MTL - My Sweet and Charming Wife-Chapter 5 Brother Qingyue, I like you

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  Chapter 5 Brother Qingyue, I like you

  When Gu Yuehuan heard this, it was clear and clear that it was this woman who did the trick.

  Gu Yuewei likes Huo Qingyue, so she fabricated this reason to let the two of them break off the engagement.

She had missed him once in her previous life, and now God asked her to do it again, how could she miss him, so she reached out and touched the back of Huo Qingyue's hand, and said coquettishly, "Brother Qingyue, don't listen to my sister Nonsense, I have no intention of retiring the engagement, my sister is talking nonsense, I like you and want to marry you. "

The moment Huo Qingyue's hand was touched by her, his body was a little stiff, and he looked at her incredulously. He probably didn't expect her to be so proactive. After all, people are conservative these days. He didn't do any intimate things, except for hugging her just now, it was because he saw that she was going to suffer from heat stroke in a hurry, and there was really nothing he could do, so he hugged her.

   "Really? You don't mean to call off the engagement, your sister lied to me?"

   "Really, I like you too, I want to marry you, how could I break off the engagement with you?"

What flashed through Huo Qingyue's mind was what Gu Yuewei said to him: "My sister is only together for the three acres of your family's land, and your family's acre of land is worth some money if you sell it. My sister has always liked Jiang Yan. They The two have grown up together and have been in love for a long time. Marrying you is nothing more than cheating the bride price and wanting to cheat money. I really can’t stand my sister cheating on you. She is ready to cheat your family’s land for money. Then eloped with Jiang Yan."

   This sentence flashed through his mind and he frowned. He didn't believe it, he still believed in Yue Huan, so he held her hand and stopped talking.

  Gu Yuewei asked him to talk about this, but he kicked her out without believing a word of her.

  He has no reason not to trust his own wife, but an outsider.

Gu Yuehuan looked at him as if he was quite useful, thinking that the two of them hadn't done anything during their relationship in their previous lives, Huo Qingyue killed someone for her when they got married, and probably loved her badly, she never dared to get too close to Huo Qingyue , because she felt that she was not good-looking and had low self-esteem.

  Although she is 18 years old now, she is ugly, with a thick layer of fat on her face, and her black skin is dry due to the lack of water due to years of farming. The only thing that looks good is her big bright eyes.

  The figure is not good either, she is a bit obese, and she doesn't know how she has been short of food for herself, malnutrition, how to make her body fat, but Gu Yuewei is not skinny, she is fat and not good-looking at all.

However, because she was often hungry at home, she kept eating a kind of plant grown on the mountain, which was given to her by Gu Yuewei. Later, she suspected that it was because the plant had a hormone that could be extracted, which caused people to gain weight. After she left the village Only then did I lose weight, because I didn’t continue to eat that kind of plant to satisfy my hunger.

  In her previous life, she felt ugly and dared not approach Huo Qingyue, but she also liked him very much, and Huo Qing also did this for her, so she will never miss him in this life.


  Huo Qingyue sent Gu Yuehuan back. When she went back, she was seen by Gu Yuewei at the door. Gu Yuewei saw the two of them holding hands, looking so shy, her eyes watered with jealousy.

  She didn't want to see the two of them so close, so she went over to get close to Huo Qingyue, tried to hold his hand with her hand, and said with a smile: "Brother Qingyue, you are here."

She looked like she was about to grab his hand, but he suddenly turned around and threw it away. She almost fell down and turned to look at Huo Qingyue. Huo Qingyue looked at her with a cold face. , the voice was cold and sharp: "Don't touch me."

  (end of this chapter)