MTL - My Post-Apocalyptic Shelter Levels Up Infinitely!-Chapter 885 4 levels of caravans, Vientiane update!

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Wasteland is in the middle of July of a year.

The sun and the moon are shining again, and the temperature is warming up.

With Adam's unremitting efforts to restore, the long-lost sun and moon finally reappeared in the sky.

Although in terms of the light that shines down, even the sun is not much stronger than the ray of light hanging in the sky before.

But in any case, there is hope of recovery again.

Whether it is a foreign race or a human being, they all once again saw the possibility of the sun and the moon recovering.

On the other hand, the chaos in the New World for more than a month has finally come to an end.

One after another, super alien races entered the field and re-divided the new continent.

The defeated began to withdraw from the battlefield silently, retreating to the corner alone to lick their wounds, looking forward to a comeback.

The victors will collect land resources and bring them into their own sphere of influence to further expand the gains from this sudden war.

Under tacit agreement, at this point in time when the catastrophe is approaching, the New World finally calmed down again.

More and more caravans began to prepare supplies and set off along the previously planned route.

At this time, in the middle of the New World, there is a difficult snow-covered valley near the Wanli Mountains.

In the originally calm valley, dozens of palm-sized birds suddenly startled and fled to the surroundings of the mountain in a panic.

They scrambled to fly, but more and more sharp arrows shot from below, directly piercing the birds and falling obliquely into the snow.

Not long after, wait until all the birds that can be seen by the naked eye are all swept away.

In the seemingly uninhabited valley, human heads began to emerge, and more than 60 human figures gradually appeared.

"It's really unlucky for this group of honey birds. It's a coincidence that they all gathered here. But this barren mountain, I'm afraid we are the only ones who are willing to come this way." The leader of the strong man with a beard picked up a A smaller baby bird recklessly put its beak on the neck of the baby bird.

He bit it violently, and what spewed out from the bird's neck was not red and black blood, but a green substance with a faint fragrance.

After swallowing the green substance, the man's complexion became a little more ruddy visible to the naked eye.

He groaned contentedly, turned his head and looked back: "Start repairing on the spot, cheer me up later, the territory we are going to is the Tianyuan Territory, which has made a big splash on the leaderboard before, the Nandou Caravan Fatty Liu has been bragging that this group of people definitely has a lot of hard goods, as long as we can exchange some, the road ahead will be much easier."

Speaking of Fatty Liu, Duan Xiong, a man with a beard, flashed a gleam in his eyes.

The caravan he created is called "Siping Caravan", which means that you will be safe and sound everywhere you go.

In terms of scale, it's not that big, and it can basically only be ranked in the middle and lower levels of the hundreds of caravans in the entire New World.

According to the usual situation, with such a level, it is basically difficult to rush to the trading resource point before other caravans.

After all, in the current caravan exchange, those "fertile" trading resource points are worth no less than high-grade cards and treasures.

Especially the trading points that can be exchanged for a large amount of hard currency are extremely sought-after.

Whether it is to gain the reputation of the caravan as soon as possible, or to trade more materials to expand the scale.

Often, as soon as the news appears in the place where the caravan gathers, someone will spend a lot of money to buy it directly and block the news.

And about half a month ago, an ordinary drinking game allowed him to accidentally get the specific location of this Tianyuan territory from Fatty Liu.

At that time, when I heard that there was a lot of grain and meat being traded out in Tianyuan Territory.

Even at night, he resolutely summoned the caravan and left in the dark.

Today, this journey has already exceeded thousands of kilometers, and almost half of the New World has been traveled on foot.

And the so-called Tianyuan Territory is finally only one step away from reaching it!

"Boss, isn't there only more than a thousand people in that territory? It's not like we haven't encountered such a scale along the way. We have even entered several times more than them. Why are you so afraid? Just follow the previous plan." Can't the plan go forward?" The vice-captain of the caravan copied it from behind.

"No, regardless of the opponent's strength, the rules are the rules. We can't just think that the opponent is also the gathering place we have seen just because the road has gone smoothly." Duan Xiong shook his head lightly.

"Furthermore, the further north you go to the central part, the more difficult the caveman's name will be. We have to be more careful."

After a few words, Duan Xiong decided to make up his own mind.

