MTL - My Master is a Bug-Chapter 578 shocking news

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The news of the reopening of Canglang Realm spread all over the major forums in just a few minutes.

Those players who had been holding back for a few months suddenly began to pour in frantically.

In less than half an hour, millions of players were brought to Canglang Realm through Resurrection Point.

As soon as most players entered the Canglang Realm, they immediately discovered that this place had changed greatly from before.

The most obvious change is that there are a lot of new NPCs here.

New NPCs can be seen almost everywhere.

The clothes of these people are very different from the local monks in Canglang Realm, and their language is also different from before.

If there is no monk who is proficient in consciousness communication, it is impossible to communicate with these new NPCs.

However, those players who are proficient in communication of consciousness were pleasantly surprised to discover that those new NPCs actually mastered the ancient methods of cultivating immortals!

Not only that, some of these NPCs also know many ancient secrets and artifact refining techniques.

For a time, those wasteland players were all crazy.

But before they could explore further, they found that a large number of fighters in camouflage uniforms had already dispersed to various new strongholds ahead of them.

However, the military's intelligence department has also discovered the anomaly, and began to vigorously explore this familiar and unfamiliar continent.

Unlike ordinary players who only stare at the cultivation of immortality, those military intelligence personnel are still collecting information about the Canglang Realm.

Many of those new NPCs were inextricably linked with immortals, and some of them were quite familiar with the recent events in the Canglang Realm.

With the military's ability to detect intelligence, he quickly learned from the mouths of those new immigrants what happened recently in the Canglang Realm.

Soon, the news that Fang Mu killed Yasheng and annexed Yasheng Cave appeared in the file bag of the relevant department.

Along with this news, a report on the concentration of spiritual energy in the Canglang Realm was sent back to the relevant departments.

After Mao Yulong read the two reports together several times, he said incredulously:

"The strength of that Demon Lord has actually become so tyrannical!"

Since the establishment of the Tianshan Mountains, the assessment of Fang Mu's strength has actually never stopped.

The result of the latest evaluation was that Fang Mu's combat power was already comparable to that of Jinxian.

For this result, many people think that it is too high.

Because in the results of the last evaluation, Fang Mu's strength was still comparable to that of an immortal.

But judging from the information gathered in the Canglang Realm, their assessment results were still too conservative.

Fang Mu actually killed a sub-sage!

And it is said that Fang Mu had killed another sub-sage before.

None of these things appeared in the military's intelligence.

Just when Mao Yulong was shocked by Fang Mu's strength, Fu Yuxuan had already read through the information just sent.

He couldn't help sighing: "The strength of this Demon Lord is simply unpredictable.

Fortunately he is not our enemy! "

Fu Yuxuan nodded and said, "Indeed, the strength of this Demon Lord is already very tyrannical, but the growth rate is even more terrifying.

It's a nightmare to fight this guy.

However, compared with the changes in the strength of this Demon Lord, the changes in the Canglang Realm cannot be ignored.

Compared with before Canglang Realm was closed, the concentration of aura in it was nearly three times higher.

More importantly, this upgrade has not excluded our exclusive continent! "

His last sentence made Mao Yulong's expression rather complicated.

When Guo Xing was seeking support from Earth, he divided them into a self-made continent.

It is populated by immigrants selected by the military.

Now that area is still in their hands.

After the Canglang Realm reopened, the passage between that continent and the earth also opened.

Since the people operating there did not get permission from the military, they did not accept too many monks in the cave.

However, the overall increase in the concentration of spiritual energy in the Canglang Realm this time has actually benefited that continent.

This means that the Earth Government's previous investment in the Canglang Realm has also increased several times.

Mao Yulong used himself to save others, and felt that if he was in Fang Mu's position, he would not necessarily spread the benefits he had worked so hard for to a continent that he did not control.

When he thought of the massive amount of jade that was pouring into the mainland again, he couldn't help but sigh:

"The heart of that devil is really not comparable to me."

Fu Yuxuan nodded, ready to echo.

At this moment, a slightly proud voice sounded outside the door:

"Of course, my master's goal is the sea of ​​stars, how can he stare at a continent!"

Fu Yuxuan suddenly widened his eyes.

Because he had already heard that it was Guo Xing's voice.

He never thought that Guo Xing would suddenly appear here.

Although this office is not a top-secret location, various reconnaissance formations are arranged nearby.

But Guo Xing came to the door silently.

Just when Fu Yuxuan was thinking about what went wrong, the door of the office was pushed open.

It was indeed Guo Xing standing outside the door.

After Fu Yuxuan looked Guo Xing up and down, he was surprised: "You broke through again?"

Guo Xing nodded with a smile: "I have been managing those immortals who surrendered for the past few months.

In order to please me, they gave me a lot of heaven and earth treasures.

So I took the time to improve my cultivation.

However, due to the lack of time, the cultivation base was reluctantly raised to the peak of Ziyun.

Compared with my junior brother, this speed is still a little bit worse..."

Fu Yuxuan looked at Guo Xing with the words "Versailles" written all over his face, UU reading www. uukanshu. Com's mouth twitched violently.

He is too clear about Guo Xing's cultivation attitude.

But it was such a guy who fished for three days and spent two days drying the net, yet his cultivation base easily stood at the pinnacle of Earth cultivator.

This made Fu Yuxuan extremely speechless.

He forcibly changed the subject and said, "What's the matter with you coming this time?"

Guo Xing did not continue to show off his cultivation, but replied directly:

"I'm here to tell you that in the future, there may be several sub-sages who will set their sights on the earth.

You must prepare in advance! "

Fu Yuxuan Tong Kong suddenly shrank: "Those ancient Asian saints have begun to recover on a large scale?

This is too fast! "

Guo Xing explained: "Actually, the ancient Asian saints should not have recovered in large numbers at this time.

But after my master killed Patriarch Feiyun, several of his companions were frightened.

During this time, they made a big formation in the depths of the void, trying to wake up all the sub-sages who were still sleeping.

Maybe it won't be long before we have a decisive battle with the ancient gods! "

Mao Yulong, who had been standing beside him without speaking, subconsciously stood up from his seat after hearing the last sentence.

He stared at Guo Xing's eyes and said, "Aren't you kidding me!?"

Guo Xing spread his hands and said, "If possible, my master actually wants to prepare for a while.

But the big formation in the void has already stirred up the rules of the entire void.

It won't be long before those sub-sages who are sleeping everywhere will wake up one after another.

If you don't want the earth to be occupied by those sub-sages, you'd better prepare for a decisive battle! "