MTL - My Runes Can Be Upgraded-v2 Chapter 373 Xianqin Ruins

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Secret Realm 3, in the laboratory!

Wu Wei's refining of Ron's spiritual power has reached the final stage.

The area of ​​[Little Thunder Pond] has also increased from 300 square meters to 999 square meters.

Almost, it will be able to reach Qianping.

Wu Wei's consciousness has also improved a lot.

Big circle!

Wu Wei's spiritual power and the interior scene of [Little Thunder Pond] have improved to varying degrees.

It has to be said that Wu Wei's gains from this wave are still very large.

The only pity is that the interior scene of [Little Thunder Pond] only stops at (Little Perfection) (99%), and it is only 1% less than able to advance to the next stage.

However, Wu Wei knew very well that although the difference in the attribute panel was 1%, but to fill this 1%, it was estimated that he had to absorb Ron's mental power just now.

But to be honest, even if he really had that spiritual power, Wu Wei might not choose to make a breakthrough.

Absorbing and refining Ron's mental power is a helpless move!

If it is used to improve [Little Thunder Pond], it is fine, and it can be slowly tempered in the follow-up. If this is used to break through, it will accidentally impact the foundation of [Little Thunder Pond], and such an improvement will not be worth the gain.

"That's good, refining that guy's mental power, the hidden danger has been solved, and my goal has basically been achieved!"

Wu Wei is already very satisfied with this income.

People need to be content!

"The hidden danger has been solved, and this laboratory task has also been completed. It's almost time for me to leave this exploration point!"

After all, there is not much time for this exploration point to be maintained.

It will collapse in a few hours at most.

Wu Wei had to leave anyway.

This is the result of Wu Wei completing this exploration point task, but Wu Wei has no regrets.

Because of the completion of this exploration point, Wu Wei received a scrutiny assessment score.

Taking out the student order, Wu Wei was able to see such a message.

Student: Wu Wei

Current status: Grade B students are being assessed

Current points earned: 35211 (ranked first)

The reason why you want to explore this exploration point is to get enough points to improve your ranking.

After all, he is different from other students, other students can pass, and he needs to enter the top three.

Therefore, this exploration point he must complete the exploration.

What Wu Wei didn't expect was that after completing the exploration of this exploration point, he actually became the number one existence in one game.

This ranking may not be surprising if Wu Wei did not meet Ron, but after meeting Ron, Wu Wei felt very strange, why would he be the first?

What about that guy?

Didn't that guy get anything for nearly a month in the past?

Didn't he finish that mission?

"Perhaps he died at a certain Supreme Immortal Qin's exploration point!"

Wu Wei couldn't help but slandered maliciously.

"Of course, it's also possible that he hasn't conquered that exploration point yet. Maybe he will complete that exploration point before the assessment, and then the points will surpass me in one fell swoop!"

In this regard, although Wu Wei does not really want to see it, there is no good way to do it.

After all, he didn't know where Ron was. Taking 10,000 steps back, even if he knew where Ron was, Wu Wei wouldn't try to stimulate himself.

Although he is now in the third rank of Dao, if he faces that guy again, Wu Wei doesn't have much self-confidence to resist.

"Forget it, I don't care about him. Anyway, I'm stable here. He hasn't completed the exploration point yet. It's better for me if he hasn't completed the mission. In this case, I don't have to worry about him being near the laboratory. Squat me down!

Forget it, it's almost time, let's go, let's leave this exploration point first! "

Wu Wei said, simply tidying up and making sure that everything was in order, Wu Wei left the laboratory with the fourth child through his authority to clear this exploration point.

With one step, Wu Wei appeared on the ruins directly from that laboratory!

The moment he came out, Wu Wei didn't even observe the surrounding environment, he directly took a defensive stance, and the fourth child in his arms immediately used [Space Transfer].

Regardless of the 3721, stay away from this place first.

However, the fourth child's [Space Transfer] was just activated, and Wu Wei's golden finger prompt refreshed instantly.

[Your fourth source [Space Tree Sapling] failed to launch [Space Transfer] (marked version), the reason for the failure, all space marks have been completely destroyed! 】

"not good!"

