MTL - My Ranch-Chapter 1000 : First city

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"Miss, hello, go to Shinjuku, please check." The window pressed down, and the police outside didn't imagine it was so bad. Instead, there was a smile full of politeness, politely facing Pula-wo. Said.

"Go and talk to my people!" Pear-Walton didn't care if he heard him. He pressed the window up again, and at this time, someone in a black suit walked over. After making a deal with the police, they entered Jiang Hai and they entered, and the man walked to Pula-Walton's car and explained it with politeness.

“Because there have been frequent complaints from tourists about the security in Shinjuku City, and the recent political-governance is more sensitive, so these police officers will also set up cards here to check all the vehicles that need to enter the area to protect There is a security problem there." Looking at Jiang Hai, this person said very lightly, then Pula-Walton nodded, he went to the back of the car, then Jiang Hai they drove directly into the film District, but no one dares to check them.

After Jiang Hai drove in, they saw a lot of izakaya.

The izakaya is not a place for the windy moon. If it is said, it is similar to the domestic food stalls. It is a delicious meal, so that the men and women who have worked for a day are bragging here.

In fact, it is not very messy. Everyone has their own compartment, so there are very few people who make troubles. They are basically open all night. Of course, if you drink too much, it is not necessary, but Jiang Hai said that they are coming. Izakaya, but it is not here. Their goal is actually Kabukicho. There is a special place in Kabukicho in Shinjuku. It is a street called Kabukicho, and the car is parked here. However, before entering, Pula-Walton specially waited for her. When her bodyguards arrived, she took Jiang Hai and went in. Which country's red-lighting area is the same, some chaos.

When I walked into a street in Kabukicho, Jiang Hai found that it was a bit daunting. When I walked in, I was greeted with a billboard that made people feel like hormones, for example, forty minutes, eight thousand. There are twenty-four hours of things like Dan, which are messy, but at this time, the person who just helped Jiang Hai to escape the police inspection has come over.

"The following road, let me be the guide for you!" This man is a white man, looks like he is about 30 years old, looking at Pula Walton and Jiang Hai, said with a serious face, heard him Jiang Hai took a look at Pula-Walton. When he saw Pula-Walton nod, Jiang Hai nodded. It seems that this person should be the snake on this side.

"First of all, don't look at these stores. To be honest, these are fake. Some little sisters are chatting with them. The love over there should be the store of the most, that is, the little girl came over to you. Taking a bath is the kind of shop that is only responsible for taking off and is not responsible for landing. If you want to land, you have to talk privately with them. The price is not comparable to that of ordinary people." Seeing Jiang Hai agree, this person also I started to introduce the situation around this.

Hearing his words, Jiang Hai has some Mongolian, and there is such a saying? It seems that the devil of the island country is really treacherous.

“A typical tourist wants to find the kind of person and shop that does the job. Just look for the one in front of the case. The meaning of nothing is free. They are the chicken head here, but of course it’s completely free. Don't think about it, because it's very likely that they will find some aunts for those tourists. If you want to play here, you need to find those shops that are very simple. It has nothing to do with that kind of thing, such as strawberry. Sauce shop, Shinjuku ice cream shop, etc., and you also want to see what they write outside, if it is pure Japanese, it is not to entertain foreigners, only to enter the island people, Japanese and English mixed is to entertain foreigners The store." Watching Jiang Hai understand, the crowd continued while saying, while Pula-Walton's bodyguards also blocked the guys who wanted to come and pull the guests.

"You are very familiar with this place!" Hearing him, Jiang Hai looked at him very deeply.

"I am a Wal-Mart company resident in the island country, so here, huh, I have been to the customer a few times, yes, don't go any further, and then go ahead is the site of the Cowherd." Hear Jiang Hai As said, the man here also smiled a little, and then immediately shifted the subject when he looked at the cinema behind a dinosaur in the distance.

Hearing his words, Pula-Walton and Jiang Hai also looked there. These two people are not interested in men. Naturally, they will not go, but Jiang Hai also took a look at the far side, basically the other side. The cards hanging on the flat are all non-mainstream, killing Matt, and the hair is more than one color. There is no way. Island and South Korea are popular...

