MTL - My Weird Life-v2 Chapter 712 Huangtian Zhenlei, the Former King (1/2)

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  Chapter 712 Huangtian Zhenlei, the former king (12)

   "You have obtained the 'Gu Shi-Human God Curse Seal'.

   It is detected that you have the 'Dragon Elephant Bodhi Seal', the 'Gushi-Human God Seal' can be fused with the 'Dragon Elephant Bodhi Seal', is it fused? "

   "You have obtained the 'Huangtian-Shehuoji Thunder Curse Seal'.

   It is detected that you have the 'Leizu Shenyun Brand' and 'Tianpeng Killing Curse Seal'.

  Whether to choose to combine the "Leizu Shenyun Brand" and "Huangtian-Shehuoji Thunder Curse Seal";

  Or combine the 'Huangtian-Shehuoji Thunder Curse Seal' and 'Canopy Killing Curse Seal';

   Or combine the 'Huangtian-Shehuoji Thunder Curse Seal', 'Tianpeng Killing Curse Seal', 'Lei Zu Shenyun Brand'?

Note: The fusion of the Canopy Killing Seal and other curse seals will not affect the 'Canopy-Prestige Seal' independently derived from this curse seal, but after the fusion of the Canopy Curse Seal and other curse seals, it will no longer continue to evolve 'Cloudy Canopy Curse Seal'.

  At the same time, because you already have many 'instruments of torture' that meet the requirements of the 'canopy-hand seal',

  'Canopy-Hand Punishment Seal' will be independent from the Canopy Killing Curse Seal, you can continue to practice the 'Top Canopy-Hand Punishment Seal'. "

  The pure red mark detached from the turntable, hanging in Su Wu's sight. Before he could read the specific information of the curse seal, another curse seal came off the turntable. It was a curse seal with black and yellow colors, mixed with thunder and fire, juxtaposed with the pure red seal, and highlighted in Su Wu's field of vision.

at the same time,

  The notification tone of the simulator rang in Su Wu's ears again for a while.

  Su Wu did not respond to the simulator's prompt, and his eyes first focused on the pure red curse seal.

  The specific information of the pure red curse seal passed his thinking.

  Gushi-Human God Curse Seal (C's Curse Seal): Obtaining this curse seal, one's own body will have the potential to grow into a "human god".

  After the founding of the country by the great merchants, the worship of "human gods" was far more prosperous than that of "celestial gods".

  Gain God is illusory and illusory, and rarely manifests in the world.

The "human gods" stand in the temples of various tribes, villages, and state cities. They are equipped with incense and sacrifices. .

  The weakest of the "human gods" can also resist the general law of killing people.

   Among them, the powerful ones, such as 'Tang', 'Pangeng', and 'Wuding' can all suppress 'Tiangui'.

   Obtaining the seal of the curse will determine the "human-god class" that one's body can eventually grow up to according to the holder's own situation.



  Su Wu murmured.

   Instead, he focused his gaze on the thunder and fire curse seal with black and yellow colors.

Huangtian-Shehuoji Thunder Curse Seal (B's Curse Seal): This curse seal is the curse seal issued by the "Original Thunder Ancestor Beiyin Holy Mother Temple System". After obtaining this curse seal, the "Original Thunder" in the body of its own talisman Zubaogao' will be transformed into 'Royal Field Foundation',

  Plant the Thunder Talismans in the 'Royal Field Roots',

   From this, we can gradually introduce and piece together the 'primitive Leizu temple system'.

  The black and yellow two-color Huangtian curse seal is a second-level curse seal.

   is the highest level of curse seal currently held by Su Wu.

  And this curse seal can also be integrated with the 'Leizu Divine Charm Brand' and the 'Canopy Killing Curse Seal'.

  At present, the potential shown by this curse seal is already very eye-catching.