At the moment when this golden finger prompt was refreshed, Wu Wei knew that something had happened.

No, Ron's voice sounded gloomy at this moment.

"It's been almost a month, your kid finally came out!"

While speaking, Ron opened his hands, and the endless waves around him instantly rolled up, rising to hundreds of meters in the sky, and then patted Wu Wei.

This move is extremely powerful, but only Ron himself knows that this move is huge, but the power is under his control.

He is quite cautious now, not only to put enough pressure on Wu Wei, but not to shoot Wu Wei directly to death with too much force.

It was extremely difficult to grasp this measure, which made Ron shake his head for a while.

'Acting is really difficult, and I don't know how the atmosphere I created is going to frighten this guy, or will he use too much force and make him completely desperate, what should I do? ’

As Ron opened up, he had to pay attention to Wu Wei's side, for fear that Wu Wei would not be able to play the scene if he lay flat on him.

But soon, Ron found that he was really overthinking it. Wu Wei would not lie flat, but it seemed to go to the other extreme!

"It's too much, why do you want to squat me for so long? You have to kill me, right?

I will fight with you today, don't live, everyone will die together! "

Wu Wei let out a hysterical roar and rushed towards Ron.

This scene startled Ron.

What's the matter, I thought that I had really pushed Wu Wei into a hurry, and I would die with myself.

If this is really going to be done like this, then the performance will not be good.

Ron was stunned, Wu Wei had already bumped into Ron.

Because of the relationship between Ron and the rat, Wu Wei actually killed about 100 meters in front of Ron, but Wu Wei could only get here.

Aware of this, Wu Wei stopped immediately, turned on the Thunder Dharma, and held a [Sunday Bow] and [Miracle in Failure] in his hands, and endless spiritual power poured in to aim at Ron.

This is a superficial action, secretly took out [Endless Beehive] and threw it over.

Ron found out in an instant. He originally wanted to stop it directly, but after thinking about it for a while, he let the endless beehive approach him for dozens of meters, and then he blocked it!


The moment Ron blocked it, Wu Wei roared.

In order to ensure that the Endless Hive can explode with the strongest power, Wu Wei didn't even release the spirit bees inside, and directly blew the entire [Endless Hive]!


A [Totem Black Iron] level prop exploded with thousands of 100-level epic-quality self-destructing spirit bees inside.

The power that erupted was terrifying.

The surrounding 500 meters was a mess, and most of Ron's boundless waves collapsed. Even Ron himself was injured by the explosion.

And when all the dust fell to the ground, I looked at the position where Wu Wei was just now.

Nope, Wu Wei, who was just trying to fight Ron desperately, disappeared.

Ron was not surprised at all.

"On the surface, the bow and arrow just now appeared to divert my attention, but it actually marked the space, and while the thing exploded, he shot the bow and arrow and used [Space Teleportation] to escape.

This kid has something! "

There is no doubt that Ron could see Wu Wei's every move clearly.

He even had the ability to prevent Wu Wei from escaping, but he chose to let Wu Wei leave.

After all, that was his purpose.

"In this way, the beginning is considered a good performance, and the next step is to drive him to the destination!

Driving prey, this is what I am best at! "

Ron grinned with a smile that was in his own hands.

On the other side, Wu Wei is here.

Wu Wei, who escaped by [Space Transfer], spit out a mouthful of blood for the first time. Just now, he didn't open the [Guardian] and suffered the explosion from the front. Although it was only the aftermath, and the fourth's space barrier was protected, he was still not injured. light.

But the others escaped anyway.

Moreover, Wu Wei looked at the direction where Ron was, and there was no movement there for a long time. It should be the self-destruction of the [Endless Hive].

However, Wu Wei did not dare to report too much hope.

"Then it's absolutely impossible to kill him, you still have to be careful, stay away from here and find a place to hide, anyway, the assessment will be over in a few days, and you'll be fine after a few days!"

With that said, Wu Wei is about to get up!

"Whoosh!" "Whoosh!" "Whoosh!"

There was a sound of breaking the air, and the fourth child stood up on the space barrier, blocking these arrows.

Wu Wei looked up, and at a glance, he saw several students from the Western Regions looking at him with bows.

