MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 612 weapon

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With a single blow, Jiang Liushi was surging with blue energy all over his body, and he just felt that his blood was boiling. He naturally didn't want to give the giant pangolin any chance. He stepped on the ground, his body jumped up, and punched the huge pangolin's huge Skull!


The air flow caused by the energy rushed like a hurricane, and at this time the pangolin giant was buried in the concrete wall and could hardly move.

Jiang Liushi's fist, as fast as thunder, slammed into the brows of the pangolin giant!

But just then!


A harsh, high-decibel buzzing made the ears numb. Before the pangolin giant's skull, a transparent light curtain appeared out of thin air, and Jiang Liushi's fist was banging on this light curtain.

The fierce tremor of the light curtain seemed to shatter, but the blue energy attached to Jiang Liushi's fist also became dim.


The pangolin giant's whole body of armor began to burst at this time, a large amount of blood was sprayed out, and it was spitting freely. It seemed that the fist that opened the light curtain to block Jiang Liushi caused great pain to it.

But even so, this surprised Jiang Liushi.

What is this light curtain? Prior to this, the mutant beasts in the impression of Jiang Liushi mainly attacked by strength, speed, and minions. They can spray flames and venom at most. In front of this giant beast protected by a light curtain, Jiang Liushi is still the first. See you soon.


The light curtain finally couldn't withstand the attack of Jiangliu Stone, and it burst completely. The shock wave of energy burst radiated from all sides. However, at this time, the pangolin giant was also freed from the concrete wall. Go underground!

Its front claw breaks through the earth and stone like a tofu, and in a blink of an eye, it sinks into the ground. At the same time, the earth and stone are pushed out by its hind claw, blocking the passage it dug.

It was actually trying to escape!

But at this moment, the base vehicle issued a roar, and a black flash was emitted from the barrel of the front face of the base vehicle. This is an air cannon driven by the energy of black holes! !!

At that moment, the atmosphere seemed to be torn apart stiffly, and the black light took the spiral gas cone and went straight to the ground!

"Boom boom!"

The whole ground was lifted up, like a huge earthquake. The pangolin giant that had just penetrated the ground was blasted out by the base car!

Almost at the same time, Jiang Liushi stepped out and leapt directly to the pangolin giant's body, punching his jaw with a punch!


The jaw of the pangolin giant was directly penetrated by Jiang Liushi!

The blue energy group penetrated into the brain of the pangolin giant and shook its brain into a paste.


The pangolin giant fell to the ground heavily, his body twitching endlessly.

Jiang Liushi fell beside the pangolin giant and took a deep breath. This was the first time he had made a full-fighting battle after his evolution, and perfectly matched with the base car driven by the shadow!

"The mental power connection is broken. If I guessed correctly, the person controlling this pangolin giant should be far away."

Ran Xiyu's spiritual voice sounded in Jiang Liushi's mind. "Oh? How can you see?" Jiang Liushi asked.

"Before I was vigilant all around to prevent this pangolin beast from controlling the sudden attack, but traced back along its spiritual line, but never found the source ..."

Ran Xiyu shook her head and said that if her spiritual power radiates in a circular shape, the range will not be very large, but if she concentrates in one direction, she can break through far.

Ran Xiyu could not find the end of this spiritual connection, which proves that this person's mental strength is much stronger than Ran Xiyu.

"Spiritual power alone is stronger than Xi Yu. Don't say he can control this pangolin giant. I don't know what kind of person he is?"

Jiang Liushi looked dignified for a few minutes. When he first arrived in the island country, he encountered such a terrible enemy.

"Brother Jiang, you are so terrible, you have solved such a monster, and your car has lifted the ground in one shot!"

At this time, Jiang Cheng walked up and was shocked to see the dead pangolin giant.

He has seen monsters of this size a few times in the island country, and those monsters are only big and far less powerful than they are now.

But such a beast was killed independently by Jiang Liushi, and he was envious of such strength.

Jiang Liushi shook his head, his strength limited his horizons. Where would Jiang Cheng think that killing this giant beast was nothing at all, and the people hiding behind it were undoubtedly more terrible.

"Jiang Cheng, I have something to deal with."

While Jiang Liushi was talking, he walked towards the thin woman he bought. The target of the pangolin giant was not himself, but this girl.

"Aren't you going to say something?" Jiang Liushi asked coldly, if they were not this girl, how could they be attacked.

At this time, Ran Xiyu was already with Jiang Liushi, and while she was acting as an interpreter, she also blocked the conversation between Jiang Liushi and the thin girl with a mental force field.

Facing Jiang Liushi's questioning, the girl looked at the body of the pangolin, and looked at Jiang Liushi again. After a long silence, she slowly spit out the two words-"God Aoi."


"A puppet master uses the mutant beast or the body of a powerful mighty slain as a material and supplements it with special metal to create a puppet and control its remote killing. This is the means of the **** Aoi, who sneaks into me is the **** Aoi. He is one of the ten members of the 'Creation'. "

"Creation!" Jiang Liushi's eyes flashed, and he was not surprised by the relationship with Chuang.

Originally, "Chuang" came to the island country to find weapons, and Jiang Liushi felt that the base of "Chuang", at least one of the bases, was in the island country.

And the thin young girl in front of her eyes, when she saw the word "creation" written down, her mental fluctuation was also very strong.

The puppet master known as the "Shen Kui" was so powerful that he became one of the members of the parliament. Jiang Liushi also took it for granted.

"How many councillors are you creating? Why have I heard that it was eleven?"

Jiang Liushi clearly remembered that when the black man pulled himself in, he was talking about making him the twelfth legislator.

"Eleven members are right, but one person is actually the speaker. When I said ten members, he was not counted."

"The Speaker ..." Jiang Liushi frowned. There is no doubt that the Speaker is naturally much stronger than the legislator. This "creation" is really a terrible organization.

"I want to know, what do you have to do with" Chuang ", why does Shenkui kill you?"

Jiang Liushi asked, he was always curious about the girl's identity, the other party was hidden among the slaves, and she had changed her appearance. All signs showed that she was being hunted down.

When Jiang Liushi asked this question, the girl was silent.

Jiang Liushi was very patient. He just stared at the girl. Today he must get an answer. The appearance of the pangolin giant made Jiang Liushi a shield for a while. How can he not talk about it?

After ten minutes of silence, the girl finally spoke. "I am the experimental body of 'Weapons' ..."


Jiang Liushi's eyes flashed brilliantly, and this girl was indeed related to weapons!

"What is an experimental body? What exactly is a weapon?"

Jiang Liushi was already curious, what happened to the weapon that was "created" so seriously.

"The origin of the weapon is very complex. It was first discovered more than half a century ago during an exploration of civilization. It looks like a dark green crystal with the length of a finger. Its shape is regular octahedron, similar to the shape of natural diamond. At first, 'Chuang' didn't know what the weapon could do, and even really thought it was a diamond with a special color. Later, it was found that its hardness is much higher than that of diamond, and it contains an unimaginable future technology ... "

"It was not until the end of the last days that members of the 'Creation' suddenly discovered that the prism 'weapon' they saw was actually the core controller of a weapon."

"What weapon?" Jiang Liushi asked.

"Armor ... A kind of armor that can cover the whole body, and this armor seems to have its own magnetic field of life, not a simple metal. When this armor is summoned, it can form a full range of protection, allowing a person to enter the earth and do everything. ! "

"Oh? Is there such a weapon?" Jiang Liushi froze for a moment, thinking carefully, isn't this ... Iron Man?

If the power of "weapons" can be compared with the armor of Iron Man, then in the last days, it is invincible. I don't know how many people will dream of it.

