MTL - My Runes Can Be Upgraded-v2 Chapter 371 Reward Earnings, Soaring Levels

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All the dust has settled, and it is time for Wu Wei to make a profit.

Wu Wei first smashed the 300 million Lingyuan Lingshi to let Ah Huang and the others begin to advance.

An exploration point directly promotes oneself to the 3rd rank of the entry path.

This income is really gratifying!

However, Wu Wei also knows that his rapid improvement is estimated to end here.

As a [Summoned Beast Collector], Wu Wei needs to evolve a source for each rank.

At present, he has evolved 3 origins, and the highest level can only reach level 130.

Going forward, even if the experience points are still so rich, even if Wu Wei has enough resources to advance, as long as Wu Wei's origin has not evolved, he will always be trapped in the 3rd rank.

Of course, if Wu Wei evolves all his origins in one go, then as long as he has enough experience points, he can instantly reach level 200.

This can be considered pros and cons!

Wu Wei, who had just entered the third rank of Daoist, did not think about the fourth source, but turned his head to focus on the [Fighting Fire Alchemist] refining the medicine pill obtained by the [operating room].

Elixir: Twisted Elixir

Quality: Totem · Dark Iron

Level: Level 110

Explanation: The medicine pill obtained by the Imperial Fire Alchemist refining the [operating room] contains the power of distortion. If you have similar skills, you can take this medicine pill to practice, and it can have unexpected effects.

Looking at the properties of the medicinal pill in front of him, Wu Wei almost instantly thought of his skill [Flimsy Imagination].

Although the previous centurion's resurrection looked a bit like the effect of [Retrospective Power].

But Wu Wei felt that that kind of [Distortion Power] had to be in harmony with the [Slimy Illusion].

After all, the resurrection of the centurion is not a retrospective in nature, but a resurrection that distorts the truth.

Therefore, Wu Wei felt that this [Twisted Elixir] might be more compatible with [Flimsy Imagination].

"Would you like me to try?"

With an idea in his mind, Wu Wei couldn't help but want to try it.

Anyway, there are 186 pills and I don't worry about wasting it. I also have the power to backtrack, so there shouldn't be any problems.

As a result, Wu Wei finally did not hold back and tried.

Take out a [Twisted Elixir] and throw it into your mouth, at the same time activate the [Flimsy Imagination]!

In an instant, Wu Wei felt that a power from the [Twisted Elixir] was manifested and entered his body.

After the power entered Wu Wei's body, it began to rampage. It seemed that he was looking for something, but he couldn't find it. After several hard searches to no avail, the power was gradually fading.

At the same time, such a golden finger prompt appeared in front of Wu Wei's eyes.


Wu Wei instantly realized that he took out 4 more pills and ate them.

In the next second, four forces appeared, and the previous one condensed into one force, and then turned the real into the virtual, and actually entered Wu Wei's consciousness space directly.

After this force entered, it first looked at the [Mysterious Stone Monument], then at the [Tai Ping Tian Shu], [Flood Dragon Army Flag], and [Little Thunder Pond], as if none of them could be offended.

In the end, I had to beat up those rune sources and grab a piece of territory.

When this force landed, Wu Wei immediately felt that a force in the Book of Runes was seduced. This was the origin of the [light and thin illusion].

The combination of the origin of the [Light Illusion] and the [Twisted Elixir] was the only one, and a rune was quickly condensed.

As the rune condensed, Wu Wei's golden finger prompt refreshed.

[Upgrade your skill [Light and thin illusion] to become a pseudo-magic skill! 】

At the moment when the golden finger was refreshed, Wu Wei clearly felt the powerful power contained in this pseudo-supernatural power of [Flimsy Imagination].

This power is much stronger than sublimation-level skills, but it is a little worse than [Eye of the God of Thunder], let alone [Thunder Dharma Image].

However, this pseudo-magic power has a lot of room for growth, and Wu Wei still holds hundreds of [Twisted Elixir] in his hand.

5 pieces can upgrade the [light and thin illusion] into a pseudo-magic power, and 181 pieces can upgrade the [light and thin illusion] to what extent Wu Wei himself can't imagine.

