MTL - My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!-Chapter 883 Traveling 0 miles away, the wanderer returns home!

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End of calendar year end of June.

The wasteland is still in darkness all day long.

More and more snow has been cleared, and patches of territory have returned to normal order.

However, the weather is still cold, and clearing the accumulated snow will not simply disappear between heaven and earth.

Except for coastal territories that can push snowflakes into the sea, most of what inland territories do is just push the snow in their own area to other territories.

Therefore, the south coast of the New World, the east coast, and the west coast.

More and more small alien territories bordering each other began to fight. During the turmoil, real fire was fought, and the war spread to the entire continent.

The powerful territories also gradually let go of their previous restraint, and began to support agents to participate in battles and plunder resources.

The entire southern coast of the continent was full of gunpowder and smoke, causing countless casualties and losses.

But fortunately, in this chaotic situation, human beings who have been living in the cracks have finally obtained valuable development opportunities and began to gradually encroach on the territory that was originally occupied by alien races.

Although these lands are all barren lands, even though the foreign races invaded and basically took away the valuable resources inside.

But in any case, starting from July, the human army finally got the opportunity to participate in this territorial struggle.


July 6th of the calendar at the end of the wasteland, the thirty-sixth day of the end of the disaster.

The central part of the New World · the northwestern port of Wanli Mountains.

Among the desolate and uninhabited mountains, the only ray of light falls on the rock surface, reflecting the dim and lonely atmosphere of death.

The snow here is still as thick as ten meters, and there is no sign of any biological activity.

In addition, from time to time, large snowdrifts rolled down from the high mountains crashed down, covering up the only traces.

Even the foreign races have never had the idea of ​​setting foot here, it is a veritable land of death.

It was approaching evening.

The twilight in the sky became increasingly dimmer, and strands of darkness seemed to be woven into a big net, covering it continuously.

The cold wind rolled over the floating snow, blowing away some of them and rolling them to the foot of the rocks, making whistling noises.

This kind of calm is what most uninhabited places in the New World should have.

But the calm was broken as a rush of crushed snow rolled down from the top of the mountain.

It was like rolling thunder falling high in the sky, and in an instant, all kinds of lights appeared on the top of the mountain from nowhere.

Red, yellow, blue, green...

On the top of the snow-capped mountain, which is more than a kilometer long, chaotic lights shoot up into the sky like torches, and the snow below the print reflects different colors.

More and more human heads began to appear on the edge of the cliff, overlooking the land in the distance.

At the beginning, they looked tired, like travelers lost in the mountains.

However, when I saw clearly that there were finally no mountains in the distance, and it turned into an endless plain.

Cheers began to sound from the front row, and gradually resounded through the sky.

"Come out, finally come out of the **** mountains!"

Looking back at more and more refugees hugging each other tightly and crying, Su Mo couldn't help but feel weak and sat down on the snow.

For a whole week, no one knew how many difficulties and obstacles they would face with nearly ten thousand people trekking in the mountains this week.

Until the moment when he was really close to success, Su Mo still didn't dare to think about everything.

On June 22, the residents of the original origin camp officially joined the Tianyuan Territory and boarded the car to return.

In the first two days, everything went very smoothly, and the corresponding travel planning points were completed every day.

But when we reached the ruins marked on the map on the fourth day, the nightmare happened!

In the process of exploring the ruins, the team led by Feng Long accidentally triggered the protection device of the ruins, causing the internal defense rules to be triggered, thinking that a foreign race came, directly triggering a self-destruct program that destroys everything.

There were several loud bangs.

Not only the hill where the ruins were located was blown up, but a terrifying avalanche caused a terrible avalanche in the entire Wanli Mountains.

In particular, the transfer route that was originally investigated and arranged was the hardest hit area.

At the same time, Cang Pan fled in the Ruyi chariot, and damage to durability was inevitable.

