MTL - My Runes Can Be Upgraded-v2 Chapter 392 Rot monster invasion

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Corrupt Datang, inside the shelter!

Wu Wei looked at the gray stone door in front of him, and the golden finger hint that had just disappeared in a flash, feeling somewhat heavy.

"Where did this guy come from?

What identity? What strength? "

Wu Wei first asked this question, and on this question, Wu Wei quickly gave himself the answer.

"This guy, wouldn't it be Cassie Caesar Karen?"

Wu Wei thought for a while, the other party just used the method of a talisman summoner.

And for a rune summoner of this level, there is only one target he can doubt.

"Although I don't know how this guy came here, but nine out of ten it is this guy. If it is him, it will be a bit difficult!"

Wu Wei had seen the opponent's information before.

The information given by the Tianshu Shenshu is still complete, and Wu Wei knows very well that Cassie Caesar Karen was already a 200-level powerhouse twelve years ago.

This point can also be clearly proved by his blow that shattered the [Guardian] just now.

For a strong man of this level, let alone three months, even if Wu Wei was given three years, Wu Wei didn't have enough confidence to deal with him!

"This task is quite difficult!"

Wu Wei couldn't help frowning deeply.

At this moment, Wu Wei really didn't have such confidence.

However, Wu Wei also knew it clearly.

Whether he has the confidence or not, he must complete this task.

Therefore, Wu Wei began to think, how would he complete this task?

How could he have the power to kill a level 200 powerhouse like Karen within three months?

"The conventional method is definitely not enough. Although my ninth and fifth brothers have already met the evolution requirements, even if they have evolved, I still have enough experience points, and I can only be promoted to the sixth rank at most.

Kill the opponent with the strength of entering the sixth rank? "

After saying this, Wu Wei himself shook his head.

"This is obviously unrealistic, at least you have to improve your strength to the 7th rank of Taoism to have any hope.

And if you want to break through to the sixth rank, you need to evolve at least one source.

Not to mention whether it is possible to evolve another origin in three months, even if it really evolves another main courtyard, it is really hard to say whether it can win him with the fighting power of the seventh rank.

Therefore, rather than improving my strength, I should focus on Dao soldiers and [Taiping Tianshu]! "

These two are Wu Wei's current hopes.

Upgrading the level of Taoist soldiers is equivalent to improving Gao Shun's strength. Now Gao Shun's ambition to open up the battle is up to level 160.

But if Gao Shun's level is raised to the current upper limit of 160 in [Jiaolong Army Banner], and then the [Dragon Elephant Daoist] is also raised to 160, oh no, there is no need to level 160, just upgrade the Dragon Elephant Daoist to level 130 At level 130, it should be possible for Gao Shun to rise to level 200 with the outbreak of [Ambition to Fall into Battle], right?

At that time, Wu Wei will have the strength to confront Karen head-on.

As for the Taiping Tianshu, the [Protect] that has been refined three times is obviously unable to withstand the opponent's attack, but what if it is refined four times?

The [Taiping Tianshu] refined four times should be able to withstand Karen's attack, right?

Moreover, maybe if [Taiping Tianshu] is refined four times, it will have new functions, which can give Wu Wei a little confidence to counter Karen.

"That's the decision for the time being. In the next three months, the focus will be on the promotion of [Dragon Elephant Daoist] and the refinement of [Taiping Tianshu]!"

In less than ten minutes, Wu Wei made a preliminary plan for the next three months.

And after the plan was made, Wu Wei had time to look at his shelter.

It has been two or three months since Wu Wei left the Corrupted Tang Dynasty, and he hasn't come back for two or three months. Wu Wei found that his home's sanctuary was flourishing.

The original shelter had only a few thousand people, but now the population of the shelter has reached tens of thousands.

When there are too many people, the whole shelter looks a bit chaotic.

Not only is the building chaotic, the eating and drinking of tens of thousands of people, but also the eating and drinking of tens of thousands of extremely simple-minded people, which is a big problem to take care of and manage well.

Although, Wu Wei could tell that the old man and the others were carefully managing it.

But the picture presented to Wu Wei in the entire territory is still a mess.

Not only is the hygienic condition poor, tens of thousands of people are also wandering around there with nothing to do.

