MTL - My Mr.Mermaid-Chapter 62 Start reading

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The cloud gave her mother a call and talked. It’s very simple to want to have a mother, she said, "Mom, don’t be angry, forget to tell you, I have a boyfriend now."

Ms. Yun’s attention was actually biased, and she asked, "Is it really? Where is he? How old? What is the job? How much is the monthly salary? How is it growing, is it tall? Is there any? photo?"

She asked a bunch of questions in one go and directly blinded the clouds. "Mom..."

Mama Yun is a little sad. "Flower, you don't want to find a boyfriend just to make me feel relieved? You don't have to."

"Mom...what did you think of?" The cloud was really impressed by the mother's brain. "I sent him his photo to you."

"it is good!"

Yun looked for a handsome photo of Tang Yibai and sent it to her mother. Then she received a call from her mother.

Mom roared at the end of the phone. "This is Tang Yibai! I remember him. Last time you said that you like him, but people are big stars, champions! You said that your boyfriend is your boyfriend? You are silly. He can say that he has no girlfriend in the interview."

"Mom, he is really my boyfriend. The interview was out of date."

The voice of Yun’s mother has become worried again. “Flower, do you want to see a psychiatrist? In case...” What if you are paranoid!

The cloud was helpless, and she found a photo for her. It was the photo of her and Tang Yibai at the Sports University Gymnasium.

After the mother finished reading, she still didn't believe it. "This photo can't prove anything. You are a reporter. It's not surprising that you and Tang Yibai have two photos."

Mom, why are you so smart!

The cloud had to say, "When I see him next time, I will take another picture for you."

"Oh, I am waiting."


At eight o'clock in the evening, the cloud helped a white bath. This has become a veritable "water dog." Erbai doesn't like to take a bath. When the cloud takes a bath, it doesn't dare to resist. It's just aggrieved, especially pitiful. But pitiful to take a shower!

Then the cloud used a hair dryer to help it blow hair. When it was finished, Ms. Lu knocked on the door of the bathroom. "Cloud, you have a phone, it is a beanie." He said that he handed the phone to her.

"Ah? Thank you, Auntie!" The cloud took the phone and immediately turned off the hair dryer. "Hey?"

"Cloud, what are you doing?"

"When you blow the hair to the white, it can be smashed." Then, the cloud caught the neck of the white, "Is it two white?"

Two white cockroaches go over: no!

"Come out."

The clouds are foggy, "What?"

"Come out, I am outside."

The cloud is too late to ask, and I will leave the door when I leave it.

Tang Yibai stood under the street lamp and looked at the clouds and ran to him. Under the light yellow-color street light, his eyebrows are as soft as a quiet river.

The cloud ran forward and wanted to stop, but he stepped forward and made her fall into his arms.

Clouds: "..." How do you send your arms!

Tang Yibai gently held her, caressing her hair with one hand, whispering. The laughter is as sweet as a string.

"Cough." The cloud was red-faced and wanted to break him, but he just immediately tightened his arm so that she could not escape.

"How come you?" she asked.

All his worries, all the concerns, are just a simple three words: "I want to see you."

The heart of the cloud is warm. She hugged him back, his face buried in his chest and gently rubbed. In fact, no matter how strong and independent the girl is, she is eager to have such a embrace to stop. I don't want you to give me anything, just let me draw a little warmth and strength from it.

She whispered to him, "Tang Yibai."

The voice is soft and soft, and Tang Yibai’s heart has to be opened. He bowed his head and carefully kissed her bangs, and made a loud "hmm" from the nose.

"I miss you too," she said.

Tang Yibai smiled. He lifted her chin and barely hesitated, and the kiss was pressed down. Different from the tension and rush of the first kiss, this time he put a light force, carefully felt her fragrant soft lips, gently twirling. The cloud sinks in his tenderness, and he leans his head to let him do whatever he wants. Her face was hot, her body was too hot, her legs were soft, and she had to rely on him for a fulcrum. She wanted to cooperate with him, but she couldn't find the rules and moved her head, but suddenly he was caught in the back.

Tang Yibai increased his strength and gently pressed her lips with the tip of his teeth. It was like punishment, and it was like asking for it. The arm that he supported on her waist was unconsciously tightened, and the two men's bodies were tightly attached, and there was no gap in them. Through the clothes, he could feel the softness and softness of her limbs, and ... full.

not enough. It’s like how a piece of carbon is put into a fire, and I just want to burn it out. There was an inexplicable incitement in the body that was rampaged, and he was a little anxious, and his hands unconsciously rubbed her body. The intention was to resolve, but the more they touched. With his eyes closed, his breathing was heavy and messy, almost instinctive. He put his tongue out and gently painted her lips. The soft and powerful tongue wanted to squeeze her lips and explore the sweeter secret. exactly.

Feeling the pressure on his tongue, the whole cloud must be burned. The heart was rumbling, she was shy and she fled.

Tang Yibai tried to lick his lips and looked down at her. His scorpion is as deep as the sea under the night sky.

