MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 665 Grey

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"Brother Jiang, if you kill the past directly, you can kill the villa area of ​​the God Squad and penetrate deep into Huaxia City, and this is the end of the year, and the security is particularly strict. 'Chuang' is afraid of some trouble and opposes the 'Genesis' New Year. The Huaxia City is simply a tiger's hole in Longtan. "

"If we fight with them with great fanfare, we will soon attract the garrison in Huaxia City. Even if there is Brother Jiang, it will not be a problem to defeat the God Squad, but it will take time. We are in Huaxia City and we will create the army. It's a steady stream. "

Wei Feifei said worriedly, and the flat-headed youth on the side also nodded and agreed: "Yes, Captain Jiang, if we hit it hard, we might as well go to Lanjing Mountain. With the strength of Captain Jiang, maybe we can cooperate with Brother Zhang Hai and break through Lan Surrounded by Jingshan. "

Fighting with Lan Jingshan's heavy army seems simpler than a direct confrontation with the army of Huaxia City.

Hearing the words of the crowd, Jiang Liushi just smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, you all follow."

While Jiang Liushi was talking, he was planning to set off. Behind Jiang Liushi, Ran Xiyu and others took the door for granted. Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded, did not even need to make a battle plan?

Whoever is responsible for response, who is responsible for the rear hall, and who is responsible for blocking the "reinforcement" of reinforcements, does not need planning?

"Brother Jiang ... we also have some non-combatants here, such as Yueer, she is very weak."

Wei Feifei hurriedly said that they had dozens of people with Jiang Liushi's people. So many people really fought with the "creation" troops. It was difficult to ensure safety for non-combatants like Yueer.

"It's okay, just follow along. If you stay at this base, you are in danger."

Hearing Jiang Liushi's words, Wei Feifei was stunned for a long time. This was Jiang Liushi. She trusted Jiang Liushi very much. If she changed someone, she would have been angry.

"Brother Jiang, even if you let us all follow, but at least give us a task, what do we people do?"

In their team, even the non-combatant girls, Yueer, are not afraid of sacrifice, but they can't sacrifice thinly. Although their strength is limited, they are better at comparing the layout of the killing squad and the "creation" guard. Understanding can also play a role.

"Your task ... uh ... you're in charge of leading the way." Jiang Liushi had already gone out during his talk.



Not only Wei Feifei, all the people in a room are speechless. So many of them are only responsible for leading the way? A hunting of the killing squad in Longtan Tiger's Lair was carried out by Jiang Liushi, and it felt like going out to hit a first-level zombie.

"Sister Feifei, can this really work? Why do we feel like we are dying?" A young man said with some guilty conscience, he is a first-class C and other abilities, his ability is still hard to use hard eggs, Based on his ability, blocking a pistol bullet is already painful and alive, if there is such a siege of "creation", it will no doubt be cold.

Seeing Wei Feifei looking upset, the little young man panicked: "Sister Feifei, don't get me wrong, I'm not afraid of death, I just ... uh ..."

"Whoever said we were sent to death, all followed, listening to Brother Jiang, that's right!"

Wei Feifei insisted. In fact, at this time, even Wei Feifei, who trusted Jiang Liushi very much, felt guilty, but she couldn't show it.

Anyway, Wei Feifei is the founder of this intelligence team. She has high prestige in the team. She said that everyone had to keep up.


The sun gradually turned west, and the final sunlight was sheltered in the clouds, forming a magnificent fire cloud.

After the end of the world, people are sleeping earlier and earlier because of power shortages, and some celebrations are habitually held in the afternoon.

Including the New Year, Zhang Luo also started in the afternoon. In the evening, it will be a rare time to light up the lanterns and set up a feast to celebrate together.

This is of special significance to the psionicist squad. After all, they usually spend their days licking their blood on the blade. Of course, they can indulge in carnival.

After the end of the world, the law is absent, and these magnificent parties are also nothing to worry about. For example, this time the banquet of the God Squad, invited a lot of beauties to accompany the wine, as well as the very famous Twelve Golden Sisters of Huaxia City to dance. With a good figure and a **** dance pose, many psionics can see that they have a big heart, facing up and down with those who accompany the wine girl.

Money, alcohol, and beauty are the favorite of the psionicist squad. They are desperately trying to improve their strength for this.

