MTL - My Whole Sect Transmigrated to The Interstellar World-Chapter 12 It's outrageous: why don't you tell her directly...

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Sa Sa didn't deliberately break their mentality. It was only during the duel that she discovered that there are so many types of mechas. Shouldn't she take a good look at it before making a move? Otherwise it's too wasteful.

She is like a battle maniac who doesn't know how to get tired, constantly taking in new knowledge.

However, her mecha was almost smashed several times, so Sa Sa had to spend money to repair the mecha several times no matter how reluctant she was.

The mecha of the person in front of her was another style she had never seen before.

Sa Sa's current opponent is called [A Bai], and the qualifying points are quite high. Although he didn't make the top 100, he has some strength in the top 200. He just heard that there is a master who pretends to be a pig and eats a tiger to match.

There are no tigers in the mountains, and the monkeys are kings. A person who uses the initial mech to equip B may be a bit skilled, but 80% of them are like that. Otherwise, why should he stay in the random match?

It is estimated that people who sway half a bottle of water and want to make a name for themselves do so.

He had to be taught how to behave—this is the idea of ​​some people, these people are all good, and naturally they won't be convinced by a pretend B who comes out of nowhere. It's that A Bai's luck is better, and he is directly matched.

Ah Bai heard that Sa Sa's movement skills are very good, but it is a coincidence that he is also a mecha soldier who is known for his speed.

As soon as the expert shot, the feeling was completely different. Ah Bai didn't dare to take it lightly, he locked Sa Sa's trajectory from the beginning, he approached quickly, and then stabbed it. He won't give Sa Sa a chance to dodge...

[A Bai] didn't make the top 100 points, but because he belongs to the fighting maniac attribute, his fighting style is his own, and he still has a group of fans.

So after he came on stage, someone in the audience recognized him, "It's Ah Bai! Little Junior Sister kicked the iron plate this time!"

"That's not necessarily true. Little Junior Sister is insidious, but it's really weird." Someone also gave Sa Sa a platform.

Li Chengyu is the one who thinks that Sa Sa will win. He has seen Sa Sa's body technique, and has also learned and experienced it himself, only to find that his brain has learned it, but his body has not. Seemingly simple actions, in fact, it is necessary to grasp the timing very accurately, and the reaction speed is extremely fast.

Can such a person be simple?

Li Chengyu has already counted the big list in his mind, wanting to know whose vest this little junior sister is. But guessing and guessing, it's not quite the same.

Could it be some military academies or people in the military who rarely use the Star Network? Although the star network points rankings are very powerful, there are indeed some great gods who think that the games on the star network are too watery and different from the real actual combat.

Li Chengyu didn't want to understand, and didn't think about it.

Li Chengyu's little friend supported A Bai, "This little junior sister is quite strong, but I heard that she has been playing for an hour in a row, even if she adjusts her five senses sensitivity to a very low level, she will definitely be unable to hold on. Ah Bai's strength is not bad, and the mecha is better than her, there is no reason not to win."

Li Chengyu was taken aback: "She hasn't rested?"

As we all know, although the competition on the star network will not really consume people's physical strength, it will consume people's energy, especially those who have a high perception. The feeling of being injured and tired will be very real, how can you not be tired? Those with a higher spiritual sea level will last longer, but there is a limit.

Li Chengyu thought that Sa Sa's intermission was over, after all, she seemed to be in good shape.

The little friend hesitated for a while and said, "It can't be said that she has never rested. Matching takes time, and mecha repairing takes time. She uses these time to rest."

Li Chengyu's face was expressionless: The match is up to ten seconds, and the mecha is repaired within five minutes. Is this called a break?

But because of this, Li Chengyu's heart shook: Little Junior Sister won't really lose, right?

He was a little confused about what the little junior sister wanted to do, training? Looking for someone to fight to gain experience? Want to win?

But no matter what the reason is, you have to take a good rest, right?

He naturally didn't know that Sa Sa's sea of ​​consciousness was comparable to that of the Jindan period, and his mental power was much higher than that of ordinary people.

Moreover, overdraft is a normal thing for her. Cultivators have to break through the limit when they polish themselves. Whether it is Master Xu Yi or the second senior brother, they have been abused in their pursuit of the Dao. Of course, except for the third senior brother Xie Rong.

Sa Sa did feel a little tired, and the previous pain was 100% passed to her. But this kind of tiredness stimulated Sa Sa's nerves more and more, and she became more and more excited.

Li Chengyu couldn't understand, so he could only watch the game silently.

Because he has been thinking about her movements in the training room, Li Chengyu is very familiar with Sa Sa's style, yes, it is her. But looking at it, Li Chengyu noticed something was wrong.

Compared with the training data left in the training room, Sa Sa's movements are much smoother.

Li Chengyu was quite puzzled before: Why can some people feel like a novice and a master at the same time? But now, the initial mecha on the field has lost its original stagnation.

