MTL - My Mysterious Doctor and Blessed Little Wife Is Such a Tease-Chapter 1022 Mu Yali's plan

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  Chapter 1022 Mu Yali's plan

   "Can I talk to you?"

   Han Fei chatted a little more, seeing that the time was almost up, he looked at Han Shi and asked.

  Han Shi looked at Qin Xi, the corners of Qin Xi's mouth twitched, and his eyes were slightly annoyed, "Look at what I do, and I won't stop you from doing it."

   "Well, let's talk!" Han Shi was purely a subconscious reaction. Hearing what Qin Xi said, he felt a little helpless.

   When the two of them left side by side, a girl suddenly came up behind her. The girl was somewhat similar to Han Fei, but there was an unfriendly gleam in her eyes, and when she looked at her, she always felt superior.

   Judging from her appearance, this girl should be Han Fei's younger sister and Mu Yali's best friend, Han Shuangshuang.

  Qin Xi twitched his mouth, knowing that she was here to make things difficult for him, and since the slap in the face was delivered to her door, she didn't have to hide it.

  So, she showed a meaningful smile and looked at Han Shuangshuang, "You are Han Shuangshuang, right? Mu Yali asked you to come, let me guess what she asked you to do."

  Han Shuangshuang was a little stunned, she didn't expect Qin Xi to be so beautiful, let alone guess that Mu Yali asked her to come

  Of course, although it was easy to guess, it still made her a little annoyed. Qin Xi said this as if she was so stupid.

   While she was in a daze, Qin Xi quickly stuffed a mantra pill into her mouth.

  The reason why she did this was because she didn't want Han Shuangshuang and Mu Yali to spoil the painstaking efforts of her mother and auntie, and directly set out their plan, and then strangled it in the cradle.

   Save trouble, simply!

  Seeing that Han Shuangshuang's eyes began to change, Qin Xi asked with a smile on the corner of his mouth, "Tell me, how will you and Mu Yali deal with Qin Xi, and what plan do you have!"

  Han Shuangshuang said in a daze, "Our plan is."

  In the front yard, the Mu family is happily welcoming the distinguished guests, and everyone's faces are filled with joy.

In the front hall, Mu Tianzheng, Han Cang, and several old leaders were chatting and laughing and discussing something. At this moment, Qu Hong came and brought a pot of tea, and the fragrance of tea permeated the whole living room instantly. open.

  No. 2 snorted, looked at the tea water eagerly, and asked Mu Tianzheng curiously, "Old Mu, what kind of tea is this, why have I never smelled it before?"

"Well, so do I. This seems to be more fragrant than the king of nectar tea. Old Mu, you are too rude. You don't know how to share such a good thing. If we didn't happen to be here today, I'm afraid I've never smelled such a mellow tea fragrance in my life!" No. 3 condemned jokingly.

   "Hey, you don't know that. This tea is called Immortal Tea. One sip of it really feels like ascending to immortality. The taste makes me go without food for seven days." Han Cang said exaggeratedly.

   "Yo, it's so exaggerated, hurry up, let me try it." No. 2 can't wait to serve it.

  Although they are usually very serious bigwigs, there is an old saying that is true, old children, old children, and old children are a group of children, and they have to be the first to see any strange things.

Mu Tianzheng smiled silently, flaunting his wealth in a low-key way, "I made you laugh, but it's not really a fun thing. It's my granddaughter's filial piety. She said that drinking it is good for my health, so she made two cans for me. No, I drink it every day now. , are almost inseparable.”

  When the tea was served in front of them, several old leaders couldn't help but took a deep breath. Not to mention, they looked a bit like drug addicts.

  "Good tea, once you sniff it, you will feel refreshed, and the fatigue on your body will be swept away, and your whole body will be full of vitality. Good tea, really good tea!"

  (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion