MTL - My Runes Can Be Upgraded-v2 Chapter 441 The princes seek Dong, the beginning is the end

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[Please note that the special original secret realm [Princes seeking Dong] of the [Eastern Han Dynasty Secret Realm] you marked is about to start! 】

[It has been detected that you have used the [Eastern Han Origin Secret Realm Pass], and you will enter the Eastern Han Origin Secret Realm next! 】

[Please choose an entry method! 】

The golden finger prompt was refreshed in front of Wu Wei's eyes.

At the same time, two choices appeared in front of Wu Wei.

[1, the original body enters

2. Substitution of plot roles]

The two ways to enter the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty are different.

The former [Enter with original body], as the name suggests, is to use your own identity to enter the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The advantage of this method of entering the secret realm is that it can almost 100% exert direct combat power.

But the disadvantage is that it cannot be connected to the plot.

After entering, before the main plot of that secret realm is finished, the original body can only watch the play when entering.

The second plot role is substituted.

To put it simply, it can directly replace a plot character, obtain the origin of the opponent, enter the secret realm as the opponent, and directly intervene in the plot.

Entering in this way will certainly be able to occupy more initiative than the former.

Of course, those mentioned above are benefits.

In addition to the benefits, there are also disadvantages.

The biggest one is that once you choose to use a plot role as a substitute, you basically enter the chessboard of other people's rules.

At that time, it will inevitably be restricted, and even every move may be under the surveillance of others.

As for who is under surveillance?

Then who else?

Of course it is the demigod behind the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

Ever since Wu Wei saw the [Passport Pass], Wu Wei knew what was behind this matter, and that guy definitely contributed a lot.

Without the help of that guy behind the scenes, there would never be such a thing as a pass.

Wu Wei even suspected that Dong Hu's information was leaked by that false god.

In this incident, that guy is definitely a trader.

Therefore, substituting a plot role will definitely become a **** in his hands.

"I don't like being a pawn!"

Wu Wei still vividly remembered the last time he encountered the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

What was it like being bullied by the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty at that time, Wu Wei still hates his teeth itching when he thinks about it now.

"After the last time, I swore that I would never be anyone's **** again!"

Wu Wei spoke word by word, and made a choice immediately.

[You have chosen a plot role to substitute in! 】

Yes, that's right, Wu Wei, who didn't want to be a pawn, chose to play a role in the plot.

And this does not conflict with Wu Wei's original intention of not wanting to be used.

On the surface, it is easier to be monitored and become a **** if you use the plot to substitute.

But in fact, entering the original body is a worse choice.

Wu Wei can be 100% sure that all the people involved, except for a very small part, will basically not use their original bodies to enter.

After all, they were all aimed at Dong Hu.

Therefore, at this time, the more the original body enters, the more conspicuous it will be.

The easier it is to be targeted.

Besides, who said that substituting the plot will definitely become a pawn?

"Last time, I couldn't completely overturn the chessboard. This time, let's make up for the regret of last time."

While speaking, Wu Wei's eyes focused on the substitution of characters in the plot.

In terms of role substitution in the plot, it's not like you can substitute whoever you want.

At least, people from Dong Hu's camp cannot be substituted.

You can only choose the camp that opposes Dong Hu.

At the same time, it doesn't mean that you will be able to substitute whoever you choose.

It depends on whether the object you choose is chosen by others. If so, you need to compete with the other party!

Of course, for Wu Wei, competition is not a problem, the problem is which one should he choose better?

After looking around among the characters that can be selected.

Wu Wei's eyes froze.

"Just choose him!"


While Wu Wei was making a choice.

On the other side, Dong Hu's side.

With the re-opening of the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty, all the students from the Xiliang camp headed by Dong Hu entered the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

They did not choose to enter this process.

Whoever is the martial spirit on his body will enter the secret realm with whatever identity.

Because of the lack of this process, their speed is much faster than that of the princes.

"As expected, although it's not much faster, this time can be used!"

After Dong Hu and Li Ru looked at each other.

Holding a black long knife, Dong Hu was about to rise up from the ground to give a meeting gift to the eighteen princes.

However, as soon as he got up, the information of the original world of the Eastern Han Dynasty came to him.