It's really hard to imagine that some of the little girls in China are eating this set. Anyway, Jiang Hai looks very disgusting.

"I don't know Mr. Jiang, would you like to find a service here?" After a brief lap, the man here asked Jiang Hai and Pula Walton, who also heard about Miss Walton. Some hobbies, but Pula-Walton is still very reliable, she will not show her hobbies in front of her hands, it is because this time there is Jiang Hai, so she found a Oil and Jiang Hai came out together, but it was really exciting to accompany such a man to go around.

“Is there anything to say?” Looking at this person, although Jiang Hai was not very interested in these services, he still asked.

"There are cheap and expensive here, like half a set of services, it is basically a hand, can not be that, the pink salon over there is the cheapest, the time is short, about 6000 yen, The visual club over there is also a half-set, but it can be tempted with uniforms. The price is between 10,000 and 12,000 yen. The level of the visual club is similar, but it is slightly more expensive, 15,000 to 20,000 yen. The hotel is going to go to the wine training, the cost of overnight stay is between 20,000 yen and 40,000 yen. The girl in the bubble bath is of good quality, but it is divided into high school and low grade, and the price ranges from 30,000 to 30,000. The quality of high-level dispatch is very high, but it is half a set, the price is 40,000 to 70,000. The girls who are senior dating are basically models and college students. What can be, the price is between 80,000 and 150,000 days. Between the yuan, the most advanced is the hot spring dating, they will send you a car to go to the nearby hot springs to play for a day, basically the price is about 400,000 yen, there are some economic companies' special offices, special appointments for Ava actress and some Female star, price Between 300,000 yen and 800,000 yen, if Mr. Jiang needs it, then I can contact him at any time. Oh, yes, and all the things in the store can't be done. This is illegal. There is a clear request in the island country, you can't do this, so you have to go to the hotel, and at this time, Kabukicho is basically only a guest recommended by regular customers and regular customers. A circle of nails." Looking at Jiang Hai, this person said incessantly, it seems that he is not an ordinary old driver.

"No, what is it, it’s really boring. Let’s go back. Since we can make an appointment, it’s the same for us to go back and play.” Hearing this person’s introduction, Jiang Hai has not spoken yet, and Pula-Walton over there. Just said it, she saw very clearly, even men can not do anything, let alone a woman, so it is better to go back and play with it.

"Oh, okay, let's go back!" Hearing Pula-Walton, although he still wants to see it here, Jiang Hai will not say much. He is not here for that. Then, Bento went to the outside first.

"Hey, you just said that you can make an appointment with Ava and the female star? Is there any photo for me?" But Jiang Hai is gone, but Pula-Walton has pulled the man, one The face said with interest, I heard that Pula-Walton said that this person is somewhat blind, because he does not know what Pula-Walton is, thinking that he is flattering on the horse's leg. Well, there was some embarrassment between the moments, and I blamed myself for being too broken. How can those words be said easily?

"Don't talk nonsense, take it out and see." Seeing this person's face is not right, Pula-Walton does not care, sometimes it is interesting to scare these men, not to mention her now on these Ava actresses. Also very interested.

"Oh, okay, I am only familiar with this ideapocket company..." When he heard that Pula-Walton was urging, there was no other way for people here to feel that his mouth was too owed. I can only take a trip, then take out my mobile phone, and then quickly enter a URL above, then some girls' photos appear on the phone.

"I can't do it. Is it reliable to look at the photos?" Looking at the phone in his hand, even Pula-Walton knew that the makeup of the island girl was amazing, so Pula-Walton also had some Not quite accurate.

"These are pretty reliable..." After thinking about it, the man said softly.

"Well, then this, called Teak Tina, this is called Tianhaiyi. This is called Haneda. Is this Nishizaki-Jessica a mixed blood? It is also counted on her, and there is this beauty, the first five. Personally, ask them to go to the room and wait for us." Palla-Walton casually clicked on the words, looking for a few to look pleasing to the eye...