MTL - My Weird Life-v2 Chapter 659 Imitate Fierce (1/2)

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  Chapter 659 Imitation of Li Wei (12)


  On the altar in front of Li Bi, two skulls were thrown into the treacherous skulls, and there was a fluffy green flame.

In the light of the flames, several figures were vaguely connected by black strings, and in the two **** of miserable green will-o'-the-wisps, each turned into two figures with several heads, three or four pairs of arms, and seven or eight legs. freakin'.

  The black line clinging around the skull extends into the dark green will-o’-the-wisp,

   But it was not ignited by the will-o'-the-wisp and burned to ashes.

   Instead, it was wrapped around the arms of two 'freaks'.

  Two 'freaks' pulled the black threads and interweaved them into a pitch-black cloth. They burrowed into the black cloth, causing the two will-o'-the-wisps to tremble, and they were completely extinguished in an instant!

   Staring closely at the will-o'-the-wisps on top of the skull, Li Bi let out a breath only after the two will-o'-the-wisps were completely extinguished, and looked at the rest of his accomplices whose faces had all turned serious.

   These people did not realize the seriousness of the matter because of his persuasion.

   It was the 'Fa Buddha' of the Black Temple who said a few more words, which made them change their colors.

   "Monk Kongming, what will happen to me?" Grand Master Tiezhi stared at Fafo 'Kongming' and asked aloud.

  The black-clothed monk folded his palms together and said, "Your Excellency, both physically and mentally destroyed, even the infant spirit failed to escape back to Heijiao Mountain, so it was nailed to death by a red rocket on the way."

   "Pulled to death by a red rocket?" Master Tie Zhi frowned.

   "I've figured out that the 'Lord Ren Yi' has died in the hands of that Zhu Xiaozi.

  If you don’t believe me,

   It is possible to take one or two worms left by the master here, and do a little work,

   Then you can find out whether he is alive or dead. Kong Ming glanced across the crowd, bowed his head and said.

   As soon as he finished speaking,

'Yuan Kong' collected a few black-haired worms from the position where 'Ren Yi Zhu' stood before, rolled up the black-haired worms with a yellow paper charm, placed them on the altar, and after chanting for a while, put the yellow worms on the altar. Throw the gnat wrapped in the paper charm into the bowl, and ignite it with the fire from your fingertips.

  When the fire is kindled,

  Wutongshen's eyes changed slightly: "The Lord of Man is indeed dead."

  When he was doing the method, Master Tiezhi was not just watching, he asked his disciples to fetch a worm, and also used his unique secret method to spy on it, and then nodded after Wutongshen.

   "Zhang Jisheng rushed to Fengshan from the start, as for this time.

   Did not exceed two quarters.

Within two quarters, his subordinates had failed to make any contribution and cooperated with several puppet boys, but they were still unable to save their lives. Xiaozi's strength is extraordinary.

  He is by no means a soft persimmon that can be manipulated by others as we previously expected.

  Perhaps, its strength can be compared with that of its teacher, "Red Dragon Master"! Seeing that the two of them had verified the results, Kong Ming seriously advised several of his accomplices, "Although Lord Ren is dead, at this time we will join forces to attack Fengshan, personally attack Zhu Xiaozi, and make up for it. It's not too late! "

Master Tiezhi snorted coldly, and looked at Yuankong with resentful eyes: "How is Zhu Xiaozi's strength? You have also met him face to face, and you don't understand at all? What caused us to give birth to such a big baby?" Misjudgment?!"

  'Yuan Kong' looked calm, shook his head and said: "I have never really fought against Zhu Xiaozi. Before, I saw his teacher often fight, so I can't know Zhu Xiaozi's true strength.

  He may be strong, but he must not be as numerous as Chilong.

  The defeat of the master and the puppet boy by him may not be without factors of underestimating the enemy.

   As long as we pay more attention to this matter, solving him will not be a problem! "

  What Wutongshen said makes sense.

Grand Master Tiezhi's expression softened a little, he stopped looking for the bad luck of 'Yuankong', turned to look at the other people, and said: "In this case, if I stay here any longer, I will only be taken advantage of by that Zhu Xiaozi." Enter, seize the opportunity to defeat each!

  We shall work together to strangle this son!

   It's not too late, we will set off together, attack Fengshan, and take off that Zhu Xiaozi's head! "

   "That's the truth!"

   "As it should be!"

   Several important figures in their respective Dharma lineages nodded in response.

  The disciples of all factions in the small courtyard were ordered to pack up their luggage, follow the leader, and gather in Fengshan!



The two puppet boys standing on the edge of the wild forest convulsed and trembled, and the tiny chirping sounds of those black hairy worms sounded from all over their bodies. The black threads shook off their bodies and spread in all directions. The long black hairs were covered with Su Wu's psychic and shadowy charms!

  As the black threads and flesh worms continued to fall off from the two puppet boys,

  The cloth wrapping the bodies of the two puppet boys is like silk thread falling off a spinning spool!

  The cloth quickly disintegrated into black lines and disappeared!

   revealed the real bodies of the two puppets—

The puppet boy flying towards Su Wu from the left had five baby heads on his shoulders, and the five baby heads were piled up in a mountain shape. All four heads were shriveled and shriveled, exuding the smell of corpses!

  Five baby heads were stitched together with black rope, and underneath was a body that had grown to the stature of a teenager.

