MTL - My Weird Life-v2 Chapter 729 Om ah hum, Po Saha! (2/2)

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  The main hall is as majestic as a mountain, with heavy ridges and high eaves.

  On the ridge of the roof, the ridge beast crawls.

   Wisps of green smoke curled up from the courtyard in front of the hall, fluttered straight up, crossed a cephalopod on the ridge, and dissipated in the cloud space.

  In the quadrangle, a long table has already been set up.

  A tablecloth embroidered with Tai Chi Eight Diagrams is spread on the long table.

   Arrange candles and incense burners in an orderly manner.

  Su Wu held a stick of incense in his hand, bowed and inserted it into the incense burner, then pulled out a mahogany sword from behind and placed it on the side of the long table.

Behind him, the Daoists of Longhushan Mountain looked solemn, and they all held their breath, staring at every movement of Su Wu without blinking, and remembering it in their hearts—now the real Daoist Ritual is about to begin. Shown before their eyes, they naturally refused to let go of any detail.

  The inheritance of Taoist sects has been cut off, and today they are all in vain.

  The demonstration by the young man in black in front of the altar is very likely to let them see the essence of Taoism,

   And thus continue the broken inheritance!

  Although people who really practice Taoism will definitely feel that these Taoist priests who have not learned the way are naive.

  Yun Nishang's eyes lingered slightly on the mahogany sword on the altar—the jujube sword that Su Wu gave to the members of the Kitchen God's team already possessed the ability to lacerate fierce and fierce monsters.

   I don't know how lethal these mahogany swords he holds are against Li Gui?

  Could it be possible to lacerate Huang-level Li Gui?

But she didn't know that the difference between the dharma sword Su Wu gave to the members of the Kitchen God team and the several mahogany swords he owned was that the former was made of jujube wood and had no "talisman dharma body" attached, while the latter was It is made of peach wood, and it is attached with talismans.

  Under normal circumstances, the mahogany sword in Su Wu's hand can only lacerate the fierce Li Gui in the hands of others,

  But under his control, he can activate the talisman body and exert even stronger power!

   But it’s not just about the item of ‘Mismatched Huang-level Li Gui’.

   "The rite of conversion of ambition, high up to Shenxiao Mansion, Thunder Cave Yuan Palace.

  The three realms are divided into truths, the nine heavens evolve, the light meets the appearance of the great Luo, and the sky of supernatural powers is vast.

  The original Tianlei Pond, which was recorded in Beiyin, was located before the reincarnation of thousands of kalpas, and it was the first to establish the legal system of temples.


  The black-clothed young man in front of the altar chanted the "primordial Lei Zu Bao Bao", and behind him all the Taoists in Longhu Mountain listened with strange expressions on their faces—they had never heard of this Bao Bao.

  The inheritance of the temple talismans of the original Leizu has gradually become difficult to find in the time of Chilong Zhenren, and it is completely cut off in reality, but it is also a foreseeable thing.

  Following Su Wu's recitation of the Holy Mother of Beiyin, in the sky above his head, purple and gold thunderbolts gathered to form a pool of thunder.

The thunder pool poured plasma, meandering down, and gathered in the mid-air to form the "primordial thunder ancestor treasure", in the center of the treasure, the secret taboo of the "Northern Yin Virgin" is still clearly visible, and it has never been because of his cultivation of the emperor. The naive thunder cut off the connection between the thunder talisman in his hand and the 'primitive Leizu temple system', making it half blurred!

  Although he took the initiative to cut off the connection with the original Leizu temple system because of the "Emperor Tianzhen Lei Dazhao",

  But the original Leizu temple system was not far away from him,

  As soon as he invited him, he posted it immediately!

Strands of thunder and thorns gathered in his left hand, forming a "spiritual whip" that was eight feet long and meandering in mid-air. All of them were shocked, their eyes widened, and they didn't want to miss the slightest detail of Su Wu's method.

Before Su Wuduan set up the altar, he held the whip in his left hand and raised it high above his head, while his right hand picked up the vermilion pen on the altar, never dipped in the cinnabar red ink, the dry pen followed his wrist, and the tip of the pen was on the piece on the altar. There is a point on the magic weapon enshrined in the Wanfa Zongtan - Fuchen'—

   Then the tip of the pen was raised, and it landed on the stack of yellow talisman paper in the middle,

A writing brush that has never been stained with ink, especially a brand new one, is tapped on the same blank yellow talisman paper, but it leaves a very thin trace on the yellow talisman paper—the trace twists and turns on the paper continuously, Like a strand of black hair, like a puff of smoke.

The writing brush 'dotted' the trace on the talisman paper, just like a nail wedged into the table. Even if Su Wu let go of his hand and stopped holding it, it still stood firmly on the talisman paper, twisting and struggling the talisman continuously. The traces are also firmly fixed.


  Su Wu turned over and took out a gossip mirror.

He rolled up the talisman paper and completely wrapped the traces on the talisman paper. The whip formed by the fusion of lightning and thorns on his left hand lightly tapped on the wrapped talisman paper, and the whole group of talisman paper ignited a flame. !

  The flame flickered a few times, and the talisman paper was completely reduced to a mass of ashes.

  Pieces of ashes fell into the small bowl of cinnabar red ink on the table. Su Wuxuan picked up the brush again, filled the small bowl with ink, and lightly tapped on the 'Zhen Gua' around the Eight Diagrams Mirror, leaving a red ink dot.

   After finishing all this, he held up the snake-like whip with both hands, and with a thought, a pure gold charm floated out from behind, circling around him!

