MTL - My Ranch-Chapter 1080 : Family portrait

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The airport in Boston, because it is always described, Jiang Hai is also lazy to see it, it is very familiar.

Early this morning, he drove his own car and appeared on the outskirts of the airport, waiting for the arrival of Qi Li.

Qi Li came here this time because she had already found a successor, but simply gave herself a fake.

Everyone else has paid vacation, not to mention her. After the company did not have any important things recently, she also moved to Jiang Hai’s mind, so a phone call was made and the time was set. Today is I am coming over.

This time she came, no need to take a civil plane, but the plane of Jiang Hai, it is really because the plane is parked there and there is nothing to do, it is better to let them run to pick up people.

Even this time, just picking up two people, Jiang Hai does not matter, it doesn't matter if you run empty, he doesn't have that oil money.

Soon, Jiang Hai’s mobile phone received a text message. Qi Li and Du Ning had already got off the plane and arrived at Boston International Airport.

Not long after, two women with suitcases came out from the airport terminal. When they saw Jiang Hai, they recognized the two and immediately began to wave, and the two also accelerated their own pace.

"Call, it’s too hot. I thought that Boston would be cooler here." As soon as she walked to Jiang Hai’s side, Qi Li complained that she couldn’t help but laugh when she heard her. She was really I want to worry about it.

"It's about the same as the latitude of the Emperor, but it will be cool, but the manor can be better. If it feels hot, we can go to the sea to play." Hearing the words of Qi Li, Jiang Hai also said with a smile.

"This idea is good, let's go, I can't wait to go to your home. Of course, I can also take a look at my two sisters." Hearing Jiang Hai's words, Qi Li also said with a smile, but Jiang Hai In addition to a smile, there is no other way. As for Du Ning, he just looked at the pair with a smile and did not interject.

"Let's go, let's go!" After taking the two people's luggage, Jiang Hai wisely transferred the topic, then drove the car and went to Winslow, from Jiang Hai's manor to Wens. The town center of Ropp is about twenty minutes.

It takes about one and a half hours from the manor to Boston. In fact, the serious driving time is two hours. However, the monitoring facilities on the roads in the United States are quite bad, which is far from being a place in China.

In the United States, except for some public places, it is rare to have a security camera, because in the eyes of the Americans, this is an exposure, not free performance, on the high road, although there will be traffic police from time to time. However, there are very few road sections where cameras are placed. For example, in the past few years, driving on the side of the country that is very hot, and touching the photos of that.

This is the scandal of that person in China. That person will lose his job, but if it is born in the United States, then I am sorry, the traffic police department will definitely be prosecuted. You are infringing on the personal sales rights and * *Yes.

In the car, that is the private space of the people. He is willing to do anything. If it is illegal, you will be fined, but if you expose it, then this person will only report to the police department, it is a standard, hundreds of thousands. In the United States, there are very few cameras on the road. Jiang Hailai has been here for more than three years. Naturally, this road is often familiar, and there are cameras. No, it can be clear that he can open faster.

With the excellent power of his car, the two-hour drive is not much less than one and a half hours.

With Jiang Hai’s car coming to the front door, artificial intelligence has automatically identified Jiang Hai’s image, opened the door, and Jiang Hai drove to his parking lot. After the car stopped, Jiang Hai helped Qi Li and Du Ning to get the luggage, and the two men have already stepped into the villa of Jiang Hai, but when they came in, they could not help but be shocked.

Because at this time in the room of Jiang Hai, in addition to Dalina, Marianne and Taraga, a white flower, red fruit, Qi Jie, Qi Ya, Ai Xiaoxi, Feng Yichen, Afula, Dina , Hilda, Yu Ji, Syrah, Oshilia, Bridget, Janet, Azalina, Gorgeous-Sheilai, Allel, and the mine that came back because of the company’s holiday today. Lisi, Beriak, Valentina, Galina, twenty-two girls in a house, nineteen are red fruit, or lying, or leaning, or standing there, seeing Qi Li After Du Ning also came, these people could not help but stand up.

Some of them are standing in the same place and looking at her. Some people are directly welcoming them, especially Qi Jie, Qi Ya, Feng Yichen and Ai Xiaoxi. These four sister papers are quite miserable by Qi Li. At this time, but when to show it, when will it wait? So as soon as they saw Qi Li coming over, they came together with a smile.

"Sister, you can finally come." Seeing Qi Li, Qi Jie said with a smile.

"Wait, I used to hear that Westerners are open, but I didn't think about it. It would be so open. Are you open an innocent conference?" Looking at Qi Jie, Qi Li squinted Said with a look of surprise.