It is possible to turn the 'primitive Leizu Baobao' into the 'Royal Field Foundation', so that the 'primitive Leizu Temple System' that has been replaced by the 'Nine Heavens Yingyuan Leisheng Puhua Tianzun Temple System' can once again be based on its own talisman body. Patchwork together!

  'Gu Shi-Human God Curse Seal' is also a curse seal with full potential.

Su Wu now accommodates half of the 'Blood of the Houtu', and his body is no longer strong enough to support the use of such a tyrannical power, and now he relies on the physical growth brought about by the Dragon Elephant Bodhi Seal, and he will soon be able to grow his body. to the limit.

  Physical growth has been extremely slow now.

  If you get this man-god curse seal, your physical growth will definitely speed up.

  The human-god curse seal is fused with the "Dragon Elephant Bodhi Curse Seal" that has no significant effect, and the re-formed curse seal is bound to be more powerful, and it is very likely to break through the C level and reach the B level.

   Regarding the fusion of these two spells, Su Wu didn't have too much doubts, and nodded in agreement.


   "Fusion successful!

  You get the 'Old Beginning-Human King's Curse Seal (B's Curse Seal)'! "

  Thus - Human King Curse Seal (B's Curse Seal): Obtaining this curse seal, one's own body will have the potential to grow into a high-level "Human King" among the "Human Gods".

  After the founding of the country by the great merchants, the worship of "human gods" was far more prosperous than that of "celestial gods".

  Gain God is illusory and illusory, and rarely manifests in the world.

The "human gods" stand in the temples of various tribes, villages, and state cities. They are equipped with incense and sacrifices. .

  The weakest of the "human gods" can also resist the general law of killing people.

   Among them, the powerful ones, such as 'Tang', 'Pangeng', and 'Wuding' can all suppress 'Tiangui'.


  The curse seal after fusion did not disappoint Su Wu.

  The human king curse seal directly confirmed that Su Wu's physique could at least grow to the level of a "human king". As for how far he could go after growing into a "human king", it all depended on his own good fortune.

  This time the fusion spell seal doubled Su Wu's confidence,

  The curse seals are integrated with each other, and the core characteristics of each curse seal will be preserved to the greatest extent, and even greatly increased.

  His thoughts circulated among the 'Canopy Killing Curse Seal', 'Huangtian-Shehuoji Thunder Curse Seal', and 'Lei Zu Shenyun Brand', and finally settled his mind.

  Among the three curse seals, the positive effect of the 'Canopy Killing Curse Seal' has gradually disappeared, and the many 'living corpses' that Su Wu encountered today are not affected by the Canopy Killing Curse Seal.

  And the 'Lei Zu Divine Charm Brand' - from the beginning to the end, Su Wu rarely used this curse seal associated with the 'Nine Heavens Thunder Responds to Yuan Puhua Tianzun',

   To Su Wu, its effect is more like chicken ribs, tasteless to eat, and a pity to discard.

  After distinguishing the pros and cons in this way, Su Wu once again issued the command of "fusion spell seal" to the simulator.


   "Fusion successful!"

   "You have obtained the 'Emperor Tianzhen Thunder Curse Seal'!"

  Huangtian Zhenlei Curse Seal (B's Curse Seal): Therefore, after Tianshengchang, Zhou Tianzi determined the "Emperor Heaven Sacrifice" and respected the "Haotian God", abolished human sacrifice sacrifices, compiled history, and erased disasters and evil changes.

  'The emperor's fate, the world is dying, and he is the king of the world'.

  'The king wears the emperor's sky while walking on the earth, and the emperor's earth is the earth, and he really hears the words of the king'.

  Heaven has five trumpets, respected and respected, it is called "Emperor Heaven" - the thunder of the emperor sky, that is, the thunder of the ruler, the thunder of humanity.

Obtaining the seal of the spell, will gather the "Emperor's True Thunder Edict" in the body of its own talisman, and will capture all the thunder talismans, so that all thunder talismans will be included under the tolerance of the "Emperor's True Thunder Edict", and will cut off any relationship with The connection of the original temple system.

