MTL - My Weird Life-v2 Chapter 715 Guardian Flame (2/2)

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  Chapter 715 Protective Fire (22)

  At a certain intersection leading to the Linwei toll gate, a light blue tent has been set up.

  Several security personnel guarded around the tent, signaling for vehicles going to the Linwei toll gate to turn around.

   In front of the tent,

  For unknown reasons, a bonfire was lit.

  There are also guards adding firewood to the fire.

  The flame danced, and its burning brought a feeling of infinite peace.

  'Fate-protecting fire'.

Seeing the blazing flames lit in front of the tent, a smile appeared on the face of Su Wu who was driving close to this place. He already understood why the team of the Conspiracy Bureau was able to quickly control the situation, and did not let 'Bai Ying Li Gui' cause a bigger disaster. casualties.

  The reason lies in the "life-saving fire" lit in front of the security personnel's tent.

The firewood inheritance of the Kitchen God Sect has already taken root in the current Taiya. After Su Wu returned to reality, he found that the firewood gathered under the heart lamp tablets of his heart chakra became more and more intense. In reality, the Taoism of the Kitchen God, which has been handed down successively, is thriving, and the momentum of development is extremely rapid.

   "Don't go any further, Linwei toll station is prohibited.

   You go back and go somewhere else! "

  A security officer saw Su Wu driving a car coming this way, and immediately got up to stop Su Wu's car, and explained to Su Wu by pointing to the no-go sign in the middle of the road with one hand.

  Su Wu did not speak.

  Wang Ping'an poked his head out from the co-pilot seat.

  Fang Zheng's face turned pale slightly, he waved directly to several security personnel who surrounded him, exchanged a few words with them, and then explained the purpose of his visit.

  The security personnel then made a call.

   Not long after,

  A slender figure led a strong snow-white mastiff, and ran quickly from the end of the road to the tent.

  The security guards beside the vehicle all turned their heads to look at the slender figure, ignoring Su Wu for a while, opened the door and got out of the car.

  After the woman with the mastiff approached, the guards all greeted enthusiastically: "Sister Yun, you came in person!"

   "Sister Yun!"

   "Cloud Assistant!"

  'Assistant Yun' nodded slightly, as a response to the greetings of the people around him.

  Her eyes were always fixed on a certain direction, and she did not move away.

  Many security personnel sensed the subtlety of the atmosphere, and followed the gaze of Assistant Yun to the handsome young man who had just opened the car door and walked out.

   "Captain Wang brought this person over, saying that there are some things that need to be negotiated with the Conspiracy Bureau team.

  This person is Captain Wang's driver—" A security officer lingered on Su Wu's face for a few seconds, then turned his head and explained to Assistant Yun with a smile on his face.

   Before he could finish his sentence, he was completely interrupted by a slap on the back of the head by Captain Wang - Wang Pingan who rushed forward.

   "What a driver! What a driver!

  What nonsense!

   This is Director Su of the Weird Investigation Bureau! "Wang Pingan repeated the sentence several times anxiously, put his arms around the neck of the nonsense security officer, and said in a low voice.

  The security officer was strangled by his neck and rolled his eyes, and repeatedly slapped his arms around his neck.

   Several people around have reacted,

   All in awe for a moment,

   all said again and again: "Su Bureau!"

   "Su Bureau!"

Su Wu nodded, facing Yun Nishang's somewhat complaining eyes, his expression didn't change, he looked at the snow mastiff that was half as tall as a man led by the other party, and said with a smile: "So soon, the first batch of Seeker Mastiffs have been cultivated. Out?"

   Calculating the time, from the official completion of the Seeking Mastiff Garden to the present, the time in reality is only a few months.

  In a few months, the first batch of Mastiffs were assigned to each team of the Bureau of Conspiracy.

  The speed is really amazing.

   Does not conform to the normal growth pattern of dogs.

Su Wu glanced at the cunning mastiff led by Yun Nishang, and found that although this mastiff was huge and seemingly strong, its bone density was not high and its heart pumping function was weak. Urged to grow.

Yun Nishang's eyes also fell on the mastiff she was leading, and she responded to Su Wu aloud: "This is the first generation of the sly mastiff bred by the Taiya platform through the fertilized eggs you gave them. .

  Retains the ability to sniff out harsh auras, but other abilities are relatively weak.

  Because of the serious situation, the platform has used many technological means,

   Accelerated the growth of these mastiffs.

'Zhanghe Safety Zone' is where the headquarters of the Bureau of Conspiracy is located. In the mastiff garden, the selection and breeding of the puppet mastiff and path-seeking mastiff are still being carried out. much slower. "

  The Mastiff Seeker is a dog that can sniff out the rhyme and trace traces of Li Gui;

  The wayfinding mastiff was bred by generations of monks in the Secret Tibetan Region. It naturally has a special ability. It can lead people to find a way out from the fierce invasion by virtue of their innate intuition.

  Su Wu shared most of the **** and fertilized eggs he obtained from the secret Tibetan area with the entire Taiya Platform, the Department of Strange Countermeasures, and the Bureau of Conspiracy.

  Now in the undercurrent of Su Wu's consciousness,

  Wangcai and another black dog are still being raised in it. The black dog has already conceived, and it is unknown what kind of dog it will give birth to.

"I see.