"Hahaha, dear brothers, I have lost the killing squad today, thanks to the efforts of your brothers! Killing the squad today, I have added a new general. I am sure you all know that, Mr. Grey Hidden! The joining makes up for the embarrassing situation that we have n’t had strong mental powers for a long time. Today I announced that in the future, Mr. Grey Hidden, the second head of our killing team, come, let ’s have a drink for Mr. Grey Hidden's joining! ! "

The leader of the killing squad, Sickle, is a man in his thirties. He has a height of 1.85 meters and looks a bit thin, but does not give people a feeling of thinness. He feels like a narrow razor, extremely Sharp.

As for the faintness, he could not see his age, his eye sockets were sunken, his complexion was gray, and it gave a sick feeling.

He said, "You don't need to say polite words, I will help you solve the problem, you achieve the conditions I want, as for the nickname of the second master, I do not need, nor rare."

The gray voice was cold. As soon as the words were spoken, the atmosphere in the audience was rigid. This gray voice was quite arrogant, not even the sickle's face.

You know, the people present were not only members of the Killing Squad, but also some friends invited by the sickle, as well as partners who cooperated with the Killing Squad.

This kind of cold field is really a bit of a shame. According to the sickle's temper, if anyone refutes his face like this, he will already be shot!

But people didn't expect the sickle to laugh at this moment: "Mr. Gray Yin speaks quickly, okay! I like to cooperate with cheerful people like Mr. Gray Yin! Come, let's toast."

Gray Yin didn't drink at all, and sickle didn't care. With many subordinates of the Killing Squad, he forcibly drank this awkward drink.

Everyone secretly stunned, obediently, who dares to mess with the sickle. Now in front of Grey Hidden, the sickle speaks with a bench under the steps. It can be seen that the power of Grey Hidden is strong. .

Gray Yin had closed her eyes at this time. An old **** was there, and she was not interested in the banquet. But at this moment, Gray Yin suddenly opened her eyes and stood up suddenly.

At the same time, at a distance of 100 meters!

Jiang Liushi looked at the villa where the killing squad was located through layers of barriers. He came in generously. The post at the door didn't even resist, and was directly subdued by Ran Xiyu.


The guardrail was directly broken by the car, and two vans rushed in.


A harsh brake sounded, the van stopped twenty meters away from the villa, and the members of the killing squad at the door of the villa had raised their guns for the first time.

"Wow, wow!"

A dozen guns hit the van all at once.

"Who? Dare to break ground on Tai Sui!"

The sickle, which was drinking, crushed the glass at once, and he strode out of the meteor. Behind him, all the members of the killing squad immediately picked up the guy and rushed out, the glass of the plate was broken.

These power squads, even when they are happy, still have weapons.


The sickle kicked the door open and saw Jiang Liushi not far away, as well as the two cars behind him.

These two cars were actually second-hand gold cups, because the front face of the van had been bumped and the windshield had all been broken because they had hit the guardrail just now.

This car ...

The sickle also looked at me suddenly. Most of the power squads used were self-made modified cars, high-horsepower engines, and steel plates on the front. It was almost a military SUV. It came from the gold cup and was half scrapped by a fence. He's really seen for the first time!

What surprised the sickle most was that behind the two gold cups, there were several taxis stopping here. It seems that the driver also realized the accident. After stopping, he quickly restarted the engine and fled in a panic.

With a total of seven or eight taxis, a group of girls and a few men came off, and they looked weak.

The people in the Killing Squad are dumbfounded. What the **** is going on here? The people who hit the scene actually got a taxi.

There are dozens of people, just two Golden Cup vans. Of course, they ca n’t sit down. Many members of the Shiying Guerrilla team feel guilty at this time. Seeing dozens of guns in front, they came as taxis and kicked the field. It ’s not like that.


Just then, the brakes sounded again.

It is the car of the God Killing Squad. It is a modified SUV with a machine gun on the roof!

These were the patrolling personnel of the Killing Squad. Seeing the accident here, they rushed from all directions. For a time, Jiang Liushi was surrounded by a group of people.

Two of the tattered Jinbei vans, and half of them are dozens of sisters.

"Hahaha!" The sickle burst out laughing. "What day are you here to make trouble, or are you sending me a woman? Damn me!"

In the base city of Huaxia, the teams of psionicists are fighting each other fiercely. This is also true. But powerful squads such as the Killing Squad rarely return home to make trouble-no one has the courage.

Today, I encountered it. Not only did the sickle feel angry, but it was fresh and funny. He was a militant in his bones and extremely cruel. In his opinion, this is equivalent to sending him toys, especially those girls, who have a lot Amazing, such a beauty, how can he not take care of it in the house.

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