MTL - My Turret Has a Caliber of Three Thousand Meters-Chapter 387 : "Brother Jiang, what about you, what do you want to do after peace...

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The man soon received a letter, four simple words.


The man sighed helplessly. Obviously, the organization asked him to continue to maintain it. At present, there is not much information about this identity, and it is easy to make mistakes if you say more.

Like when you just got home.

The woman asked him what happened to the matter he talked with the president of the Mojia Chamber of Commerce, and he was a little unclear about what that matter was.

At this time, if the woman keeps asking, the risk of exposure will be great.

He simply didn't go back to the bedroom, but directly hid in the study.



Three days passed.

"Brother Jiang."

Scar Dog looked at the picture on the screen, narrowed his eyes and said softly: "Liu Shengping has arrived at the target location."

And in the picture is Liu Shengping's first perspective.


Chen Jiang nodded lightly, did not speak, but looked at the picture on the screen calmly.

If everything goes well, then today he can receive his 12,000 world origin consciousness.

From Liu Shengping's first perspective, it can be seen that Liu Shengping has arrived at the target location.

Immediately after—

See the person in charge of the bank's loan and the seller who contacted them.

Then the whole process without any twists and turns.

Until Liu Shengping appeared in the room and handed over a space belt with a respectful expression, there was no twists and turns.

Chen Jiang took the space belt and saw that the space belt was densely filled with the jars of the world's original consciousness. For the first time, there were waves on Chen Jiang's calm expression, and the corners of his mouth involuntarily rose, and he laughed.

"Very well, you have made a great contribution this time."

"You are the guardian of the human race, and the corresponding rewards and punishments will be distributed by him, and I will not exceed it."

"Good job, I believe the guardian of the human race will not treat you badly."

"Okay, let's go down."

Then he put the space belt in his hand, took a deep breath, and immediately got into the Ten Thousand Races Arena without stopping.

He can't wait to convert all these world origin consciousness into one-star props.

Although I don't know where the Federation Expeditionary Force found so many habitable planets, these are not important anymore. The important thing is that the original consciousness of these worlds has reached him.


"what happened again?"

Under the World Tree, in the small tile-roofed house carefully decorated by Scar Dog, a middle-aged man pushed the door out of the tile-roofed house, yawning and said tiredly, "What's the matter, tell me?"


Li Hao looked at the scene in front of him, and turned his head to Scar Dog in a daze: "Isn't this a solid tile-roofed house? When is there a door?"

This used to be a small dirt bag.

But later it was carefully renovated by Scar Dog, and it became a solid tile-roofed house.

I just don't know when there will be another door.

"This one."

Scar Dog licked the corner of his mouth and said with emotion: "I didn't think about it, Lan Xing's father is not really dead, it's more or less inappropriate to have a solid tile-roofed tomb, and every time Lan Xing's father appears out of thin air, it's against the law." of."

"Wouldn't it be more natural to add a door?"

See Blue Star's father appear.

Chen Jiang put one hand on his chest with a light smile, and bowed lightly: "There are indeed some things that I need to trouble Lan Xing's father, I have some sense of the origin of the world, I hope Lan Xing's father can convert it into a one-star prop. "

"So that I can better protect players of the same race."


The middle-aged man raised his brows lightly and said in surprise: "Have you got another batch of world origin consciousness? Is this thing so easy to make? Okay, I will work overtime to help you finish it. One-star props are better than three-star props." The props are much simpler, at least the properties of the props don’t need to be thought about by yourself.”

"The last time I helped you get that batch of three-star resurrection props, I almost died of exhaustion."

"Try not to come to me for this kind of thing in the future."

"There is nothing wrong with one-star props, just give me the original consciousness of the world."


next second—

Countless jars containing the original consciousness of the world appeared on the ground out of thin air.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Chen Jiang nodded with satisfaction and said, "It's all here."

"A total of 12,000 world origin consciousness."

"I've done the math. A world-origin consciousness can produce 10 billion one-star props. With so many world-origin consciousnesses, it can probably produce 120 trillion one-star props."

"That's 120 trillion one-star props."


The middle-aged man remained expressionless and silent: "12,000 world-origin consciousnesses?"

"Are you bloodbathed by the galaxy outside?"

"Can you tell me where you can get so many world origin consciousness? 120 trillion one-star props, what a joke!

"I can't do this job. After finishing this job, I'm **** exhausted."

"Please be clever."

After all, the middle-aged man was ready to return to the tile house.

Not pretending, but really preparing to leave.

This is no longer a labor of strength, this is a life-threatening job, and if this job is done, he estimates that half of his life will be gone.

"Blue Star Father!"

Chen Jiang bowed abruptly, and said hoarsely with a serious face: "Please save the human player's life!"

"The countdown to the closure of the Ten Thousand Races Arena is just around the corner. If there is not enough power, the moment the Ten Thousand Races Arena closes, the Terran players will usher in a massacre from the Federation."

"I believe this scene, Lan Xing father, you don't want to see it either!"

"For the sake of Lan Xing, for the sake of the human race, I beg Lan Xing's father to be willing to help me one more time!"

And this is—

Scar Dog and others on the side also knelt on one knee, lowered their heads and shouted in a low voice: "Please help the human race once!"



The middle-aged man who was about to push the door to leave sighed helplessly, turned to look at Chen Jiang and the others: "You guys are should I put it?"

"Go, go, I promise you, pick up the goods in three days."

"I don't know if I can finish it in three days."

"After this time, half-life will probably be lost here. You don't think it's an easy job, it's tiring, okay, especially when the quantity has accumulated so much."

"Thank you, Blue Star father."

A gleam of joy flashed in Chen Jiang's eyes, and he immediately bowed again to express his thanks, but then he hesitated and said, "Father Lan Xing, I have a little doubt that I have never known, whether there are five-star props?"

"Whether it's in the Ten Thousand Races Arena or in the Federation, I haven't seen the existence of five-star props."

"Could it be that the four-star props are capped?"

"more or less."

The middle-aged man leaned on his chin with one hand, and answered while pondering: "Generally speaking, three-star props are already very strong, and those that can be judged as three-star props usually have very strong effects."

"As for four-star props, there are very few of them, very few."

"As for five-star props, there are almost none."

"Even if I have so much awareness of the origin of the world you gave me, I still can't make five-star props."

"That is to say, there are no five-star props in the outer galaxy?"

"It should be. I'm not very clear about this, but if there are five-star props, the effect must be very strong, and it must have a higher priority than three-star props in terms of mechanism judgment."

"You need to be careful about this."

Chen Jiang frowned and remained silent for a while, then nodded and said: "I see, then I will work **** you, Father Lanxing. I will come to pick up the goods in three days."



After dealing with these things.

Chen Jiang and the others did not return to the Federation immediately, but stayed under the World Tree of the Ten Thousand Races Arena.

Things outside have been dealt with.

There is nothing left for them to deal with. At present, everyone in the Ten Thousand Races Arena is very busy, only they are free.

A large number of human players have been sent out of the arena under the arrangement of the guardians of the human race.

Some people take the place of others, and when sorting out social resources, they open the way for their brothers of the same clan, such as placing some players of the same clan in their own company without affecting the normal operation of the company.

There are also people who are targeting the politicians of the federal government.

Or, eyeing a certain weapons manufacturing factory.

In short, everyone has their own tasks.

And these things are cumbersome and difficult to deal with. Chen Jiang is not good at handling these things, and he is not very interested in them. It is just right to leave these things to the guardians of the human race. At critical moments, the human race needs such a person to stand up.

"Everything is going in a good direction."

Scar Dog lay on the chair, with his hands behind his head, looking at the lush tree crown above his head, and murmured with emotion: "When the Ten Thousand Races Arena is over and we officially settle in the Federation, there should be peace at that time." Bar?"

"Hey, if the world is peaceful and there is no war, what are you going to do?"


After thinking for a while, Li Hao shook his head hesitantly: "I might raise many big dogs. I have a dream, which is to own a manor."

"There are grasslands the size of several football fields in the manor."

"Then I will ride an off-road quad bike, twist the accelerator at will on my prairie, and then take my big dog to gallop on the prairie. It would be even better if I could have some attendants to take care of my daily life .”

"Of course, another woman with a big belly will be a surprise."

"what about you?"

Zhao Ritian murmured in a daze, "I want to open an amusement park, a slime-themed amusement park."

"I want to make Slime a brand, and anyone who infringes will receive a letter from my lawyer."

"In this amusement park, there are slime-themed amusement facilities everywhere. In this amusement park, I will be the king of slimes!"

"This can be regarded as leaving a little trace of oneself in this world."

"Everyone is mortal."

"Before you die, leave some impressive traces in the world, maybe it will show that this life is not meaningless?"

Resurrection props cannot prevent old age and death.

Death from illness, being killed, falling to death while walking, accidental death, death in this way can be revived.

But if it's because the lifespan is exhausted and the body has reached its limit, then I'm sorry, the resurrection props can't stop this.

He can only keep you from dying by accident, but he can't prolong your life so that you can live forever.

"Sounds very interesting, I will be the first to go to your paradise, please give me a lifetime VIP."

Wang Defa's voice came from the intercom beside him.

"If there is peace in the world, I should give up my talent as soon as possible. I can't always be a lone traveler like this."

Wang Defa is not here at this time.

Instead, communicate with them through a walkie-talkie.

After all, the side effects of Wang Defa's talent cannot allow Wang Defa to have too long contact with other players.


Outside the Federation is unaffected.

Because the Ten Thousand Races Arena is not yet over, those people from the Federation have not been judged as players, but once the Ten Thousand Races Arena is over, Wang Defa can no longer have too long contact with the citizens of the Federation.

Although this talent is very strong, the side effects are also obviously strong.

"Then go find a girlfriend."

"No, it should be more formal and find a wife."

"After all, I've heard a saying that the reproduction of the next generation is the only thing we mammals can leave in the face of the short life. It has always been a dream of mine to have a child of my own."

"If only it was a boy."

"It's nice for a boy to live carefreely, but for a girl, I'm always worried that she will be bullied by others."

"Very good, what about you Scardog, you haven't said what you will do after peace?"


Scar Dog shrugged his shoulders and said casually: "Of course I will continue to follow Brother Jiang, what is Brother Jiang doing, what am I doing."

"After all, I am Brother Jiang's right-hand man. Without me, Brother Jiang will definitely be very inconvenient."

"Of course, I'll also build a memorial."

"It will definitely be interesting to enlarge all the photos I took during this period of time and put them on the wall, and then mark the stories we experienced together under the photos."

"When you have children in the future, you can bring them here to experience what their father has experienced."

"Let the children also know that peace is not shouted out with the mouth. The prerequisite for all peace must be a war with many casualties. There is no peace for no reason. UU Reading without reason Not peace, but strife."

"By the way, Brother Jiang, what about you, what do you want to do after peace?"


Chen Jiang was stunned for a moment, then raised his head to look at the tree crown above his head with a vague expression and murmured: "When I was in Blue Star, I always wanted to be a big shot, and I didn't want to nod and bow every day."

"I want to be respected by people and I want to have enough money to spend."

"But when I had a little achievement, I came to the Ten Thousand Races Arena."

"As for now... I don't even think about what I will do after peace."

"It seems that I don't have anything I want to do. Maybe I will be a novelist."

"Write everything I have experienced into a novel to record it."

"And post it on a habitable planet outside the Federation galaxy. This should be something I want to do after peace."

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