MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 634 Special operations team

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For a time, the noisy bonfire scene was suddenly cold. People all stared at each other and looked at Yamada inconceivably. The bananas were flying very slowly. Not to mention Yamada, just change to a rice soldier, no As for splitting.

But Yamada's knife broke, but not only that, he was also beaten by a banana.

There were so many stones before, none of them could be close to Yamada, but now, a banana called his face, which makes people feel unimaginable.

At this point, the banana had slipped to the ground, Yamada's face had turned into a pig's liver color, and his knuckles had become pale due to excessive force.

"You're not good at it," Jiang Zhuying said with a fruit plate, "I can play for thousands of minutes with fruit ninjas, and you'll rest for the first time, too good."

Yamada looked angrily at Jiang Zhuying, and the blue tendons on his forehead swelled with anger. He was certain that Jiang Zhuying had used some means to pit him just now, but he didn't figure out what that means was.

"You're amazing, I just got careless, come again!"

Yamada clenched the knife handle, his eyes stared through the darkness like a hawk, and he took it seriously. He realized that the girl looked harmless to humans and animals, but she was actually a little devil. Weak girl.


Jiang Zhuying seems to have long expected Yamada to be unconvinced. She shakes her hand and scoops out a yellow-orange-orange thing, which is ... a frozen durian.

"I didn't expect that you still have durian to eat here, good things." Jiang Zhuying said, durian is an absolute luxury item. Jiang Zhuying has never seen it elsewhere in the last days, that is, Mi Jun has an aircraft carrier. The continuous supply of electricity makes it possible for them to accumulate a large amount of food at the beginning of the last days, and bananas and durians are the kind of fruits that still have excellent taste after being frozen. They can be stored in the low temperature and can be stored until now.

Seeing this guy with the size of a small washbasin and a thorny body, Yamada only felt that the chrysanthemums were all tight, because he was a little scared because of the weird technique before Jiang Zhuying.

"I threw it!" As soon as Jiang Zhuying's voice fell, Durian was directly thrown out by her.

At this point, Yamada was holding a samurai sword, and his spirit was twelve minutes concentrated, as if he was not facing a durian, but a secondary mutant beast. He waved this sword in the face of a battle of life and death!


Daoguang swept across the durian and divided the ice durian into two!

It's hacking!

Yamada was overjoyed, and finally he resolved the girl's fatal blow.

However, the next moment, Yamada's expression was frozen. He saw that the durian that he cut with the katana from the middle did not burst from the middle as he expected, and bounced to the opposite side. The two durians seemed to be glued together. They maintained their original posture, the speed did not decrease, and the trajectory flew towards themselves without change, and the trajectory was still extremely tricky.


Durian sturdyly hit Yamada's face. Yamada's body was stiff and her mind blank.

"Oh / my / god."

A girl from Mi Guo covered her mouth. In her opinion, it was a tragedy on earth.

The other Mi soldiers also pumped at the corners of their mouths, which really hurts.

The durian was indeed cut by Yamada. After it hit Yamada's face, it has been split into two petals, and fell to the ground with some ice debris. Yamada swayed for two rounds, sitting on the ground with one butt, His face was swollen with durian.

Yamada is not a power-type phantom. Even if he is unparalleled in swordsmanship, he is smashed in front of the durian, and he is jealous of Venus.

After a while, Yamada reacted, climbing up from the ground, covering his face, his nose was bleeding, his heart was ashamed and angry, and he couldn't wait to commit suicide immediately.

He wanted to rush to fight with Jiang Zhuying. Although he knew Jiang Zhuying was strong, he could only restore his dignity through fighting.

"Yamada, come back."

At that moment, Jonathan spoke, and he could see that Jiang Zhuying had deliberately demonstrated, and Yamada had been completely suppressed by Jiang Zhuying, and to continue, it was just insulting himself.

For a moment, everyone's eyes focused on Jonathan. Jiang Zhuying and Jiang Liushi were obviously outsiders. This was Jonathan's celebration, the so-called New Thanksgiving. There was a sudden demonstration from outsiders. Jonathan, the master, naturally could not turn a blind eye.

"You are very good, especially as a girl!" Jonathan said to Jiang Zhuying. At the same time, he looked at Jiang Liushi. He knew that Jiang Liushi might be the dominant player in this industry. It seems that he had underestimated this group of people before, they still have some skills, "Friend, have a drink?"

Jonathan raised the glass, and at this moment, Jiang Liushi was still playing with the tea cup in his hand. He smiled and said, "Sorry, I'm not interested in whiskey."


Probably the most unpleasant thing in the world is what others have said in their own words, and then come back.

Jonathan narrowed his eyes suddenly, and the whole party scene was also a breath of quiet sound, this outsider was too crazy, even Jonathan's face was ignored.

When did Jonathan encounter such a cold field? In this military gathering area, Jonathan worshipers are numerous and are spiritual leaders for all.

