MTL - My Weird Life-v2 Chapter 694 Wandering Spirits and Ghosts Conference (1/2)

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  When the morning light was twilight, the Taoists in Beilu Mountain in the ruined temple had finished washing, had done morning classes, and packed all their belongings on several carts.

  Old Taoist Yuan Qing and his old wife were busy saddling the strong horse,

  Several horses shook their heads in the straw shed, neighing endlessly, and somewhat resisted the reins, bridles and other things on their bodies.

"Xianchun, go help your parents!" Master Chilong called out Xianchun among the Taoists, and ordered him to help Yuanqing's old Taoist couple—Xianchun was in the queue, and he turned his head frequently to see his parents Over there, I was also afraid that my parents would not be able to control a few strong horses, and would be injured by the horses instead.

   Master Chilong waved his hand, Xianchun hurriedly bowed to him and said: "Thank you, master."

   Then hurriedly left the queue and went to help parents.

Looking up at the forest in the distance, a handsome Taoist priest in a black Taoist robe passed through the forest with his sword on his back, and turned back to the ruined temple. Master Chilong looked back and said to the disciples under the door: "Your master is back too. Ah, we can go now!

  This time, go to the nearest Nanxia Town first,

  There is a big market today, and the "Wandering Gods and Ghosts Conference" of the Dizangwang Temple will be held there. Let's go to see the excitement and have breakfast at the market, so we won't make it at home.

   After breakfast, I strolled around the market, and then went to Nanxia Wharf.

   Sell a horse and buy a boat.


   Chilong and his disciples talked about what they are going to do today.

All the Taoists are young men and women, who live in the deep forest on weekdays and have little contact with the outside world. In fact, each of them has long felt that such a life is very boring, but their master and ancestor have been planning big things in recent days. Strictly ordering them to stay at 'home' and practice hard, they naturally dare not disobey their teacher's orders.

  To this day, all the Taoists were summoned by the master, and when they heard the news that they could go to the fair today to watch the excitement, their eyes lit up immediately, and the excitement was beyond words.

  Su Wu came from a distant forest with several wooden swords on his back.

  He nodded slightly to Master Chilong and greeted him.

  All eyes were on him.

  Master looked at the hilts of several wooden swords behind him, and asked with a smile, "The wooden swords have been forged?"

   "It's done." Su Wu nodded.

"In the past few days, you have cultivated the righteous air bag, learned a certain flying sword technique, and now you have cultivated a few mahogany swords - a certain one is sure that you will gain something from practicing this morning, so I called everyone in advance, When you come back, let's go to Nanxia Town!" Master Chilong said with a smile, "In this wild forest, I eat some wild vegetables every day, lacking oil and salt, just in time to go to the town for a tooth-beating festival!"

Su Wu listened to Chilong Master's complaints, and turned to untie the sword bag behind his back, and handed a mahogany sword wrapped in a burlap bag to the disciples: "Take these wooden swords with you, and if your lives are in danger, , I can give birth to an induction, as long as you are still within a hundred steps of being a teacher, I can activate the sword talisman and help you."

  He paused, turned his head and said to Master Chilong, "Today is already the ninth day of April."

   "That's right!" Master Chilong nodded, "I just told them that today we will have a big meal at the market, and then we will sail together to the Minjiang River.

   The biggest thing was done four or five days in advance,

  Tell all the Dharma veins in Nanlu to wait for "April 14th, Zhenlu Mountain will appear"! "

  Su Wu looked at Master Chilong, thought for a moment, and said, "Okay."

  He turned to his disciples and said: "I lent you these wooden swords, you must remember to take them with you no matter what the situation is! This is a matter of your life!"

   "Understood, Master!"

   "Follow the teacher's orders!"

   All the disciples responded one after another.

Seven of the ten mahogany swords were handed over to the disciples. Su Wu carried the sword pouch on his back again. There were only three wooden swords left in the pouch. Next to the pouch, there was a sharkskin sheath about a foot and a half away. Long and short swords.

   Master Chilong glanced at the sheathed dagger on Su Wu's back, then looked around, and after confirming that nothing was left behind, he waved to the disciples: "Get in the car, let's go!"

   Several strong horses came along from the Hunlong Taoist Temple in Jiyun Town, pulled the Beilu Mountain Group Road on the cart, walked slowly through the deep forest, got on the main road, and headed for Nanxia Town.

  The grass grows and the warblers fly, and the green willows support the wind.

  In this season, it is always rainy.

The caravan of Beilu Mountain was driving on the road. Before the morning light had cleared, it began to drizzle. The rain only slightly wet the clothes of the passers-by, and there was still dust on the dirt road that the horseshoes had kicked. up, not wet by the drizzle.

  Today is the big market held in Nanxia Town on the ninth and twenty-ninth day of the lunar new year.

  Because the Ksitigarbha Temple’s Wandering Gods and Ghosts Conference was held here, there were also many pedestrians and vendors on the main road, carrying all kinds of vegetables, fruits, poultry, etc. produced by themselves, to Nanxia Town for the market.

  On the road, a convoy of several horses like Beilu Mountain is actually very rare.

  Passers-by can’t help casting their gazes at the group of roads in the traffic formation.

   Master Chilong didn’t take it seriously. Every time he walked a certain distance, he would stop his car and take them for a ride when he saw old people carrying goods and old women with young children.