"Eat up!"

In order to avoid the problem of making up too much in one go, Wu Wei ate one by one.

As the [Twisted Elixir] entered the stomach one by one, the [Light Illusion], a pseudo-magic rune, began to swell.

When Wu Wei ate 10 pieces, the [Slimy Illusion] Pseudo-Supernatural Ability reached a small success.

When you eat 50 pieces, the [Light and Thin Imagination] pseudo-magic power has reached the level of Dacheng.

After Wu Wei ate all the 186 [Twisted Pills], the [Slimy Imagination] was pushed to a very high level by Wu Wei.

Pseudo-magic: the illusion of thinness

Level: Perfection (5%)

Explanation: A false supernatural power condensed by thin illusions and distorting power, it can fabricate illusions and even distort the truth to a certain extent.

Please research the specific effect by yourself!

This property in front of me is somewhat irresponsible.

What is "please study the specific effect by yourself"?

If it weren't for the fact that Goldfinger didn't have a manufacturer, Wu Wei would beep quietly and anonymously.

However, although this pseudo-magic power has not been introduced in detail, Wu Wei can probably feel the effect of this pseudo-magical power.

One of Wu Wei's most powerful effects is to distort the truth to a certain extent.

Although Wu Wei can only modify the truth of level 0 to 10 items, from the perspective of level, it is a bit better than nothing.

But in fact, in Wu Wei's view, this ability can already be called the ability of a god.

When Wu Wei knew the truth that he could distort items from level 0 to 10, Wu Wei immediately thought of the [Spiritual Talisman].

This is the smallest unit of currency in the rune world.

It is also one of the most magical origin runes.

Although Wu Wei's current [Symbolism] has reached the [Sublimation Level], Wu Wei still has no way to draw a [Spiritual Talisman].

This magical anti-counterfeiting ability is invincible.

The reason why Wu Wei could not draw the [Spiritual Talisman] is because the [Spiritual Talisman] changes in real time. If Wu Wei wants to master the drawing of the [Spiritual Talisman], he needs to master all the forms of the [Spiritual Talisman].

Originally, Wu Wei thought it was a mission that could be released from the liver, but Wu Wei later discovered that many forms of the [Spiritual Talisman] were unobservable.

Its forms, as long as it is observed, it does not appear.

Wu Wei had no way to take it before, but now, Wu Wei, who has the power to distort the truth, feels that he can try it.

He can try to distort the truth that he is observing the [Magic Talisman], so that he can observe some changes that are impossible to observe.

At the same time, Wu Wei can also directly distort the effect of the [Spiritual Talisman].

It can be twisted into, it will automatically record its own changes and communicate it to Wu Wei in real time.

If Wu Wei's idea can be established, then Wu Wei may be able to become the first rune master to successfully draw [Spiritual Talismans].

"At that time, my [Symbolism] may be able to go to the next level!"

Having this idea, Wu Wei immediately took action.

Take out a [Spiritual Talisman] and activate [Light Illusion] to distort the truth.

[You activated the [Light Illusion] to distort the truth of the [Spiritual Talisman], you can now randomly obtain 360 variations of the [Spiritual Talisman] by swallowing the [Spiritual Talisman].

ps: Changes already obtained will not be repeated! 】

"It's done!"

As soon as this golden finger tip appeared, Wu Wei knew that he was 99% successful.

However, although it has reached 99%, the final point is estimated to take a long time.

One is that the changes of the [Spiritual Talisman] are vast, and the other is that the activation of the [Light and Thin Imagination] has a cooldown, and the real Wu Wei who distorts the [Spiritual Talisman] can only be used once every two hours.

That is to say, Wu Wei can obtain up to 3,600 kinds of changes in one day. It is not enough to obtain these changes. Wu Wei still needs to copy them, so it will take a long time for Wu Wei to completely master the drawing of the [Spiritual Talisman].

Fortunately, Wu Wei was not in a hurry.

