MTL - My Ranch-Chapter 4 : Debao

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"Hey!" With a sound, Jiang Hai’s head emerged from a pool of water and used a flashlight in his hand to hit a hole in the open crypt. Jiang Hai couldn’t help but smile. He went to the place!

Even rolling and climbing to the shore, with Jiang Hai's physical strength, could not help but grow a breath, took out his own specially prepared watch and looked at it, from his own swamp, to swim out, a total of eight Hours, according to his estimation, his tour time is about four hours or so, the dark river here is really not long.

When he goes back, the estimated time can only be longer. After all, he is sinking down, but going back, but he has to pull himself back with his arms, provided that the rope can't be solved by others.

After resting here for less than half an hour, Jiang Hai stood up again and looked at the cave.

According to Dragon Ball, there are several cracks in the top of the cave. It is a vent, but don't think that it can be ventilated, people can pass, the vents are only as big as nails, and they don’t know how many meters from the ground. It is impossible to go out from there. Put the backpack down, Jiang Hai took the flashlight and walked into the cave behind him.

Originally, this cave was dark, but when the flashlight was knocked down, there were countless refractions in an instant. It was passed from all directions, and the photos were transparent as white, and the eyes of Jiang Hailian could not stand up.

When he got used to the light here, he couldn't help but be happy.

"This time is developed!" Looking at the countless gems in front of him, flashing inexplicable brilliance, Jiang Hai really wants to laugh crazy.

Dragon Ball didn't lie to him. He really had a baby. He only saw that there were countless gems in front of him. These gems are basically six-sided, purple, red, pink, yellow, and green. The pile is here, like a hill.

At the top of the hill, there is a big skeleton. If Jiang Hai did not guess wrong, it might be the legendary ancestral dragon, but at this time the corpse of the ancestors did not know that it was over. For many months, there is nothing left to be weathered.

A keel can be seen faintly, and there are two small dragon horns on the head.

"Under the saints, they are all ants. As an ants, you must have the life of an ant. You look at you, fight for a long time, die here, you look at me again, I am an ant, I recognize, I don’t want to fight. Second, no profit, good life is better than anything after going out." Looking at the keel in front of him, Jiang Hai laughed at himself, he had no other thoughts, he used his chest to describe him, not at all. For the sake of it, he does not think that his life is hard to pass!

"Don't say it, let's take a look. The things inside are worth much!" Shaking his head and throwing away the thoughts of sadness and sorrow, Jiang Hai walked quickly to the pile of treasures. In front of me, I was excited to grab a jewel. This jewel is transparent. I took a flashlight and the brightness was quite high.

"I have a good, so transparent, just like glass, can't it be a diamond? I can really..." Seeing this jewel, Jiang Hai's face showed a smile, if it was really a diamond, Then he could grow up. When he was thinking, his hand was a little harder, and he heard a bang, and the 'diamond' block in his hand was crushed by him.

"Rely, is it really glass?" Looking at the ‘diamond’ block broken into pieces on the ground, Jiang Hai was stupid.

He is not good at learning. He also knows that diamond is the hardest natural substance in the world. No one wants to process diamonds. He has to use machines. He is now the ultimate force of human beings. When can people use diamonds? Crushed!

Looking at the ‘diamond’ that was broken into a few paragraphs in his hand, Jiang Hai was completely circled...

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this. This is really a glass, but glass is also a valuable gem in the wild world. After all, no one has the means to artificially refine the glass. It depends on the naturally formed, naturally formed glass after the war. The output is lower, and it is naturally worthwhile. It is like the ancient Chinese, although the glass has been refining, but the Westerners are holding the glass, the ancients are not holding the baby, but now it is not ancient!

"Can this one sell a few cents? By, you play me!" Throwing away, Jiang Hai threw the broken glass in his hand to the distance, joking? I worked hard to find treasure, and finally gave him a mountain glass? by!

Thinking of this, Jiang Hai also came to an unknown fire. Originally, he also hoped to find a treasure, go abroad to buy a piece of land, and steadily upgrade his cultivation. Although he has no ambition, he is better. It is also his goal.

But now it seems that everything has to be postponed, it is estimated that I have to go back, slowly starting from planting flowers, thinking of this, his nameless fire will suddenly rise up, and now he will not say anything, raise his foot, and then face it. The 'Gem Mountain' kicked over.

