MTL - My Whole Sect Transmigrated to The Interstellar World-Chapter 22 What kind of family is this?

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Accompanied by Chen Shen, Song Ningfeng and Xie Rong met the principal Li Xi.

Li Sa told them about Sa Sa's situation and the reason for concealing Sa Sa's true level. This point is the same as Song Ningfeng and the others. Sa Sa has lived in Taiyi Sect with simple relationship since she was a child, and being involved in the power struggle is too bad.

Song Ningfeng solemnly thanked Li Sa, "Thank you, Principal Li, we agree on this point. But it's okay to tell Sa Sa. She should know her situation, and she won't say it casually."

Song Ningfeng and the others will protect Sa Sa, but they will not feel that the way to protect Sa Sa is to hide from her. Super S Grade or something, it's just a little thing, tell Sa Sa clearly, and she won't say it out.

Both Li Sa and Chen Shen were a little surprised. They had already prepared for the two of them to be difficult to communicate with each other. I didn't expect that they were surprisingly easy to talk to, quite cooperative, and they attached great importance to Sa Sa.

Li Xi was relieved for the most part, and mentioned another thing, "There is also the matter of Sa Sa's custom mecha, no matter how strong the talent is, only with the right mecha can it really be used. There are mechs you know there. Armor? If not, I can help you introduce S-class mechas, but I can't introduce super S-class."

Super S-class mechas are rare in the entire federation. Li Xi doesn't think he has such a big face, but the S-class mechas he introduced are also experienced ones. Come out with a mecha suitable for Sa Sa.

Chen Shen had already told him before, saying that Sa Sa's family was going to make her a mecha by themselves. The problem is that the other party is not even a mecha master. Isn't this nonsense? Li Xi saw that neither Song Ningfeng nor Xie Rong seemed unreasonable, so he took the opportunity to mention this to them.

But Song Ningfeng, who was very talkative before, said, "Don't be so troublesome, I'll make a mecha for Sa Sa right away, it will definitely suit Sa Sa."

Li Xi & Chen Shen: On this issue, he is really confident.

Li Xi said: "I know a little bit about mechas. If you don't mind, why don't you take it out and give you a palm and an eye?"

"It hasn't been formed yet, and I haven't selected the right materials in several aspects. I'm going to visit the market in the past two days and do research. When it's ready, Principal Li can come and have a look if you have time. Yes. Now, Principal Li, do you know where the market with more Capital Star materials is?"

Li Xi: That is to say, you don't have anything yet, so you dare to brag about such a big cow?

He admired Song Ningfeng's literacy for blowing the **** out without changing his face. If someone like him asked for funds from the Ministry of Education, it would definitely go well.

Li Xi was a little tired. Obviously, Song Ningfeng was the kind of person who lived in his own world. He couldn't listen to what others said.

He still reported an address, which is the largest material trading market in Capital Star. Finally, he emphasized again, "Don't delay the child."

Song Ningfeng thought that Li Xi wanted him to make the mecha faster, and he said solemnly, "Don't worry, no."

Both Song Ningfeng and Xie Rong believed that this was a pleasant conversation. Before leaving, they also gave Li Xi a greeting gift. Principal, the head of the academy, it is convenient to have a good relationship with Sa Sa in the school later.

Li Xi didn't want to accept the gift, and was about to turn it down when Song Ningfeng opened the small box, revealing the two porcelain vases inside, "It's just a little local product, people outside like it, it's not really anything, just accept it. , Sa Sa also asks you to pay more attention."

Li Xi is familiar with this pill bottle! When Luo Zhen approached him for a deal, this is what he took!

His hands twitched: valuables can't be collected! Or take bribes! But **** it! I really want it! They give way too much!

He can decisively refuse anything that can be measured by money. Money can no longer move him when he gets into Li Xi's position. However, the medicinal pill Song Ningfeng took out was something he couldn't refuse.

The research institute has sent him a message: There are many unknown ingredients in the medicinal pill, and the refining method is special. Anyway, it cannot be reproduced according to the current technology. Pills are effective for the human body, but if they are too high-level people, they will not have much effect. Of course, there will be no side effects.

The people in the research institute really want to meet the people who refine the medicine pills. They can't buy the formula at a high price. It's okay to let them do it! This kind of elixir means scientific and technological progress, even if you just participate in it, you can learn a lot and witness history!

Of course, these people were stopped by Li Xi.

Li Xi couldn't understand, what kind of family did these people come from? Take the hard-to-find elixir as a local product? This is not a test of his character, he is deliberately trying to corrupt him!

Li Xi said with special pain: "I really can't accept this, it's too precious."

Chen Shen, who had just received the gift, suddenly changed his expression.

When Chen Shen received the gift, he didn't think much about it. He glanced at it. There was no sign, and it was not a valuable item he knew. It was in line with what he thought was a local product. He has a good relationship with the students. From time to time, the students will bring him some souvenirs to share when they come back from vacation. He thought that the nature of what he received was similar to before!

But even Li Xi said "too precious", that's conceivable...

Chen Shen is not a fool. He contacted the medicinal pill that Li Xi said before, and his hands trembled.

Song Ningfeng saw Li Xi's expression and knew that he already knew the effects of these medicinal pills, but this is not bad, as a gift, it must be sent to the heart of the heart, "Principal Li, let's be polite. No. To tell you the truth, this medicinal pill is made by our sect and cannot be bought outside, so it is normal to be expensive, but we are our own people, so this is a native product."

Sometimes Song Ningfeng's performance is out of tune with this era, so it seems a bit strange. But as the senior brother of Taiyizong, he usually takes care of people and things, so his emotional intelligence is no problem.