Seeing this scene, Wu Wei couldn't help frowning.

Wu Wei was frowning as he looked at the shelter, a fiery figure came to Wu Wei's side to greet Wu Wei.

"You, are you back?"

This flaming figure is naturally the Agnes brought out by Wu Wei from the world of the city of fire. When Wu Wei left before, he entrusted the sanctuary to the father and daughter of Agnes.

After seeing each other for two or three months, Wu Wei discovered that Agnes' strength had improved a lot.

The strength of the first-rank Dao, has now reached level 119, and is about to enter the second-rank Dao.

From this improvement in strength, it is not difficult to see that in the past two or three months, she has not been idle.

Wu Wei nodded at her, and then asked, "Where are your father and that girl Rushan?"

Agnes responded obediently: "A group of corrupted monsters appeared in the east of the shelter, Father, they cleaned up the group of corrupted monsters and haven't returned yet!

Need to get them back now? "

"no need!"

Wu Wei shook his head: "Tell me about the situation at the shelter in the past few months!

Why are there so many people in this shelter? "

"My lord, most of these people in the shelter were brought back and purified by Mr. Cheng Yaojin.

During this time, Mr. Li Cheng Yaojin often went out, and every time he went out, he would bring someone back.

Sometimes there are dozens of people, and sometimes even a thousand or eight hundred people are brought back. All of these have been purified, and with the addition of some wandering and purified people nearby, the population size of the shelter has reached the current scale.

There are currently 32,111 people in the entire shelter.

In order to feed these people, we opened a piece of land outside the shelter and built 3,000 level 1 fields..."

Agnes followed Wu Wei, followed in Wu Wei's footsteps, while covering the entire shelter, she told Wu Wei all the changes in the shelter in the past two or three months.

And when Wu Wei heard that most of these people in the shelter were brought back by Cheng Yaojin, he couldn't help becoming interested in those people. The state of the newly purified.

Name: Li Ying's Shelter

Level: Level 6

Shelter Population: 32,111

Shelter Building: Shelter Center (Level 6) 1

Sanctuary Wall (Level 6) (4000m), Sanctuary House (Level 6) (7500), Sanctuary Warehouse (Level 6) (10)

Shelter farmland (level 5) (500 blocks), shelter farmland (level 1) (3000 blocks)

Shelter Treasure: Primary Shennong Stele (Effect) (The growth speed of all plants in the territory is increased by 20 times, the output is increased by 5 times, and the effect is increased by 2 times) (10 million points are required to maintain each month)

Territory Features: Secret Chaos (reduces the probability of being hit by [Cause and Effect] skills)

Sanctuary Array: Lost Array (Tier 0 Ultimate) (Increases crops with epic quality and below by 10 times growth speed and 5 times yield)

Shelter Plants:

Tree of Purification (Level 6) (460 pieces) (11.5 million points per day)

Tree of Purification (Level 5) (360) (1.8 million points per day)

Tree of Purification (Level 4) (120 pieces) (120,000 points per day)

Tree of Purification (Level 1) (1565 pieces) (15650 points per day)

Daily point income: 13.435 million

Daily shelter maintenance points: 1.5 million points for shelter centers and buildings, 12.5 million points for level 5 farmland, 30,000 points for level 1 farmland, a total of 13.03 million points.

Current remaining points: 1.58 billion

Wu Wei carefully checked the properties of the shelter.

From this attribute page, combined with Agnes' description, Wu Wei has a basic understanding of the situation of the shelter in the past two or three months.

Overall, Wu Wei is very satisfied with the development of the shelter in the past three months.

Not only has there been enough development, but it has also retained points for Wu Wei.

With a base of 1.58 billion points, it should be enough for Wu Wei to upgrade the shelter next.

Now that the environment of Corrupting Datang is corrupted, the only way to have a stable monster spawning is to upgrade the shelter.

Wu Wei reckoned that a wave of upgrades should be enough to raise the Dragon Elephant Taoist Soldiers to at least the 2nd rank.

After checking the attributes of the sanctuary, Wu Wei called the person who was brought back by Cheng Yaojin to look at the status of the attributes.

This time I didn't see anything.

These people who have been transformed and laundered are no different from ordinary people, they are all silly and simple.

