MTL - My Whole Sect Transmigrated to The Interstellar World-Chapter 18 Is this like? Wake up! ...

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"There is a rule in our major. If you want to cut classes in the middle of the class, you have to fight with your classmates. Pick one at random. If you can win, even if you pass the test, you can't beat one of them. Wherever you come from, you will go back."

The classmates were already disgusted by people like Sa Sa who came in in the middle of a relationship, but when she found out that she was using such an amateurish attitude towards Waiting A, she couldn't hold back.

This little girl is thin and small, and looks like she has not received professional training. Isn't it a joke that the school let such students in!

Seeing that Sa Sa didn't speak, the classmate said strangely: "What? Are you afraid? Go home early if you are afraid, this is not a place for you to stay."

Li Chengyu couldn't help it, their profession didn't have such rules, they just wanted to persuade Sa Sa to quit.

But before Li Chengyu could speak, Sa Sa spoke first, "Well, let's fight then."

Sa Sa thinks this rule is quite reasonable. In the past in the world of self-cultivation, there were often various tests to join a sect. Only after passing the test could one become a disciple. Now this is a different kind of test.

Li Chengyu was a little worried about Sa Sa, "But..."

Sa Sa smiled slightly, "No problem."

Seeing Sa Sa's confident smile, Li Chengyu also put down his heart: that's his master, and the movement and position that even the teacher admires, how could even a classmate not be able to handle it? Those who need to worry about it should be those who are provocative!

The man thought it was the stimuli that played a role, and he was secretly delighted, but at this moment, a group of people came over, and the group of all girls looked like a beautiful scenery.

The headed sister Yu saw Sa Sa, her eyes lit up, "Are you the little junior sister?"

Sa Sa said hesitantly, "Who am I?"

In Taiyizong, she is indeed a junior sister, but she doesn't remember that she has a bunch of senior sisters?

"Hello, little junior sister, come here, add your contact information first, and we will cover you in the future. Just send us a message if you have anything."

"Little Junior Sister, I am going to be your third sister-in-law. Let's get to know each other first."

"Let's go, it's not certain who is the third sister-in-law now. Let's compete internally first."

The ladies and sisters just touched their heads and pinched their faces when they came up, and Sa Sa couldn't bear it with their enthusiastic style.

However, in everyone's chatter, Sa Sa also understood the origins of these sisters: these are the fans of the three senior brothers in the First Federal College.


As expected of the third senior brother, as expected of a man who can rely on his looks to eat. It's really not surprising that something like this happened.

In addition to activities, it is relatively rare for so many girls to act together, so many people are blocked here, it is inevitable that people will take a few more glances.

In the eyes of others looking at her frequently, Sa Sa suddenly felt that she was going to become popular in this school, although this way of becoming popular was not what she wanted.

After introducing myself to Sa Sa, the members of the Miss Sister Group looked at the person who made the provocative words, "What? Are you the one who has an opinion on our little sister?"

Cold sweat broke out on the forehead of the classmate, because he recognized the girl at the head, which was He Xiangxiang, a third-year student majoring in mecha soldier. This senior sister seems to be gentle and gentle, but in fact, she is a fierce man with a brilliant record. Even her classmates in the same grade may not be able to beat her, not to mention that he is only a freshman.

"Ah no..." He nervously asked for help from other classmates who wanted to teach Sa Sa a lesson.

It's a pity that at this time, everyone took a step back. There are also their goddesses, secret crushes, and the like. At this time, they are blind, aren't they self-isolating from the people? Not ready to be single to death?

The ladies and sisters were immediately satisfied when they saw that everyone was as quiet as chickens. They seemed to change their faces, and when they turned to face Sa Sa, they smiled brightly again, "Okay, little junior sister, let's go to choose the dormitory first."

Sa Sa: "...Okay, thank you sisters."

Li Chengyu: …

He believed that Sa Sa could solve the problem, but he didn't expect her to solve the problem in this way.

Then he looked at Sa Sa with awe-inspiring eyes: As expected of a master, there is a line!

Sa Sa: Thank you for your invitation, I don't really want to have this kind of arrangement.

And the classmate who provoked Sa Sa, looked at Sa Sa with the eyes of a despicable villain: No wonder she promised so simply, so she was waiting for him here!

