MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 638 Women can't speak badly

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After Ran Xiyu found the team, he kept a long distance in order to avoid the other party's discovery, so he only knew the approximate direction the other party was going, but the specific location was not very clear.

But as long as you know the direction, you can naturally find it.

There are already a lot of zombies on the outer edge of the urban area of ​​Zhongjing City, but for the defense of the base vehicle, these zombies do not pose any threat at all, and Ying directly drove the base vehicle to start searching in that direction.

"I found someone." Almost half an hour later, Ran Xiyu's spiritual vision appeared in the human vision.

"There are only a dozen people, and five of them are probably a survivor squad." Ran Xiyu said.

"Since Shenkui will come here, it means that there should be a base or a safe area like the sword killing commune. This team should come from there. We used to ask the situation." Jiang Liushi said.

They didn't know anything about the base here, so they rushed over without much caution.

Soon, Jiang Liushi saw the dozen or so people who were fighting a huge mutant beast. They could see that they were fighting well and cooperated very well, but because there were still many zombies around, they were pinched. Under the circumstances, it will be a bit difficult to cope.

But in this way, they won't have any problems in the end. Jiang Liushi has seen that the strongest woman did not go all out, but walked around the mutant beast lightly, looking for opportunities.

But Jiang Liushi didn't have the patience to wait for them to fight slowly.

"Shadow." Jiang Liushi glanced at the shadow.

Ying Ying has understood the meaning of Jiang Liushi. She stepped the accelerator to the bottom, and the base car suddenly made a huge engine sound. At this moment, the mutant beast sensitively sensed the danger. It turned around suddenly, a pair of blood-red eyes like red light bulbs staring at the base car, all the barbs of the whole body stood up, and the hind feet were fierce on the ground The ground kicked a few times, splashing a lot of cement fragments, and then it made a deep roar, and it was about to rush towards the base car.

"Be careful! Its barbs are as hard as steel bars, and they pierce ..." the woman hurried. She discovered the arrival of the car, but did not expect that the car would make such a frivolous provocation, that is, they also used the terrain to deliberately introduce it here, and then continuously consumed the mutant beast, and did not dare to This mutant beast is fighting.

"This beast dare to take the initiative to attack, it's really hard to use his brain, shadow, come on." Jiang Liushi sneered and said.

The shadow nodded, and the bus was like an arrow off the string, rushing out at a faster speed than the mutant beast, and then a huge impact sound penetrated the eardrums of the survivors.


But even more shocking than the sound of the impact, when they saw this mutant beast hit a bus, it was like a blood bag full of blood bursting instantly, and a lot of blood exploded.

"Boom boom!"

The mutant beast flew more than ten meters away, and I don't know how many zombies were killed in the middle.

By this time, the bus had stopped.

These survivors were almost dull.

The woman froze for a while, then slammed back, and came to the mutant beast a few moments later.

All the barbs on the head of the mutant animal were broken, and even the skull was cracked. The entire head had been deformed, and apparently could not die anymore.

The woman looked at the bus, and her eyes were full of shock. The appearance of the car was nothing! what car is this? Don't say anything, they haven't heard it.

At this moment, the bus door opened, and the woman saw a young man and a few beautiful women who got off the bus together.

"This mutant beast is yours, I just want it to be a barb, can you?" The woman said when she saw Jiang Liushi coming over.

"No, you take it." Jiang Liushi waved his hand.

"Ah? How about that, it's you ... hit and die." When this sentence was spoken from her own mouth, she still had a kind of illusory feeling, such a strong mutant beast actually hit it so easily It's not a rabbit again.

"I want this stab because one of our cars was overturned by it, and three companions were killed by it, so ..."

"Then I'll take the crystal nucleus. You can keep the rest." Jiang Liushi said that she would refuse, and said, "If I didn't take the shot, you could kill it in the end, so strictly speaking, it was me Suddenly intervened. "

The woman hesitated and bowed again: "Respect is worse than obey, thank you."

She thought that this bus would kill a mutant beast. It is estimated that there is no shortage of mutant beast meat.

With the woman's greeting, the survivors soon came to cut the mutant beast, and then the woman came over with a mutant crystal nucleus: "This is yours, although you are right, We can definitely kill it later, but it will also consume a lot, and there will be many variables in the battle, maybe there will be casualties. So we still thank you. "

The woman was so polite, but Jiang Liushi was a little uncomfortable: "No need to thank, thank you, I still have questions to ask you."

