MTL - My Ranch-Chapter 1045 : spike? This is called abuse!

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"First round, start!" As the two sides were introduced, the referee's hand slammed and said directly to the two.

After hearing the referee's words, Park Tae-min did not immediately come up to touch the fist, but instead stood in the place to come to a very famous continuous kick in Taekwondo, the extremely fast degree, and the handsome movement, naturally caused A lot of women screamed, listening to these screams, Park Tae-min also smiled.

"To deal with you, twenty seconds is enough!" Looking at Consonson-Peters, Park Tae-min said arrogantly.

And to hear from him, Consonson-Peters just looked at him very calmly, he felt that this guy is sick!

Under the direction of the referee, the two men touched their fists forward, because they were playing unrestricted fighting, so the two were not wearing boxing gloves, but the kind of **** gloves of u. At the beginning, Park Tae-min attacked first, and his feet groaned on the ground, changing his position and circled Conradson-Peters.

And Consonson-Peters just stood in the spot and looked at him to see what tricks he had to play.

It may be that I feel that the temptation is almost the same. Park Tae-min’s right foot is slamming, and the body’s degree reaches a limit. It quickly rushes toward Conradson-Peters’s lower plate, and the small one plays a big one. If you stand there, there is a 90% chance of not being able to beat each other, not to mention the height of Consonson-Peters more than two meters. It is really awkward to stand there.

If you stand there and fight hard, the high strokes of his feet can't beat each other, so the small ones and the big ones, even the fights, as long as they roll together, then they are dominant, one inch long and one inch strong, one inch short. One inch of risk, this is not to say that playing.

The reason why Park Tae-min is so famous in Europe is that he learned the relationship between Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and the extremely vacuum, and the fighting power of the ground fighting is quite strong. He rushed over, and the next second is directly hitting the other's abdomen, and then the situation I knocked this person down and then went to the ground to be his world.

But Conradson-Peters’s combat experience is no worse than him. Although his brain is not so good, he plays up, but it is absolutely unambiguous. If it is in the black boxing game, it may be He grabbed the other's head and hit a knee, but attacking the other's back is to be judged, so he just took a big hand and instantly held the man's shoulder, huge power, moment Park Tae-min Not moving completely.

"Damn!" Feeling the power from Consonson-Peters, Park Tae-min couldn't help but bite his teeth. He thought that Conradson-Peters would be very powerful. After all, the block was there, but he I never thought that the power of this guy is so big!

After being held down, since there is no frontal impact, then from the impact below, Park Tae-Min thinks of it here, and immediately slips on the foot, directly on the momentum, immediately lying on the ground, and then two legs in tandem Nathan-Peters's leg bends past the past, which is also a basic skill in the fight, which can make the big man with high center of gravity fall because of the loss of focus.

But unfortunately, this depends on the level of the other side. Conradson-Peters has a strong strength. Now he has nothing to do. He exercises at home every day, plus the aura of beef and fish. Eat, his physical quality, has been far from the average person, saying that he is infinitely close to the limits of humanity, there is no problem, of course, it is only the aspect of power.

So even though it was a joint skill, Connorson-Peters had no leg bends. Looking at his movements, Connorson-Peters couldn’t help but bend his waist to grab his leg and watch Connorson. - Peters bent down and the eyes of this person could not help but shine.

Then, with a wrist on one hand, one foot smashed toward Conradson-Peters's chin.

Although Taekwondo has insufficient combat power during the battle, its leg strength is very strong, and like this kind of killing opportunity, there are still some virtues, so seeing Konase-Peters dare to bend over. Park Taimin here can't help but smile in his heart. This time he won, he is already thinking about the action.

This ankle went to Conradson-Peters's chin, kicked him, and then a squid slammed up, took a knee and hit him, and then his hands slammed against each other's head, um, so The game is over.

However, although he thought very well, even after the game was over, how to go to Hanjia had been considered, but things would not be as simple as he thought, just in his feet, he was about to play in Consonson. - At Peters, Connorson-Peters had been idle for the right hand and caught it, then grabbed his ankle in his surprised eyes.