In order to avoid becoming the school's headline (although it is estimated that it may be almost the same), under the leadership of the young ladies, Sa Sa left the scene quickly, and Li Chengyu, who was inconvenient to enter the girls' dormitory area, was naturally left in place.

Li Chengyu's best friend has been watching the fun for a long time. Seeing this, he immediately touched it and said, "How come you are so familiar with that transfer student? Didn't you lie to me before, you really have something to do with it? Why don't you introduce me to She knows her, I just saw my goddess, maybe she can introduce me to her."

Li Chengyu's face was expressionless: "Although you are ugly, you think beautifully."

The dormitory area of ​​the First Federal College has several specifications, namely quadruple rooms, double rooms, and single rooms. The dormitories of different specifications have different charges.

The young ladies enthusiastically introduced Sa Sa about the situation in the dormitory area, "Little Junior Sister, I heard that this is the first time you have lived alone for a long time? How about we live in a two-person room together?"

"Little Junior Sister, don't listen to her. In fact, we can also live in a four-person room together. It will be more lively if there are more people."


Sa Sa decisively chose a single room amid the enthusiastic voices of everyone. Although the ladies and sisters gave people a good feeling, Sa Sa felt that she was still unhappy.

After settling in, Sa Sa made a video call to the brothers to report that they were safe.

Xie Rong was the most annoying one, "Sa Sa, are you satisfied with my arrangement?"

Sa Sa turned her head and complained to Song Ningfeng, "Senior Brother, Third Senior Brother has been addicted to live broadcasts recently. He didn't practice properly at all, so he has to take good care of it."

The third senior brother is too busy to do so many things.

Xie Rong said aggrievedly: "Sasha, you have changed. Didn't we have the best relationship before?"

Song Ningfeng said strictly: "Okay, I will supervise his cultivation."

Song Ningfeng also knew that Xie Rong was unreliable, but he was satisfied with what Xie Rong did. The little junior sister was outside alone, and the sect was beyond the reach of the sect. She really needed someone to take care of her, so there was nothing to be embarrassed about.

"Sa Sa, your third senior brother's face is so useful, let him show some residual warmth."

Xie Rong: …

I'm sorry, this sect can't stay anymore, he immediately packed up and left the sect.

Although under the threat of the "Goddess Group", no one has acted rashly against Sa Sa for the time being. But everyone is not accepting Sa Sa, but watching. After all, they are not in the same class as Sa Sa, it is impossible to protect Sa Sa all the time, and not everyone eats their way. Sa Sa can't fit into the class herself, so no one can help her.

It didn't take long for the information in everyone's eyes to be updated:

Suspected to be the illegitimate daughter of a big family, but she has been raised on a remote star, probably because of debt, she was put into the first big.

There is an Internet celebrity senior brother who has brought her a strange support group, but it's not really a big deal.

I have never driven a mecha, and I suspect that I have only been in contact with mecha on the Star Network. I am a person who does not understand mecha at all.

This kind of information is naturally disgusting for the proud people who specialize in mecha soldiers. The students in the school go out to represent the face of the school, and the school will compete with other schools from time to time. What students lose too much is the face of the school, so they don't want such classmates.

It was at this time that Li Chengyu discovered that the "initial mecha style" was popular both online and offline.

Matching with people on the star network, many people use the initial mecha. During school training, the classmates also gave up their advanced mechas, some even customized by professional mecha masters, including his former rival Dennis.

Is this a new trend? Or is there some initial mecha competition? Li Chengyu was a little puzzled.

Aware of Li Chengyu's gaze, Dennis snorted disdainfully, "Don't think that if you win me once, there is nothing special. You are just lucky, next time, I will definitely win you."

Li Chengyu was inexplicable.

Then he found that his little friend was also wearing the initial mecha and was about to start training. His best friend thought it was strange, "Don't you know? You brought this trend."

At the beginning, everyone really doubted whether Li Chengyu hid his strength and pretended to be a pig to eat a tiger. But later, someone went to study Li Chengyu's action trajectory and found something wrong: it was not Li Chengyu's own strength, but a great **** who trained him.

