MTL - My Turret Has a Caliber of Three Thousand Meters-Chapter 404 : "What do you want, let's make a price."

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Scar Dog, Li Hao and the others looked at each other without speaking.

This is a dead order.

The kind that has to be done.

Millions of planets... What a joke, if these millions of planets fall into Jiang Ge's hands, there will be nothing wrong with the Federation.

Chen Jiang took a deep breath, did not speak, but walked to the window, overlooking the city.

During this year, he thought he knew a little more about the federation.

Many planets in the federal territory do not even know who the top leader of the federal government is, or even the name of the star leader of their own planet. They have access to the largest official, which is their own area. The film police.

That is.

If you want to completely control the Federation, there is no need to destroy all the planets in the Federation.

You only need to clean up the federal management thoroughly, and install all your own people, and the federation will belong to you.

Except for a small number of loyalists, most people don't care about who is in charge of the Federation.

After all, it doesn't affect their daily life.

Those who should sell vegetables still sell vegetables, and those who should do business still do business. Most people live only for Hukou and continue their blood. As for who is in charge of this world, they don't care at all.

Anyway, it's not their turn to be the masters.

At most, when the new leader takes office, see if there will be any tax changes.

And that means.

As long as they clean up the diehards and leaders of the federation, the federation can slowly fall under the control of the human race.

And the first step is these million planets.

During this year, the Federation did not notice them because they did not take any action.

He didn't kill people at will, didn't post anything on social media, and didn't take any action, so it was naturally impossible for the federation to notice.

After all, the Federation is too big.

What happened in a ravine has not yet reached the ears of the federal government of the Nicholas galaxy.


The guardian of the human race who received the order took out a confidential list from the safe at the side, and said nothing with a serious expression.

There are hundreds of names on this list.

And these people are all located on the main administrative star, and they are pawns directly inserted into the federal government. Once this list is leaked, it means that none of the people on it will survive.

In fact, the strictness of the administrative star is completely different from other planets.

Although they can use the means of soul resonance to insert human players into an important position, they cannot get past memories!

This means that the risk of exposure is great!

In the past year, they have sent nearly ten thousand people to the main administrative star, and only these few hundred people can really gain a foothold in the end.

Some were unable to carry out work smoothly due to memory loss, and made major mistakes in succession, and were fired directly, and some were even thrown into prison directly.

It is true that civil servants are iron rice bowls.

Will not dismiss easily.

But this does not mean that after consecutive major mistakes, they are willing to continue to spend money to support them.

Others directly aroused suspicion, crushed the poison in the teeth during torture, and committed suicide.

Wait for a series of accidents.

Of the tens of thousands of people they sent out, only a few hundred people really gained a firm foothold and had a certain right to speak.

And for these hundreds of people, it was because there was a human player who stood at a relatively high position and helped many human players who were sent over, making these human players less suspicious.

Of course, I didn't dare to let this Terran player love to help too much.

After all, if he knew too many lists, once these names were revealed during torture, it meant that all the comrades sent out would have to be buried with him.

Everyone sent over did not know each other's identities, but only knew their only mission.

It is to stand firm, not to arouse suspicion, to build a good relationship with colleagues, not to think about climbing up, and to have no time for them to waste time to get promoted.

The task sounds simple, but it is extremely complex in practice!

The hundreds of people who survived are all the best of the best.

And these hundreds of people will carry out their first official mission.

"Change the federal government's decision to incorporate this unknown galaxy into the federal territory, and let the federal government turn all these million planets into the original consciousness of the world."

The task is only one sentence.

But the difficulty can be imagined.

The most important thing is... Most of these hundreds of people have very low positions. As long as a small number of people have voting rights, others have no chance to join this voting.

Can only take some off-site means.

Rivers and lakes rules.

Can't fight on the field, but use means off the field.


Wang Jili stood in the private room with his hands in his pockets, holding a piece of dog's tail grass in his mouth, looking at the middle-aged man who was brought in by a young man in front of him.

"Mr. Wang."

The young man looked at Wang Jili with a serious face and said word by word: "I brought him here, my task is completed, and I'm going back."

Soul resonance is mortal.

Their method originated from the game "Tianyu", when they put their consciousness into the monster's body, and then manipulated the monster's body to fight.

The death of this body will not affect them.

They can completely be resurrected in another body, or their own body.

But soul resonance is different.

The body exchanged through soul resonance, if it dies, it is really dead.

And this young man is one of those hundreds of lurkers, and the middle-aged man he brought is one of the voting rights holders this time.

There will be a meeting in three days.

The meeting mainly discusses one thing.

That is whether to bring this galaxy into the territory of the federation, or to transform it into the original consciousness of the world, so as to bring more props to the federation.

"Well, it's hard work, you go back first."

Wang Jili took out a knife from his arms with a calm expression, and asked his men to close the door of the box, looking at the middle-aged man in front of him who hadn't reacted to the situation, and said softly.

"Liu Houli, right?"

"Who are you?"

The middle-aged man said gloomyly with an ugly face: "What's the relationship between Xiao Liu and you?"

Xiao Liu is my subordinate, and he has performed quite well during this time. Today, after get off work, he suddenly asked himself to say that he has a meeting for a big event. Originally, with his rank, Xiao Liu was not qualified to form his round.

But recently he was about to get promoted.

Before being promoted, the higher-ups will send someone to his subordinates to investigate his reputation among the subordinates.

In order to maintain the reputation and not to lose Xiao Liu's face, he came today.

It just looks like something is not good.

"It doesn't matter who I am."

Wang Jili took out another bottle of alcohol from his arms and put it beside him. He first inserted the dagger into it for disinfection, and then poured the whole bottle of alcohol into his left hand.

Immediately, the whole room was filled with the pungent smell of alcohol.

Without the slightest hesitation.

He raised the dagger and chopped it towards his little finger. He only chopped off a very small piece, less than half a centimeter. UU Reading looked like a small piece of meat.

But this does not organize blood and blood.

On the other hand, Wang Jili's complexion was slightly pale, and he clenched his teeth without making a muffled grunt. Instead, he sliced ​​towards his little finger bit by bit, elegantly and rhythmically, like shredded potatoes.

Each swing of the knife can only cut a small piece of meat.

With one knife after another, his little finger was shortening rapidly.

At this time, although the middle-aged man did not speak first, his eyelids began to twitch uncontrollably. He felt that it might not be easy for him to walk to this room today.

At this time.

Wang Jili suddenly laughed, and continued to cut his little finger without changing his face, while whispering softly.

"You have a perfect family with a beautiful daughter."

"The road to promotion in the future is also very smooth, and the subordinates also like you very much."

"Your income is also quite a lot, enough for the whole family to live richly enough."

"It can be said that you are the upper class in the federation."

"But I'm different. I was an orphan since I was a child, penniless, and I have no friends. The most valuable thing in my body is this dagger."

"Your life is valuable, but mine is not."

"Tell me, if we exchange our lives for the other, whoever loses and who gains?"

He stopped what he was doing, inserted the dagger into the table, looked up at the middle-aged man standing in front of him, smiled and waited for his reply.


After the middle-aged man was silent for a long time, he put the briefcase in his hand on the chair, indicating that he was willing to try to talk, and said slowly in a hoarse voice.

"What do you want, make an offer."

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