  The moment the talisman floated out, the talisman flashed faintly behind Su Wu, showing a dazzling golden light.

  All Taoists in Longhushan stared closely at the talismans in the golden light, but it was difficult to distinguish any cloud characters on the talismans—the golden light flickered for a moment and then dissipated.

  Su Wu was already holding the talisman that revolved around him.

This pure gold talisman is exactly the "Magic Mantra of Our Lady of Huangtian Planting Causes and Fruits" in "Natural Disasters, Earth Disasters and Man-made Disasters". Order, quickly manifest!"


The 'God's Whip' that was winding between Su Wu's arms suddenly stretched straight, one end of the lightning whip continued to wind towards the thunder pool in the zenith, and the other end was quickly caught by the ink that Su Wu left on the 'Zhen Gua' of the gossip mirror. Contact!

  Zenith Thunder Pool Thunder Gushing!

   The crimson ink dots on the gossip mirror quickly dissipated!

And when the scarlet ink dots dissipated, on the central mirror surrounded by gossip, there was suddenly thunder and lightning, and a figure emerged in the brilliant thunder-planting cause and fruit, tracing cause and effect, and now Su Wu's passing has become a display of all things. The 'cause' that may be left behind on the Fazong altar has already found the final 'fruit' of this matter!

  The figure became more and more clear in the thunder light,

   showed its true appearance and shape.

  —It was a young man in his early twenties. He had an ordinary face, and his hands naturally hung on his sides.

   At the moment when Su Wu traced the cause and effect and looked at him for a moment, he also raised his head and looked at Su Wu from the "space", with a strange smile on his face: "I have no cause and effect."

   "How can you track me down?"

  The voice has not yet fallen,

  The figure of the person in the mirror was suddenly surrounded by raging fire, and pieces of ashes flew out of the fire,

  The entire gossip mirror in front of Su Wu had cobweb-like cracks protruding, especially the central mirror surface was completely covered by dense cracks, and it was about to collapse!

   "There is no cause and effect—" Su Wu's eyebrows turned for six days, and the true pupils of the old ghost turned, and the young man in the fire he saw was completely nothingness!

  As the youth said,

   Actually there is no cause and effect!

  That youth—not really a living person!

Su Wu suddenly thought of the Li Gui that came down from the talismans, and those Li Gui contained each of the "five buckets of rice Taoist remnants in the Han Dynasty"—the situation of the young people in the mirror may be similar to those remnants of the Taoist priests in the Han Dynasty. The ways of the world are similar,

  In this world, perhaps there is really no causal connection—

   "No problem!"

  Su Wu let out a drink, and colorful silk threads emerged from his black shirt. The silk threads meandered up his arms, entangled the gossip mirror that was about to disintegrate, and firmly fixed the gossip mirror in its current state.

   One by one, the silk threads climb towards the mirror in the center,

   Clinging to the fire in the mirror that from time to time flies ashes!


  Daye is worshiping the killing curse!

After one bow, the raging flames in the mirror re-condensed into the image of an ordinary-looking young man in his early twenties. He looked at Su Wu who was facing him without any emotion, and suddenly opened his mouth—a thick arm Forcibly propped his mouth open, protruding from it,

  As the arm stretched out of his mouth, the palms and fingers of the arm suddenly opened.

  In the middle of that palm, there is actually a purple-red lip,

  The lips parted, and a spell-stained tongue spewed out.

  The spell burns,

  The sound of rolling thunder flooded from the inside of the mirror to the outside of the mirror: "The chaos is vast, and the first qi is divided. The golden light is the qi, and the name is Yuqing!"

  Primary fixed image, natural supreme. Green and white shot together, and the supernatant was established!

  In Qibao Palace, Daoist Yuchen. The three qi are transformed into knots, and the movement shines brightly!


   Yuqing! supernatant! Too clear!

  As the mouth in the palm recited the spell, an indescribable sense of danger exploded in Su Wu's heart, and the alarm bell rang!

  At this moment, behind him, the talisman, the dharma body, and me suddenly appeared in a strange way!

  The temple annexed the black and red double day!

  The real dragon coils around the double sun!

Subconsciously, he was about to run the two suns and attract the full strength of the Houtu bloodline to protect him—but at the moment this thought flashed, he was suddenly choked. A severe catastrophe, but it will inevitably cause him too much wear and tear, and the price of using all the power of the Houtu bloodline once must be that after his short survival,

   All kinds of evils in the body are revived,

   Then he died under Li Gui's recovery!

  This method will not work!

  With a thought in Su Wu's mind, in the talisman body behind him, the dragon of fire, thunder, and lightning talismans coiled around the black and red double suns suddenly rose up, bypassed the double suns, and rushed straight to the 'Yuanhuang temple system' on the top!

  The Fire, Thunder and Lightning Real Dragon rushed into the Yuanhuang Temple!

  The brazier in the center of the small temple was burning silently, but now the flame in the brazier suddenly expanded and exploded!

  Amidst the raging fire, a human face suddenly emerged!

The human face made of flames calmly turned its head, observing the patterns of the avenue on the four walls of the small temple, but as the bright white flames exploded, all the patterns of the avenue on the four walls were reflected Create nothingness, and the walls of the entire small temple will be nothingness!

  A human face made of flames, yet to see the real scene of the world outside the temple,

   I heard the voice of the mouth in the center of the palm reciting a spell!

  'It''s complexion suddenly changed,

   Face full of resentment!

   Opening his mouth, he spat out a series of strange syllables: "Om Po Saha, Ah Po Saha, Hum Po Saha, Om Ah Hum, Po Saha!"

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