The property board is also clean with no unusual properties.

However, Wu Wei still saw a different aura from this group of people. Wu Wei vaguely felt that there was something remnant in them that was very similar to the soldiers who fell into the army before.

Considering that they were brought back by Cheng Yaojin, Wu Wei suspected that they might be Cheng Yaojin's former army.

Wu Wei thought about it, he still had a few thousand places in the [Jiaolong Army Banner], so he just turned around and got a Taoist soldier out to protect the sanctuary.

After roughly checking the status of the shelter, Wu Wei took a look at the 3,000 level 1 farmland that had just been built.

A piece of farmland is five acres in size, and 3,000 yuan is 15,000 acres. The continuous past is still a very glorious scene.

But looking at the tens of thousands of acres of farmland in front of him, Wu Wei frowned.

Although the farmland has been developed, it has not been properly managed.

Three thousand acres of farmland, even with the effects of the [Junior Shennong Stele] and [Farmland] itself, the crops on the farmland are not very ideal.

Many farmlands are inevitably overgrown with weeds.

For the weeds everywhere, Agnes also explained.

It's not that they don't want to take care of it, it's that they really can't take care of it.

Although there are more than 30,000 people in the shelter, all of them have been corrupted, and they are all of the kind whose IQ is quite anxious.

How anxious are you? Basically, it has reached the point where they can pull out the weeds and the crops.

Although there are some smart people who have mastered [farming] skills, these are high-end talents, and they should be used on the level 5 farmland, where the level 1 farmland can only be so bad.

Anyway, the 3,000 first-level farmland is only used to ensure the basic livelihood of the people, as long as there is enough food production.

Wu Wei also knew about these.

However, looking at the farmland in front of him, Wu Wei recalled what he had just seen from the shelter, and his brows frowned.

Immediately, Wu Wei adjusted the conditions for upgrading the shelter.

Level 7 shelter upgrade conditions:

Condition 1: The level 7 shelter center is completed (not achieved)

Condition 2: The population of the shelter reaches 100,000 (not reached)

Condition 3: 1 billion points (achieved)

Among the three conditions for upgrading the shelter, one of them is related to population.

That is to say, if Wu Wei wants to upgrade the shelter, the population will continue to increase.

But at present, the shelter for more than 30,000 people is already like this. If there are more, can he take care of it?

You must know that the population of his shelter is not ordinary people, their IQ is infinitely close to zero, they are completely blank, and everything about them needs to be managed by others.

How to manage them well is a huge problem for Wu Wei.

"Wait, how do I feel that their current situation is somewhat similar to the robots in the Mechanical Realm?

Their IQ is about the same as the low-level robots in the Mechanic Domain, so how does the Mechanic Domain manage these robots? "

In this regard, although Wu Wei basically didn't go out much in the No. 18 trading center, Wu Wei still paid great attention to the knowledge and information acquisition in the field of machinery.

While he was cultivating, he did not forget to entrust the organization in the practice room to help him buy the books he could buy.

Originally, Wu Wei thought he was going to buy a library, but the other party gave him a personal terminal directly.

That personal terminal, Wu Wei, spent 3 million spirit yuan and spirit stones, which contained books that Wu Wei could purchase and view.

And there is a mature search system.

At this time, Wu Wei was interested in the overall management of robots in the Mechanical Domain, so he took out his terminal and searched.

Soon, hundreds of books were displayed in front of Wu Wei.

Wu Wei turned on the terminal, set the page-turning speed to be the fastest, and opened Thor's Eye at the same time, flipping through more than a dozen books in just half an hour.

After reading these dozens of books, Wu Wei has gained a certain amount.

"Cities in the Mechanical Realm have their own city management system, and the system is operated and managed by a super optical computer, which is responsible for all aspects of the city's people's livelihood, construction, commerce, and even defense.

Such a set can be copied to the shelter!

Let me check to see if there are any books on city management system construction! "

Wu Wei just tried it with the mentality of giving it a try, but he didn't expect it to happen.

Wu Wei was surprised and delighted, and was about to take a good look at it, but at this moment, Wu Wei's gold finger reminder refreshed in front of him.

【Please note that your shelter is invaded by corrupt monsters...】


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