  The number of people sitting on the cart gradually increased.

  Women, children, and old people sat on the side of the car, talking about the weather in recent days, the crops planted in the field, and new things they encountered occasionally. The journey was not boring.

   It seems like just a blink of an eye.

  The convoy brought people to Nanxia Town.

"The Wandering Gods and Ghosts Conference won't start until noon!" The old man unloaded his bamboo basket from the cart. In the bamboo basket lay a few goose eggs, and next to it hung two heads down, full of loveless eyes. Rooster, he pointed to the southeast of Nanxia Town and pointed to the Taoists in Beilu Mountain, "The ninth day of April is the birthday of a local 'lord' in Nanxia Town.

  So the "Wandering God Team" of the Dizang Temple will come to Nanxia Town.

  Originally, the Wandering Gods and Ghosts Conference was prepared for gods from all over the world.

   You wait until noon, and you will be able to see the traveling **** team coming from the 'Fu Laoye Temple'! "

   "So that's how it is." Master Chilong nodded after hearing the old man's introduction, and grinned at the old man, "Thank you, old man!"

Hearing the sound, the old man looked up and down the real Chilong, his eyes especially stayed on his big beard for the longest time, the old man shook his head and said: "I am about the same age as you, you call me old man, you call me old ah…"

   While talking, he put the bamboo basket on his back and walked away slowly.

  Leaving Chilong Daoist standing in place, slightly opened his mouth, and did not speak for a long time.

  'Zhengyi Xingsheng', sisters Xianchun, Xianzhen, and Su Wu all heard what the old man said to Master Chilong. The seven disciples all suppressed their smiles and blushed.

  Su Wu shook his head, led the horse and walked towards the market town: "Let's find a place to have breakfast first, there are still many things to do after breakfast."

  Everyone agreed in unison, and followed Su Wu with their horses.

  Reverend Chilong looked depressed, stayed for a while, and hurriedly followed the convoy.

   After breakfast, there is still a long time before noon.

  Beilu Mountain Group Road wandered around Nanxia Town.

   Said it was just a stroll, and Master Chilong led his disciples and grandchildren to buy a lot of things.

   Bought several musical instruments such as Xiaodi and Guzheng.

  In addition to cultivating the Tao, studying the magic of music theory is probably the second biggest hobby of Chilong Zhenren.

Walking around like this until almost noon, with the sound of blowing, blowing and beating coming from the Fulaoye Temple in Nanxia Town, the wandering spirit team of the Dizangwang Temple was finally ready. The team with all kinds of hideous facial makeup invited the paper-stitched 'Master Fu' to the center of the team, and the whole team staggered around Nanxia Town with strange steps.

  People from the south and the north gathered here, and most of them wanted to watch the Wandering Gods and Ghosts Conference here.

  So the common people flocked to the streets beside the market town, and followed the Wandering God team step by step, and walked around Nanxia Town.

  Beilu Mountain group roads were surrounded by crowds, and they watched the whole process of the "Wandering Gods and Ghosts Conference".

  Amidst the discussions among the people onlookers,

   Learned a lot of information.

'The Wandering Gods and Ghosts Conference of the Dizangwang Temple was held from the first day of April. Since the first day of the first day, the Dizangwang Temple has sent several teams of wandering gods, starting from various points in the Minjiang River system, and traveling around many cities in Fujian, market town, until the fourteenth of April,

   All kinds of gods worshiped in cities, market towns, and localities will be gathered, and please come to the place of 'Yuanxidu'.

  On April 14th, all the gods made of paper will be burned to ashes at Yuanxidu of Minjiang River.

  The whole meeting of Wandering Gods and Ghosts has come to an end.

  But in the first half of April, there were not only the "Wandering Gods and Ghosts" at the Temple of the King of Tibet,

The Pu'an altar, the Lingpo meeting forged by the folks, the Taoist altars of the various families controlled by the Black Horn Mountain, and several Taoist altars of the Taoist sect will hold various rituals and sacrificial offerings in the first half of April, and all families will gather at Yuanxidu this place.

   Until the fourteenth day of April,

   It is the busiest time for Yuanxidu. '

  'Yuanxidu' is undoubtedly a very important place for the Nanlu Mountain sects.

  The orientation of ‘Mount Zhenlu in the present world’ inferred by the schools of Nanlu,

   It should be at 'Yuanxidu'!

"Nayuanxidu is quite far from here, and it is extremely difficult to travel by land. Along the way, you need to climb over many dangerous mountains and go deep into uninhabited places. But I have inquired with several Dan family members. If you go by water, then Much sooner.

   Those Dan family members promised to someone that they would send us to Yuanxidu before April 14th if we took the waterway! "Realist Chilong sat on the carriage, watched the carriage gradually leave Nanxia Town, headed for the nearest pier, and then discussed with Su Wu, "I planned to buy a boat and choose it in the nearby waters of the Minjiang River. Location, try to step into the land of Zhenlu Mountain.

  However, all the sects of Nanlu gathered in Yuanxidu, which shows that Yuanxidu is an unusual place, closer to the location of Zhenlu Mountain.

  It may be easier to go to Zhenlu Mountain from there.

  So, what if we also go to Yuanxidu? How many Dan family members are invited to be guides and boatmen?

how do you feel? "

   "Anything is fine." Su Wu said.

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