Those few strengths are not strong, and the strength of entering the first and second grades.

At other times, Wu Wei would have already violently killed people, but Ron was behind Wu Wei, and he didn't dare to make a move at this time.

But Wu Wei changed direction and did not go far before being attacked by students. To make matters worse, Ron seemed to be chasing him from behind, so Wu Wei could only change direction.

After changing directions several times in a row, Wu Weicai seemed to have found a gap in the encirclement, and finally no longer encountered obstacles, and began to rush all the way, trying to find a chance to get rid of Ron.

But no matter how hard Wu Wei tried, no matter how fast he accelerated, he still couldn't get rid of Ron.

The other party is biting him, and he will not stop until he is caught.

Wu Wei almost spit out a mouthful of old blood.

"This **** has nothing to do, right? What is he doing by holding on to me and not letting go?

Shouldn't he have his mission?

Could it be that I am more important than his mission... Wait! "

Wu Wei, who was running, suddenly felt that something was wrong.

"Could it be that for him, I'm more important than the task now?

No, not this one.

Yes, could it be related to his mission that he is chasing me? "

Wu Wei carefully recalled that he came out of the laboratory and then was chased by Ron, all of which gave Wu Wei a very deliberate feeling.

It seems that what the other party wants is not his own life, but where does he want to drive himself?

The most direct evidence is Ron behind him!

I didn't feel it at first, but now Wu Wei feels that the guy's pursuit speed is completely linked to him.

In order to verify his conjecture, Wu Wei deliberately slowed down and tried it. After several trials, Wu Wei finally confirmed one thing, that is, the opponent's pursuit really followed his speed.

But although this conjecture has been verified, it does not seem to change the situation for Wu Wei.

He still can't stop now.

He can guarantee that if he stops, the other party will know that the other party's abacus has been exposed, and then Wu Wei will face the real danger.

So now, even if Wu Wei knew, he had to pretend to be confused!

"Escape first!

If you can, delay it for as long as possible, and it is best to delay it until the end of the assessment! "

With this thought in mind, Wu Wei began to want to change his direction.

But as soon as the direction changed, Wu Wei immediately ushered in a thunderous attack, which was quite ruthless, and Wu Wei was almost not taken away by a wave.

"Depend on!"

The opponent's blow completely wiped out Wu Wei's idea of ​​delaying time.

The other party made it clear that if he changed direction, he would be shot to death.

This is already a bit of a slogan.

What Wu Wei didn't know was that Ron just took it from Augs.

In fact, what Wu Wei was testing Ron was that Ron also noticed something was wrong and felt that he might have been exposed, but he didn't know how to deal with it, so he contacted Augs.

"How to deal with it? Beat him, what if he is exposed? If you are stronger, he will still be driven to your goal by you.

As long as he gets to your destination, that's all good to say.

Let me tell you, based on what I know about him, he will definitely do something so good.

Even if he is not greedy, he will still think about taking things in his hands and then negotiating with you. He would never have imagined that there is a me behind all this! "

Speaking of this, Augs couldn't help but let out an excited and perverted smile.

"I'm really looking forward to his expression when he sees me coming out, boy, you have to work hard!"

Listening to Augs' words, Ron couldn't help but praised the act of finding Augs as his partner after seeing Wu Wei obediently walking the right way after being hit by his strong blow.

As expected, this guy was dealing with Wu Wei professionally, as he said. With him, Ron felt that he should be safe.

At the same time, Wu Wei is here.

His thoughts at this time were really similar to what Augus had guessed.

After unsuccessfully trying to delay time, Wu Wei can only put his hope after reaching his goal.

The other party tried so hard to drive him to the destination, it was definitely not to let him die in that place in the past, it must be related to that guy's mission.

"He must have something for me, so I still have a chance!

It's time to act! "

In this way, the two sides went all the way to the exploration point of Xianqin without seeing each other.

Soon, Wu Wei saw the destination of their trip.

Not far in front of him, it was a Chinese palace-like building.

The entire palace was shrouded in a thin protective cover.

As soon as Wu Wei approached, he immediately noticed that the protective shield was a very high-level formation.

