MTL - My Weird Life-v2 Chapter 700 Back Earth Bloodline (1/2)

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  Chapter 700 Houtu Bloodline (12)


   A pair of feet!

  Zhenlu Mountain is a pair of feet—

Lushan's Dharma lineage was destroyed when the Ming and Qing Dynasties were handed over. All Lushan's disciples, regardless of whether they were north or south, had a pair of footprints on their backs at the same time. The footprints penetrated their internal organs, and eventually caused them to die. die…

  The soles of the feet that stepped on the lifeline of all Lushan Taoist priests, leaving a mark, causing them all to die of gut piercing, are said to be the "three clean feet"!

  The Dharma Line of Lushan Mountain originated from Xu Jingyang, the "Heavenly Master of Zhanjiao",

   It was at the bottom of the Minjiang River, on Zhenlu Mountain, where he learned the true Dharma. He killed an evil dragon raging in the river, and created the "Lushan School" from then on!

  Zhenlu Mountain has a pair of feet!

  A pair of treacherous soles!

  The rise of the Lushan School originated from a pair of sharp soles at the bottom of the Minjiang River.

   That **** is also in charge of the original netherworld.

  'Spiritual Rhyme of the God of Hell' circling in the void, causing Cong Cong God of God's beard and hair to dance all over the sky, baring its teeth and claws, like a huge, pitch-white terrifying octopus!

Kuiba phantasmagorically grabbed many "awakened beards and hairs of the gods", coiled under his own body, and suddenly went up to the foot of Lushan Fa - eight inches below the top of the gods, the red scarf in the patriarch temple system. Master Long poked his head out and saw Su Wu hastily climbed to the bottom of the mountain, and immediately shouted in a low voice: "Dingyang! Dingyang! What is he doing up there?!

The first thing here is not to completely confuse the "feet of the Eight Purities" is not related to the incident of "the footprints destroying the South and North Mountains in the previous life" - next time I simulate, my thoughts will first stay on the feet of the Eight Purities exposed in Below the picture of a row of toes.


  If all the phantom talismans are collected, how will they evolve?

  The former and the latter, how could there be no connection!

  If so,

  on the mountain wall,

  Where did the other part of the "former soil" go?

  Does that explain,

   "Score: B medium."

   "Comment: The sea is flowing, and the hero's true qualities are shown;


  The moment Su Wu's consciousness left the simulated world, it immediately boiled like boiling water.

   "The feet of the Eight Purities collided with the beards and hairs of the **** of the gods, and its strange rhyme made the beards and hairs of the gods of the gods at the foot of the mountain completely inactive.

  What is this condition?

   Determine the primary and secondary relationship of several things that need to be done before re-entering the simulated world.

   Or does it only have the main body without blood, and its own flesh and bones, membranes, and viscera can all be derived from that blood? Hao Ye, who climbed under the form of the **** of the scorpion and saw many temples of the scorpion, spontaneously came up with this thought.

   Retreat and get close to the feet of the eight pure,

   "Simulator!" I skipped scrolling through the messages lined up by the simulator.

   "Loading simulation..."

  Su Wu closed his eyes,

  Sinking into the bottom of the Minjiang River, Jingyang Celestial Master opened up a temple line an inch away, and retreated and nailed it to the "Foot of the Eight Purities", the real name of the "Blood of the Former Earth"!

  The beards and hairs of these gods covering the surface of the "Lushan Fa" are flying up from time to time,

   See what it is stepping on the soles of its feet! "

  Su Wu had a hidden intuition in his heart—these things stepped on by the feet of the Eight Purities may have some connection with the destruction of the North and South Mountains in the previous life!

   It wasn't until Qianlai that Qiantu was introduced by the Taoist sect and became one of the Seven Royals.

  The wind is low and the waves are slow, and the mainstay is even more so.

  The official name of 'God of God' in the simulator is actually 'Blood of the Former Earth'? !

  The original hieroglyph of Tuzi is a man's belly.

The Baijiao Mountain Maowu, Yimai, Tujiao, and the Shao Nanlu sects affected by this rumor, who respect the God of Bi as their ancestors, are rushing in both directions with the "Qiantu Bloodline"—the Qiantu Bloodline is rushing to us for the purpose of evolution the most broken self,

  His death was heavy.

  The hieroglyph of the preceding character is the image of a pregnant woman squatting and giving birth.

  From here, once again retreated into the Lushan method with the help of Qitongshen,

   Directly issued an instruction to it: "Retreat into the past life of the master of the post again!"

  Including the skin of the **** of the gods, the bones of the gods of the gods, the beard and hair of the gods of the gods, and the temple system of various organs and limbs of the gods of the gods.

   Come to think of it, Patriarch Jingyang knows best - which cunning sole is Zhenlu Mountain.

  The mountain wall of Hao Yexiang was exposed.

   Everything remains the same.

  The former soil, the ancient gods.

  The notification sound of the simulator is the thought of passing through Su Wu, and Su Wu's attention is completely concentrated on the two nouns of "Foot of the Eight Clears" and "Blood of the Former Earth" in the notification sound.

  Climb to the bottom of the mountain with the help of "Kuiba Illusion", pull the awakened beard and hair to wrap itself, and resist the attack of the eight pure feet.

   "At that time, for the time being, I first went to provoke the Xufa Temple Department of the God of God.

slow down!

   Could it be that the soles of these feet are not the 'feet of the eight cleanses'? !

It is rumored that the Jiaolong that Xu Jingyang beheaded should actually be the 'God of the Beast'. He nailed the 'God of the Beast' to the Zhenlu Mountain, exhausted his lifespan, and stayed in the cave of the temple system he opened up, just for the sake of his own glory. As a wedge, pin the God of God and Zhenlu Mountain, and use the deceitful rhyme and law of killing that God God of God and Zhenlu Mountain collide with each other to make both of them fall into silence at the same time, so as not to revive them!

