MTL - My Weird Life-v2 Chapter 667 Act Dirty (2/2)

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  Chapter 667 pretending to be dirty (22)

  In the iron pan, the oil rippled slightly.

  The heat gradually dissipates from the oil surface.

  Su Wu took out a few bowls of soul-recovering rice and placed them on the wooden pier beside him—the **** light in his right eye, and the 'General Zeng' with an inexplicable and strange head attached to his neck was released instantly!

  Li Gui exudes a strong and sinister rhyme, which makes people instinctively produce feelings of fear, nausea, and wanting to stay away.

   All the roads in Beilu Mountain surrounding the pavilion turned pale under the impact of the strange rhyme!

   Fortunately, their discomfort did not last long.

Under Su Wu's signal, Xianzheng handed over the big red lotus fetus to him. He spun his knife and cut off the head of 'General Zeng' from the neck. Holding up a bowl of soul-recovering rice on the wooden pier with his arm—Li Gui's head was immediately attracted, and got into the bowl of rice!

  In the thick porcelain bowl, the rice grains burst out one by one!

  Su Wu nailed the headless body of 'General Zeng' in the shadow with one hand, grabbed the bowl of rice with the other, and kept digging off the excess rice grains.

  When the weight of the rice grains just fit the sharp head, the whole bowl of soul harvesting rice was steamed!

  He flipped his palm,

   Pour the steamed rice into the oil pan!

A pot and spoon also quietly appeared in Su Wu's hand, and when Li Gui was struggling in the pot, he waved the spoon and pressed Li Guizhong under the oil surface again—as Su Wu fried Li Gui, he became more and more fried. The more he cooks, the more proficient his skills become. For him, frying such a few little tricks will not feel any trouble at all.

  But his operation, in the eyes of others, seemed so terrifying and tyrannical.

   Such an 'ordinary method' actually fried a Li Gui!

   Spread the word, who can believe it? !

  The disciples of Beilu Mountain were in a trance for a while, feeling like opening the door to a new world.

  The head of the nine-headed doll, who was imprisoned by the shadows, saw this scene, his eyes stared like copper bells, and he muttered to himself: "Fried tricks? Fried tricks? This, this can be done?!"

  The tricky method of frying, even if it is shown openly in front of people,

   Without some of these key things, if you want to throw Li Gui directly into the frying pan, the result will only be counterproductive.

   Therefore, Su Wu is not afraid of the prying eyes of the evil species in the Wumen Tujiao like the nine-headed doll.

He blew up that cunning head into a 'God's Organs', and then retracted the big red lotus womb. A pair of treacherous hands behind his shoulders held down the headless 'General Zeng', grabbing its With a sudden shake of the shoulder, it shook off its costume—

  The blood-stained opera robe and the rhyme of General Zeng Dao were shaken off by Su Wu together,

   Showing the fierceness who pretends to be General Zeng wrapped in the rhyme of the Dao Dao!

  It was also imprisoned by Su Wu with the soul harvesting rice,

   Throw it into the oil pan and fry it!

  The treachery in Su Wu's left eye had already been released, and they were all thrown into the frying pan.

  The throbbing pain in the right eye became more and more intense,

  The death-defying Sanskrit lingering in his thoughts became more and more shrill—the ceremonial guard of resenting the gods was getting closer and closer to him!

He drummed up the flames, accelerated his speed, and before the ceremonial guard of resentment arrived, he finally fried up all the two generals, covering the two Li Gui, turning them into two avenues of rhyme, together with two scenes of the two generals. The robe was hidden by Su Wu in the depths of the shadow world.

  At this time,

  A burst of gongs and drums also came from outside the forest facing the pavilion.

   Wisps of gray mist linger in the forest.

  Boom boom boom!

  Boom boom clang!

   Bang ding ding ding ding ding ding!