At the same time, Wu Wei also discovered that a hole was broken in the protection of that formation.

The moment Wu Wei saw the hole, Ron, who was behind Wu Wei, lit up and accelerated.

At the same time, as he accelerated, the violent waves rolled into a large hand and patted Wu Wei.

This time, Ron is the power shot.

The terrifying big hand fell, and Wu Wei could instantly feel the terrifying energy contained in the big hand.

Knowing more clearly, if he is slapped by this big hand, unless he activates the [Guardian], he will definitely die.

And if he turns on the [Protect] now, he will still be driven in after 30 seconds. It will be even more difficult to do without the protector. So at this moment, facing this big hand, Wu Wei is quite rational. Hit the hole directly and break in.

As Wu Wei entered that exploration point, the golden finger prompt in front of him instantly refreshed.

[You have entered the [Xianqin Mysterious Ruins Exploration Point], and you activate the task [Explore the Xianqin Mysterious Ruins]! 】

[Task: Explore the mysterious ruins of Xianqin

Mission description: Exploration missions will give you corresponding rewards according to your exploration level! 】

[Your [Mysterious Stele] effect 1 is activated!

Effect 1: [Xianqin generals return to their hearts] If you defeat Xianqin generals, you can use 1 point of energy to conquer (the current remaining energy is 1 point)]

[You have encountered the Xianqin army, and the Eastern Han has fallen into the camp! 】

The golden finger hints in front of him are densely packed, but Wu Wei has no time to look at it.

At this time, he was completely stunned by the army in front of him.

In front of the school field, 800 terracotta warriors and horses stand, and finally a military general stands with a golden sword.

Wu Wei had never seen the army in front of him because he had never experienced the [Battle of Distance], but he knew the last military commander.

Isn't that the general of the Eastern Han Dynasty and that Lu Bu?

How did that guy show up here?

And what's with his aura?

Wu Wei couldn't help but open the [Eye of Thor] to sweep, whether it was Gao Shun with a golden sword over there, or the attributes of the Terracotta Warriors under his command, all appeared in front of him.

Name: Gao Shun

Status: Terracotta Warriors and Horses (BOSS)

Quality: Totem Bronze

Level: Level 130

Master Dao soldiers under his command: Trapped in the camp Terracotta Warriors (800 people)

The origin of the generals: the will to fall into the battle (???)

Mastering army skills: unknown

Taoist Army: Trapped Camp Terracotta Warriors

Number of people: 800

Quality: Totem · Dark Iron

Level: Level 110

10 Humanitarian Fetters: All attributes are increased by 100%,

100 Humane Soldier Fetters: All attributes are increased by 500%, and the effect of Taoist pseudo-magic power is increased by 100%

300 Humanistic Soldier Fetters: All attributes are increased by 1000%, and the effect of Taoist pseudo-magic power is increased by 300%

800 Humane Soldier Fetters: All attributes are increased by 1500%, and the effect of Taoist pseudo-magic powers is increased by 500%

Legion Origin Skill: Desire to fall into battle, there is no life or death (requires general Gao Shun to activate)

Looking at this attribute in front of me, I felt the terrifying aura coming from the opposing army.

At this moment, Wu Wei had an indescribable envy on his face.

With this attribute alone, Wu Wei could feel the power of this Taoist army.

Even Wu Wei vaguely knew why Ron wanted to drive him here. UU reading is undoubtedly because of the Taoist soldier in front of him. He guessed that he would come to him because there was no way to get this one.

As for why it is so certain, you can see the hole and the group of Taoist soldiers standing here.

The hole was obviously opened by Ron, and he has already opened that hole. Where is this group of Taoist soldiers still standing, it must be because Ron can't beat them. If Ron can beat them, how can this group of Taoist soldiers be? Maybe still here.

Now the problem comes again. Ron himself can't beat this group of Taoist soldiers and still brings him over. What does he mean?

When Wu Wei thought of this, his face changed greatly.

"Could that guy want me to deal with this group of Dao soldiers? If that's the case, then he thinks of me too much, doesn't he?"

Before Wu Wei could finish speaking, Ron, who was behind him, shot again, and a giant wave smashed towards Wu Wei...

(End of this chapter)

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