MTL - My Weird Life-v2 Chapter 670 True Form of the Resentful God (1/2)

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  Chapter 670 Resentment God True Form (12)

   Rolling up the soul-calling flag, Su Wu and Ding Ling said: "Clean up, let's leave from here first. Don't stay in the same place for too long, lest you be caught up by the guard of honor."

   "Okay." Cauldron Ling responded, then pushed down the altar, cast a talisman and cast a raging fire, burning all the traces here.

  Su Wu took Ding Ling and Li Bi to leave the Taoist temple quickly.


  A gazebo built on the protruding peaks on the mountainside is surrounded by rampant soldiers, wrapped in a dark wind, all over the surrounding area, patrolling everywhere.

  Nine-headed dolls are still arranged to watch the wind outside,

  Su Wu and Ding Ling guarded the stone pavilion and sat opposite each other in front of the stone table.

The former took out a lantern cover, and put it on the flickering oil lamp on the stone table, which seemed to be blown out by the wind at any time, and then made a seal with his hand, and pointed his sword at the oil lamp covered by the lamp. The fundamental talisman and seal of the pilgrimage is also projected on the oil lamp.

  The flickering frequency of the oil lamp becomes smaller,

  The lampshade is filled with rich darkness.

  A tiny figure was reflected in the lights, swaying with the lights.

   "Empty Ming."

  Su Wu's lips did not move, and no sound came out of his mouth.

   But his mind flows slightly,

  All the cauldron spirits in the Ling Pavilion heard the 'voice' from Su Wuzhi.

  Ding Ling glanced at Su Wu nervously, worried that his actions at this time would disturb the communication between Su Wu and the deceased Kong Ming's consciousness, so he sat opposite Su Wu, not daring to take a breath, and sat upright.

  There was a layer of ripples on the small figure in the light.

  It did not respond to Su Wu's call.

   "Pu'an altar Dharma Buddha, empty and bright."

  Su Wu was neither slow nor fast, and revealed more information with his 'intent', using this method to awaken the consciousness of the dead, and gradually achieve the purpose of communicating with it and obtaining a lot of information.

   This time, after a moment of silence, the tiny figure began to turn around, as if looking for the trace of the person calling him.

   "Don't look around.

  I'm not here.

  Kong Ming, I have something to ask you.

  You have to answer everything, it is related to your life and safety! "Su Wu's thoughts flowed slowly, lingering around the 'black lantern', slowly penetrating into the darkness surrounding the lights, communicating with the empty consciousness of the dead.

  He conversed with Kongming with his mind,

   will also trigger the effect of "Sword of Sword",

   Even stronger.

   Now, his words made Kong Ming's consciousness of the dead unquestionable. Kong Ming didn't even realize that he was dead, so he nodded in response to Su Wu and said, "Your Excellency, just ask, the poor monk will know everything!"

   "In Fengshan Tianwei Taoist Temple, is there something that everyone cares about?

  The one you always wanted to find? "Su Wu once again 'asked each other'.

  Kong Ming was stunned, and after a pause, he still responded, "Yes."

"What is it?"

   “…remains of the Virgin Mary.”

   "Kong Ming, don't lie to me, I can save your life, and I can also make you die again in an instant.

  I'll ask you again, and answer after you think it over.

   Is it really the remains of the so-called "Holy Mother Bodhisattva"? "Su Wu's tone became serious and serious.

  The tiny figure in the lamplight became cold because of Su Wu's intentions, and shivered accordingly, the monk-like figure curled up, timidly said: "Young monk just forgot...

  In addition to the remains of the Virgin Mary,

  There is one more thing, which is the inheritance treasure of our Pu'an altar.

   is a statue of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva dressed in black and chained around his body.

  Behind the statue is a puzzle. "


  Have you ever seen that puzzle?

  In the Pu'an altar, have you ever read any classics and materials, and have you known any clues about the puzzle? "Su Wu didn't give Kong Ming any room to think about it, and after he answered one of his questions honestly, he immediately asked the next question.

  Kong Ming muttered to himself: "The clue to the puzzle..."

  He bowed his head and thought for a moment,

  cai said to Su Wu: "I still remembered some clues about the puzzle, but now I think about it in my mind, but I can't think of many..."

  The current consciousness of the dead is much incomplete after all,

  It's normal that he can't remember many details clearly.

   "Then just report the clues you remember truthfully." Su Wu said.

  Kong Ming paused for a moment in the consciousness of the deceased, and said: "I vaguely remember that the founder of the Dizang Temple had three or four wives and concubines, and one of them was brought back from Dongliu Island.

   It is recorded in the genealogy of the ancestors of the Ksitigarbha Temple: He discussed the Dharma with a certain priest of the Nagakawa Shrine, and the two had similar interests. The priest led him to his home and entertained him, so the priest's daughter fell in love with the tall and tall patriarch who opened the altar, and she has always been by his side ever since.

  He stayed in Changchuan forest one night, dreaming that the dragon coiled around the sun and the moon, and there was a priest's daughter waiting beside him.

  The daughter of the priest also had a dream that night. She dreamed of a black-clothed monk who asked her to bring something to someone, reminding someone not to forget to see him...

  After the two woke up, the patriarch who opened the altar comprehended the "Vow Sutra", and beside the priest's daughter was a statue of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva in black clothes and wrapped in black chains.

  At that time, there was no puzzle picture behind the statue.

After the two returned to Riyue Island together, the founder of the altar returned to Fujian from Riyue Island, spread the Dharma in various parts of Fujian, established the Dharma Line of the "Dayuan Wang Temple", and gradually ignored the priest's daughter in Riyue Island .