Compared to [Spiritual Talisman] Wu Wei should be most anxious now, and the most important thing to solve is Ron's mental power in his own consciousness space.

Although it is now the task of [cleaning up the laboratory], if Ron's mental power is not solved, Wu Wei will not dare to leave the laboratory easily.

Although the mental imprint in Ron's mental power seems to have almost dissipated, who knows if it has really dissipated?

This is always a huge hidden danger for Wu Wei, so it must be solved no matter what!

With Wu Wei's current mental strength, he is already 20% to 30% sure, but it's not enough.

Wu Wei turned to look at Ah Huang and the others.

It takes a little longer to enter the third rank than the second rank, but it will not be too long. It can be done in two or three hours at most. At that time, Wu Wei can also use the feedback from their breakthrough to refine Ron's spirit in one fell swoop. force.

Taking advantage of the time when Ah Huang and the others had not completed their advanced steps, Wu Wei took advantage of the reward from the [Purge Lab].

[You have received the reward of [Purge Lab]!

You get 500 [Pure Spirit Stones]

You get a [Laboratory Clearing Treasure Chest]! 】

The golden finger prompt refreshed, and a treasure chest and a pile of unusually pure, crystal-like spirit stones appeared in front of Wu Wei.

As soon as those spirit stones appeared, Wu Wei's attention was immediately drawn to him.

This so-called [Pure Spirit Stone] is different from the previous [Spirit Stone] and [Ling Yuan Spirit Stone], not only in appearance, but more importantly, these [Pure Spirit Stone] do not emit aura.

It looks like a handicraft from a distance, but once you get started, you can immediately feel the terrifying energy contained in these spirit stones.

Item: Pure Spirit Stone

Explanation: The spirit stone containing high-quality pure spirit essence, one unit of pure spirit stone contains 10,000 times the energy of the spirit essence spirit stone, the absorption efficiency is 100 times that of the spirit essence spirit stone, and the quality is 50 times that of the spirit essence spirit stone!

Just from the attribute introduction in front of you, you can see the difference between [Pure Spirit Stone] and [Ling Yuan Spirit Stone].

And there is a more intuitive point.

After the pure spirit stones appeared, the [Jiaolong Army Flag] gave a hint that these 500 pure spirit stones could be transformed into 1000 dragons and elephants.

In other words, the exchange ratio between this [Pure Spirit Stone] and [Ling Yuan Spirit Stone] actually came to a terrifying 1:10 million.

There is no doubt that the [Pure Spirit Stone] is the hard currency that circulates between existences at the entry level.

After realizing this, Wu Wei was quite satisfied with the reward of 500 pure spirit stones.

And this is just one of the benefits of Wu Wei's laboratory.

In addition, there is a [Clearing the Laboratory Treasure Box], as well as the light points accumulated by Wu Wei from the entire laboratory.

Originally, Wu Wei, who opened the treasure chest, gave them to the fourth child.

But now the fourth child is advancing, the elf is accepting inheritance, and another is that Wu Wei is a little itchy looking at the light spots and treasure chests they have opened for so long.

"I haven't driven it for so long, I should have raised a lot of European energy, can you give it a try?

Well, I'll try it with a normal light spot! "

As Wu Wei said that, he picked up the light spot that burst out from the ordinary mobs and opened it up.

[You turn on the light spot and get 88 [Spiritual Talismans]! 】

As soon as he got started, Wu Wei got a surprise.

The light spot of the monster of the entry level exploded, and the thing of more than 100 levels issued 88 level 1 [Spiritual Talisman], this luck, this face can be said to be black to the grandmother's house.

But Wu Wei didn't think so.

"It's very good, I just studied how to distort the reality of the [Spiritual Talisman], and here are 88 pieces, very good, good luck!"

He said it was okay, but the movements in his hands didn't stop, and the magic talismans were confiscated, so he continued to consecrate them.

[You turn on one light spot and get 99 [Spiritual Talismans]! 】

[You turn on one light spot and get 66 [Spiritual Talismans]! 】

[You turn on one light spot and get 77 pieces of [Spiritual Stone]! 】

The light turned on, and Wu Wei still had a smile on his face at first, saying that he was lucky.