"What assembly, how can you say that, we are only because of the very hot reason." Hearing Qi Li’s words, Qi Jie couldn’t help but take a look at her, and then said with a look of disappointment, but Qi Li looked at her. The gaze is like saying, are you kidding?

"Really, just because it is very hot, and there are intelligent systems around Jiang Hai. It is not going to be stolen every day. Besides being shy at first, it is very comfortable." Hearing Qi Li, Qi Ya also said with a smile at this time, watching her sister like a snow fairy, even turned into this at this time, Qi Li could not help but sigh, it is really difficult to learn, learn to break out Ah, how long this has come, it has become like this.

"Come on, let them experience it, they will understand." Looking at Qi Li and Du Ning, there are still some cautious look, Qi Jie is also a non-stop, direct big hand wave, the girls have come together and started Help them liberate their nature.

When Jiang Hai came in with his luggage, Qi Li and Duning over there had already been taken off. Du Ning was better. She did not resist. She smiled and let Azarina put her red fruit. Then I went with them to continue the old, but Qi Li was still struggling, but the struggle was useless, and the clothes on her body disappeared with the naked eye.

"Jiang Hai, help!" Upon seeing Jiang Haijin coming, Qi Li, who only guarded the last two clothes, could not help but shout loudly, but after hearing her cry, Jiang Hai could only shrug his shoulders. For such a scene, he can only say that he can help, and after carrying the luggage up, when he comes back, Qi Li has already been taken off the red fruit. At this time, he is holding his legs and protecting his own. The body, sitting on the sand, glared at the smiling guys around him.

"Well, since you are here, it proves that you have accepted this situation. Jiang Hai is so many women, you can’t always keep mystery. Right, except for Du Ning, it seems that there is no People see you have done it, just Jiang Hai is coming, let's get started, Dalena, Marianne, Taraga back to the house, or else the pocket money will be deducted." Looking at Jiang Hai, who is still shy Li, Qi Jie got together, smiled and said, and then forced the three little girls to catch up with the building, here to see a few women who are not too big, they took Jiang Hai, and also Retired the clothes of Jiang Hai.

"Hey, Jiang Hai, you don't really want to do this." Looking at Jiang Haina, she is almost ready, and at this time, she is still being drafted by several sisters to make a final preparation. The place, Qi Li looked at her with horror.

"This is public opinion, public opinion..." Looking at the shy Qi Li in front of him, Jiang Hai did not know what he thought. After he touched his head, he walked to the front of Qi Li, bowed his head and kissed On the lips of Qi Li’s surprise, the things behind are naturally waterways. As for the things that follow, naturally, they can’t be described...

In the afternoon, Jiang Hai, they were all in the living room, until the evening, the moonlight was black, everyone was hungry, and they came back. Ziya directed everyone to go to dinner, Jiang Hai’s family. Many people, also neatly sitting at the table.

Qi Li and Du Ning seem to have accepted their lives at this time. They are so fruitful and play with other sister papers.

In the restaurant, the only four people wearing clothes are Jiang Hai and Dalianna.

Looking at the scenery in front of him, Jiang Hai couldn't help but smile. He suddenly thought of his three years of experience. He got Dragon Ball, and then sold it very much. He bought a manor and went to buy a cow to raise it. Fish, the cowboy and the fisherman, in order to catch some of the door, go to the underwater shipwreck to find treasure, then get to know the Dufamen, then go to the beef to win the prize, start selling, become the person to be the person... the first time in the home and Feng Xiaochen’s life, Feng Xiaochen took Ai Xiaoxi to look for things that Jiang Hai took when he was taking pictures, and Afula’s birth, in order to cover up the situation of Afula, they met Qi Jie’s passing, Qi Jie After coming to Ziya, I met a refugee ship overseas and met Azalina. Azalina took her to save Galina.

Now, as it is a movie, it is constantly echoing in front of Jiang Hai’s eyes...

Some people say that he is hanging wire. Now that he has money, he only has hanging silk. He is not motivated. He has no ambition. He does not match the word dragon... but he wants to say that this is him. This is his story. This is the life he wants...

People live forever, grass and wood, seeking nothing more than a word, cool, Jiang Hai is not living for others, so he now feels that he is alive, this is enough...

The present life, he can not help but think of a poem: from tomorrow, to be a happy person.

Feed horses, weichai, and travel around the world.

From tomorrow on, care about food and vegetables.

I have a house facing the sea and blossoming in spring.

From tomorrow, communicate with every loved one.

Tell them my happiness.

That happy lightning told me,

I will tell everyone.

Give each river and each mountain a warm name.

Dear readers, I also wish you blessings.

May you have a bright future.

Originally, you have a lover who will eventually become a genus.

You have been happy in the world.

I only want to face the sea, spring blossoms... (End of the book)

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