MTL - My MCV and Doomsday-Chapter 9 Zombies

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"Saved ..." The two girls felt as if they were dreaming and walked on the line of life and death.

Who would have thought that when they all thought they were dying, a car suddenly rushed over to rescue them.

The girl who fell down panted, holding her handrails, and said out of breath: "Thank you ... Thank you! Thank you so much!"

"You're welcome." Jiang Liushi replied.

"Without you, we will ... be dead ..." the girl said, and she breathed more smoothly, turning her head to look at the life-saving benefactor.

Just rushing into the car, the girl didn't see the driver's looks at all. But now that she looked at it, she froze.


"It's a coincidence to see each other again." Jiang Liushi glanced at them with a smile and said lightly.

This girl was the same receptionist named Wen Xiaotian from the car rental company.

"Xiao Tian, ​​how do you know each other?" The other girl suddenly looked surprised.

Wen Xiaotian looked at Jiang Liushi, and suddenly a figure flashed in his mind, and he suddenly remembered: "Ah! You are the guest who rents a CMB car! Mr. Jiang!"

Jiang Liushi was very brave at the time, and he came to rent a car without a driver's license. He also said that renting a car was just for parking. These all impressed Wen Xiaotian so she can now recognize Jiang Liushi.

However, she did not expect that Jiang Liushi still remembered her name, and took such a great risk to turn around and save her and her friends.

"You remember me ..."

"I have a good memory," Jiang Liushi said. Although he couldn't reach the point of never forgetting, many people only had to say a few words or even just glanced at him, and he would still have some impression when he saw him again.

"Thank you!" Wen Xiaotian was very moved, even though Jiang Liushi remembered her only because of her good memory, but his return to save people had already made Wen Xiaotian grateful.

"But I thought you wouldn't drive ..." At this moment, Wen Xiaotian finally got up from the steps with the armrest, and pulled his friend and stepped into the car.

When she saw the situation inside the car, Wen Xiaotian was stunned, and another girl exclaimed: "Oh my God!"

"What brand of luxury RV is this!" The girl was shocked. The interior of the car was exquisitely decorated, which is basically the feeling of a five-star hotel.

"It's not a brand, it's the CMB car that Miss Wen rented to me." Jiang Liushi answered without reply.

The girl suddenly looked at Wen Xiaotian, but Wen Xiaotian was also a startled expression, obviously outside the situation.

"Your company still has such a luxurious car?" The girl remembered that Wen Xiaotian's part-time job was just a small car rental company. How could there be such a car?

Wen Xiaotian was also stunned: "No, Mr. Jiang rented a car from us, but only an ordinary CMB car ..."

However, at this point, she paused herself, her mouth widening and revealing an incredible expression.

She suddenly remembered that when she saw the car rushing towards them, it was indeed an inconspicuous ordinary CMB car. What the car looked like now, it really looks like the company rented it out That car.

However, in addition to the appearance of the luxurious RV in front, what similarities exist between that car?

When Wen Xiaotian thought it was incredible, there was a muffled sound of "整", and the whole car shook with it.

The two girls quickly turned their heads and looked out of the car door, and were suddenly frightened by the situation outside.

The door was packed with more zombies, and more zombies were coming around. Although I didn't look at the situation outside the car window, I don't need to know what kind of situation it is.

There were too many zombies. They had completely covered the door of the car. The dense palms were covered with **** palms and shy faces.

After their squeezing and flapping, the door was shaking constantly, making a crunching sound.

"These monsters, they are rushing in ..." The girl's lips were shaking.

Wen Xiaotian's face was also pale, and she quickly ran to the driver's seat and asked, "Mr. Jiang, drive quickly."

Wen Xiaotian was shocked to see the condition of the driver's seat, especially the buttons and joysticks around the instrument panel, which were very high-tech at first glance, but now he was not paying attention to these.

While talking, she also found that Jiang Liushi was operating solemnly and stepping on the gas pedal, but the speed of the bus was very slow, and the front of the car was packed with zombies. In just a few seconds, the backed CMB was completely surrounded by zombies.

"There are too many zombies," Jiang Liushi said.

Wen Xiaotian's heart sank suddenly, and said sadly, "Mr. Jiang, if not to save us ..."

"Well, you guys should find a place quickly," Jiang Liushi said. When he decided to turn around and come back, he had expected this result.

Wen Xiaotian nodded, she could not help here, the only thing she could do was to obey the arrangement of Jiang Liushi.

"Shao Lili, grab your handrails!" Wen Xiaotian hurried back and told the girl Liu Jiang's orders.

"This glass can't last long ..." Shao Lili's expression was completely desperate at this time, or Wen Xiaotian forcibly grabbed her hand and put it on the handrail next to it.

The door kept making panic sounds, Wen Xiaotian grabbed the handrail, and looked at the zombies outside the car with horror. It ’s not just the doors, the whole car is buzzing and the roar of zombies is everywhere, which makes people think that in this case, the car will fall apart at any time.

At this time, Jiang Liushi was analyzing several escape methods under the calculation of star species.

In addition to the defensive power of the CMB, it also has several functions. It is because of these that Jiang Liushi dared to turn his head back.

"Well, then try this feature." Jiang Liushi made a decision.

"Hurry up, we have to rush out!" Jiang Liushi said without returning.

Wen Xiaotian and Shao Lili dared to talk at this time, seeing the zombies rushing like black ants tide, hit the window frantically, they were desperate inside.

The entire car is now full of zombies. If you look from the outside, it is estimated that you can only see a bit of the outline of the CMB car through the corpse.

And these zombies not only have quantity, but also strength. Under the squeeze of many zombies, this bus is like being blocked in three thick walls!

In this case, can I really rush out?

Wen Xiaotian was already cold, she and Shao Lili desperately grabbed the handrails. In the case of dying and extreme fear, she felt that time seemed to slow down. The squealing faces that flowed out of the car window were reflected in her The pupil became clearer than ever.

Is he going to die here, he will be killed by zombies in order to save us?

Wen Xiaotian was extremely guilty at this moment, and in the driver's seat, Jiang Liushi was highly concentrated, clear-minded, and only the voice from the stars.

"Power accumulation, 30%, the second form of the tire is activated, increasing friction. Power accumulation, 50%, the gear shift is complete. Power accumulation, 70%, the fuel supply is completed ..."

This primary form modified by the Star Base Vehicle has a maximum instantaneous power of 1500 horsepower and a maximum torque of 4,000 Nm when sprinting. It is a 4 × 4 all-wheel drive method.

Of course, this state will not be maintained for a long time, otherwise the fuel consumption will be very horrible. Under normal circumstances, trucks with power over 500 horsepower are already top heavy trucks, and those with 700 horsepower are the giants in the trucks. .

With this kind of power, rushing out of the corpse is similar to the feeling that an ordinary car rushes through a pile of ice cream buckets.