MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 677 One by one liquidation

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Chapter 677: Liquidation

The ten-year-old aunt who was crying beside the middle-aged man in the glasses heard the other person say that they were hired by more than ten kilograms of grain. All of them suddenly sounded like old hens who had stuck their necks. They were all silent.

They looked at the middle-aged man in glasses and looked at Jiang Liushi in shock. It was not clear what weird way Jiang Liushi had used it, so that the middle-aged man had shaken out his family.

For a moment, the audience was silent.

Jiang Liushi clapped his hands with a smile: "It's wonderful, no wonder that life is a big show. Leaning on a woman, then killing the scum of others, killing and setting fire, committing adultery and plundering, people like you are cheap. You. You want to be a dog leg for "Chuang", betray the information of Huaxia City, and continue to be your black market overlord after you have done your work. You really think far and wide. "

The words of Jiang Liushi were like a thunderbolt on a sunny day.

He snored, his face pale as paper, just now ... what did he say just now! ?

He just felt that his head had fainted, and then his head and mouth didn't seem to be his own. He couldn't control it and shook out his old man.

"Jiang ... Jiang Cheng, I ... I ..."

"What are you? Didn't you want to lead the way to" Creation "? Yes, I fulfilled your request. When Wu Zizhen was killed by a husband, he wanted to hang his head on the wall and watch the destruction of Wu Guo. You are so loyal, I'll let you be a hero for a while, and let you watch 'Chuang' kill back, how? "

Jiang Liushi said, taking a look at Steve: "Steve! Cut off the scum's hands and feet, stop the bleeding, hang it on the city wall, and let him wait to see the 'creation' come back."


Steve took the order. He was originally a Huaxia city general and a cruel character. With such an order, he didn't blink his eyes, his body flickered, and he appeared like a healthy cheetah behind the middle-aged man in glasses. .

"wait wait wait……"

The middle-aged man in glasses had just uttered a shout, followed by a scream of heartbreak.

Steve grabbed one of his arms, twisted his wrist directly, and tore a broken hand down, revealing Bai Sensen's broken bone!

"Ah ah ah--"

Middle-aged man in glasses looks like a bunch of glasses stuffed into his throat, and it's terrible.

But Steve wasn't moved at all. His hands were clean and fierce. He continuously cut off the limbs of the middle-aged man in the glasses. In a blink of an eye, the middle-aged man in the glasses had no hands and feet, and the pain was rolling wildly on the ground.

He was anxious to faint now, but Steve seemed to be well versed in torture methods, and a random shot on him made him faint, but he couldn't faint.

"Stop bleeding!"

Steve threw the middle-aged man in his glasses like a dead dog, and then returned to Jiang Liushi like a ghost, standing upright.

Seeing this scene, everyone felt cold, terrible!

In the end, this punishment is more painful than killing them. How can they survive without hands and feet? In addition, the middle-aged man in glasses has been in charge of the black market over the years. He certainly does not know how many enemies have been offended, and his end is miserable more than death.

"Hang him up at a later time." Jiang Liushi said indifferently. To this kind of scum, Jiang Liushi has no sympathy. This person does not know how much blood has been stained on his hands, those who were tortured to death, those The girls who were tarnished and died by him, their blood added up, and it was already cheap for him to make up for his life.

When Steve ordered, a soldier rushed in immediately and took the middle-aged man down.

Seeing these situations, the raven was silent in the field.

"As for you ..." Jiang Liushi looked at the dozen aunts.

The legs of these dozen aunts were all soft. They just felt cheap and could be swarmed up. Who knew Jiang Liushi was such a bad star.

"I hate the shrews who splash on the street. Everyone has a thousand lips."

Jiang Liushi said coldly, immediately soldiers rushed to these aunts and raised them to their lips.


The crisp and loud voice echoed in everyone's ears, watching the aunts **** the bruises on their cheeks, and then their faces were sucked, blood on their faces, and they all swallowed secretly.

"And you guys, you heard it just now. The one who wears glasses is going to lead the way to Chong. He created confusion in the city and also prepared for the counterattack of Chuang. May I take it that you are all His party? "

When Jiang Liushi said the words of the same party, everyone in the presence shook his head like a rattle.

"City Lord Lord Ming Jian, we have nothing to do with 'Chuang'!"

"I just came for my own points. We have nothing to do with" Chuang "!"

People cleared the boundaries, and Jiang Liushi sneered: "You said that it has nothing to do with" Chuang "? Then tell me, how did your points come from? If you don't help" Chuang ", you will be rewarded with points? You are holding the points you earned for your "creation" and asking me for an account? It ’s a good abacus. The previous document of Vice City Owner actually allows you to use the points to exchange food. I think it ’s too kind. I announce now, All the points issued by the previous "creation" will be void! I will establish a new point system, and want to earn points, and earn again! "

Jiang Liushi's words poured like cold water in the same basin.