  The nine-headed doll, who was imprisoned by the shadows, turned her head desperately, and saw the teams of god-resenting ceremonial guards that suddenly crossed the forest, and also saw blood-red words all over her arms!

  'Ghosts claim their lives, haunted by treachery'!

  He suddenly yelled: "The God of Resentment—Here Comes!"


   Before he finished speaking, the shadows imprisoning the nine-headed doll's torso, limbs, and head coiled his body layer by layer, dragging him into the shadow world in an instant, away from the guard of honor of the God of Resentment!

  The "Resentment to the Gods" only covered Li Bi's arms,

  When he was dragged into the shadow world, those blood-red words stopped covering the rest of his body!


  The misty mist diffuses through the sparse forest.

   Roll up a layer of fallen leaves on the ground.

   One pair of cards and one pair of umbrellas appeared and disappeared in the mist, and passed through the forest in a flash, and arrived at the pavilion beside the mountain road.

  In the pavilion,

   Only Su Wu was left.

  He put all the fried oil into the clay pot and dragged it into the shadows.

Spinning fires all over his body, he inserted his hands into the burning fire that had just heated up the frying oil and fried a few small ghosts, grabbed the flaming firewood, and threw them towards the approaching fire. The god-resenting ceremonial guard!

  Boom! boom! boom!

   One after another flames are thrown into the guard of honor to resent the gods,

   Carrying a great deal of sparks,

   Actually ignited all the tricky rhymes circulating around.

  The life-threatening Sanskrit sound that kept ringing in Su Wu's ears has weakened a lot in this moment!

  Boundless Buddha's light surged from behind the ceremonial guard of resenting the gods, and circulated in the gray mist, like rippling water.

   At the end of the guard of honor,

  The blood-clothed paper Buddha has completely changed its appearance—a layer of pitch-black leather shell of unknown material covers the surface of the paper-stitched Buddha. It is wrapped with black chains, and its skinny but vague face is facing Su Wu.

  The black Buddha sits on a **** lotus platform,

   Its chest and abdomen are completely open,

   Revealing the iron plaque on the back of the "Tiezhi Master" stacked in the chest and abdomen, the head of the monk Dazhongwang covered with the oil paint of the Marshal of the Plague King, and the empty heart of Fafo—

   This is also a kind of 'pretending to be dirty'!

  All kinds of different avenue patterns circulate in the abdominal cavity of this jet-black Buddha, blending with each other, and joining together!

  It is also a puzzle!

  It pieced together its own three viscera.

   There are still two viscera missing,

   Currently unavailable.

   There is still a pair of arms and a pair of legs missing, and it is not yet available!

  Su Wu looked at the dark and incomplete Buddha at the end of the ceremony of resenting the gods, and once again remembered the "puzzle behind the statue of Hei Di Zang" mentioned in the few conversations between Nine-headed Baby and Master Tiezhi -

  Now, is Wraith God really putting together a puzzle?

  When the puzzle piece is assembled, what will it become?

   Judging from the current situation, it has already regarded itself as a part of the puzzle!

  But now the 'Wraith God' surrounded by the ceremonial guards of the God of Resentment does not look like the true form of the God of Resentment—that black Ksitigarbha statue may be the real God of Resentment, where is it hidden? !

  The current ritual of resenting the gods makes Su Wu feel very dangerous.

  If he falls into the guard of honor again,

It may not be as easy to leave as before, and it will also take away the "two generals" in the guard of honor - the dark figure of the Buddha that appeared at the end of the guard of honor before, and now it has overlapped with the blood-clothed Buddha and turned into a blood-clothed Buddha The 'shell'!

  And this layer of shell vaguely attracts and restrains Su Wu's "Vaint Vajra True Intention"!

  However, if Su Wu does not try to disrupt the ceremony of resenting the gods again,

  He can't completely get rid of the persecution of the guards of honor who resent the gods!