   It’s just this young man’s body, skinny and bony, but with a big bulge on his abdomen. On the skin of the abdomen, some places are bulging and some places are sunken, which actually outlines the appearance of a young man’s face!

  This skinny body is connected with four pairs of arms, and the palms at the top of the four pairs of arms are sewn together with other palms, forming a weird and evil appearance!

The puppet boy on the left spread out countless palms, manipulating the black threads one after another, making the black hairy worms at the top of the black threads all covered with a strange rhyme. Pull it back, and cling to the puppet boy's body!

  Another kind of vicious rhyme emanates from this puppet boy,

When the gloomy rhyme came into contact with the black-haired meat worms that were full of shadows and ghostly rhyme, the black-haired meat worms immediately crawled on the puppet boy with a certain pattern—as the meat worms crawled, countless black threads also appeared. Following a certain law, re-weaving on the body of the puppet—

   In an instant,

   Transformed the puppet boy into a dark humanoid figure.

  That black figure, covered in black hairy worms, crawled and writhed, as if viscous black liquid was rolling and sliding down its body!

  It even exudes a ghostly charm!

  This puppet boy, at this moment, successfully 'imitated' Shadow Sly, and almost turned himself into a 'Shadow Sly'—it stepped into the shadow with one step, and its figure was immediately swallowed by the shadow!

   And the moment the puppet boy steps into the shadows,

  In Su Wu's body, the power of Ying Gui fell silent.

   fell into dead silence!

  False shadows instead of real shadows!

at the same time,

The 'Ding Hai Shen Zhen Tie' formed by the power of the heart in his hand was also distorted, and the cunning words that appeared on it changed one after another. Signs of falling out!

  Among the faces recorded in the ‘Terma Paper’,

  The 'Monkey King Monkey King' Facebook has used most of the cunning power,

  And 'Xin Gui' was successfully 'imitated' by another puppet boy who came suddenly from the right and became a puppet, but the fake Xin Gui had the power and killing rules of the real Sui!

  Puppet puppet!

  Not only is the puppet itself a puppet,

   Among them, the most evil one has the ability to use his ability to contain and control himself, as well as some kind of secret method, to turn the enemy's ability into a puppet!

  Su Wu instantly determined that these two puppet boys must be the "single puppet boys" that Master Chilong said!

  Such a lone puppet boy's evil ability,

  It is much stronger than the Shushu and the Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Temple!

  The powers of 'Monkey King's Face Makeup', 'Xin Sly', and 'Ying Sly' failed instantly, and Su Wu's body froze in place, as if caught in a momentary stagnation—

  The fangs of the "Plague King Marshal Zhao Gongming" on the opposite side collided, and in the eyes of a pair of copper coins, the blood was as solid as it was, and shot out in an instant, passing through the guards of honor, penetrating into Su Wu's soul!

   Its front sides,

   banners wave,

  The second general of increase and loss wields an iron fork and steel gun, dragging the haze of smoke and rhyme of the billowing avenue, and attacks and kills Su Wu!


  The black-haired worm howled again and again!

  A pitch-black shadow suddenly appeared from behind Su Wu—countless black caterpillars dragged the black thread, forming a churning viscous black liquid, wrapping towards Su Wu's body!

   "餸Hafium Om Hum—"

  Su Wu spoke harsh words,

As he opened his mouth to make a sound, his arms were lifted up, pointing towards his chin—in the void around him, black caterpillars formed a pitch-black heart, and purple lips grew out of that heart, and then As his lips squirmed, Su Wu's lips squirmed at the same frequency, and at the same time uttered harsh words!

  Fake intentions manipulated his hands, trying to make him take his head off his neck!


   At this moment!

  Su Wu's face was mottled with oil paint, and the facial makeup that was almost peeling off suddenly turned into a pitch-black face.

  As that dark face appeared on Su Wu's face,

  He was wearing the Monkey King general armor costume, with the flags behind him, and they all turned into a black-bottomed red-edged official robe!

   Su Wu, who had changed his face, kept his arms pointed towards his chin, without moving.


  Beside him, there is a bright and shining figure suddenly standing!

  The shadow is surrounded by golden and red talismans,

  Shenguang went straight to Xiaohan!

  A calm voice came out from the condensed figure that almost turned into a substance: "Just imitate a fierce word in my body, and you will die here.

   No more tricks?

   Let me see again. "

  The voice that circulated in the hearts of the puppet boys fell—

   Suddenly rising from behind Su Wu, the pitch-black figure that was wrapped in the 'sticky black liquid' towards Su Wu suddenly backed away and fled quickly!

  The heart made of countless black caterpillars also went through the air!

   Chick! Scoff! Scoff!

Instead of using the shadows to escape, he directly used the black hairy worms around him to stay away from Su Wu's "false shadows". In the grass around him, one after another shadows were torn apart, and scarlet eyes poked out from each shadow, staring straight at him. Hooked to stare at the 'false shadow trick'!

   Instantly freeze it!


  Bone spurs sprouted from all over the body of 'False Shadow', turning it into a big tree of bones!

  The puppet boy in Neizhong was directly pierced by the 'hand of the corpse ghost' and nailed to death on the spot!

the other side!

  The radiant white figure, surrounded by countless talismans, pulled out a Taidao from the void filled with red and red sun discs, and his figure flashed across the 'false heart'—

  Divide the puppet boy and Li Gui who accommodated him into two parts!

  (end of this chapter)

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