The information is very simple, just one piece!

[Warning, the plot is not unfolding at present, you cannot leave Luoyang City! 】

The original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty blocked the way for Dong Hu to present the meeting gift to the eighteen princes.

Seeing Dong Hu standing still, Li Ru beside him frowned.

"Sure enough, it's restricted, right?"

"Then give an order to gather all the troops under your command to Luoyang City!"

As soon as Dong Hu's voice fell, the information of the original world of the Eastern Han Dynasty was refreshed again.

[Warning, your behavior has seriously disrupted the direction of the plot. If you do this forcibly, it will increase the damage of all members of the 18th Route vassal camp to your members by 20%. 】

At this moment, Dong Hu's treatment here is almost a copy of the treatment Wu Wei enjoyed before, even a little more.

The one who controls the original authority of this secret realm almost wrote out that he wanted to 'kill Dong Hu'.

Regarding this, Dong Hu didn't say much, but ordered decisively.

"Withdraw, withdraw all the troops to me!"


Li Ru went down immediately to give an order to withdraw all the troops under Dong Hu's command and gather them to Luoyang City.

However, at this time, the prompt appeared again.

[The plot has not yet fully started, you are temporarily unable to issue military orders, please wait a moment! 】

At the same time, on the side of the 18th princes' camp, as soon as everyone went online, there was a prompt from the source in front of them.

[Please note that Dong Hu is aware of the danger and is preparing to gather all the troops under his command to Luoyang City.

You are now triggering a special mission to snipe the retreating Xiliang army! 】

[The following are all the retreat routes of the Xiliang Army, as well as all the information! 】

Come up, the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty threw this thing in the face of the princes of the 18th Route.

At the same time, the other side held Dong Hu's Xiliang army firmly, so that Dong Hu's Xiliang army's retreat order could not be issued for a long time.

This delay is a full 2 ​​hours.

Two hours is neither long nor short, and with the assistance of the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty, it is enough for the princes of the 18th Route to prepare for the ambush that should be done.

After getting this done, the Eastern Han Yuanyuan Secret Realm let go of the hand holding Dong Hu.

[The plot begins, you can move freely! 】

And when the reminder of the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty was refreshed in front of him, Li Ru turned his head and looked at Dong Hu helplessly.

Back off, what a fart to back off.

People are already shameless to such an extent, even if they are asked to retreat at this time, they dare not retreat.

Li Ru can almost guarantee 100% that the other party is ready and waiting for them to jump into the net.

Dong Hu, who was watched by Li Ru, also showed a ferocious smile at this moment.

"What are you doing looking at me like this? Didn't you expect this early on?"

"Yeah, it was expected early on, but I didn't expect it to do this to this extent.


"Pass down the order and act according to the plan!"

Dong Hu didn't say what the plan was, and Li Ru didn't ask.

Obviously, they already had a complete plan before entering the Eastern Han Dynasty's original secret realm.

Then, Dong Hu issued an order, and the military order was quickly conveyed to the army under Dong Hu's command.

Following the issuance of the military order, Dong Hu's troops began to retreat in an orderly manner, which looked no different from the retreat Dong Hu and the others had said before.

But when the 18 princes who were ready to ambush under the arrangement of the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty launched a sneak attack.

The hint of the original secret realm is refreshed on the side of the 18th prince.

[Please note, please note that Xiliang Dong Hu has left Luoyang City! 】

One of the princes along the way even received a reminder that Dong Hu was attacking him.

At the same time as the reminder was refreshed, Dong Hu directly rushed out of Luoyang City with a black long knife in his hand.

One knife per person.

He blatantly charged directly at Sishui Pass and killed him.

Act fast!

In less than half an hour, Dong Hu went directly from Luoyang City to Sishui Pass.

However, Dong Hu moved quickly, and the 18 princes' coalition forces on Sishuiguan moved even faster.

half an hour.

When Dong Hu first came to Sishui Pass, Sishui Pass had already fallen.

The generals on the side of Sishuiguan have basically been beheaded, and the only one who is still alive is Hua Xiong.

However, Hua Xiong's current state is also quite bad, basically being pushed to the ground and beaten.

Dong Hu who came to Sishui Pass looked at the corpses all over the ground.

