MTL - My Weird Life-v2 Chapter 692 The Five Thunders' Righteousness, the Secret Book of Huangtian (1/2)

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  Chapter 692 Wulei Zhengfa, Huangtian Secret Book (12)

   "Ceremony of conversion of ambition.

  Go up to Shenxiao Mansion, Thunder Cave Palace.

  The three realms are divided into truths, the nine heavens evolve, the light meets the appearance of the great Luo, and the sky of supernatural powers is vast.

  The original Tianlei Pond, which was recorded in Beiyin, was located before the reincarnation of thousands of kalpas, and it was the first to establish the legal system of temples.


   On the banks of the surging Minjiang River.

On a bluestone on the shore, a handsome Taoist priest with a Hunyuan bun, a pitch-black Taoist robe and leggings, and several mahogany swords and a dagger with a sheath on his back sat cross-legged, with a scripture spread out on his knees—"Thunder Thunder" Ancestral Jade Scripture", proclaiming the 'Original Thunder Ancestor Beiyin Holy Mother Precious Letter'.

   Its voice is loud and loud, even amidst the sound of the rolling waves, it is as exciting as thunder, without losing its power.

Above the handsome Taoist priest's head, a piece of purple and gold thunder lingered, and the rolling thunder spread down, entwined on the various thunder talismans that circled around him, so that the "evil spirit" on those thunder talismans was completely washed away, and the rhyme of the avenue pattern gradually disappeared. Show off!

  Thunder winds and goes straight to a higher place,

  A higher place, a treasure, appears and disappears amidst the thunder and lightning.

  Above the imperial edict, the secret taboo of the patriarch gradually became apparent.

  As the Taoist priest finished reciting the last sentence of the Baogao, a thunder pond suddenly appeared on the top of the sky—the golden liquid in the thunder pond was churning, every drop of golden liquid jumped up, and instantly turned into a dragon-shaped thunder coiling around the avenue pattern rhyme,

   This brilliant thunder pool is tilted in an instant!

  Rolling gold liquefied into countless dragon-shaped thunder pouring down,

All of it was poured on the treasure that appeared and disappeared from time to time below. In the center of the treasure, a patriarch's secret taboo suddenly appeared. Tian' word!

  The patriarch's secret taboo is revealed,

At the moment when the secret taboo in the center of Baogao manifested, the handsome Taoist sitting cross-legged on the bluestone suddenly had a feeling in his heart—he looked up to the sky, only to see the Baogao carrying a billowing dragon-shaped thunderbolt, leaping in an instant Going down the clouds, he crashed straight into more than ten five thunder talismans around him!

The original Leizu Beiyin Holy Mother's Precious Letters, carrying the rolling thunderous charm, washed over and over again the more than ten thunder law talismans collected by Su Wu from his own talisman body, one after another thunder law talisman was washed by the rolling charm Among them, the color of purple and gold is completely transformed, led by the treasure, and it turns into a dragon-shaped formation with its teeth and claws in the void!

  This dragon-shaped formation is headed by the sacred mother of Beiyin,

   coiled around Su Wu's right arm,

  The "Spiritual Whip" held by his right hand, which seemed to be formed by the aggregation of many thorns, became the tail of the dragon formation!

The light of that 'Spiritual Whip' soared, and the thunder light surrounded Su Wu's right hand, causing a burning pain in Su Wu's palm—he put away the 'Sacred Whip', and fiddled with the talismans coiled on his arm, making them belong to himself In the body of the talisman, and then spread out the palm of the right hand to have a look,

   But on the palm of his right hand, the secret taboo of 'Original Thunder Ancestor' is being branded!

  The secret taboo of the original Leizu?

  Su Wu looked at the purple-gold secret taboo brand on his palm,

  The energy between the eyebrows and the heart suddenly flowed down, blending into the secret taboo of the palm—he instantly sensed the original Leizu charm that was brought down by the Holy Mother of Beiyin, residing in the secret taboo of the palm,

   In an instant, it turned into a purple gold talisman!

