MTL - My Sweet and Charming Wife-Chapter 1313 It's food poisoning

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  Chapter 1313 is food poisoning

When Gu Yuehuan heard a click, she knew that she had been photographed, and she was a little frightened. It was obvious that she would leave after taking the photograph, and let the staff next to her cut off her beard, but the lunatic did not let her go and continued to take these things Throw it all on her.

   "You profiteer, you lose money! You murder your life, you are not human, you will die!"

Gu Yuehuan couldn't stand this person anymore, she threw these things at her like a deliberate attack, over and over again, and she called the people next to her: "Don't let her go, I want to report to the police, say He committed intentional injury. Now go and report to the police to arrest this man."

  The man was also very clever when he heard it, so he turned around and ran away.

After Gu Yuehuan saw this person turned around and ran away, she wiped her hair with a handkerchief helplessly, and realized that a girl always puts a clean handkerchief in her bag when she goes out, so she just took out the handkerchief and wiped her face .

  At this time, Jiang Kai, who was in the corner, took out a cigarette proudly after seeing this scene, took a match, lit the cigarette, and started smoking. He was addicted to smoking and couldn't help wanting to smoke.

  That person was also found on purpose by him, just to let the reporter take pictures of this scene, deliberately attacking profiteers. If this is published overwhelmingly in newspapers, the image will also be ruined.

  Jiang Kai didn't know how he could be such a smart person. From the looks of it now, Gu Yuehuan has been ashamed and thrown home. Things have reached this point, and he is powerless even if he wants to restore it. He felt more and more that he was a smart person, born to do this.

  Jiang Dahe's son-in-law still feels that he is not as good as him, but he has already made a mess of him in this respect, how could he be not as good as him.

  He is enjoying himself now, but he was smoking on the hospital side and was seen by a nurse. Seeing him smoking, the nurse snatched a few mouthfuls from him, stepped forward and patted him on the shoulder and said, "Sir, smoking is not prohibited in our hospital. You are not allowed to smoke in it. If you want to If you smoke, go out and smoke."

  Gu Yuehuan was too close, so after hearing what the nurse said, she looked to the side vigilantly, wondering who was hiding in the corner to eavesdrop and smoke.

  Jiang Kai heard this and thought that he was about to be exposed, so he hurried away. Fortunately, he walked quickly, and ran away before he was about to be exposed.

  Gu Yuehuan didn't know if it was because she had a particularly strong sixth sense as a woman. Just now when the nurse said that the man was smoking, the first thing that came to mind... was Jiang Kai.

  He likes to smoke so much, the reaction is exactly the same as he liked to smoke in the factory before, so the first reaction is to think that he is smoking.

  Gu Yuehuan looked around the corner, everyone had already run away, and she didn't know where to look for it, that's all she thought in her heart. She went into the toilet to get water and cleaned her face, but her hair was all sticky, so she had to get rid of her face and the egg liquid. This is all stinky, so the body stinks badly.

  Gu Yuehuan was about to be **** off by this person. This person did it on purpose, but he didn't know who it was, but it looked like he bought it with money.

  It's embarrassing for her to look like this, and she can't stay here any longer. She is going to go back to take a bath, and I can't stand the stinky feeling.

   When I was about to leave, I asked the doctor what the real result of their hospitalization was. The doctor said that I don’t know yet and I have to wait until the test results come out, and I have to wait three days for the test results.

  But the doctor said, there is no other cause besides food poisoning to be able to vomit and diarrhoea.

  (end of this chapter)