This person is [Little Junior Sister wants to become stronger] on Xingwang. This great **** who suddenly became popular on the star network does have two brushes. The qualifying points are rising steadily, and the fighting style is very unique. Watching her games to study, you can really learn a lot.

Training the initial mecha can improve the strength, so no single mecha soldier will refuse. Even Dennis, who had ridiculed Starnet before, who were just some pheasants, silently picked up the initial mecha: no one would be **** getting stronger.

It doesn't matter whether that little junior sister is a **** in reality, but at least from the level of performance on the star network, everyone is convinced.

And the news of the popularity of the initial mechas in the First Comprehensive College of the Federation was also spread on the Internet, and some people swear by them: After the first person trained with the junior sister, his strength has improved by leaps and bounds.

The No. 1 school was originally one of the best schools in the Federation, and even those who were not bad teachers followed her to study, so why are the others so hypocritical?

As a result, the ethos of using the initial mecha spread online and offline.

Li Chengyu, who never thought that this matter had something to do with him, was in a complicated mood: Actually, there is no problem in terms of the logic chain. He did become stronger under Sa Sa's training, but if Dennis and the others knew that they wanted to squeeze out What would be the reaction if the sassa who was walking was the little junior sister on the star network?

Li Chengyu: Forget it, no explanation.

Sa Sa wears a mask on the star network, probably because she doesn't want others to know her true identity. Although she didn't specifically ask him not to speak out, Li Chengyu still felt that it was not good to talk too much.

Sit and wait for everyone to be surprised.

Except for the small conflict at the beginning of the school year, Sa Sa seems to have remained calm since entering school. She was placed in Class B of the Mecha Soldier, and she seemed to have been quietly integrated into it. But this was just the calm before the storm. At the weekly practical course, someone challenged Sa Sa again.

"There are no weak people in our mecha soldier class B, classmates, if you come here, you must be very strong. Today, please give me more advice." This classmate named Zheng Qing is a double A-level, and his strength is good. His attitude is better than that of the previous classmates. Much better, but the essence is the same: to test Sa Sa's depth and let her retreat.

As for the competition between students, as long as it does not hurt their lives, the teacher will generally not stop it. If you are afraid of being injured, you should not choose the mecha soldier profession in the first place. Only real battles can inspire a person's blood and potential.

To be honest, the teachers are also very curious about this transfer student who suddenly entered the school halfway through. They haven't heard of any family with such a child, and the principal is not someone who can accommodate at will, so why did he suddenly let this little girl in?

"It's easy to talk." Sa Sa politely clasped Zheng Qing's fists.

Discussing within the door, this is a normal thing, can it be called finding fault?

Sa Sa didn't have her own mecha yet, so her eyes wandered around the mecha on the training ground, and she chose a junior mecha that she was most familiar with. The overall level of this mecha was only B-level.

In the first major mecha soldier profession, this kind of armor is generally placed as a display, and it was during this time that the initial mecha suddenly became popular, and its frequency of use became higher. However, in real battles, everyone will subconsciously choose advanced mechas or mechas that they are used to.

The initial mecha in StarNet is different from the primary mecha in reality, but some basic data are interoperable. The mecha chosen by Sa Sa is the most similar to the one she used on StarNet.

It's not because she doesn't like advanced mechas, she just feels that the easier it is to use the mechas that she uses easily. When it was like this kind of "entry test" for a sect, of course Sa Sa had to play well.

Sa Sa has already experienced the cultural class of this major. During the class, she listened in a fog, and used her strength to tell everyone what is the first illiterate in the interstellar space.

Although she also made up for some common sense, she is still far from everyone who has gone through nine years of compulsory education.

After listening to the bible in the culture class, Sa Sa just wanted to show herself well in the practical class: She didn't want to be dropped out of school because of her savage, it would be a shame for the sect!

Seeing that Sa Sa actually chose a junior mecha, the students in class B of the mecha soldier showed a playful expression: No, no, no, there is another person who wants to use a junior mecha?

She doesn't think that she can beat others with a primary mecha after just practicing twice, right?

Some people can indeed use the initial mecha to counterattack the advanced mecha, because they surpass others in terms of consciousness, movement, and mecha control. This is not something that can be done casually.