Nowadays, every caravan that can travel to the New World is affiliated with a different alien race. As a price for blessing, the alien race will charge a certain fee and have priority trading rights.

The caveman that the Siping caravan is attached to is currently ranked forty-five among the foreign races in the New World, which is not a weak foreign tribe.

Just going north to the central part, the ranking of forty-five is not enough.

Duan Xiong was very careful after witnessing the tragedies of those caravans being robbed. He fully ordered the team to repair for more than half an hour, and then divided the 60 people into six teams. Run towards Tianyuan Territory.

Leaning on the sled all the way, comparing the position coordinates, the speed of the team is not slow.

Not long after, the snowflakes on the distant land had obviously disappeared, exposing a large area of ​​frozen soil.

"The speed of this Tianyuan territory is really fast. Their territory with more than 1,000 people is actually more efficient in clearing snow than those territories with 10,000 people!"

Jumping off the sled, Duan Xiong looked back and forth, with a surprised expression on his face.

I don't have much specific information about Tianyuan Territory from Fatty Liu. I only know that there is a population of more than 1,000 here, and there is a small village gathering place.

And in his imagination, such a small number of people must still worry about how to clear the snow near the gathering place.

But now it is unexpected that the speed of others is not only not slow, but scary fast, those large human gathering places in the west of the New World in the distance.

"Boss, do you feel that the air here seems to be fresher than outside?!"

"Yes, boss, I feel that my throat, which is a little inflamed these days, is much smoother."

"Is it so magical? I feel like it's a little different from the outside, but it's not so obvious?"

"Not good, why is someone coming from a distance!"

"Hurry up and form a defensive formation, be careful that the opponent is coming up to rob!"


In a daze, he saw two humans coming out of nowhere in front of him, and he heard the disorderly yelling of the team members behind him.

Duan Xiong touched the back of his head helplessly, for a moment he could only lament that his preparations for this trip were too hasty.

When they first set off, all the members in the caravan in their early 100s were quite reasonable.

But in the later stage, in order to pursue speed, whenever there are wounded people, the Siping caravan will choose to recruit new members on the spot, and continue to follow the caravan.

This has directly led to the fact that the entire caravan now has less than one-third of the original members, and the quality of the new members is uneven.

Up to now, they couldn't even guess the identities of the two people who appeared in front of them, obviously wearing standard uniforms.

"You two, are you the adults of Tianyuan Territory?"

"My name is Duan Xiong, and I am the steward of the Siping caravan who came to trade. We found this place after being instructed by the Nandou caravan."

As soon as he came up, Duan Xiong got straight to the point and stated his identity and purpose in a straightforward manner.

Sure enough, the other party's reaction was not beyond his expectation.

The tall and thin man on the left nodded, and Gujing Wubo squeezed out a smile on his face: "Guan Duan is polite, since he is a friend introduced by the Nandou caravan, he should also be a friend of our Tianyuan Territory."

"It's about 60 kilometers away from the town. I've notified the pick-up team just now, and the steward will be able to go to the town with the car to trade later."

"small town?"

"And to meet the convoy?"

Duan Xiong was startled, and there was a trace of surprise in his tone.

This is completely different from the previous information.

You must know that nowadays only gathering places with more than 10,000 people are eligible to be called towns.

Could it be that the other party just called the small village in Fatty Liu's mouth a town for the sake of gaining momentum?

With this doubt, Duan Xiong rolled his eyes, relying on his long-term slickness, and couldn't help reaching out his hand to take it out in his arms.

He took out two green vials.

It is one of the medicines that are in short supply in Newland, bottled essential oil!

"My lords, this is the first visit of the caravan. This is a small gift. Please be sure to accept it."

Duan Xiong smiled, and wanted to stuff the vial into the hands of the two of them.

But what surprised him was that the reactions of the two guards were completely different from those he had encountered before.

I saw the two backing away at the same time, with that indifferent smile still on their faces, and there was no trace of longing in their eyes.

"Guan Duan doesn't have to be like this, I'll wait for business, don't let us break the rules."


Duan Xiong was really confused this time.

Could it be that in today's New World, there are still territories that control subordinates who cannot accept gifts.

Is it true that this is the earth?

No way?

He couldn't believe it.

But what happened in front of him told him that the two people were not duplicity, but that they really looked down on the two bottles of essential oils that he just took out.

