MTL - My Sweet and Charming Wife-Chapter 1348 Fatty likes to eat lollipops

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  Chapter 1348 The little fat man likes to eat lollipops

"It's been resolved. Now things are on the right track. There's nothing else to do. But you and I saw you vomit just now. Are you still vomiting now? He's so bad. Isn't it already more than four months? Why are you still vomiting?"

"I also want to know why I'm still throwing up. Everyone said that it's enough to throw up for a month. Now it's almost five months and I'm still throwing up. I don't worry at all." Su Yiyou rubbed her hands after finishing speaking. His already protruding stomach sighed.

  Because of the original thinness, the bulge is not very obvious, and there is no meat.

   But there is still meat in the stomach, but it is not so obvious. You can feel a piece of meat when you reach out and touch it.

  Su Yiyou's state is really painful and happy. The happiness is because the baby she has been waiting for for so long has finally arrived, and the pain is because the vomiting is so bad.

Gu Yuehuan said to her: "If you vomit too much, you can try to drink some sour food for an appetizer, or eat plums and the like. I used to vomit badly too. But eating sour plum soup and the like, just eat it." Much better."

  Su Yiyou said: "I tried it too, but I kept throwing up, and it didn't work at all. I don't know why I torment others like this. It's really sweet and uncomfortable to see me torment like this even when I'm pregnant."

  Gu Yuehuan smiled when she heard this. Although she felt uncomfortable on the surface, she was still very happy to think that this child would be born.

  The two were talking and laughing here.

   After finishing speaking, I went downstairs to prepare for dinner.

  Because Su Yiyou couldn't eat much, she was given a little food. She could drink soup, so she basically relied on soup for meals recently. The whole person is not as nutritious.

  Li Shuyuan was very anxious, and tried to cook her favorite food in different ways, but she couldn't help it even if she couldn't eat it.

  The family stayed here to watch TV for a while after eating, and ate some fruit and dessert before going home.

  The little fat man likes grandma very much. Every time he comes to grandma, he will hug grandma. Now he is still reluctant to leave grandma and keeps holding on to grandma.

  It may be because grandma will give him a little bit of candy, and now his teeth have started to grow, so he can eat a little bit of milk candy and the like. The family doesn't like to give it to him for fear of choking.

   But Li Shuyuan would feed him, saying that the child has teeth now, and eating a little of these things can grind their teeth, and this is toffee, which is nutritious for the body. Just look at it, if you choke, just shoot it, there is no problem.

  But the family members were afraid that it would be bad if they found out, so they refused to give it. Fatty likes to come here very much. When he comes here every week, his grandma will give candy to him. Today he gave him lollipops.

  Li Shuyuan saw it when she was out shopping and said that children nowadays especially like to eat this kind of lollipops. They are big ones, just lick them, and you can’t eat them all.

  Little Fatty is a greedy eater. When he saw this lollipop, he grabbed it and wanted to bite it down.

   was beaten by Gu Yuehuan, because the lollipop was too big and could only be eaten slowly, but this little fat man was greedy and wanted to swallow it whole.

  So after hitting the little fat man, the little fat man is lawless now, knowing that his grandparents will spoil him, and after being beaten by his mother, he cried out with tears in his eyes.

Gu Yuehuan really doesn't know how to lead the little fat man, this little fat man can act, and obviously the beating doesn't hurt, but he just told him not to grab the lollipop and swallow it whole, but now he is still crying, with teary eyes There are still tears.

  (end of this chapter)