"That's crazy!"

"I don't know if he has such a powerful mouth."

Several of them were talking, and they had come behind Jonathan. Three men and one woman were all from the country.

They looked at Jiang Liushi and his party with coldness and provocation in their eyes.

"It's a special task force directly under General Jonathan!"

These four people are also famous in the military region. They can be said to be the strongest four people in the entire military region except Jonathan.

Jonathan's personal strength is the strongest in the military zone. There is no suspense, but he can't go alone, he needs teammates.

Jonathan selected four teammates. Some of them were originally members of the SEAL team. Some awakened extraordinary powers in the last days and re-evolved. As for the only girl among the four, she was originally a medic with her team, although she was weak. , But after the end of the world, she rarely awakened the two powers. It can be said that if one of them was randomly taken out, they could stand on their own.

With his prestige, General Jonathan gathered four people together. In this way, they were invincible, attacked, killed many secondary mutants, and made great achievements!

At this time, the members of the special operations team stood out, and everyone was bright. These five people are the strongest fighting force in their military gathering area. Usually they fight outside, and few others have a chance to meet. Now Several people stood up at this bonfire party, which is inevitably exciting.

Someone can't help whistling or cheering, what is the strength of five idols? I just do n’t know if these outsiders can let these people show their true strengths. After all, such a luxurious lineup is really a provocation against outsiders. It really seems like a big deal.

At this time, Xiangxuehai, Ying, Zero and Ran Xiyu all came behind Jiang Zhuying.

As for Jiang Liushi, he sat calmly in the corner without moving.

At one time, five beautiful women stood together, while the other side was a strong man except for a military doctor. The style of painting on both sides formed a sharp contrast.

"Beauties, you are crazy. How about playing against me?"

A five big and three thick man came out, carrying an extremely exaggerated two-handed sword on his shoulder, which was a knight sword, but the blade of the knight sword was too wide and too thick, and the sword handle was also thick. Such as a child's arm, such a knight sword made of a special alloy is less said to have fifty to sixty pounds, but in the hands of this man, it is as light as straw. Obviously this man is a power-type ability.

"Is your weapon a dagger? Well, it's really a toy weapon." The big man saw Ying and Zero's dagger tied to his thigh, and at the same time he took off the epee on his shoulder and waved it at will, "I I can let you guys go together, hahaha! But fight with me, but you need to add some color, if you lose, how about staying with me at night? "

The big man laughed, but his voice just ended, and a dark shadow flew like a ghost, and the shot was a shadow!

Holding a black dagger, she cut through the night sky like a ghost.

Han's eyes were cold, and the knight sword in his hand split against the shadow!

One inch long and one inch strong, of course, the dagger cannot be compared with the epee, and the power of this sword, even if it is a big tree, will be cut down by a sword!

However, at this moment, Ying's body made an incredible movement in the air, as if she had no bones at all, and flashed across the body against the sword edge of the big man. The dagger in her hand was like a poisonous snake, licking at the big man Throat, extreme speed, like a flash of sparkle!


This big man also has some strength. He instantly felt the horrific killing power. He didn't want to think about it, and his body suddenly jumped back.

But the speed of the shadow was too fast. The blade of the dagger still rubbed to the right of Dahan's neck.


This knife of Ying directly cuts the oblique pull muscle of Dahan's right neck, and the carotid artery hidden under the muscle!

Blood blasted more than one meter high!

Dahan's body trembled suddenly, he couldn't hold it in the middle of his hands, and he was thrown out directly. He hit the bonfire with impartiality, and the flames splashed!


The big man covered his neck hard, his face was swollen and his expression was extremely embarrassed.

There are only two carotid arteries, and any one of them will cause rapid hemorrhagic shock and death!

Seeing the scarlet blood squirting, everyone in the scene was stunned, this woman is so cruel! Only a one-foot-long dagger, a hard-edged knight sword, actually attacked the opponent first, and issued a near-fatal attack. It was because her speed was too fast, so fast that people couldn't even see it!

Jonathan instantly showed cold light, staring like a tiger. The five of them have fought together since the end of the world. Naturally, there is no need to say the friendship between them.


At that moment, the female medic in the group of five took the shot. She was extremely agile, and the big man who was 1.9 meters tall and fell backwards. She caught it with one hand. At the same time, she pressed her right hand directly On the carotid artery of Dahan, a faint light shimmered, and the wound was quickly hemostatic!

"Woman, you are looking for death!"

While the female medic stopped bleeding for the big man, she suddenly looked up and looked at the shadow. A wave of mental energy like the side of a sharp arrow sent from her brows and pierced the shadow's mind!

This female medic is an awakener of both spiritual and medical abilities. She is a god-level assistant of the five-member squad. She explores the field with mental power and treats the wounded. It is an indispensable member of the five-member squad. There is no threat. When she gathers her mental strength into a bundle, she can show extremely terrifying mental puncture, even the ability is difficult to bear, and even someone will become an idiot because of her hit!