   "Loading talents..."

  伱 before death,

   "Are you sure you want to retreat into the 'Past Life of the Master of the Post'?"

  Under certain conditions, before the countless temples that have been ups and downs outside the blood of the former soil get a step back and evolve, they will surround the "blood of the former soil" and make them re-evolve into the real "former soil"? !

  I calm down all my thoughts one by one,

  At the same time, it also makes its own strange rhyme covered and pressed on the thick beard and hair, so that it can't be diffused.

Once again, I collected many ghostly phantasmagorias from the temple system of Shaoxing—even less than the next time. Many of the ghostly phantoms from the temple system in the puzzle of rhymes linked by the charm of Hengzhi were all collected by me. Get up, and once again form the phantom talismans of the young masters on the "Yuanhuang Temple System" of its own talisman body - those phantom talismans of the young masters can all be regarded as a part of the "former soil" itself!

  Like the raised blood vessels on the skin of those feet.

  So it has been explained,

  The unknown is scarier than the known.

  The downfall of the Lushan faction was also due to a pair of sharp soles.

Could it be that he tied the murderous law of these treacherous feet to the disciples of the senior Lushan Mountain—with his own life and the lives of all the disciples of the Zhenlu Mountain Range, he withstood the pair of feet that were supposed to bring to the world? The law of murder in the soles of the evil robbery? !

  The color and details of these veins are so similar and so close to the veins of blood vessels coiled under the feet of Baqing's "Qiantu Blood Vessel"—

  Qiantu was a small **** in the "Gushi Renjiao" at that time!

   Countless thoughts came out!

  Su Wu once again stood on the side of the 'God of the God of Beard and Hair', looking up at the master with the help of the beard and hair of the God of God and crawling back into the temple system opened by the patriarch.

"he died."

  Today, I am not the 'job master' myself, and I haven't missed the chance to find out all that!

   "This simulation assignment."

  Being able to become the **** of immortality in the temple system-this will also erase yourself and become a part of the former soil!

  Is there any connection between the former and the latter?

  The prompt said that Su Wu was suppressed by the strange rhyme emanating from the 'Baqing's feet' to suppress the flow of thoughts and blood. When someone rescued him, he died of suffocation on the Baqing's feet.

  Before the next simulated victory, I appeared at the save point under the 'Purchased Big Boat',

  Before calculating all the details, Su Wu's body shape evolved into a human-faced centipede Kuiba phantom again, the body clinging to the clumps of beards and hairs, sneaking all the way to the foot of the mountain!

   It can be seen from this that the worship of gods in the "Qiantu" may have disappeared in the era of the matrilineal clan-the various sects in the post-"Shang" era were still ignorant and chaotic, and they were all included in the "Gushi Renjiao".

  Associated with the purple-red veins coiled in a serpentine shape—is it just like a cluster of blood vessels? !

  Furthermore, Su Wu knew what the 'God of God' was, that is, he was afraid of the consequences that would be brought to him if he touched that thing again.

   Couldn’t it be that ‘the gods wake up, Fujian people have it’? !

   Not yet, wisps of very thin purple veins are growing rapidly.

  When recalling this scene, Su Wu could vaguely 'see' something that seemed to be stepping on the feet of Baqing.

  The pale mountain wall is faintly transparent,

   "He has successfully retreated into the nearest save point of the 'Past Life of the Master of Job'!"

   Seven, would they have already secretly assigned each other to 'blend'? !

   He just deliberately deceived someone to come to the Patriarch Temple! "

Su Wu was terrified, raised his head, and uncovered part of the beard and hair covering the surface of the 'Baqing's feet' behind him, and also faintly saw the intertwined and winding purple veins on the pale skin of Baqing's feet.

  Hao Ye’s mind churned with thoughts for a long time,

   is to gain a seat at the ‘Longevity Banquet’,

I will go through the experience of the next encounter with the "feet of the eight pure" that emanates a strange rhyme, causing someone to rescue me at the foot of the mountain. In the end, all the organs and consciousness in the body are suppressed, stop functioning and die, and I will go through it again and recall the details .

Nailing the seven together again, is it right? Hao Ye grabbed the thoughts that were constantly turning outside his mind, and only relied on these purple veins on the skin surface of the feet of the eight cleansings to conclude that the blood of the former soil and the feet of the eight cleansings It's too hasty to end the fusion!

  What exactly is ‘Hao Yexiang’—it’s not a pure body!

   And we rush to the 'beast **** lineage' - the blood of the former soil,

  Su Wu hadn't guessed about this for a long time, but Jishang finally confirmed his guess.


  Until the simulator issued a beep, some information that appeared outside the beep made my thoughts suddenly settle down.

   Moreover, it is still in a silent state now, and there are not many strange rhymes emitted.


The "Chilong Zhenren", a small real person in Beilu Mountain, used himself as a wedge to nail the "feet of the eight clear" and "the blood of the former soil", delaying the recovery of the seven, and the southern and northern Lushan failed to be in the hands of "Xuan Jingzi" Unified into one, it is impossible to escape the natural disasters in the future.

  It's a pity that he still couldn't make up for that catastrophe. Although he didn't try his best to turn the tide, he was able to accomplish it all.

   And what I didn't expect was the 'God of God'.

The most important reason why you died on the mountain was that you provoked the beard and hair temple of the **** of **** and threw you from the top of the mountain to the foot of the mountain—under the heavy pressure of the gods of assassins, you should have been seriously injured, and you have the feet of the eight clear The impact of the strange rhyme, I can bear it immediately, and die on the spot. "

  (end of this chapter)