Zheng Qing was wearing his own customized A-class mecha. Looking at Sa Sa's innocent face, he suddenly felt a sense of bullying. He kindly reminded him, "I suggest you change to a better mecha."

Sa Sa touched her primary mecha, "No need, this is fine."

Zheng Qing: "...If that's the case, don't blame me for being rude."

He was about to start when he saw Sasha fall to the ground.

Jung Ching & Lee Sung Woo & Everyone:…

In this situation, it is impossible for anyone who has touched a mecha in reality! Not to mention the number one student majoring in mecha soldier!

Even Li Chengyu, who was full of confidence in Sa Sa before, felt suffocated: Does he believe in Sa Sa too much? Could it be that Sa Sa is only a master on the star network, and it is not possible in reality?

Sa Sa herself, who wanted to show it off, was also a little embarrassed. She said embarrassedly, "It was an accident just now."

The operation of the mecha on the star network is a bit different from that in reality. For those who are familiar with both, all this is not a problem. But for those who have only been in contact with the mechas on the star network, the difference between the two is too great, and ordinary people have to get used to it for a while at the beginning.

Sa Sa also showed a state of incompatibility. Sometimes he would use too much force accidentally, and sometimes he had insufficient instructions. He thought he could make a certain action, but it didn't happen at all. It looked like the mecha was swaying around like it was punching drunk.

Zheng Qing originally thought that Sa Sa could enter the mecha system, and he was somewhat capable, but now, looking at it, the strength of the rookie chicken has not been washed away. But any chicken with a little heart will not be so delicious without knowing it!

There is no need to be polite to such people. If she stays in this class and in this major, she will only discredit everyone.

"If that's the case, I'll be rude to you."

The people watching the battle next to him had already covered their eyes unbearably, not to see Sa Sa's tragic state.

Zheng Qing quickly approached Sa Sa, and the particle lightsaber woven into a dense net, wrapping Sa Sa inside. This is one of his unique tricks, blocking the enemy's path of action and then strangling him.

Of course, because this is just a discussion among classmates, their mecha weapons will be replaced with less lethal weapons. Even if Sa Sa is slashed a few times by a particle lightsaber, it will be a little embarrassing at most, and there will be no danger to his life.

Someone outside the venue sighed, "Tsk tsk, this kid Zheng Qing really doesn't pity Xiangxiyu at all."

The psychological pressure of the lightsaber network is still very large, especially for newbies, this is not to create a psychological shadow on others.

But Zheng Qing, who was in the center of the training ground, noticed something was wrong.

The afterglow of the particle lightsaber dissipated, and he found that his blockade was empty.

how can that be? !

A cold sweat broke out from Zheng Qing's back, but it was too late to react at this time, and Sa Sa's basic epee flew him heavily.

Then, Sa Sa showed a harmless smile to Zheng Qing, "I'm sorry, classmate, your moves are quite interesting, but today I want to win a little more beautifully, and I'll have a good discussion with you another day."

This was the first time she used the mecha in front of her classmates.

Zheng Qing: …

He didn't know whether Sa Sa left a psychological shadow, but he felt that he was going to leave a psychological shadow.

Using mecha for the first time in reality made Sa Sa realize a problem: the level of the mecha will have a serious impact on the strength of the mecha soldier.

On the star network, Sa Sa has already realized this problem. Perhaps for the average mecha soldier, the mecha is not the most important, the ordinary mecha can counterattack the advanced mecha. But if two masters are dueling, but the mecha levels are different, it is likely that the person who uses the advanced mecha will win.

Sa Sa's points have reached a certain level, and if she continues to wear the initial mecha to leapfrog the challenge, she is likely to lose.

That's part of the reason why she didn't continue the challenge. She wants to improve her strength first, or to get a better mecha first.

In reality, the difference in mecha level is even more obvious. She felt that she had touched the limit of the primary mecha, and some things she wanted to do were difficult to do with the primary mecha. But the advanced mecha crushes the primary mecha in various performances, and it is more difficult to exploit the loopholes.

Sa Sa's ability to win so neatly this time has a lot to do with Zheng Qing's tricks.

