MTL - My Runes Can Be Upgraded-Chapter 9 Condition 2 is fulfilled

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Wu Wei talked with Lou Xiaoyue for twenty minutes.

The other party learned more about the relationship between Wu Wei and Zhou Hong's team, and the reason why Wu Wei left the team.

Also, to understand Wu Wei's movements these days.

Lou Xiaoyue asked very detailed.

This is not because it is suspected that Wu Wei caused Zhou Hong's team to destroy it, it is just a normal procedure that [Yueminglou] is going.

Don't look at Wu Wei, this team seems to be quite miserable, and they don't mix well. They are the bottom of the school.

But anyway, they are also rune masters.

Dahan Kingdom attaches great importance to rune masters.

Every rune master must be recorded, and the fall of every rune master, whether it is a homicide or an accident, will be investigated by the Great Han Kingdom.

Team destroyers like Zhou Hong's team are even more concerned.

Mingyuelou, as the law enforcement agency of Yuehua College, they need to help Dahan officials investigate the materials that Dahan officials need.

Asking Wu Wei to ask questions is just a normal procedure.

When Wu Wei was facing this kind of questioning, he didn't take a sloppy look at the other party and explained how the two sides broke up. He explained everything he was doing in the past few days.

Except for Goldfinger, the rest were not concealed, and even provided clues about when the 8911 team left the Wild Boar Valley and headed in that direction.

And during Lou Xiaoyue's questioning, Wu Wei probably knew about Zhou Hong's group destruction.

In fact, it can't be said that they will really be destroyed.

It's just that the school suddenly received a call for help from the 8911 team. The call for help only lasted for more than ten seconds before the call for help was interrupted.

Then, the school couldn't contact the 8911 team.

At this time, more than ten hours have passed since the incident, and the members of the 8911 team have not returned, so Lou Xiaoyue said that they may have been destroyed.

On Wu Wei's side, he was silent for a while after the investigation.

To be honest, although the relationship with Zhou Hong is not very good.

But after all, they had been in the team for two months, and they were considered acquaintances. Suddenly hearing that a few people they knew had died just like that, it still had some impact on Wu Wei.

On Lou Xiaoyue's side, she seemed to hear that Wu Wei's mood was a little low, and comforted him: "You don't have to worry too much, they may not really be destroyed, after all, their strength is not more than 10. Level 10, coming back before level 10 is still very important.

They were outside Maple Leaf Town, so there shouldn't be anything strange that could instantly kill everyone in their team.

Therefore, the group may not be destroyed, it may be due to some special circumstances.

Alright, thank you for your cooperation.

In addition, I will also report to the school about your current solo flight status. I hope I can help you arrange other teams as soon as possible! "

It's not hard to hear that this young lady's attitude towards Wu Wei changed a lot before and after knowing Wu Wei's situation.

When Wu Wei heard this, he subconsciously opened his mouth to say something, but in the end it turned into "Thank you!"

"No, you've been busy for a few days, rest well!"

After Lou Xiaoyue finished speaking, she hung up the phone.

Wu Wei is here.

He wasn't happy because he was promised a team.

On the one hand, after going through the incident with the 8911 team, he doesn't like forming a team very much. On the other hand, he also knows that it is quite difficult for a low-level rune summoner like him to form a team.

It is estimated that this matter will be over.

So, Wu Wei didn't take this matter to heart at all, he adjusted his state a little, and put his focus on his current situation.

"Now, the Rune World has refreshed the boss outside the crack of the stone. Judging from the law of the existence of the boss in the Rune World, if no one solves it, it will keep wandering outside.

In other words, if I don't solve it, I can't do without the cracks in the stone!

In this case, I have to think about how to deal with this big guy! "

But obviously, it is impossible for Wu Wei to directly force such a big guy.

So, almost immediately, Wu Wei thought of that little brother in black robe.

The dregs are Wu Wei's only chance!

"Well, let's find the little brother in black robe!"

Having said that, Wu Wei got up and left the dormitory.

However, after Wu Wei left the dormitory, he did not go to the trading market immediately, but chose to go to the training ground, opened a small room, summoned Ah Huang, and asked Ah Huang to train a wave of [killing pigs] A knife].

This Wu Wei was originally going to be completed in the Rune World, but because of the BOSS, there is no way, Wu Wei can only do it in the real world!

Originally, Ah Huang's slaughtering a pig had already reached 4,788 knives, and there were only about 200 knives left. If it went well, it would be done twice.

No, Ah Huang got his hands on it and broke the previous record by slashing 128 knives in one breath, and brought the number of knives to 4,916 knives, just 84 knives away!

In the real world, it would take Wu Wei six hours to get Ah Huang to recover his strength and cut the last 84 knives.

Wu Wei calculated it. A single-person training room costs 1,000 per hour, and a magic talisman in six hours.

After thinking about it, Wu Wei decided to be extravagant and ate the [Ling Fu Dan] he bought from Miss Heipao five days ago for Ah Huang!

There are two main effects of the so-called [Lingfu Dan], one is to supplement the aura of the rune master or summoned characters, and the other is to increase the upper limit of the aura of the rune master or summoned characters.

As for the upper limit of spiritual energy, rune masters mainly rely on several methods to increase, one is to upgrade, the other is to take medicine pills, and the other is to cultivate.

Among the three methods, upgrading is the easiest and most convenient, followed by taking drugs!

No, Ah Huang took a bite of the [Ling Fu Dan], and his spiritual power was replenished within a few seconds, and the upper limit of spiritual power was increased by almost one-twentieth.

At the same time, a number appeared in front of Wu Wei's eyes again.


Wu Wei silently wrote this down, and then asked Ah Huang to continue training.

With sufficient aura as a foundation, Ah Huang quickly got 84 knives!

And when he made the 84th slash at Ah Huang, Ah Huang's movements suddenly stopped, and his whole body trembled.

At the same time, two new lines appeared in front of Wu Wei's eyes!

[Your Source Summons Rune Soldier achieves [Killing a Pig] 5,000 cuts, improves physical fitness, and automatically comprehends [Killing a Pig]! 】

【【5000/5000】Condition 2 is fulfilled, your source rune has reached two quality upgrade conditions, can you complete the upgrade, do you choose to upgrade?

ps: The number of completed conditions is proportional to the quality after the upgrade!

pss: After the upgrade, the rest of the upgrade conditions will be reset! 】

Looking at the two lines of words that appeared, Wu Wei was stunned on the spot.


The new book is on the way to ask for a ticket to support it.

In addition, the characters of Wu Wei and Ah Huang are already online, please like them!

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