When it was on, the smile on Wu Wei's face disappeared, and he couldn't say anything.

All the ordinary light spots were opened in one breath.

As a result, more than 90% of them were either spirit talismans or spirit stones, or divine weapon talismans within level 30.

This face made Wu Wei doubt his life.

"Am I so unlucky?"

Unwilling to give up, Wu Wei looked at the spots of light left by the [BOSS] and the treasure chest.

Reason told Wu Wei that he had to stop at this time, but Wu Wei was a little over the top.

"Impossible, my face can't be so dark, in the back, the big one must wait for me behind!"

Wu Wei said, and he said that he turned on all the blips of the remaining bosses.

[You turn on a light spot and get 1 million Lingyuan Lingshi! 】

[You turn on a light spot and get 3 million Lingyuan Lingshi! 】

Wu Wei shot out 10 or 20 light spots and tens of millions of Lingyuan Lingshi in one breath, which was not enough for Ah Huang and the others to advance alone.

This face is already a little black and clearly means white.

Just when Wu Wei was suspicious of himself and hesitating whether to continue, the third child couldn't stand it any longer.

A message was sent to Wu Wei from the Book of Runes.

Wu Wei sensed the information of the third child and his eyes suddenly lit up, and quickly opened the remaining light spots and treasure chests.

[You turn on one light spot and get 10 [Pure Spirit Stones]! 】

[You turn on a light spot and get a wooden gun that contains inheritance! 】

[You open a treasure chest, and you get the opposing army magic weapon [Xianqin Spearman Training Banner]! 】

Seeing these two golden finger tips, Wu Wei's eyes narrowed into the moon: "My luck is really not that bad, otherwise I wouldn't be able to meet my third child!"

Wu Wei can't wait to summon the Book of Runes and take out the third child and take a bite.

Unfortunately, the third one fell into a deep sleep after helping Wu Wei open the last spot of light and the treasure chest.

Wu Wei called the third child a few times but didn't answer. Wu Wei thought the girl didn't want to care about him, so he turned to look at the last three things.

Needless to say, the [Pure Spirit Stone], this thing is worth 1 million Spirit Yuan Spirit Stones on the Jiaolong Flag, and even Wu Wei himself doesn't quite agree with this exchange ratio.

Because if 10 million Lingyuan Lingshi Wu Wei is used to restore spiritual power, he will recover 100,000 Qingping Lingyuan, but with one [Pure Lingshi], Wu Wei can restore 200,000 or more. [Qingping Lingyuan].

In Wu Wei's opinion, 10 pieces are basically equivalent to 200 million or even more spirit essence spirit stones.

And this one gain is somewhat insignificant compared to the other two.

Item: Wooden gun with heritage

Conditions of use: The eight-style master of the spearman, 10 pure spirit stones

Explanation: It contains the inheritance of supernatural powers on the eight-style system of the spearman. Only after the eight-style of the spearman can try to accept the inheritance.

Good thing, with this thing, Wu Wei doesn't have to worry about the follow-up supernatural powers of the Dragon Elephant Taoist soldiers.

Even Wu Wei thought about it himself, or he could just specialize in marksmanship. After all, the inheritance of this [Wooden Spear] is definitely the inheritance of pseudo-magic powers.

"Well, this can really be considered. After all, the eight-style of the spearman and the thunder god's law do not seem to conflict, and it seems that they can be used together."

Again, Wu Wei remembered the young general with a white horse and a silver gun that he had met in the secret realm of the origin of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Have to admit, the gun is really handsome!

If you have good looks and can play, and now there are inheritances above pseudo-magic powers, fools don't learn.

As for Wu Wei's learning of the sword at the beginning, Wu Wei has already forgotten about it.

What knife method? Dogs don't play!

However, Wu Wei didn't use it yet, so he put it away after playing with it, and turned to look at the last one.