Zheng Qing weaved a sword net of particle lightsabers, which would affect perception and vision to some extent. He underestimated Sa Sa's ability and never thought that Sa Sa could escape from the sword net at all. So, Sa Sa took advantage of his east wind to get close to him and get him.

If he didn't do such fancy moves, he wouldn't underestimate the enemy, at least he could tangle with Sa Sa who was not familiar with real mechas for a while.

The teacher also digested the result slowly before releasing the news, "...Sa Sa wins."

The classmates off the field rubbed their eyes in disbelief. This is too outrageous! This is really not magic, is it a trick!

Someone else cried and said, "What happened just now? Come and explain it to someone! I just closed my eyes because I was afraid that my new classmates would be bullied so badly."

Who would have thought that in the blink of an eye, Zheng Qing would be sent flying?

"Don't ask, I have my eyes open, but I feel like I don't see anything."

Because everything happened so fast, they were clearly watching the arena seriously, but they only saw Sa Sa approaching Zheng Qing like a ghost, and then Zheng Qing lost.

Sa Sa was unable to cultivate before, and her master and senior brothers would not have any demands on her. She didn't even have a chance to compete with her senior brothers. Now she feels that she finally has a normal school life! It feels so good to win!

Sa Sa got off the field and gave Li Chengyu a high-five.

Li Chengyu was a little surprised by this result, but he accepted it well: after getting to know Sa Sa, it is normal to encounter an accident, and it is an "accident" not to encounter an accident.

Although some classmates were surprised, their acceptance speed was also very fast. They had already thought about what the outcome would be if they played against Sa Sa.

Their eyes are vicious, and it is natural to see that Sa Sa's movement is from the same source as Li Chengyu. Although Sa Sa's performance is clumsy at first, his real consciousness and movement are much stronger than Li Chengyu.

So, someone came over and said hello to Sa Sa, "Hello, my name is He Chaoyuan, I have the opportunity to learn from each other."

The boy had a shaved head, a handsome face, and his cold white skin made his attitude even more indifferent.

"Hello, hello, my name is Sa Sa. Of course, of course."

Sa Sa is not afraid of his indifference, her master is an iceberg of ten thousand years, but she knows that master is a very good person, she naturally has a good impression of this group, so she greets him warmly.

Besides, the senior brother has told her to have a good relationship with the classmates. This classmate is apart from the fans of the three senior brothers, and it is rare for her to show kindness to her. Of course, Sa Sa should be cherished.

Li Chengyu was on the side, his mouth slightly open.

Sa Sa doesn't understand anything, but Li Chengyu does! This student He Chaoyuan is the first in the mecha soldier major, and he is also a member of the He family, a family of the Federation military. He is from the same family as his junior sister He Xiangxiang. He is notoriously cold, usually alone, rarely dealing with classmates. This greeting is He Chaoyuan's recognition of her.

Even the first place has recognized Sa Sa, what else can others say? Other students also came up to say hello to Sa Sa.

But some people just can't accept such a situation, and their tone inevitably brings out their own emotions, such as Dennis, he said sourly: "You and Li Chengyu are indeed the people who can mix together, you can pretend to be better than Li Chengyu. B. Pretend to be in contact with mecha for the first time, and then make a reversal, just to make people think that you are very powerful."

Sa Sa corrected him, "I've said it long ago, it's not the first time I've come into contact with mechas. I've used mechas on StarNet before."

Dennis was choked by her, "You don't have to say that until now, this is the first time you have touched a mecha in reality, right?"


Dennis's eyes were almost rolled out of the sky, "Who would believe it? You want to be a genius girl? Be careful of overturning!"

He was too lazy to talk to them, and was about to leave when he heard Sa Sa say to Li Chengyu, "So in everyone's eyes, is this level of genius a genius? Haha, everyone likes me so much that they even praised me as a genius. "

In the past, she was generally considered to be useless, and the title of genius belonged to master and brothers.

Dennis staggered and almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

Li Chengyu looked at Sa Sa who was blind and happy, and wanted to complain: No, they didn't like you very much. You should be awake! Hey!

Even those He Chaoyuan and others who were looking for Sa Sa to discuss, they are just discussing, what does it have to do with liking?

But from Sa Sa's point of view, it's like this: come to me to learn from = recognize my strength = accept me = like me.

Full marks for logic.

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