  Take me to the scene of the incident. "Su Wu replied a few words, and then turned to the serious business, "Did the team of the Conspiracy Bureau use the 'Stove God Method' to catch that white shadow Ligui? "

   "Yes." Yun Nishang replied with a serious look, "According to the traces left by Li Gui, the weather when Li Gui appeared at that time and other factors, we have already calculated that Li Gui's fate through the five inner pots,

   sent out soul-receiving rice.

   But it has not been 'hooked'.

  This has never happened before—in the past, when Li Gui encountered soul harvesting rice that fit their fate, he always actively invested in the soul harvesting rice and was accommodated by the soul harvesting rice.

   There has never been a situation where Li Gui was indifferent to the soul harvesting rice that fit his fate.

  —Members of the Zao Squad felt that the calculation of Li Gui's fate might be incorrect, that's why Li Gui was unmoved by the bowl of soul harvesting rice.

  But they have gathered all the elements needed for the fortune-telling grid of the five inner pots,

   It stands to reason that it is impossible to miscalculate that terrible fate.

  Now they think that there may be a problem with the "five inner tanks" and they cannot calculate the fate accurately—you also said that this kind of five inner tanks always has certain errors in the batch calculation of fate, and it cannot be very accurate. "

  A man and a woman walked side by side to the Linwei toll station in the dark depths.

  The security personnel left behind looking at each other.

  Seeing Assistant Yun obediently following behind that handsome young man, telling him about the current situation, the younger guys among the security personnel were immediately downcast.

  The older security guard took a cigarette from Wang Pingan,

  Looking at the dark road in the distance, he turned to Wang Ping'an and said, "Captain Wang, can you make do with us tonight?

   It's too late for you to drive back safely.

  We huddled together, and it was still warm to sleep together. "

"Okay!" Wang Pingan took a deep puff of cigarette, leaned on a chair in front of the tent, looked at the man and woman engulfed by the darkness, and suddenly exhaled a large cloud of smoke, "I was greatly stimulated today, I don’t want to touch the steering wheel anymore…”


  Linwei Toll Station.

   brightly lit,

  A few tents were also set up on the side of the road.

  The life-guarding fire was blazing, and the members of the stove guarding in front of the fire frequently looked at the road in the distance until they saw two figures of a man and a woman suddenly appearing on the road—

  The people who were a little absent-minded before suddenly cheered up, stood up one after another, and faced the two figures.

   "Su Bureau!"

   "Su Bureau!"

  The Zaoban team sent to solve the special incident here are all new faces that Su Wu has never seen before.

  They were new members who were recruited into the Zao Class after they swore an oath through the 'Oath Card' left by Su Wu. Seeing Su Wu's face, several of them greeted with some restraint.

   Looking at Su Wu with a look of inquiry,

   I think I have heard some of the rumors about this cunning director, but I am mostly dubious.

   "Hi there."

Su Wu greeted everyone, walked a few steps forward, walked to a pile of life-protecting fires, turned around and said to the members of the cooking class team: "Today, I will teach you how to lock the monsters, which are hard to see with the naked eye." tricky way.

  Using this method can make Bai Ying appear sharply.

   Then eliminate the part of the force that hinders it from being thrown into the soul-receiving rice, and imprison it in the soul-receiving rice. "

  He turned to look at Yun Nishang: "You can take a picture of the method I'm going to use next, and use it as a video learning material, and send it to the teams of the tricky spotlight class for them to learn."

"Okay!" Yun Nishang didn't expect that Su Wu just asked herself a few random questions on the road, and it seemed that she had found a way to find Bai Ying Ligui. The light in her eyes flickered, she nodded immediately, and took out a few questions from the backpack behind her. took a camera.

  ——Yun Nishang had already carried a camera with her because she wanted to take pictures in many places to collect evidence.

"We guess it's because there's something wrong with the five inner cans, and the cunning fate cannot be approved, so we can't use the soul-receiving rice to attract it and imprison it-does Director Su think it's not the problem of the soul-receiving rice?" Zao A female member of the squad asked Su Wu in a weak voice.

  The members of the kitchen team faced Su Wu, most of them were timid, and they didn't dare to speak loudly in front of him.

  Mingming Su Wu's expression was gentle, and he didn't show any evil spirits.

  The leaders of the public servants of all parties on the platform are able to control the tricks with a calm expression. Now when they see Su Wu, they are like a kitten meeting a tiger.

   "The possibility of a problem with the five inner tanks is not ruled out." Su Wu responded to the female team member, "But the problem with the five inner tanks is not the main reason why this matter cannot be resolved."

  The female team member was hesitant to speak after hearing the words, and wanted to ask Su Wu a few more questions,

  But Su Wu didn't give her a chance to ask again.

  His hands formed the seal of the heart lamp,

  The moment the heart lamp was printed, the flames shot out from his whole body!

  Turned into a dragon of bright white fire and rushed straight to Xiaohan!

  Seeing this scene, all the members of the stove team retreated for a while, looking up at the blazing dragon, all dumbfounded!

Su Wu's expression was calm, and he let the flames burn all over his body. He was bathed in the flames, and the raging fire couldn't even hurt a piece of his clothes—he turned to look at Yun Nishang, and said: "In addition to the knot lamp seal, silently recite the 'pay Beyond the four characters of "Fire Persistence",

  Don't worry about everything else.

  It doesn't matter if you don't have a torch on you. "

  He turned his head,

   Pointing obliquely to the life-protecting fire at the side,

   Knotting the 'Li Baoyin' with one hand, he shouted: "All gods are listening—

  Report of cause and effect,

  Spells unravel themselves,

  The soul disappears! "

  (end of this chapter)

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