"Are you Chinese?" Said the woman suddenly.

Jiang Liushi is not surprised by this. Although he has learned the daily language of the island Mandarin with a strong brain field in the past few days, after all, he has not learned it seriously. Many grammatical errors and accents are exposed at the first hearing. No, but he didn't mean to hide anything.

So after listening to the woman, Jiang Liushi nodded directly.

"Are they both?" The woman looked at Ran Xiyu.

"Yes, yes." This time Jiang Zhuying answered.

The woman smiled a little: "You are very beautiful. I haven't seen such a beautiful girl except Miss Risha Tomorrow. If you have any questions, please ask me. By the way, I'm Morita Miko, your name is My beauty is fine. "

"Miss Miko, in fact, we want to join the safe zone here, and would like to ask you to help us lead the way." Jiang Liushi said helplessly. He found that Morita was not only curious, but also seemed to be familiar with it.

Her eyes were always looking in the direction of the bus, and she might want to ask euphemistically, but she didn't know what to ask.

"Ah, do you join the Zhongjing base? You are so strong, the base is definitely welcome! I can take you directly to the base's management office. I used to know Ms. Asahi from there." Miko said quickly.

"That would be the best." Jiang Liushi smiled. The management office should sound like a government affairs hall, such a place must be located in the core area of ​​the Zhongjing base.

As Shenkui them, coming here will definitely go directly into the core area, and Yumiko will bring them directly in, but it saves a lot of trouble.

While waiting for Miko's team to deal with the mutant beast's body, Jiang Liushi and others also chatted with Miko and several other survivors around for a while.

And Jiang Liushi also knew that Miko was a college student who had just graduated, and was a small model before, so she knew that Tori Asahi, which is a famous idol of the island nation.

I'm not very interested in these gossips, but Miko's chat skill is to make her very helpless. When she finds that Ran Xiyu is very friendly, and Jiang Liushi is more amicable, Miko knows them all at once.

"I always wanted to go to Huaxia, do you know why? Because pandas! Although the island nation also has pandas leased from Huaxia, there are too few. There are too few panda babies born every year. It is not enough to see. Panda bases look at pandas ... "

"Ah speaking, I really want to go to the zoo. Maybe I will find a mutant panda baby. Maybe I can raise it ... but it may also shoot me with a small paw. Don't worry about them if you think about it. It's an endangered animal. Will they have a strong viability after mutation? "Miko said, suffering and suffering, looking very worried.

Jiang Liushi glanced at Miko, and she really ... thought so much.

"Yes, Mr. Jiang, what kind of material is your car made of, why is it so hard? If it is you, you can definitely catch the mutant panda baby?" Miko asked again.

"Alloy ..." Jiang Liushi's interest in catching mutant pandas is really small, but he already has a mutant beast, and that guy is super-eatable.

However, as soon as Jiang Liushi turned around, he saw Jiang Zhuying and Li Yuxin's eyes looking at him expectantly, even Ran Xiyu also looked at him silently.

"Uh ... if you run into one, you can also raise one." Jiang Liushi said hardly.

The panda is a beast. After the mutation, it is the beast among the beasts. Be awake.

Jiang Liushi said quietly in his heart.

"I heard it." Ran Xiyu said suddenly.


After a chat, Jiang Liushi had a general understanding of the situation in the Beijing base.

The Zhongjing base is relatively strict in management and has its own guard. Ordinary people living in the Zhongjing base need to do things in the base in exchange for the right of residence, and the team of the powers needs to pay taxes every month. In addition, the China-Beijing base has a series of strict regulations, and if it is committed, it will face heavy penalties.

Some psionicists did not want to accept punishment after committing the crime, and these people either disappeared that night or they never returned after escaping from the Beijing base.

According to Miko, the strength of the Zhongjing base is relatively strong, and there are several well-known powerful abilities.

However, these powerful abilities are not a big threat to Jiang Liushi. As long as no other members are present, today must be the death of the **** Aoi.

Soon, the bus followed Miko's team to a lively base, then passed through the gate of the base, and gradually approached the base's management office. In the distance, Jiang Liushi had seen a quiet manor ...