MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 623 Break into headquarters

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"Catch the man, he killed Fujita!"

"Get off! Get off immediately!"

The personnel who maintain the security of the morning market have arrived at the first time, and everyone is carrying live ammunition, aiming at the base car of Jiang Liushi.

Jiang Liushi sat on the co-pilot and looked at these people lightly: "Xiyu."

"Um." Ran Xiyu nodded, and then she opened up the mental force field and, while contacting Jiang Liushi's brain waves, passed Jiang Liushi's words into everyone's mind through strong mental power.

"Everyone gave way. Three seconds later, everyone who still pointed at me with a weapon was regarded as an enemy and killed!"

Jiang Liushi is not a killer. Even if he kills the commune with swords, those who dominate the killing are those who are in power. There is nothing wrong with ordinary people.

"Three seconds?" A stern middle-aged man with a machine gun across the crowd carrying a machine gun with a sneer, "No more than three seconds, you killed my man, I will send you to **** now."

During the talk, the machine gun in the hands of the middle-aged man spouted a long fire snake. He was the captain of a phantom squad. Fujita was his partner. Most of the slaves he captured were helped by Fujita. He dealt with it and replaced it with wealth.

When Fujita died, he lost a cash cow.

"kill him!"

Around the middle-aged and strong man, seven or eight people shot and fired together. They belonged to the same squad. The captains all started to work, and naturally they would not be idle.

The fire snake shot and the rifle roared.

Countless bullets poured onto the windshield of the base vehicle, sparking endless sparks. However, the armor of the base vehicle has already been strengthened many times, and how can ordinary bullets pass through.


Some bullets were ejected directly from the windshield. Pure lead-core bullets were okay. They hit the glass and became soft, but those hard steel-core bullets ejected at almost the same speed.


Someone suddenly screamed at the crowd around the base vehicle. Many of them were shot on the spot, and they were seriously injured and fell to the ground.

"Run away!"

People fled, and the whole market was in chaos. Originally, there was a lot of people here. Now I don't know how many people were injured.

"Huh? The bulletproof car?"

Seeing that the bullet shooting was invalid, the middle-aged and strong man was horrified. Even if the bulletproof glass was shot by a machine gun, it should burst into a large spider web. Now the bus in front of it has only left its glass shot It's just white marks that just can't believe it.

"Since you want to die, fulfill you."

Jiang Liushi's voice just fell, and the base car burst with a large blue electric light!


Like a blue-purple python dancing in the air, the squad commanded by the middle-aged and strong man was all shrouded in the power grid. The weak spot was burned into coke, and even the stronger one, such as the middle-aged and strong man, was also Electricity paralyzed his hands and feet, and foamed his mouth. Although he did not die immediately, it only increased his pain.

"This this……"

Around the middle-aged and strong men, there are some market security guards. When they see that the middle-aged and strong men are so miserable, their legs are soft all of a sudden, and some people start to flee. This kind of knowingly mortal battle, who will kill him?

At this time, Ying had stepped on the accelerator, the base car roared out, and rushed towards the headquarters of Jiansha Commune.

When Ye Yue entered the sword killing commune before, he had already figured out where the sword killing commune's headquarters was. The Liuliu Stone drove straight in, and the power grid was overwhelming. Everyone who was close to the base car was baptized by electric current. Dead.


Under the guidance of Ye Yue, the base vehicle directly broke through a concrete wall, and as the earth and rocks splashed, the barbed wire on the concrete wall was torn apart by a large area.

The base vehicle was unstoppable and rushed into the inner city of the safety zone, which is the headquarters of the sword killing commune.

"Da da da!"

Rifle bullets were sprayed onto the base car from all sides, but the base car passing through the rain of rifle bullets was just like the lightning flying in a heavy rain, and it was completely unharmed.

"call out--"

"call out--"

At this moment, a sharp whistling sound was heard. It was the sound of rockets breaking through the air. Some people used RPG bazookas, and they used high-explosive anti-tank rockets!

This kind of rocket is too powerful, even the main battle tank may not be able to carry it, and the base vehicle will be carried down, and it will inevitably be damaged. At this time, the damage of the base vehicle is very troublesome.

Jiang Liushi didn't want to, he shook his hands, and two steel **** shot from the base car window.

The steel ball filled with blue light whistled through the air and hit two rockets accurately. The trigger of the anti-tank rocket was on the tapered tip of the rocket. At this time, the trigger was hit by the steel ball and immediately exploded. !!

"Boom! Boom!"

The shock wave of the rocket explosion swept in all directions, and members of the nearby sword killing commune were directly blown to death!

And these scattered shock waves rushed to the base car again, which had no effect. The base car broke through the flames and rushed to the main building of the commune.

At this time, Ying has pressed the button, and the long-awaited air cannon spits out!

The energy of the black hole is poured into the supersonic airflow, and its powerful impact is like the sword of the gods, directing forward!


The metal gate on the front of the building was directly opened by air cannons. Two iron gates weighing hundreds of kilograms deformed and flew out. The base captain drove straight in!

"Stop him!"

Several members of the Sword Commune approached, but they were already covered by the power grid. However, these people were extraordinary in strength. One of them even held up a transparent light curtain and intercepted the power grid!

Secondary power!

Jiang Liushi frowned, and after killing the headquarters of the commune, he finally saw a ruthless character.

As far as the current world structure is concerned, the second-level ability has already reached the top level of combat power. Originally, in the view of Jiang Liushi, a local organization such as Sword Killing Commune had a second-level ability. But now he I have seen five second-level abilities, of which there is clearly a shadow of "creation".

"Very good! Really good. I just arrived in Wage County and wanted to go to you. I didn't expect you to take the initiative to come to your door!"

With a magnetic sound, Jiang Liushi's gaze was drawn to him. He saw a man in a military uniform standing straight on the railing on the second floor of the building. There was only a round railing with the thickness of a baby's arm. He stood firmly. Be secure, as if standing on flat ground.

The man is nearly one meter nine feet tall, carrying a heavy weapon on his back, unknown as a sword or a sword, with only a long handle exposed outside.

Seeing this man, Ye Yuekong's face was slightly white, and his breathing was a little heavy. Obviously, she knew the man, and she was extremely afraid!

Read The Mage of Eternity
Read The First Vampire