On the seventh day of the evacuation, with the last 5% of the durability left, Su Mo could only order everyone to get out of the car and walk to avoid the hidden danger of an accidental chariot explosion.

So, from June 29th to July 6th, a whole week.

"It's unimaginable that we actually managed to walk out of the thousands of miles of mountains without leaving anyone behind."

"A total of 9,405 people, no casualties, no one abandoned, we... survived!"

"Hurry up, go check our current location, contact the territory and send resources over quickly, many people have reached their limit"

"Yes, the night is cold and the wind is high, quickly set up a tent, light a fire and cook, and don't have any accidents!"

It was too late to cheer and celebrate, and the management team, who had been diligently responsible for the logistics all the way, quickly entered the state again and began to organize the construction of the camp.

Soon, with the first bonfire rising, although most of them were limp on the ground, their tense bodies and minds relaxed.

Picking up the map that Feng Long sent, after comparing it for a while, Su Mo immediately found the current location.

In the southeast of the territory, the straight-line distance after going down the mountain is about 110 kilometers.

In terms of the physical strength of these people in the current camp, which is close to the limit, this distance will take at least a whole day.

But it doesn't matter, standing on the snow-capped ice field and looking far away.

Su Mo could already clearly see that at the end of his field of vision, there were a few bright and eye-catching eyes that were rapidly approaching.

At the same time, the short-distance pager at his waist finally received the signal, and began to make intermittent sounds.

" Territory...Tianjian Search and Rescue Team...we are looking for..."

"Answer what you hear...Answer what you hear..."

At an unexpected speed, just as everyone set up camp, the village sent a search and rescue team to the scene.

When they got a little closer, they were the only vehicles in the territory.

Land Tiger off-road vehicles, Zeus heavy trucks, basic energy vehicles...

Even the Hercules excavator was turned on at full speed, and the tracks drew heavy marks on the snowflakes.

"Tianjian Search and Rescue Team, this is the Origin Migration Team, I have heard your signal"

"Repeat, I have heard your signal." Feng Tianmin picked up the walkie-talkie and communicated quickly.

"Received, Origin Migration Team, please release the signal flare quickly so that I can locate it conveniently."


After calmly hanging up, Feng Tianmin put the walkie-talkie back on his waist, and took the stick-shaped flare from Feng Long beside him.

He jerked the fuze down.


The fuel in the flare exploded like thunder, pushing the small explosive device inside to the sky.

At high altitude, the explosive device ignited a second time.


There was a loud bang.

A conspicuous red flower blooms on the top of the snow-capped mountain, even if it is tens of kilometers away, it is still clearly visible.

At the same time, after the flowers slowly dissipated, the smoke did not disappear. Instead, red sparks hung down, constantly marking the location of the camp.

Visible to the naked eye, after discovering the location, the search and rescue team has a clearer goal and a faster speed.

Before the first pot of rice was cooked in the camp, the first batch of search and rescue team members rushed up the winding mountain road.

"Wounded, are there any wounded, Yan Xiaqing, Professor Yan is on his way!"

"We brought antibiotics, we also have anti-inflammatory drugs, simple dressing devices, and..."

Waving the satchel in his hand, Bao Lei, the leader of the search and rescue team, stumbled as he ran.

It's just that when he reached the top of the mountain and saw the peaceful scene below, he stopped and smirked again.

That's right, God Su is leading these people, so there's no need for them to worry.

For the search and rescue teams like them, as long as they can see the target alive intact, it is the greatest happiness!

"Captain Bao, it's been a long journey!" Su Mo stepped forward and held Bao Lei's right hand, which was purple with cold.

These unfamiliar faces before entering the ruins looked so friendly at this moment.

Especially seeing these obviously much younger acquaintances, Su Mo had mixed feelings in his heart, and he sighed that it was all worth it.

These talents who are destined to shine in the future will not be dim even now.

This unimaginably swift search and rescue was the first step of Bao Lei, the future famous head of the Heavenly Sword Regiment.