"If Duan Guanshi has anything to ask, as long as it is within the scope of the answer, both of us can answer." At the end, the tall and thin guard seemed to see Duan Xiong's intentions, and then added.

"Uh... it's not a big problem, but I heard from Liu Fatty... No, I heard from Manager Liu Baoli that our Tianyuan Territory is a collection of villages with a population of over a thousand people. I don't know why it is suddenly called a town?"

Duan Xiong hesitated a bit, but still asked the biggest question in his mind.

"What do you mean, when the Nandou caravan came to trade some time ago, there were indeed only a thousand people in the territory, but after he left, nearly ten thousand people joined our territory one after another, and now it is a gathering place for towns with over ten thousand people !"

"This half a month?"

"Yes, to be honest with Manager Liu, the two of us actually joined the territory a few days ago. I don't know what Manager Liu of the Nandou caravan saw, but what is certain is that the current town should be the same as what you received before. The message is slightly different."

A question and an answer room.

The uncontrollable astonishment on Duan Xiong's face grew more and more.

Along the way, he witnessed with his own eyes how desolate the surrounding area of ​​Tianyuan Territory was.

Even the nearest human gathering place is five hundred kilometers away in a straight line.

And in such a place, where did the Tianyuan Territory gather nearly ten thousand people?

With this question in mind, Duan Xiong fell into deep thought.

The two guards did not step forward to disturb them, they still maintained their previous posture and stood there waiting.

Not long after, with the sound of beeps in the distance, everyone raised their heads and saw the vehicle appearing at the end of their sight.

One left and one right, two cars are running side by side.

But the strange thing is that the two cars didn't even make any engine roaring sound, let alone the rattling sound of the fuel engine.

At first glance, it looks like a sled sliding on the snow, mysterious and elegant.

"What technology is this?"

Duan Xiong murmured until the two vehicles stopped and four guards with guns and a man in a military coat came out of the cockpit.

"This should be Duan Guanshi, right?"

The man in the army coat smiled, and hastily stepped forward to hold Duan Xiong's right hand.

"I'm Wenda, the welcome manager of the Foreign Trade Department of Tianyuan Territory. You can call me Awen, or just call me by my name."

"Hello, Brother Wen, uh...Hello, Brother Awen!"

Duan Xiong was not used to being treated so kindly at first.

But when he was greeted into the car all the way in a daze, and got into this car with slowly black technology, his attention was completely diverted again.

He saw too many simple vehicles along the way, and most of them were fuel monsters with no trading value.

Even if a small number of things that catch his fancy are really going to be sold, few people would choose to buy a car and run around at this stage of development.

Coupled with the fact that the terrain of the wasteland is still bad, the seemingly hard snow is very likely to collapse when touched.

As the saying goes, driving a car for a while, driving into the crematorium in the ditch.

Having seen too many tragedies, Duan Xiongben thought that he would never be tempted by a vehicle.

However, sitting in this car, the thoughts he had always held involuntarily felt a little loose.

"Brother Wen, this car shouldn't be a fuel car, right?"

After holding back for a while, Duan Xiong finally couldn't hold back his inner curiosity.

Probe from the back row to the direction of the co-pilot Wen Da, he asked in a low voice.

"Of course not, can't you feel it as soon as you get on the ordinary fuel car?"

"Let me guess, Guanshi Duan is not interested in this car, is he?" Wen Da turned his head and bared his white teeth.

"Hey, your guess is really accurate."

Duan Xiong laughed, and quickly asked: "I don't know what kind of energy it uses?"

"It's a long story. If you want me, a vulgar person, to explain clearly what energy is, I really can't describe it to you."

"However, what I will tell you is that this car can automatically recover its energy only by placing it under a light source. When it is completely used up, it can recover 80% of its energy in one day."

"Can energy be restored automatically?"

Duan Xiong's eyes widened involuntarily, subconsciously wanting to pursue and inquire.

But one inadvertently, UU reading www. After glanced out the window, he couldn't help but stunned on his seat.

I saw the ground where the car was driving, and I didn't know where to start. Not only was there no snow, but green grass emerged from the ground.

Ignoring what they saw and heard before, everyone seemed to be driving on the grassland at this time.

Everywhere you look, there are boundless green rays of light, where can you see the slightest sign of being eroded by the harsh winter!


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