Even though everyone was extremely afraid of the iron blood of Jiang Liushi, they couldn't bear to hear such an order.

"Jiang Cheng, you will lose the hearts of the people by doing this!" Said the young bamboo pole youth who had yelled before, bravely.

"Oh?" Jiang Liushi narrowed his eyes and glanced at the bamboo pole. The bamboo pole youth suddenly became weak and he did not dare to look at Jiang Liushi.

"Yueer, did I get the information I needed?" As soon as Jiang Liushi reached out, a smaller baby-faced girl immediately gave the information to Jiang Liushi.

Yueer was originally working at the Association of the Psionicists, and knew all kinds of materials of the Psionicist Association.

A thick pile of information was handed over to Jiang Liushi, who directly gave them to Ran Xiyu, and let Ran Xiyu scan quickly with spiritual power.

"These materials are part of the records of points exchanged by the Association of Powerful Practitioners over the past two years. The selected ones are rewarded for the so-called 'Rebel Army'. 'Receive the reward and get a big reward.'

Jiang Liushi said this. The team of the power activists in the field were all tight-minded and annihilated the rebels. This is the most rewarding aspect of the promised rewards after the establishment of the points system.

"I was thinking about clearing up these things before, but you reminded me that the blood of the brethren of the" Creation "army cannot be shed in vain ..."

Jiang Liushi said this, Ran Xiyu had whispered in Jiang Liushi's ear.

Jiang Liushi raised an eyebrow and looked at the bamboo pole youth. "It's a coincidence, isn't the trident team captain?" Your photos are printed on these materials. The year of creation is June, your trident. The squad annihilated Chenghu guerrillas and got 10,000 points. Although in time, you should have spent those 10,000 points, but this old account is still recorded in the database of the Psionicist Guild. I, I like to turn it over. Old account. "

"I ... I ..." Stared at Jiang Liushi, the young bamboo poles were all sweaty, "I didn't shoot at the Shiying team!"

"Oh my god, it's your **** that destroyed Chenghu and left us on our backs. We had to risk breaking out and we lost more than twenty brothers at once."

Hearing Jiang Liushi's words, Zhang Hai suddenly ran away.

"Brother Jiang, me!"

Zhang Hai's eyes were red, and Jiang Liushi said faintly: "Take it with you, and take it with you."

"Okay, shit, you do n’t want to lose any of that account, you can figure it all out!"

Zhang Hai took a sigh of anger in his heart long ago. He was not a saint, and he **** everything he complained about.

"Steve, transfer a helicopter and surround this place. Everyone who marches is circled, don't leave one, and examine them one by one."

As soon as Jiang Liushi said this, the whole audience was in a commotion.

Originally relying on many people and relying on them being the people, they joined forces to put pressure on Jiang Liushi, and they did not expect Jiang Liushi to be so tough that they had to examine them.

They are eager to resist, but facing Jiang Liushi, they have no courage. The bamboo pole youth and the glasses man are the lessons learned.


The shining current cut through the atmosphere, Jiang Zhuying held up with one hand, and a huge power grid was sent out from her, covering all the people in the parade. No one dared to break through the power grid and escape.

"Jiang Cheng, do you treat your people like this?"

A power man shouted boldly, and he was not involved in besieging the rebels.

"What about that? Another thing to remind you is that you are not the people. The real people are the people who live in the slums. They are the laborers. They have no points, they will not come to the parade, they will marvel at the powers. Those who are inciting you and find it profitable. I can suppress you today. What can you do? In my eyes, the purpose of your so-called battle is nothing more than money and beauty. What the construction of Huaxia City needs is The workers at the bottom are not you. As far as fighting is concerned, I don't think of your fighting power at all. You are worthless to me! "

"Finally warn you, don't try to threaten me. I, the one who hates threats the most, provoked me and killed you all. It is also possible."

Jiang Liushi's last sentence was already full of coldness. Everyone in the audience heard that they were stagnant, and never dared to say half a word.

This river flowing stone is definitely a ruthless person!

"It's over, our good days are over."

Some people with power said frustrated, and others were even worse. They participated in the siege of the rebels. They have been on the blacklist of Jiang Liushi. Waiting for them will be the trial of the military court!

"'Creation' ... we can only count on 'Creation'. As long as 'Creation' comes, Jiang Liushi will definitely not be able to support it. 'Creation' will surely destroy this arrogant kid!"

(End of this chapter)

Read Became a Medieval Fantasy Wizard
Read Paladin of the Dead God
Read The Last Adventurer