  The priest’s daughter established the orthodoxy of the ‘Pu’an Altar’ on Riyue Island by herself.

  Since then,

  There seems to be a puzzle behind that statue.

   Only those who have seen the puzzle, no one can remember it completely in their hearts after seeing the puzzle.

  The part of the puzzle that they left in their hearts was interpreted by them into various methods, and then formed the Dharma inheritance of Pu'antan. Apart from these, more monks don't remember..."

  Su Wu nodded, convinced that Kong Ming had nothing to hide about this.

   It never occurred to me that the Pu'an Temple and the Dizang Temple are really a family at root, but they have developed differently later, and it is difficult to reunite.

  He pondered for a while, and then asked Kong Ming: "Then do you remember, why did you come to Fengshan?

   Is it because of the statue of Hei Dizang that records the inheritance of Pu'an altar? "

   "I'm going to Fengshan... I'm going to Fengshan..." Kong Ming murmured and repeated a sentence, and his tiny figure hidden in the candlelight gradually swelled and became distorted as it murmured and repeated words!

   "Don't think too much about other things!

  You just need to tell me, did you go to Fengshan to find that statue? ! "Su Wu interrupted Kong Ming's soliloquy, and asked with a more emphatic tone!

  His words interrupted Kongming's continuous thoughts—if the consciousness of the dead is made to know that it is dead, its consciousness will also rapidly die in a short time!

   "Yes, just to find that statue..." Kong Ming responded subconsciously.

   "Then what do you gain?

  Have you found where the statue is? " Su Wu then asked.

  Kong Ming lowered his head and fell silent.

  Su Wu's thoughts gathered in the lamp shade, and the darkness inside the lamp shade stirred silently: "Have you ever found where the statue is?"

  He asked repeatedly.

  Kong Ming gradually raised his head, his thin face was full of a cold smile, his eyes stared straight at the churning darkness: "I found it—but I just won't tell you—"

   His head swelled in an instant,

   Almost broke the lantern cover!

  Compared to the small body, on the extremely 'huge' head, a pair of eyes are bulging, and the eyes are full of **** whirlpools: "I just don't tell you, haha, I just don't tell you!"

   "Naughty." Su Wu grinned—

   In the tumbling darkness around him, his face suddenly appeared.

  He had curved bull horns on his head, and a blood-red vertical eye grew between his brows. All three eyes stared at Kong Ming's swelled head, and he opened his mouth and shouted: "Crack! Crack!"

  The true meaning of Yamantaka came down instantly, turned into a big blood-red palm print, and suddenly pressed on the head of 'Kongming' who had swelled to the extreme, slapping and pressing hard!

  The head of 'Kongming' was like a leaking rubber ball, and it quickly withered and collapsed under the grinding of the true meaning of Yamantaka!

  Finally back to normal size!

  In the lights,

  The tiny figure of 'Kong Ming' swayed a few times,

   then dissipated lightly.

But before the consciousness of the dead dissipated, Su Wu had traced the traces of the "Statue of Hei Ksitigarbha"—the true pupil of the six-day old ghost. Seeing the resentment and strange rhyme that was squeezed and slapped out from the consciousness of the empty dead, he glimpsed a place in an instant.

   Somewhere in the dark, covered with cobwebs and dust.

  A statue of a woman sits cross-legged on a lotus platform, with a smile on her round face like a goose egg.

  The colorful clothes on her body have been mottled and faded.

  Folding the palms of both hands in front of the chest, he held up a statue of King Jizo in black with chains all over his body.


  Su Wu only had time to glance at the black-clothed Ksitigarbha statue, and the image presented in the true pupils of the six-day old ghost was smoothed and disappeared in a very short period of time like tiny ripples rippling on the water.

  He pondered for a moment,

  Looking up at Ding Ling: "Do you have any impression of the posture and appearance of the statue of the Wishing God in the Temple of Wishing, have you ever dreamed about it?"

Cauldron Ling was seeing the "empty" consciousness of the deceased in the lantern envelope disappearing in an instant, and when she felt nervous, Su Wu asked this question unexpectedly. She let out an "ah", and her thoughts immediately changed. After thinking for a while, she immediately came out. Said: "May God be sitting in the temple.

   It imitates the face of my great-grandmother, an oval face.

What's wrong?

  Why did you suddenly ask this. "

"We searched all the classics and genealogies collected in the Tianwei Taoist Temple, among which there are many records about the founder of the altar. After the ancestor of the altar had an epiphany overnight and walked out of the wishing temple, he ordered the temple to be demolished and sealed off. .

  May the statue of God be looked after by his "confidant".

  After that, he began to do a lot of research on the theory of Feng Shui operation, and built a lot of construction on Fengshan Mountain.

As you said - at that time, the Patriarch Kaitan who came out of the temple was no longer the real "Patriarch Kaitan". Plant the foundation and revive again!

  The statue of the God of Wishing, the classics only mention that it was cared for by the cronies of the "Patriarch who opened the altar".

   Since then, nothing has happened.

  Now that I think about it,

  That statue, together with the statue of Jizo in black, should be placed in a 'treasure place' where feng shui works!

  On Fengshan Mountain, the god-resenting honor guards appear in groups every crescent moon night. The disciples who leave this mountain will not be disturbed by the god-resenting guards of honor-it can be seen that the entire Fengshan Mountain has been polluted by the god-resenting gods.

  The location where the statue of Jizo in black is placed,

   It must be above this mountain dragon vein node!

   That statue,

   is Li Gui itself! "

  (end of this chapter)

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