"If you can subdue the five thunders, turn the five thunders' evil method into the five thunders' righteous method, and use a 'Dragon Claw Divine Thunder Catch Spell', you will be able to catch the evil from the air, and you don't have to risk yourself at all—" Su Wu Nian thought about it, he was not able to practice the Taoist methods at present, and he had not completely transformed the evil method of the five thunders into the righteous method of the five thunders, so he did not have the ability to control thunder and catch tricks.

"try again!"

  Su Wu put his mind to one side!

Two pitch-black arms grew out from behind the shoulders, protruding into the surrounding shadows, and dragged Hei Jizang out of the shadows before the ceremonial guard of resentful gods came. Surround the guard of honor of resenting the gods!

   Every ghostly shadow began to exude a gray-blue charm!

  Gray-blue charm and resentment charm collide with each other!

  The guillotines are looming in the cracks between the collision of two different rhymes.

  Red lanterns rise high into the sky.

Behind Su Wu, raging flames gathered into a flame wheel, and the 'Red Treasure Tent Master Six-Armed Mahakala' transformed by Water Bodhisattva stood in the flame wheel, and opened the red tent held by the six arms !

  The flames emanated from the top of the red tent, and blended with the mysterious charm of the gods and gods overflowing from all around, and assimilated the ghosts and gods of hatred for a short time!

   Taking advantage of this opportunity, a pair of ghostly hands grew out from behind Su Wu's shoulders, and put a mask on his face. His figure trembled and became blurred in an instant, as if his whole body was covered with fine fluff!

  The face turned into a monkey face in an instant!

  Break your teeth and set your eyes open, ferocious and evil!

Putting on a pitch-black scale armor, Su Wu instantly turned into the 'Monkey King'. This time, instead of summoning Ding Hai Shen Zhen Tie to urge him, he held a pair of fluffy palms in the 'Hei Di Zang' ' on the hilt!

  This is equivalent to Xincun wrapping his power around the 'Hei Di Zang'.

  Four palms belonging to different guilds are intertwined on the handle of the black Jizo knife.

  The 'Red Treasure Tent Master Six-Armed Great Heitian' behind Su Wu also let go of the treasure tent, stretched out a pair of arms instead, and held up the pitch-black eight-foot seedling knife full of fangs!

  The powers of heart treachery, shadow treachery, and Water Bodhisattva are superimposed with the "Yuse Mountain Mine Deception", "Ghost Guillotine Knife", and "Jianzhen Magic" that are cast into Miaodao!

  A black arm stretched out from the shadows, and amidst the beating of the heart, it quietly penetrated into the guard of honor of the God of Resentment, dragged Li Gui out of them one by one, and imprisoned them on the 'guillotine'!

  Following the eight-foot seedling knife held by several Li Gui, it cut off in an instant—

  On the guillotine, eight Li Guijin were chopped into two pieces!

   "Give me, give me, give me—give me my life—"

  At this time, the sound of death lingering all around suddenly became intense, and the jet-black Buddha flew past the guard of honor surrounding him in an instant, and landed on top of Su Wu!

   Its head bowed down,

  On the skinny face, the blurred facial features were facing Su Wu.

   "Numu—Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva—"


  After those wicked ones were chopped off by the guillotine, they actually gathered a huge amount of 'sin karma' in the heaven and the earth. Countless sin karma covered Su Wu's body, and with the black Buddha above his head, he proclaimed the Buddha's name—

  Water Bodhisattva, Yinggui, and Xingui are about to be stripped from him!

  Before that, Su Wu imprisoned Li Gui, who belonged to the god-resenting ceremonial guard, into his right eye, and at the same time gathered the power of Li Gui contained in himself, and used the 'Wisdom Fist Seal' in an instant!

  Hui sword fell!

   All external causes and effects are wiped out!

  Water Bodhisattva, Ying Gui, and Xin Gui returned to Su Wu himself!

  He dived straight into the shadows and got away!

  (end of this chapter)