  On the purple gold talisman, a series of Yunji characters suddenly appeared, and the words of Yunji were connected one after another, and their meaning was "protecting life and eliminating disasters, praying for rain and suppressing tricks"!

  When Su Wu's thoughts were concentrated on this purple gold talisman,

  The talisman written with the characters of "protecting life and eliminating disasters, praying for rain and suppressing tricks" Zhu Yunji turned back instantly.

   Followed by a few talismans, under the infusion of the original Leizu charm, they gradually manifested in Su Wu's mind!

  The first talisman is the 'Zuo Fu Xun Tian Feng Lai Shen Mantra';

  The second talisman is the "Youfu Wanfang Pushing Cloud God Mantra";

  The third talisman is the 'Doubu Thunder Chariot Flying Gang Slaying God's Curse';

  The fourth talisman is the "Emperor Field Eliminates Calamity and Eliminates Obscurity, Xiantian Rain Master Zhenjun Refining General Curse";

  After the four talismans, because the original Leizu charm gradually disappeared, all the talismans manifested were blurred and could not be used to practice "according to the scriptures".

But just the four spells that appeared in Su Wu's mind at this moment are enough for Su Wu to understand what kind of subject "Preserving Life and Misfortunes, Prayer for Rain and Township" is-the whole subject is to cast various spells and dispatch corresponding soldiers Horses, come to eliminate disasters, protect creatures, and suppress evil spirits!

  Among this subject, the core of all the talismans should be the "Emperor Field Elimination of Calamity and Elimination of Darkness Xiantian Rain Master Zhenjun Mantra".

  Only after refining this 'True Monarch Rain Master',

   'Fighting', 'Pushing Clouds', 'Thunderbolt Flying Gang' and other spells assist Zhenjun Yushi and his followers to cast them together, in order to fully exert the power of the entire deliberate collection!

  Su Wu's consciousness was concentrated on the general refining mantra, and he realized all kinds of rituals related to this general refining mantra in an instant.

  His thoughts slowly retreated and returned to reality.

   All kinds of anomalous phenomena descended by Fang Caibao have disappeared without a trace.

  But from now on, Su Wu has practiced the five thunders method to the highest level, and transformed the five thunders evil method into the five thunders righteous method!

  Cultivate the righteous method of the five thunders, and then you can 'command the avenue of Zhou Tian Dao Yunyun, cut down ghosts and gods on behalf of the sky, and summon thunder to capture electricity to catch tricks'!

Next, Su Wu can continue to major in the 'Clear Five Thunder God's Mysterious Art' taught to him by Master Chilong, supplement his lineup of thunder magic talismans, improve the practice of Five Thunders, until he can send and receive as freely as Master Chilong. at ease,

   Catch and kill evil spirits, and you will naturally be able to catch them with your hands.

  It is also possible to accumulate the charm and pour it into the original Leizu secret taboo in the right palm, so that the secret taboo talismans will appear one by one, and then transfer to the "Thunder Law Subjects" left by the original Leizu secret taboo in the right palm.

   What's more, if you are full of energy and quite talented, it's okay to practice both!

  There are many opportunities right now in front of Su Wu,

  Su Wu is like a farmer who has been destitute for a long time. Suddenly seeing a mountain of rice, looking at the mountain of rice in front of him, he naturally said, "I want this too, and I want that too", grabbing with both hands, not letting one go.

   But whether he can grasp the various methods inherited from two different dharma lines,

   It also depends on its talent and understanding, and whether it can practice persistently.

  Su Wu sat cross-legged on the bluestone and thought for a while,

  He didn't feel the slightest effort in the current practice,

   Instead, enjoy it.

  Even if he also practiced the 'Original Thunder Ancestor Secret Law Talisman', it would not cause too much burden on him.

  So after a moment of contemplation, he made up his mind.

  At the moment, he will not give up on the two pulses of lightning.

  Will continue to practice the two arteries, unless there is a conflict between the two arteries, he will consider stopping the practice of one of them.

Seeing the dark clouds rising in the sky in the distance, which would cover the entire sky, Su Wu got up and jumped off the bluestone, and wanted to turn around and leave the bank of the Minjiang River, but when he turned around, he suddenly seemed to remember something Generally, he turned his head and looked at the dense dark clouds in the sky.