Even Jiang Liushi is very tempted. Although he is already very powerful, if he can get weapons, his strength will definitely increase several times.

"The information I received earlier said that the weapon was in the island country and has not yet been discovered. Why do you say that the weapon was found in a cultural relic more than half a century ago and was 'created'?"

The thin girl shook her head: "You're right, but the 'weapon' you said is another one. More than half a century ago, when Chong found the 'weapon', it was located in the core area of ​​the cultural relics. There is a The ancient stone platform has grooves on it, and the weapon is placed in the groove! "

"There are four grooves in total, that is to say, there may be four 'weapons', but I do n’t know why. When 'Chuang' arrived there, he saw only one 'weapon', and the other three were already gone. Winged. "

"From the shape of the grooves, three of the four" weapons "are regular octahedrons. They are the same as the weapons found by" Chuang ", but at the center of the three regular octahedra" weapons ", there is one A ball-shaped weapon. This 'weapon' has the size of a fist. It may be the most precious and the one most wanted for 'creation'. "

"When the end of the world erupted," Gen "did not know how to get a lot of information about the original ruins. They inferred the true face of the ruins half a century ago."

"That ruin was left by a mysterious civilization. This civilization died for some unknown reason.‘ Weapons ’is the last thing they left behind, and it is also a condensate of all the technology of that mysterious civilization!”

"The" weapon "can be fused with the spiritual power of intelligent life and inspired! Then as long as the intelligent life is summoned with spiritual power, the body of" weapon "can be summoned. The three regular octahedron" weapons "should be the battle of intelligent life Clothing, and the most central ball-type 'weapon' is even more remarkable. It should be a space battleship and the ultimate battleship of that mysterious civilization! "

When the emaciated girl came here, Jiang Liushi didn't know what was going on.

Ball type "weapon" ...

The ultimate battleship of mysterious civilization ...

Could it be that……

Jiang Liushi suddenly thought of something--star species! !!

The star species is ball-shaped. When it is fused with its own mental power, it stays in its own brain domain and no longer separates.

The role of the star species is to build a base car!

However, the base vehicle is only the first form of the star species. Later, as the star species evolved, it gradually became an amphibious type. The third form may develop into the air and become a sea, land, and air base. Car and turn into a super fortress.

Then, if it turns into an interstellar warship, it is very likely!

Could it be said that the star species is the most important "weapon"?

Its existence is to build a super battleship, or the star species itself is the controller of a super battleship, just because the civilization dies and even the battleship is destroyed. It requires a lot of energy and materials to come. Build a hearty battleship, and you are the captain of your choice!

Thinking of this, Jiang Liushi felt a lot of things suddenly bright.

The octahedron 'weapon' is the battle suit worn by the captain and the combat members on the ship. As for the "black hole", it is likely to be the energy source of the star species!

This is why the black hole suddenly appeared after the end of the world, and the star species sent a signal to allow them to conquer the black hole.

Not that black holes happen to upgrade star species, but that black holes are part of the star species!

The black hole devours everything and transforms it into energy. It is this kind of material energy that can grow by itself and endlessly, so that the mysterious civilization can cross the boundless cosmic space and come to the earth.

With this in mind, Jiang Liushi was determined to hide the secrets of the star species carefully. If the “creation” knew that the ultimate “weapon” they were looking for day and night would be on himself, I was afraid that he had already come out of the nest.

As for now, even if they see the base car, they can't associate a bus with the space battleship. In the final analysis, it is a hard thing for the star to choose himself as the master. Who can think of a super battleship? Will the construction of a bus start with a broken bus? It is simply the sword **** and the Emperor Wu in the novel. They are reincarnated to the small gate that is too poor to eat.

"Thank you for telling me so much useful information. I still have a few questions. What exactly is the" weapon "experiment you said before, and what is your relationship with" creation "?

The girl was silent when she heard about Jiang Liushi's problem. She seemed to think of many painful memories, and her expression became confused ...

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