The cloud did not dare to look at him, and lowered his head and gently broke him.

Tang Yibai did not dare to push too tight, and let her take a step back and distance him from him. He copied his pocket and his eyes stayed on her, quietly admiring his girlfriend's shy look.

There was a silence between the two people, and the clouds were a little awkward. They asked, "Do you have no training tonight?"

"Use, I just came out of the pool and sneaked out today."

The cloud looked up in surprise and saw that his hair color was actually deeper than usual, and it seemed to be fluffy. She lifted her hand and inserted it into his hair and touched it. The hair roots were still damp.

Tang Yibai let her touch it, and then he smiled. "You don't pick this up - tease me, I can't afford it."

The cloud retracted her hand. She was moved at the moment and worried. "When the hair is wet, I will go out. What should I do if I have a cold?"

"Nothing, I am in good health."

The cloud shook his head. "Don't do this next time. And you sneak out, what if you are discovered by the coach?"

"It doesn't matter, it's the most."

Can you not say that the beating is so easy... The cloud is speechless. She saw Tang Yibai’s casual jacket with a hood behind her, and then she kicked her foot and helped him buckle the cap. "Cover it, can't Blowed by the wind."

Tang Yibai smiled, let her buckle the silly hat, but also bowed her head and took the initiative to cooperate with her, like a baby.

After doing this, the cloud asked him curiously, "Why don't you go home? You have to talk here."

"There are too many light bulbs at home."

……Ok. When the cloud suddenly remembered one thing, he said, "Tang Yibai, can you do me a favor?"

Tang Yibai laughed. "How many of them are fine, you said."

"This is the case. My mother doesn't believe that you are my boyfriend. Can you record a short video telling him that you are?"

"it is good."

Cloud opened the video function of the mobile phone. Tang Yibai took a hand to the camera and smiled. "You are good father-in-law, I am really a cloud boyfriend."

"Stop!" The cloud blushes and quits this video. "You change your name."

"What to change? Mom and Dad?"


Seeing her biting her teeth, Tang Yibai quickly licked her head to appease. "Okay, let me have a joke, come on."

The video went up again, Tang Yibai said to the camera, "My uncle, aunt, my name is Tang Yibai, it is a cloud boyfriend. Cloud is a good girl, I will treat her well, care for her to protect her. I am also n City people, and you are fellows, I hope to have the opportunity to visit you."

All right. The cloud saves the video and sends it to the mother.

Mom didn't immediately return the news, Yun asked Tang Yibai, "Hey, now, do you want to go home and see your uncle?"

Tang Yibai nodded. The two are trying to go back, cold and not against the shadow of the tree, a cloud, a cloud of shock, a fixed look, turned out to be two white?

Two white spit tongues and wag their tails toward the clouds, the clouds wondered, "Two white, how are you here?"

Of course, it is impossible to answer her. Tang Yibai saw the dog leash on the neck of the two whites. He was a little clear and said to the tree shadow, "Dad, Mom, what are you doing?"

Ms. Lu and Tang Dad came out. The cloud saw the chin almost fell. Even if she did this kind of wretched thing, Ms. Lu was like a proud peacock. After being captured by her son, she stepped forward and replied, "Peeking, eavesdropping, and stealing."

" interesting..." Tang Yibai was particularly helpless.

"No, let's go."

Ms. Lu gave an order, and Tang’s father turned around with her. When she left, she took away the troubles. If he didn't accidentally let the two whites go out, they would not be discovered. Don Dad thought without regret.

Tang Yibai and the clouds walked behind and heard the discussion of the two elders.

Don Dad: "I still have a good photo technique. I have been making a photo... This is very beautiful, pass it to me, I want to make a mobile wallpaper."

Ms. Lu: "Well."

Tang Dad turned back and asked Tang Yibai, "Do you want it? This photo is really beautiful, like a movie poster."

Tang Yibai bit his teeth, "No!"

"What about clouds?"


"Are you sure? Don't make decisions so quickly, take a look." Tang Dad said, the phone was handed over.

Tang Yibai saw the photo. The street lamp was dim, the tree shadows, and he and the cloud stood under the street lights and kissed, the lights filled, they looked a little embarrassed, the asphalt road behind them was like a bright yellow-colored ribbon, except for them on the road, no one.

It is indeed a beautiful photo. Tang Yibai nodded. "Give me one."

The clouds are speechless. "You have been betrayed so quickly!?

Tang Yibai touched her head and said, "Leave a memorial."

However, when the four went back, Tang Yibai couldn't help but itch and set this "memorial" as wallpaper.

At this point, their family of three have the same wallpaper.

The cloud can't wait to dig a hole to bury himself. Tang Yibai still shamelessly wants to persuade her to change the wallpaper. So the cloud really changed the wallpaper, but it was a photo of her and two white. On the photo, the clouds smiled very brightly, and the position left to the boyfriend was occupied by a huskies with a tongue.

Tang Yibai enviously hated and looked at her mobile phone, especially wanting to knock the dog's face down.

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