  When the lead clouds collided, a strong wind suddenly rose.

   "Could it be a thunderstorm?"

   Turning his mind, Su Wu glanced left and right, picked up a few pieces of gravel from around the big bluestone, and placed them under the big bluestone to form a 'mountain-shaped altar' formation.

   Then he rushed into the forest again, and after a while, he broke a few branches and split them in half. Using the gap between the two halves of the branches, he sandwiched pieces of yellow talisman paper to form three card slots.

  He is holding a vermilion pen, dipped in red ink mixed with cinnabar,

  Write "Wan Tianlei Shou Huo Law Order Great God Deng Tianjun" on the three cards respectively;

  'Silver Teeth Fierce Official Xin Tianjun';

  'Zhang Tianjun, the Messenger of Thunderbolt'.

  Put the three cardboards with the corresponding names written on them on the altar in the shape of a mountain. Su Wu put his hands in his sleeves and stood like a pine in the rising wind.

  At the moment, he is waiting for the 'thunder' to fall.

In the volume of the five thunder gods and strong secret methods in the Qing Dynasty, there is a "three generals of the gods and thunder generals' great practice", which is to recruit the charm of the temple system of the thunder department, gather in the body of the "five thunder generals", and enlighten the three five thunder generals He is Deng Xinzhang's three great kings of thunder, and the other two generals of five thunders are the assistant ministers of Hua Tianjun.

  The core step of the three-day king's training method recorded in the secret law volume is "Ju Lei Zu Temple's divine charm is as powerful as a real thunder".

   That is, by continuously accumulating the charm of Leizu Temple,

  Continuously sharpen the charm accumulated,

   Make it as powerful as a real thunder,

  In this way, please attach the three-day king's mighty spirit and refine it into three generals.

If the power of the accumulated Leizu temple system is not as powerful as that of Zhentian Leiting, then even if you become a general of the three-day king, the general of the three-day king will be like a "paper piercing man", which will shatter when touched. Useless.

And the reason why the "Qing Wei Wu Lei Shen Lie Mystic Scroll" made the Taoists accumulate the spirit of the Leizu Temple and imitate the real thunder to train the generals, instead of directly inducing the heavenly thunders to train the generals, the reason is that most people did not have any Unable to control the thunder, the process of accumulating the charm of the Thunder Ancestor Temple is the process of the Taoist gradually being able to control the thunder!

   Moreover, the "Three Gods and Thunder Generals Great Practice" needs to enshrine the five thunder generals in the gods, and from the very beginning, it is planned to be the three heavenly kings and their assistant ministers.

  Under such circumstances, the Taoist attracted the thunder from the sky. Once the thunder could not be controlled, General Wulei would be chopped into ashes on the spot, and the soldiers and horses he had accumulated over the years of practice would be wiped out!

  The loss is too great,

  Considering all kinds of things, Qingwei's five thunder gods and strong secret methods summed up the current compromise but safe and secure "three gods and thunders".


  Su Wu had already realized another convenient method when he practiced the 'General of the Five Thunders' for the first time.

   At the beginning of the practice, you can practice as a mage, pretending to be a god, first summoning Shen Yun, and after surrendering, let it unite with Yin soldiers and ghost generals to become a general of five thunders.

  This kind of convenient method, only he can use it freely at present.

  After the study of Chilong Daoist, it is also difficult to use this method.

  Now seeing that the sky is covered with lead clouds, which might trigger thunder from the sky, Su Wu made a thought, and immediately decided to use this 'cheap method' to recruit thunder from the sky and become the three great heavenly kings!

  Thunder that is simulated by Shen Yun, even if its power can be compared to real thunder,

   But after all, it's not really Thunderbolt.

  At present, Su Wu used his own cheap method. If he could not master Zhentian Thunder, the loss would be only three card slots. However, if he could control Zhentian Thunder, he would be able to become the Three Great Heavenly Monarchs in an instant, saving years of hard work!

  (end of this chapter)

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