MTL - My Master is a Bug-Chapter 518 Phase 2 Immigration Program

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Due to Fang Mu's mistake yesterday, the demonic energy in the big sun directly radiated into the Canglang Realm, dyeing the entire realm with a faint layer of purple.

However, due to the short period of time, this color is extremely thin, and it is difficult for ordinary monks to even perceive it.

But Fang Mu could see it clearly.

Last night, he could clearly see that the uniform subdivision of that layer of dandan purple spread throughout the Canglang Realm.

However, when he observed it again today, he found that the purple color in some of the areas had disappeared.

As if something had purified it.

After Fang Mu silently observed for a while, he found that those areas were where the people from Earth who had just immigrated gathered.

The spiritual power of the earthlings can actually purify the demonic energy in the Canglang Realm!

This discovery made Fang Mu's eyes light up.

He had the idea of ​​continuing to introduce immigrants from Earth before, but this matter was not urgent, so Fang Mu did not implement it.

But this discovery made Fang Mu think about it again.

He simply put other things aside and went directly to Zhitian Mountain.

At this time, Guo Xing was pointing to the main hall of Tianshan Mountain, and he marked the communication jade in his hand.

The vision last night almost shocked all the monks in the Canglang Realm.

Although the vision disappeared after the sun went down, most of them were still uneasy.

Those monks all set their sights on Zhitian Mountain.

Some of them, who had business dealings with Guo Xing, found Guo Xing through the communication jade.

That night, Guo Xing's communication jade was almost exploded.

He is still comforting those people to this day.

Just when he said that the stars were flying, he suddenly found that the atmosphere in the hall was a little unusual.

Guo Xing raised his head and saw Fang Mu appeared in front of him at some point.

His eyes lit up and said, "Master, you are back!"

Fang Mu raised his eyebrows and said, "Why is this sentence again?"


Guo Xing twitched the corners of his mouth and said, "Isn't this because something happened to Canglang Realm again?

What happened yesterday, you made it up, right? "

Fang Mu nodded and said, "I had a little accident when I was raising the rank of the Great Sun.

But it has now been resolved. "

Although Guo Xing had already guessed it, he couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief when he heard Fang Mu say that.

He had more than one season in his heart and said: "It's good to solve it, last night I was annoyed by all kinds of harassing messages.

I want to appease them, but I'm not too confident when explaining.

Now I can finally put them at ease. "

Fang Mu waved his hand and said, "The Canglang Realm is not in a hurry. You should immediately contact the Earth and ask them to send another batch of immigrants here."

Guo Xing was not too surprised by this request.

When the first wave of immigrants was brought in, he knew there would be a second wave.

At that time, Guo Xing was also worried that Fang Mu was pressing too fast, making him unable to deal with all kinds of accidents.

Fortunately, this did not happen.

It has now been half a year since the first batch of immigrants entered the border.

Many of them have already become prosperous in the Canglang Realm.

When some people meet Canglang Realm players, they will deliberately show off and brag about how happy they are in Canglang Realm.

And there is no deliberate suppression of public opinion on the other side of the earth.

So most people on earth already know and recognize these earth immigrants.

Now someone on Earth has begun to call for it to be the same crime as breaking the law in the Canglang Realm and breaking the law on Earth.

The time is ripe for the introduction of a second batch of immigrants under these circumstances.

Guo Xing nodded and said, "I understand.

Recently, people from relevant departments have been testing my tone.

Judging from their responses, they should not reject the second round of immigration.

However, those places for immigrants should cost us money to buy, and the price should not be cheap. "

Fang Mu waved his hand and said, "It's okay, you can use the resources of Tianshan as you like, you only need to bring in the second batch of immigrants."

When Guo Xing heard this, his eyes lit up again.

In the past six months, Shi Tianshan has made a lot of money through various fundraising.

Now it refers to Tianshan's various treasures of heaven and earth, and it has reached the point where Guo Xing is jealous.

Guo Xing couldn't help being a little excited when he heard that so many resources were being used at will.

He asked directly: "How many immigrants are you going to bring in this time?"

Fang Mu Dandan said: "Let's bring in 100,000 in the second round.

If these people can be accommodated, then start the third round. "

"One hundred thousand people..."

After Guo Xing pondered for a moment, he nodded and said, "It shouldn't be a problem to bring in these people.

But the placement of 100,000 people is a problem.

I estimate that it will take at least a year or so to properly settle these 100,000 people. "

In fact, it didn't take that long to get 100,000 people to Canglang Realm.

But if you want to place them properly without causing too much public opinion, it will be more troublesome.

With the size of the various sects in the Canglang Realm, it is impossible to eat all these 100,000 immigrants.

You can only build them a livable town and let them live there.

It would take months to build a small town alone.

It includes a series of issues such as site selection, geological exploration, design and construction drawings, etc. As for building enough houses for 100,000 people, it will not take too long.

After all, there are many high-level monks in the Canglang Realm. As long as the materials and blueprints are available, the town can be built in ten days.

Fang Mu did not intend to interfere too much with these tedious issues.

Fang Mu just said in a daze: "You can handle these things, as long as you don't cause trouble."

Guo Xing patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, I have already thought about this kind of thing in advance.

Even those immigration laws have been discussed in advance.

As long as there is plenty of time, it is guaranteed that nothing will go wrong. "

Although Guo Xing usually looks a little unreliable, he has not made many mistakes in such a major event.

Fang Mu didn't continue to exhort the details, and disappeared directly in place.

Guo Xing had become accustomed to his master's habit of leaving when he told him to leave.

After thinking about it for a while, he also turned around and flew towards the forbidden area.

The passage from the Canglang Realm to the earth has been opened in the forbidden area of ​​the Tianshan Mountains.

Recently, Guo Xing has been using his real body to move around in the Canglang Realm.

Because of this, he could only feel the vibration of Canglang Realm yesterday.

For a while, Guo Xing returned to the earth's rudder.

He shook his head and called Lu Zhengye again.

As a matter of fact, if the government wants immigration quotas, it should go directly to the relevant departments.

However, after Lu Zhengye was recruited, he has become a messenger between the government and Zhitianshan.

And Guo Xing was very familiar with Lu Zhengye, so he found this old acquaintance right away. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!