Li Chengyu: !

He suddenly had a bold idea.

But his guess was so outrageous that even he himself felt unbelievable.

Li Chengyu asked his friend with a dry throat, "Do you think this little junior sister is a novice, she is studying?"

The little friend rolled his eyes at him, "What nonsense are you talking about? You call this a novice?"

On the field, Abai narrowed the distance with Sa Sa, and the energy cannon had already blasted towards Sa Sa. At such a close distance, there is no way to avoid the movement, and the power of the energy cannon can also reach the maximum.

But at the same time, Sa Sa also approached A Bai, and the basic epee directly cut off A Bai's energy core, and A Bai also couldn't dodge.

Both were ejected at the same time.

System decision: a draw.

This is called a novice? There is no more outrageous guess than this.

The little friend complained, "Why don't you say that she played mecha on the first day?"

When Li Chengyu thought about it, it was really outrageous. It took only one or two hours to make a full calculation, and it changed from stagnant to smooth. Is this a person?

In an hour or two, the average novice probably just learned to walk normally with the mecha.

The result of the draw was beyond everyone's expectations, but it also tested the level of the two people.

Bai didn't expect that at the last critical moment, the little junior sister could pull him into the water, but he couldn't escape. He knew very well that he really did his best, it wasn't his fault, but she was too strong.

This is the result of her using the initial mech. If she changed to a mecha with better performance, wouldn't it be...

At first, A Bai thought that her method of frying fish ponds was very low, but he was also a person who could afford to lose, and his skills were not as good as others, so there was no need to make excuses. With strength, it is understandable to do anything, and the great **** is not allowed to have a little personal hobby?

Ah Bai stepped forward to say hello, introduced himself, and then asked, "Can I add a friend? Can I have a chance to learn from each other in the future?"

"Oh, okay, you can just call me Sa Sa." Sa Sa is not familiar with the holographic operation in StarNet, so he is in a hurry to add people as friends.

She thinks that A Bai is also very powerful. If it were replaced by her when she first left the training room, she probably wouldn't be able to do it to the limit. I would also like to thank those people in front of her for practicing her hands, so that she has a deeper understanding of the various properties of the mecha, and it is more smooth to use.

-Thank you, not comforted at all.

If Bai knew what she was thinking, he might not be able to help but complain.

But Ah Bai didn't know, he just heard from Sa Sa's voice that she seemed to be very young, and she seemed to be very unsuitable for operating Xingwang. Is it the eldest lady of the big family? Often offline combat but rarely play StarNet?

A Bai had guesses in his heart, but he quickly put them out of his mind. Anyway, it's just a netizen, don't think too much, at least this little sister doesn't have the condescending aura of a eldest young lady, and she doesn't have the coldness of a great god, who is unexpectedly easy to talk.

Then, Sa Sa came out of her tattered mecha, revealing that immature-looking face.

Oh, according to Interstellar's age, she is indeed underage.

Ah Bai guessed that Sa Sa was young, but he didn't expect her to be so young. He couldn't help reminding, "You are quite famous now, do you want to wear a mask? Otherwise, it may easily cause some trouble."

Sa Sa replied again and again: "Okay, thank you."

She put on a mask for herself.

Seeing her defenseless self-defense, Bai's conscience stabbed: such a cute girl, how can you do it?

But thinking about it carefully, Sa Sa has nothing to do with Ruanmeng when he is driving the mecha. Thinking of this, my mind suddenly became calm. Well, next time I can be a little rougher.

A fighting maniac like Abai had only two minutes to sigh at Sa Sa's age, and then the topic shifted to the mecha.

You can gain a lot from fighting against a master. A Bai gained a lot from the battle just now, so he wanted to communicate with Sa Sa, "Are you using the initial mecha to better train your movement?"

Because the initial mecha does not have so many fancy equipment weapons, and does not have the performance of advanced mechas, it is more and more test of movement and positioning, pushing people to the limit.

Abai felt that he had realized it.

Sa Sa gave him a puzzled look, "No, who doesn't like more powerful mechas? But those advanced mechas are too expensive to buy."

A question mark slowly appeared above Bai's head.

Well, even if Sa Sa is not one of those eldest young ladies in the big family, but with her ability, can't even the high-level mecha in the star network be replaced?

It is true that mechas burn money, but whether it is a real master or a master in the star network, in fact, there is not much shortage of money. In reality, high-level mecha soldiers can get a lot of allowances, and they can also go out to earn extra money. You can earn bonuses on the star network, and you can receive a share of the viewing fee.

Ah Bai was silent for a while, and said, "Well, don't you know that you can set someone to pay to watch the game? That way you can also get most of the share."

Sa Sa suddenly covered her heart.

Abbey suddenly became nervous, "What's wrong with you?"

"Wuwuwu, I feel like I missed 100 million, my heart hurts."


It's a bit miserable, but I can't help but want to laugh. What's going on?

Read The Duke's Passion