"Bad!" Seeing the movement of Consonson-Peters, Park Tae-min screamed in his heart, but he did not panic. Instead, he used his other foot to instantly smash the face of Consonson-Peters. I want to pull my foot back.

But unfortunately, Consonson-Peters did not give him this opportunity. When he caught his ankle, Conason-Peters had suddenly stood up, then swayed directly, and then he and he Among the spectators and the referee's surprised and incomprehensible eyes, he directly smashed his leg and then slammed it into the ring in front of him...

"Hey!" A loud noise, Park Tae-min was directly smashed on the top of the ring, but fortunately the platform is hollow, just the cloth that collapsed, not the real cement floor, or else this is enough to make him Half a life.

But Connorson-Peters is not just a slap in the face, clutching his leg, in the case of his inability to resist, mixed and sour, hey, squatting seven times next to himself. Like the giant Hulk in the complex, he grabbed a leg and slammed it down. It might have been after seven falls. He remembered the rules and then threw Pak Taimin casually. It was next to it, but at this time, Park Tae-min had already passed out and lost consciousness.

The eyes are white, the eyes are slanting, and the body is like a noodle. It is estimated that the bones must be broken at least a few. If it is not the undulating Hungarian mouth, it can be directly determined that he is dead.

The referee saw this situation, and the first time he reacted. He immediately called the medical staff who had been prepared by the side. What else to say? Get to the hospital right away! Looking at the people who were busy there, Connorson-Peters couldn't help but smile.

"I can't stand a blow." He snorted and said, Jiang Hai taught him, Conason-Peters slowly walked to the side of the field, then opened the door and went out, he did not return to the locker room, and It was straight to the stairway on the second floor.

Looking at the Constance-Peters coming over, the audience was silent. All the people looked at him with horror except for the horror. Even the sea of ​​Terri-Jin, the box next to them, There is also Basleon-Madan, who wants to talk with Jiang Hai. The mouth is already scared. As for the bodyguard and driver of Madan, look at Connorson-Peters’s eyes. There are three points of alert, two points of panic, and five points of jealousy. He does not know that he can take several rounds in this big hand.

However, as far as the current situation is concerned, it should be less than a minute.

At this time, in Park Tae-min’s room, watching him being beaten, he couldn’t recognize him. His coach, his driver and his two girlfriends fled quickly. As soon as Han Jia and Yan Zhengxun looked at each other, they also quietly left. Just now they felt that this Park Tai-Min was not good, then when not to wait now?

"Good job!" These things, Jiang Hai did not know, did not know, looking at the back of Conason-Peters, Jiang Hai smiled and said to him, heard Jiang Hai's words, Consonson-Peter Si also smiled thickly.

For him, he is Jiang Hai’s glove. Jiang Hai asked him to fight, then he would fight, pick up his own clothes, go to the bathroom and change it again, then he will stand behind Jiang Hai. It’s just like the one just now.

However, at this time, Basleon-Madan, they have to pay attention to how much he cares about Jiang Hai.

"Mr. Jiang, this warrior, don't know where to hire?" Looking at Consonson-Peters, Basil Leon-Madan thought for a moment, still asked, if he had such a warrior, Needless to say, personal safety issues will come to such a fighting field, hey, that is much more beautiful, so he hesitated after asking for a moment.

"Oh, this is not hired. He is my family!" Hearing the words of Basil Leon-Madan, Jiang Hai smiled and heard what Jiang Hai said, Basil Leon-Madan I nodded very lightly. He understood what Jiang Hai meant. If you want to hire, don't think about it, and the most important thing is, how much is Jiang Hai's money? He is very clear.

So if it is like a price, then it goes without saying, when Jiang Hai hits his face, but it will ring.

After the interest of this thought, Basil Leon-Madan continued to talk with Jiang Haipan.

Just when the previous thing was not born, I have to admit that this guy is a good businessman.

After they talked together for a while, they left here. As for the later programs, they are naturally not needed. Looking at the two places where Jiang Hai is a star, the Basil Leon-Madan is not. Will leave a bad impression on his pillow people.

So after they got out of here, they separated their darts. Jiang Hai and others returned directly to the hotel and will continue to negotiate tomorrow. (To be continued.)

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