"Su...Lord, you recognize me!" Bao Lei was a little at a loss, he quickly wiped his left hand on his body, and wrapped it with his hands in turn.

He had just joined the village not long ago, and he didn't even know that the territory of Tianyuan was the territory of God Su.

He was not only flattered by Su Mo's reaction now, but also a little overjoyed.

For the past two days, the search and rescue team has been patrolling near the Wanli Mountains day and night, and the group eats, drinks, and eats in and out of the car. It is really challenging the physical limit.

But now, it's all worth it.

Let God Su remember me, no, let him call out my name, it's simply too worth it!

"Of course I know you, Bao Lei, your search and rescue very good!" Su Mo gently put his left hand on his shoulder and patted twice: "But next, there are more serious tasks to be entrusted to you !"

He looked natural and sincere, without showing any other expressions at all.

"Lord..." Bao Lei turned his head to look excitedly, then nodded suddenly: "You just give orders, Bao Leiwan will die!"

Sometimes, it is so simple to convince a person and get 100% sincerity.

No wonder those generals in ancient China, the military advisers could nod their heads and bow before they met the Ming Lord before saying a few words.

This is not just a pure personality charm, but also a chain reaction caused by what he has done in the past.

It can be easily explained with only two words of recognition.

"In the camp, there are currently many women and children whose physiques have reached their limit."

"When they were in the mountains, the faith in their hearts could still support them to continue to follow the team, but now, both their physical and mental will have approached the limit, and then they will overdraw their bodies, and they may leave irreversible damage."

"So I hope you can contact the village as soon as possible to discuss a suitable transfer plan. Whether it is by car, sled, or other methods, you must use the fastest speed to ensure that these people can return to the territory for treatment first. !"

Su Mo said slowly, then turned his head and glanced at many people in the camp looking at him.

These gazes are complex.

Some are full of expectations for future life, and some are grateful for these days.

There are those who are glad that they finally survived, and those who are waiting to make some achievements.

But in addition to this, there is still more exhaustion, which cannot be concealed even by the rest of his life after the catastrophe.

"Lord, don't worry, I will discuss the plan as soon as possible, and I will never let you lose..."

Bowley beat his chest for assurance.

But before he finished speaking, there was another sound in the distance at the foot of the mountain.

At the end of the line of sight, many light spots appeared again, and the number of these light spots was much more than before.

Wei Wei counted and found that at least two to three hundred people were rushing towards the snow-capped mountains.

"Is it someone else in the territory?"

Feng Tianmin touched the pager, but realized in the next second that there were not so many vehicles in the territory.

The group of teams following the signal in the distance can only be from other territories, or...

"It's the dwarves, the **** dwarves of all nations are really lingering, they followed our signal flares and chased them over!"

Bao Lei picked up the binoculars and scanned it, and quickly gave a definite answer.

"Since the dwarves discovered the abnormality in our speed of clearing the snow, they have sent more troops in our direction. Now there are thousands of dwarves stockpiling at the border every day, monitoring any external actions we have at any time. "

"Six days ago, Commander Li Hu had already attacked them once on the border. The dwarves fought back hastily and failed to gain any advantage, so they could only retreat from their encirclement circle."

"I didn't expect that now, they follow us and follow us."

"I'm really tired of work!" Feng Long clenched the rifle straddling his back, his eyes filled with murderous intent: "Boss, I'm applying to take two teams down to wipe out these dwarves, and teach them a good lesson."

"No hurry, let's go down together, just in time to seize the sleigh that these people were sitting on."

With the addition of the Eye of True Sight, in such a dark environment, Sumo's vision is clearer than a telescope.

Twenty-one sledges, each capable of carrying fourteen dwarves.

There are three coolie lizards pulling in front of each vehicle, as long as they can be captured, it is enough to ease the current transportation difficulties.

"Except the necessary guards, call other brothers and go down together!"