The spiritual puncture was invisible and impossible to detect, and the female medic wanted to hit the film with a single blow and avenge Jon's sword.

But at this moment, the female medic's face suddenly changed, and she felt her mental puncture hit a majestic mental barrier!

If you say, her spiritual puncture is like a sharp sword tip, and the space barrier is like the alloy armor draped on a tank. When the sword tip touches the alloy armor, it is directly broken!


The female medic exclaimed, her body went back several steps, her face pale, and her push, Jon's wound that had just been hemostatic began to bleed again.

Spiritual Power! ?

The female military doctor was shocked. She looked at Ran Xiyu like a piece of gold paper. This powerful mental force field was sent by Ran Xiyu.

The female military doctor has observed these opponents with mental strength from the beginning, and has not been able to find a spiritual power, which means that Ran Xiyu's mental strength is far above her.

At this point, she could clearly feel that Ran Xiyu's whole body covered a powerful mental force field, and even just looking at Ran Xiyu's eyes, she could feel the tingling in the brain.

As a Ran Xiyu who specializes in the spiritual field, her mental strength is indeed a rare opponent. Unless she is a "parliamentary" strong member of the parliament, Ran Xiyu has not lost to anyone in terms of mental strength.

Seeing that his companions were frustrated again and again, the remaining two members of the special operations team were also unable to stay, and their comrades-in-arms were extremely close. At this time, they used various means to launch the strongest attack.

Each of them was a fire-powered person, and he waved a large flame with a wave of his hand.

While the other man shot his body, he was covered with scale armor, and at the same time, he protruded a sharp bone spur from his elbow. He is a very rare ability. His whole body strengthens his bones. To some extent, the exoskeleton is grown on the surface of the body, and its bone strength is enough to block the bullet!

However, when this bone-powered person rushed out, Xiangxuehai waved a wave suddenly, and a strong wind at a speed of 400 kilometers per hour smashed down like a shock wave. After the sea of ​​fire and the strong wind collided, it was rolled back directly, all Smashed at the bone-type power, not controlled by the fire-type power at all!


Although the bone-powered person relied on the bones to defend against guns and guns, he could not withstand high-temperature roasting. He was shrouded in high-temperature flames, his hair was burnt, and the flesh on his body was burned in many places. Fortunately, the exoskeleton had some thermal insulation Otherwise, he is afraid that he will be burned directly.


Seeing his own fire burned his companion, the fire-powered person's eyes were all red, and he actually hurt his own. The ability of the Asian girl with a full body seemed to overcome her own fire.

Fortunately, he has another evolutionary attack method—glowing rays.

He was about to hit Xiangxuehai, but at that moment, he suddenly felt a chill of cold bones, and then his back neck was stinging like a needle, making his body completely rigid.

He slowly turned back, but saw a petite girl who did not know when he appeared behind him, and the dagger in his hand was directly on his back of the brain. With a slight stab, he could pierce his brain stem. , Absolutely killed on the spot!

This petite girl looks almost like the cosser of the island country comics. Who can think that she has the speed of teleportation, and that one hit is the back of the head, which is worse than the neck!

"Move it, my knife stabs."

Zero does not speak English, but does not prevent the fire-powered person from understanding her meaning. He weighs his abilities, as if a mage was approached by the assassin. There is nothing good about it, and the only way to capture it is to grab it. s Choice.

All members of the special operations team were defeated for a while.

A battle ended in less than ten seconds. Jonathan's face was already ugly. He guessed that Jiang Liushi's team should be unusual, but he did not expect that they would be so strong. He is very clear in combat effectiveness, but in the face of the combination of these young girls, it is simply crushing!

Not only Jonathan, the other people present, not only the Chinese and the islanders, were also stunned. But it is their strongest special operation team in the military gathering area. How could there be such a big gap?

That opponent is just some girls! The random group of girls who met each other was as powerful as God, which was as ridiculous as dreaming.

The islander's waiter who hadn't given Jiang Liushi whisky before was even more frightened. A person like him who has little strength, being killed by an ability is almost like stepping on an ant.

What is "two bottles of whiskey for a woman"? Although this is not what he said, he is also afraid of being angry. What kind of woman are these, let alone two bottles of whiskey, and you may not get a life for a battle formation.

At this time, people suddenly thought of Jiang Liushi. This man, who is like a star holding the moon among all the girls, originally thought that Jiang Liushi was so powerful that he only got so many girls.

Now that these girls are so awesome, they are not the vase they imagined. So how can this man get the love of so many girls?

For a time, the image of Jiang Liushi became mysterious in their eyes.

People looked at Jiang Liushi, but they saw Jiang Liushi still holding a tea cup and sitting quietly in the corner. It seemed that all that happened in front of him was just what he expected.

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Martial ArtsXuanhuanAdventureAction