With one foot in the past, those glass products were broken into pieces and then kicked him into the distance.

Facts have proved that sometimes people are angry, it is really useful to vent it. It is useless to take out these glasses. It is better to smash it and play it here. The strength of that body is just that there is no place to send it. At the moment, this piece of 'Gem Mountain' has descended at a speed visible to the naked eye. As for the body of Zulong, well, it has long been kicked away by Jiang Hai.

Stepping on the step, suddenly his foot slipped, and he gave a hard start, and when he went down, the thing didn't break.

"Oh, what should I play!" This slippery, almost did not fall, after maintaining the balance, Jiang Hai looked at the piece that he just stepped on, in his gaze, a red, probably the size of the fist The hexagonal gemstones are emitting light.

Looked at it, Jiang Hai stepped on his foot again. This time he was very sure that this thing should not be glass, because he stepped on this foot very carefully, and did not step on it, he could take care of his own feet, that It should not be glass!

"Is there any other gems here?" Jiang Hai’s eyes couldn’t help but shine. If this is the case, then it’s a bit interesting. Now he doesn’t say more, he immediately squats down and starts a I look at these gems.

His method of distinguishing whether it is glass is also very simple. If one foot goes down, the broken piece is glass, and if it is not broken, it will be taken away.

Although the glass in this pile of gems is 90%, but because the quantity is not small, look at the pile of red, blue, purple, green, pink, yellow... even the elimination rate. It reached 99%, and a few hours passed. He also asked him to pick out more than a dozen pieces. With the motivation, Jiang Hai no longer complained, and re-made a pot of beef biscuit soup, beautiful. After a meal, he fell asleep again, and when he woke up, he continued to find it.

There is no motivation, it is higher than picking the baby, at least for Jiang Hai...

When Jiang Hai returned to the gates of **** from the underground world again, it was already five days later. When he climbed out of the quagmire along the rope, he couldn’t help but smile. Compared with when he entered, the bag was not only small, but instead Still a lot bigger.

There was his harvest here, washed his face with water, and Jiang Haifei embarked on a journey back.

Two days out of the gates of hell, returned to the nearest town, took a good sleep, ate a meal, took a hot bath, then returned to the nearby city with the airport, came by plane Emperor.

Although he likes his hometown Ice City very much, he also knows that although Ice City is known as the capital city and the largest inland land in the country, the economy of Ice City is indeed not developed. In terms of identification and auction, it is indeed Something is worse.

Like his harvest this time, it is safer to go to the emperor.

After arriving at the Imperial Capital, in fact, Jiang Hai still has some feelings, thinking that his ex-wife seems to be here.

"I don't know if she signed." He snorted. Jiang Hai laughed at himself. People didn't put you in the heart. You still want to have a fart here. As for the signing, there is no signature. It is estimated that she signed it. .

After all, the most tired person for this marriage is not Jiang Hai, but her. Even Jiang Hai knows that she and her are the things that Lai wants to eat swan meat. How could the swan not know?

"I don't want to, I am a two-way person with her, there is no need for it..." Shake his head and take the beautiful shadow out of his mind. Jiang Hai carried the bag and left the T3 terminal of the Imperial Airport, followed by Things are much simpler. I took the subway to the city center first, and I found a hotel with a few trips. I then checked it with my mobile phone. At the offices of the major auction houses in the Imperial Capital, for the moment, the auction house is divided into Domestic and foreign.

Domestically, to tell the truth, Jiang Hai does not have that mind to go, because it is not allowed to shoot and sell, the money for this thing is not necessarily for anyone. If it is only a few hundred thousand, millions, it may not matter, but if it is too thousand Ten thousand, even hundreds of millions, then this thing is hung up, with his current military value, if something is robbed, then he can't make any mistakes, such as killing someone, ruining And so on, it will be more troublesome at the time, and I can't even stay in China. It is really unnecessary.

Therefore, we can only use foreign countries. The foreign countries are the three major auction houses. The biggest one is Sotheby’s, but the relationship with China is more subtle, because they have auctioned some cultural relics that are sensitive in China, although Jiang Hai is not excited. But I am not willing to go here.

The second Christie, also known as Christie's, is the same nature as Sotheby's above. It doesn't matter if you don't go.

It seems that it seems that there is only the third largest auction house, Phillips.