with the stars above his head, his whole body became warm, and a floating feeling emerged from the bottom of his heart.

He seemed to feel that his consciousness was detached from his body and slowly floated to the top of his head, and then he saw the buddy beside him who turned his **** towards him.

Wang Le immediately withdrew from that state of swaying.

He said with a messy face: "Zhengzheng, you should try it out as the senior ordered. This is really our chance."

Zheng Zheng didn't lift his head and said, "I won't try.

They just threw this thing at us when they turned around and threw it at us.

Isn't this just a slap in the face to give a sweet date.

Those two old people are not good people, so I don't want their charity! "

In the sky, Ren Leisure, who was attentively observing the reactions of the young people below, keenly captured the discussion between the two.

His face sank and said: "It seems to be self-defeating.

It seems that the protagonist really can't please casually.

If I had known this earlier, I shouldn't have stopped Sun Tu from teaching that supporting role in advance. "

The grandson, who was wandering around the world, couldn't help but ask, "Are the two people below you the genius of the sky?"

When Ren Leisure heard this sentence, he suddenly became spirited.

His eyes lit up and said, "It's not certain yet.

But judging from the child's rebellious behavior, even if he is not the protagonist, he should have something to do with the protagonist. "Gu Jing

Sun Tu twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "But those two people are mediocre in talent, and they are not good seedlings for cultivation at all..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ren Leisure rolled his eyes and said, "What do you know.

If the protagonist can be seen casually, how can there be villains one after another jumping in front of him.

It is absolutely impossible for a real person with great luck to show something special at this time! "

Sun Tu felt that he was really unable to communicate with this Internet-addicted spirit.

He had to turn his head to the side again, and wandered into the sky.

Ren Leisure lost his opponent and felt a little lack of interest.

However, he still gave the benefits over and over according to the process he expected before, and then opened the channel of Canglangtu and sent these young people to Canglang Realm.

The whole process was uneventful, without the slightest surprise and without the slightest surprise.

This made Ren Leisure a little uneasy.

He stared blankly at the still-open passage and muttered:

"That's not right, how can the protagonist enter Canglang Realm for the first time so plain.

Even if the villain who wanted to take action against the protagonist was stopped by me in advance.

But when the protagonist enters the Canglang Realm for the first time, at least there should be some visions. "

During the whole process, he held back the grandson who did not speak. At this moment, he finally couldn't help but say:

"Those people are all 'defective products' carefully selected by the relevant departments, how could they possibly inspire the vision of heaven and earth!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the sky suddenly turned red!

A thick cloud of luck descended on the heads of the two of them out of thin air.

Sun Tu was immediately stunned.

His mouth opened slightly, and his face was full of disbelief: "This, this is a coincidence..."

As if in response to his judgment, the thick cloud of luck in the air began to flow slowly.

In just a moment, a huge tornado composed entirely of clouds of luck slowly formed.

The tail of this luck tornado extends all the way to the two-world channel that has not been completely closed.

Sun Tu looked at the fortune that was madly flowing to the Canglang Realm, and the whole person completely fell into petrification.

And Ren Leisure, who was still puzzled just now, wrote the word "excited" on his face.

"Haha! I just said that it is impossible for the protagonist to be born without any movement at all.

How about it! How about it!

There must be future talents among these people.

The benefits I just received were not given in vain..."

While Ren Leisure was muttering, his eyes kept wandering on Sun Tu.

And in his mind, the image of himself riding a Tianhu to travel through the Canglang Realm began to appear.

The shocked Sun Tu suddenly felt a little uncomfortable in He turned his head subconsciously, and collided with Ren Leisure's wretched gaze.

The corner of the reincarnated Heavenly Demon's mouth twitched fiercely, and asked:

"How do you see that there are people with great luck hidden among these young people?"

Ren Leisure said proudly: "Didn't I tell you everything?

First of all they are all orphans, and secondly..."

Listening to Ren Leisure's tirade, Sun Tu felt that his IQ was insulted again.

But he looked at the luck tornado in front of him, but he couldn't say anything to refute it.

After this reincarnated celestial demon was messed up for a while, he said sullenly:

"I did see it wrong before, but it's still too early for you to be complacent.

Our bet has only just begun.

Even a person with great luck, it is difficult to knock on the door of the gods within a hundred years than to go to the sky! "

Read The Duke's Passion