MTL - My Mr.Mermaid-Chapter 72 Start reading

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In the time of eating, Tang Yibai wanted to see the room of the cloud. There is no downside idea, he just wants to see where she grew up.

Anyway, she has already seen him.

The room of the cloud is very warm, the things are neatly arranged, and there are many books on the log bookshelf. Take a handful of it, Tang Yibai saw the mark on the page, and also bookmarked the petals.

He smiled. "You must be a good student from an early age."

The clouds are a little proud. "Alright, I will wear a red scarf in the first grade."

"I also wear it."

"In fact, you are better than me," said the cloud. "I didn't have the ability to win the first prize in the Olympics competition when I was a child. Do you feel sorry for it? After all, in the Chinese mind, reading is the first. Many people go to work as sports students because they don't read well. I don't mean to offend this. This is a fact." She said, the occupational disease, could not help but use the interview body, and then she assumed A very tempting situation: "If you take the exams like others, you may be admitted to Tsinghua University."

Tang Yibai put the book back on the bookshelf. He laughed. "Tsinghua University has thousands of undergraduate graduates every year, and the Olympic champion has only been out of more than 300 in four years. I have always felt that my ideals are quite lofty. "

The cloud smiled, she just liked him, firm and calm, wise and open-minded.

She found a large storage box, which is her collection from small to big, black cat sheriff's small motorcycle, 哆啦 a dream and Sailor Moon stickers, 珠格格格 and the eagle eagle's postcard, magic card Girly Sakura's pencil case, pig cartoon seal, KFC dolls, various little books, game machines, star albums, Jay's tape, half of the woolen wallet, and so on.

It is like a big treasure chest, full of precious memories.

Girls are more emotional, like to make memories more like, compared with her, Tang Yibai's childhood collection is more barren, are playing while throwing, at this moment see such a large box of things, he feels particularly fun, Touching this, dialing the one, imagined that it was still a buns-like little flowering thing to play with these things, he couldn’t help but smile, his eyebrows bent and his eyes softened.

Laughing and smiling, a little regret. Losing a loss, why didn't you know her soon?

The clouds took out two albums from the cupboard and they looked at each other. The album is more clearly recorded in her album's growth trajectory. The first chapter is her large-scale **** photo in a hundred days.

Tang Yibai: "Ha."

She didn't feel anything at all. He smiled and made her uncomfortable, so she turned red and quickly turned over.

Tang Yibai laughed. "You can rest assured that I will be responsible for you."

The cloud snorted softly. "Who wants you to be responsible."

"Don't be angry, it won't be big to show you back."

The face of the cloud is redder, and the shyness is a bit violent. "Whoever wants to see you!"

Tang Yibai smiled. "I mean my hundred days, where do you want to go?"


"Okay, don't be angry, you can beat me out." Tang Yibai said, clutching her hand to his face.

The clouds are angry and laughing. "Leipi, you."

Tang Yibai buckled her hand on his face, and he looked at her with a smile, and his eyes were hot.

The cloud did not dare to look at him, and quickly lowered his head and flipped through the album.

She turned to a photo and pointed to the thinnest girl in the room. "Look, this is the time we went to Qixia Mountain Autumn Tour."

"It is also our first encounter in the true sense." Tang Yibai gently touched her little face on the photo with her index finger. He suddenly sighed and said, "I regret it."

"What do you regret?"

"At the time, I shouldn’t have thought about what the unsung hero had left. I shouldn’t leave, go home with you, wait for your family to give you a baby. So you are from seven years old. "So, you won't miss so much time."

Since the fate is destined to meet you, fall in love with you, and be unable to extricate yourself, then why should I resist, it is better to hold you in your hand.

The clouds bowed and laughed at the lips. "This assumption is not true. You are not so shameless when you are seven."

The album continues to turn, and the little clouds in the photo become a little cloud. The words "the 18th National Women's University" were concentrated in the cloud. She was thin and small when she was a child. When she graduated from high school, she became a slim little girl.

Then there is the university. Turning over, the cloud suddenly said, "Tang Yibai, I want to confess one thing with you."

Tang Yibai took her shoulder at the moment and was gently sniffing her hair. He replied, "Well, what?"

"I didn't tell you before, are you my first love?"

Tang Yibai stopped working, he was a little nervous, "Don't you... isn't it?"

I have known for a long time, the girl is so cute, she must have been arched by other pigs... Tang Yibai thought so angrily, and suddenly he did not let himself into it.

The cloud shook his head. "No, ah, no, yes... oh, I don't know how to say it. You are my first love, but when I was in college, I was a bit awkward with a guy in our class."

"How high is it?"

"Yes, our classmates always blame me and him. He is a school grass. In fact, he likes a lot of his girls. There are girls around me who like him, but they just like to bring me and him together." She said Refers to a boy in the photo, "Hey, that's him."

Tang Yibai looked down and looked really good. Of course, this kind of existence is similar to the existence of the former enemy, he will not boast in the verbal, he said, "Yes. It's so sloppy... Then what?"

"It’s a bit of a **** thing to say. I was a little annoyed at first, but he was very good to me. When others started, he basically did not defend. I thought he liked me. Girls, in fact, have vanity. Heart, I must admit that it is also worthy of being liked by school grass. I guess that my college girl’s bad relationship is also related to this matter. The only thing that I can’t give up is Chen Siqi. But he has never I didn't confess with me, and I didn't confess with him. Well, God turned. When I was in my junior year, I accidentally saw him kissing a teacher."

Tang Yibai was a little surprised, "Teacher?"

"Yes, the teacher is six or eight years older than him. I forgot. It is said that the teacher knew him when he was a tutor. Later, he was together. From the freshman, they lived together outside the school, but they have been very low-key, no. People know. This is what he told me. Well, he took the initiative to apologize to me and admitted that he always took me to cover."

This ending is better, at least not the cloud initiative to question the boy. Tang Yibai knows that there is a fundamental difference between the two. He put a little bit of heart and asked, "So, you don't seem to like him very much?"

The cloud shook his head. "I don't like it. When he apologizes, I am a little angry. He uses me. He has no other emotions, and he is so sad and jealous. There is no such thing. Later I analyzed it carefully. I feel that it should be a disagreement. Although he is handsome, he always gives a feeling of coldness and sorrow, and he still faces it. I don't like it. But I must admit that he is very good and later went to the Ministry of Information."

Tang Yibai is somewhat grateful. Fortunately, the face of the school has its own heart, but fortunately his character does not like clouds, like... Fortunately, he dragged the clouds and did not let her be abducted by others.

The cloud sighed. "I was very disgusted with his use of it at first. Later, I thought it would be difficult for them. I contacted WeChat a few days ago. He said that he wanted to get married, but the family did not agree because the girlfriend He is a few years old."

Tang Yibai said, "I have also been confessed by a girl who is older than me."

The cloud came to interest and looked at him with a squint. "What do you react to?"

Tang Yibai laughed and scratched her nose. "What can be the reaction, refuse."

"How do you refuse? I feel that you will especially reject the girl."

"Well, I said to her, `How can I like you, I will never want to see you."

The cloud was so wide that he opened his mouth. "You, are you ashamed?"

Tang Yibai smiled. "The situation is special. I was in a bad mood, and I was very young. I was in a hurry and didn't talk. I lost contact. If I see her again, I would like to say "I'm sorry". ."

The cloud nodded busy. "You really owe someone a sorry... I thought you were going to marry a girl."

He smiled: "I will marry you."

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