The expression on his face became more ferocious.

At the same time, the princes at Sishuiguan also noticed his arrival.

The prince here is Changsha Sun Jian among the eighteen princes.

But obviously, this Sun Jian is not the one in history, nor the Sun Jian in the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

The reason is very simple, this Sun Jianzhang is called a blonde.

Obviously, he is the existence of role substitution.

At this moment, he was playing with Hua Xiong like a child with a spear in his hand, and he grinned when he noticed Dong Hu coming: "Are you here? It's really fast.

please wait a moment!

In your words, it was a bit hard for you to come from such a long distance. I beheaded you, my beloved general, and used his head to fill wine to treat you well! "

"Presumptuous! Dare to say such things in front of me, do you think I'm here, and you can still hurt him?"

Can Dong Hu bear this guy's attitude?

That is absolutely unbearable.

He ran away immediately, and the black long knife in his hand tightened.

Just about to explode a pack to take away Sun Jian.

At this time, Dong Hu's face changed suddenly, and he looked up behind him.

Wu Wei raised his head and saw a mage wearing a bright red robe floating from mid-air.

"The latter general, Nanyang prefect Yuan Shu has seen the grand master!"

Just as Dong Hu frowned, at this moment, figures appeared one after another, and voices rang out one after another!

"Chen Liu's prefect Zhang Miao has seen the grand master!"

"Han Fu, governor of Yizhou, has seen the Grand Master!"

"Yuan Shao, the prefect of Bohai, has met the grand master!"

In one breath, more than a dozen appeared beside Dong Hu.

The eighteen princes have basically emerged.

But Dong Hu glanced over and found that the eighteen princes basically changed their appearance.

It was not like the princes in his memory at all.

Obviously, these are the people who take the role of the plot.

Moreover, Dong Hu could clearly feel that almost all of the people in front of him were 200-level people.

Do some of them even exist at the demigod level?

With so many people appearing in one breath, each staring at Wu Wei eagerly, in this state, Dong Hu was basically stared to death from all directions.

Looking at Dong Hu who was being watched, 'Sun Jian' grinned.

"It seems that you are not very useful here!"

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked at Hua Xiong in his hand.

With a flick of the spear in his hand, he swept away Hua Xiong's big sword in front of him. Then, when Hua Xiong's middle door was opened wide, he handed over the spear in his hand, ready to take the opportunity to take Hua Xiong away!

However, the spear in his hand was just about to be handed out.

With a sound of "噗嗤", a dull voice sounded.

In the next second, 'Sun Jian' felt as if his arm had left his body.

No, it wasn't like, his arm just left his body.

At this moment, Dong Huren had already come to his side and cut off his arm with a single blow.

"I said, when I arrive, no one can hurt him!"

Dong Hu's voice sounded flat, and then Dong Hu turned his head to look at Sun Jian.

That flat gaze instantly shocked Sun Jian.

Fear instantly covered this false Sun Jian's whole body, and he subconsciously wanted to escape.

But before he could take any action, a black saber light lit up and Sun Jian was directly stabbed twice.

Seeing that Sun Jian was instantly killed, the expressions of the eighteen princes who had just surrounded him changed.

At this time, Dong Hu suddenly grinned. UU Reading

"Dong Han, I don't know what your name is, so I'll call you Dong Han.

You have wasted a lot of energy for today.

You have spent so much effort and engaged in such a big battle against me, treating me as your prey.

But have you ever thought that you are actually the prey? "

Dong Hu's sudden words stunned the 18 princes. They didn't understand what Dong Hu meant, but the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty seemed to have realized it.

【escape! 】

The awareness of the original secret realm of the Eastern Han Dynasty spread to the eighteen princes in an instant.

But it's too late!

"Don't run away, you can't run away, just die honestly!"

Dong Hu's murmur sounded, and in the next second, an incomparably bright saber light erupted.

"Puff puff"

Under the light of the sword, the eighteen princes were completely wiped out.

Dong Hu also grinned at this time, pointing the long knife in his hand to the sky: "The eighteen princes are completely destroyed, the plot is cleared, and it's your turn next!"

It's tested, it's really positive, and the condition is very bad

(end of this chapter)

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