"Lord, this dangerous..." Faced with the lord's bravery, as a subordinate, Bao Lei subconsciously wanted to persuade him like in the TV series, so as to express his sincerity.

But he had only said half of what he said, and then cut it off wisely.

Without him, he looked at Sumo who got into the steel package in front of him, not even a strand of hair was exposed.

Especially after looking at those scarlet battle armor eyes.

Bao Lei swallowed hard, watching as the terrifying monster leaped three or five times before disappearing among the rocks.

"The lord... has he always been so violent?"

"Really?" Feng Long was taken aback for a moment, and couldn't help thinking of the Ruyi Chariot that Su Mo accelerated all the way to 120 yards in the snow-capped mountains a few days ago.

Those moments flashed through my mind when I was walking along the edge of a cliff, and there was a terrifying moment when I might fall.

He couldn't help but feel weak in his calves, but he still managed to smile and said, "Don't worry, it's not the time to be fierce yet, you boy will have a lot of opportunities to witness in the future."

"In the future?" Bao Lei was stunned, his eyes swept down.

But Sumo, who had just left, was almost at the foot of the mountain.

The kind of power that completely ignores the terrain, the kind of extreme sports ability that can control the balance at all times.

It was clearly a pair of hundreds, but Bao Lei felt that the other party was the prey.

Of course, he didn't know either.

At this moment, Su Mo thought exactly so.

As the mountain wind blew, all twelve heat dissipation holes of the Day-by-Day Armor were opened, emitting bursts of white smoke.

The two sides approached each other, and it took less than three to five minutes before they collided on the snow.

"We are the Blackstone Tribe of the Dwarves of All Nations. Which tribe's warrior is this?" A dwarf captain on the chariot stood up.

Looking at the "behemoth" who was nearly three meters tall not far away, he was a little uncertain about the opponent's combat strength, so he could only negotiate first to see if he could use his identity to overwhelm the opponent.

"I am a tribe of alien gods. If you hand over your horse and mount, you can spare a way of life."

Su Mo talked nonsense, and simply pulled out the strongest force on the wasteland as a shield.

However, to his surprise, the dwarf captain didn't know whether he was really stupid or fake, so he really asked:

"It turned out to be a protoss warrior. I have admired him for a long time. I don't know how Lord Mirha is doing recently?"

"Dwarves, ants, what nonsense are you talking about? There is only one lord of my God Clan, and the name of the **** is "Amulet". Don't just talk about it and seek your own death!" Suddenly Su Mo yelled, and his body rushed forward. Suddenly, he punched the front of the nearest dwarf chariot.


The huge fist hit the snow, making a solid and muffled sound.

When Su Mo raised his hand, a huge pit with a diameter of nearly one meter suddenly appeared on the ground!

And this time, it almost scared the dwarf captain to fly out.

"Protoss warrior, don't get angry, don't get angry." The dwarf captain shouted again and again in fright, fearing that Sumo's next attack would land on his chariot, he simply jumped off:

"You and I don't interfere with each other. We can... give you this chariot!"

"Take it as a gift when our two races meet for the first time, yes, it's a gift!"

When facing humans, the dwarves still have a bit of courage, and dare to charge without fear of death.

But when facing the "warriors" who may be alien protoss, their performance is very real.

It didn't take more than a minute before and after, watching the nearly three hundred dwarves leave extremely quickly, they ran along the rut without looking back.

Su Mo was stunned for a moment, and a bold idea came to his mind.

The name of the alien protoss is so useful, so you don't have to pretend to be in the future, and tell the nearby aliens directly as a deterrent.

Or directly use their banner to protect the Tianyuan Territory, and deter those who are interested in the surrounding area.

Anyway, with the complete information collected in the ruins, he is not afraid of cheating in disguise, let alone the temptation of the other party.

What's more, the real protoss are still in the alien mountain in the north, and there is still half a year before their birth.

If the Tianyuan Territory has a half-year buffer, wouldn't it save a lot of trouble in the future? !


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