Anti-military magic symbol: Xianqin spearmen training flag

Quality: Totem · Silver

Level: Level 120

Passive effect: passively affects the spear skill training of the spearmen 1000 meters away from the flag, increasing the efficiency by 300%

Active activation: Consume 10 million Lingyuan Lingshi to make the spearmen within 1000 meters enter the ghost brain training state, which can greatly increase the spearmen's gun skills.

ps: There are also inactive effects.

Looking at the properties of this thing, Wu Wei's eyes suddenly lit up, what a good thing!

Totem and silver-level things, this is definitely the highest-quality magic weapon that Wu Wei has started.

More importantly, its effect, the gun that Wu Wei wanted to learn came out.

With this gadget, the efficiency of Wu Wei and Longxiang Taoist learning [Eight Spearman] can be greatly improved!

Wu Wei was about to try the function of this thing, but at this time, the [Jiaolong Army Flag] in his consciousness space suddenly trembled.

Wu Wei was stunned for a moment, and then quickly understood what was coming from the Jiaolong flag.

Its purpose is quite clear, that is, it wants [Xianqin Spearman Training Banner].

Wu Wei didn't expect [Flood Dragon Army Flag] to make this request, so Wu Wei summoned [Flood Dragon Army Flag] without any hesitation.

Although this [Xianqin Spearman Training Banner] is of great use to him, Wu Wei is more aware of the importance of [Jiaolong Army Banner] to himself.

On the other hand, Wu Wei also knew that even if the [Flood Dragon Army Flag] devoured the [Xianqin Spearman Training Flag], this thing would not disappear, it just existed in another way.

Therefore, Wu Wei is very willing to this flag.

It's just that Wu Wei's willingness seems to be useless, and the dragon flag can't eat this thing.

After Wu Wei summoned the Jiaolong army flag, the Jiaolong army flag was pasted in an attempt to devour the [Xianqin Spearman Training Banner].

But as soon as it approached, the other party expressed its ugly rejection, and a powerful force erupted to resist the approach of the [Flood Dragon Army Flag].

This is expected, how can it be so easy to swallow the magic weapon?

There will definitely be a bit of resistance, just press it hard.

What Wu Wei didn't expect was that the Jiaolong flag could not be suppressed.

Although the effect of the [Jiaolong Army Flag] is powerful, 80 to 90% of the main effect of this thing is on the Taoist soldiers. Without the blessing of the Taoist soldiers, the [Jiaolong Army Flag] can't really suppress the [Xianqin Spearman Training Banner].

Although Wu Wei helped to hold it down, the result was still useless. The Jiaolong military flag still said that it could not swallow the opponent.

No way, the quality and level of the two sides are similar now.

However, although the Jiaolong Military Banner failed to swallow the [Xianqin Spearman Training Banner], an upgrade condition was activated.

The upgrade conditions of the Dragon Banner:

Condition 1: Transform Epic Soldiers [5002/1000], have Entry Soldiers [156/100], and have natal soldiers [0/1]

Condition 2; Xianqin spearmen training flag (achieved)

This is the upgrade condition of the Dragon Banner.

The other conditions are basically met, and there is only one natal military commander left. Although the Xianqin spearmen training banner is still resisting, as long as the natal military commander is in place, Wu Wei can use the power of the golden finger.

At that time, you can directly upgrade the [Flood Dragon Banner].

"In other words, it's only one step away, but the question is, where do I want to step on the door?

I don't want this life-threatening general? What I really want is good or not, UU reading www. What can I do if can't find me?

Forget it, just leave it alone.

Since I can't swallow the [Xianqin Spearman Training Banner] for the time being, let me try the effect of this magic weapon! "

Wu Wei took action as soon as he spoke, and while Ah Huang and the others had not completed the advanced stage, Wu Wei directly smashed out 10 million Lingyuan Lingshi.

[You consume 10 million Lingyuan Lingshi, and the active effect of your magic weapon [Xianqin Spearman Training Banner] is activated! 】

In an instant, a mysterious force came out from the [Xianqin Spearman Training Banner], and Wu Wei and his dragon elephant soldiers entered the [Ghost Brain] state!


It's the last day, rolling around and asking for a monthly pass!

(End of this chapter)

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