The Emperor Tianzhen Lei Dazhao will continue to gather the wishes of all living beings. After the "All Beings Wish" gathers to a certain extent, it will be possible to gather the "Emperor Heaven Thunder Ancestral Temple Department". Lei Zhenxing'.

   All living beings are willing to gather to the greatest extent, and the Emperor Tianlei Ancestral Temple lineage will gather to form the 'Emperor Heaven Leizu Lineage'.

  When the "Huangtian Zhenlei Ancestral Genealogy" was gathered in the imperial edict of Huangtian Zhenlei, the "Huangtian Zhenlei Curse Seal" was upgraded to a first-class curse seal.


The "Huangtianzhen Thunder Curse Seal" removed many of the "Canopy Killing Curse Seal" and "Leizu Charm Brand", which were already tasteless to Su Wu. There are two functions of Lei Dazhao' and 'gathering the willingness of all beings'.

  After gathering Huangtian Zhenlei's great edict, the 'Huangtian Leizu Temple Line' will also have a foundation!

  This curse seal involves the will power of all living beings, which gave Su Wu an intuition that when dealing with the 'Ghost Buddha', this curse seal might have unexpected effects.

   Moreover, although the Huangtian Zhenlei curse seal is still a second-level curse seal, it has the potential to grow into a first-level curse seal!

  It can even finally gather into a 'pedigree'!


  The original king's curse seal and Huang Tianzhen's thunder curse seal are already the two strongest curse seals under Su Wu's grasp!

  With a thought in his mind, he immediately absorbed these two spells.

  The curse seal of the ancient king turned into a rain of blood, splashing all over Su Wu's body,

  His limbs and bones, deep in the marrow bone, suddenly gave birth to a kind of vitality that all things are bursting out of.

And Huang Tianzhen's thunder curse seal turned into golden lightning and struck on the talisman body behind Su Wu, and immediately picked up the lightning talismans arranged in the shape of a dragon. , Completely turned into the "Emperor Tianzhen Lei Dazhao"!

  Su Wu's body was covered with lightning, and his brows and eyes were rolling in the darkness.

  Looking at the convertible items listed on the dial,

  Option 0: Lushan Dazheng Dharma Sword - Patriarch Dharma Sword (200000)

  Note: Exchanging this sword out of the simulation will cause unpredictable changes in the fixed history.


  Su Wu's eyes rested on 'option 0' for a while,

   No items have been redeemed out of the simulation yet.

His biggest gain in the "Lushan Simulated World" this time is his talisman cultivation, and the rest seem not so important—even the Lushan Daren Dharma Sword, which uses the patriarch's talisman body as the embryo, Later, after Su Wu blended his own killing stone dagger, the reforged dharma sword was not that important in his eyes.

  The Dazheng Dharma sword symbolizes the inheritance of Lushan Dharma,

   its symbolic meaning,

   is much larger than it really is.

In the hands of Su Wu, this dharma sword is only a stronger weapon than the 'Da Hong Lian Tai Zang', but not as good as the 'Hei Di Zang'. It can gather people's hearts and stabilize the religious system!

  Su Wu quit the simulation.

   After leaving the pitch-black simulator space, the environment he was in was still a bit gloomy.

  Pale moonlight shines from the window into the tidy room.

  He narrowed his eyes slightly,

  After leaving the simulation, I sensed my own talisman body a little bit.

   There is not much difference between the talisman body and the simulation.

The most important thing is that the ray of complete charm is still circling in the shape of the black sun in the body of the talisman. His mind is connected to the ray of complete charm, and he has a sudden intuition-as long as he moves a little, the flying After transferring, many Lushan talismans in the ninety-nine temple systems of the soil bloodline were recalled by him one by one as much as possible.

  —History has been 'fixed'.

   Everything in the simulation becomes real.

  (end of this chapter)

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