Sure enough, after Song Ningfeng said this, it was difficult for Li Xi to refuse, or rather, he was even more reluctant to refuse. He sighed in his heart, "No guarantee for the evening", "Then I'll be welcome."

He felt divided again in his heart: Sometimes Song Ningfeng felt normal to him, and even made people feel that he was very easy to deal with, but at other times, he felt very inexplicable.

After Song Ningfeng and Xie Rong left, Li Xi took out two medicinal pills and handed them to Chen Shen as a "sealing fee".

Chen Shen almost cried, "Principal, I'm guilty, and I took bribes too..."

The word "also" is well used.

Li Swish took back the medicinal pill and put on an indifferent face, "You didn't say it earlier."

"You can take it too. They seem to really not care about this. You will feel more at ease if you take them. It's a big deal to take care of Sa Sa in the future."

In fact, they all know that even if Sa Sa's family doesn't give gifts, they will definitely pay attention to Sa Sa: Double S+ class, isn't it worthy of their attention?

Li Xi said this to comfort himself, who was no longer clear, by the way.

Li Xi said so, but Chen Shen felt a little uneasy in his heart. He touched the small box placed on the aircraft, and felt very hot: no merit is not rewarded.

He hasn't taught Sa Sa anything yet, so he has accepted such good things from their family first, how can he stand upright in front of the students in the future?

Chen Shen thought for a while, but still found Sa Sa and returned the two bottles of medicinal pills, "I'm sorry Sa Sa, I didn't know it was such a valuable thing before I took it away, you can keep this for yourself."

"Eh? Teacher Chen, is this very valuable?" It wasn't Sa Sa who spoke, but Li Chengyu next to her, "Sa Sa, how much is this? I'll transfer the money to you."

In school, it was too strange for Li Chengyu to call Sa Sa "Master", he called him directly. Li Chengyu is no stranger to the medicinal pill that Chen Shen brought, because Sa Sa gave him a few bottles before, saying that eating it is good for his body, and Li Chengyu has eaten a lot during this period of time.

When Sa Sa said this to Li Chengyu, his attitude was very casual, so Li Chengyu didn't think too much. After eating it, I did feel very comfortable. Li Chengyu felt that his energy was particularly abundant. He thought it was probably some kind of potion to restore energy.

Now that Chen Shen said that he was precious, Li Chengyu was first shocked, he drank so much for nothing!

Chen Shen was also shocked. He looked at Sa Sa and then at Li Chengyu, "Sa Sa, did you send these medicinal pills out? Just sent them out like this?"

I heard that the very cold researchers at the research institute wanted to cry while holding Li Xi's trouser legs in order to get the medicine pill, but there was still a fool in front of him who ate so much and didn't know the value of the medicine pill.

Transfer money?

Chen Shen felt that it was more feasible for Li Chengyu to sell himself in situ, otherwise he really couldn't afford to pay.

Sa Sa nodded and said to Chen Shen, "Teacher, don't be so polite. Our sect is not as good as it used to be, we only have these souvenirs."

Sa Sa speaks the truth. Lingshi is a waste mine in this world. People in this world neither cultivate immortals nor use spiritual power. The biggest feature of their sect is gone, isn't it lost?

But this is what Chen Shen heard: it's quite ordinary.

Sa Sa continued: "And this is a little gift from the senior brothers. What should I look like when I take it back? I don't lack this. Oh, Chengyu, don't be nervous. Teacher Chen doesn't know the situation of our sect. What are two bottles of medicinal herbs? Senior brothers and the others said that it would be good to distribute them to people who have a good relationship."

Li Chengyu called her master for so long. Although he has not officially worshipped the sect, Sa Sa also counted him as a member of the Taiyi sect. In any case, he could be regarded as an outer sect disciple. when.

Just a few bottles of basic medicine pills, what is it?

This is also the fact that the sect is not as good as it was in the past, otherwise this thing really can't be done. Even if it is only an outer disciple, Taiyizong will not be stingy, and equipment such as magic tools, medicinal pills, flying swords, array plates, etc. will be equipped.

But there are many things that Li Chengyu can't use. To him, it's just broken copper and rotten iron, so Sa Sa didn't mention it, but just gave him two bottles of medicinal herbs to temper his body.

Chen Shen began to suspect that he was a scumbag: Look at Sa Sa's dashing attitude, as if it was really a gadget that was not worth mentioning. Could it be that he is too ignorant of the world?

No wonder! Obviously these people are too inconsistent with his three views!

Chen Shen didn't return the medicine pill, so he could only focus on Li Chengyu, "Chengyu, have you tested your gene level and spiritual level recently?"

Li Chengyu was confused, "No."

Recently, there is nothing that needs to be re-tested for gene level and spiritual level, and Li Chengyu is very clear about his level. He is not that kind of growth-type genius. The gene level and spiritual level are basically stable and will not increase. There is a retest. Is it necessary?

Chen Shen sighed, he was really worried for these students, "Hurry up, let's take another test. How do you feel recently? I mean after taking the medicine pill."

"Uh, are you comfortable?"

Sa Sa added on the side, "Mr. Chen, don't worry, our sect's medicinal pills won't have any side effects."

Chen Shen: …No, I can’t rest assured at all. Because he is not worried about side effects at all!

The combination of Chen Shen's emphasis on medicinal pills and the fact that he had to re-measure the level again gave Li Chengyu a faint guess, but this guess was too outrageous, and he dared not say it.

Li Chengyu felt uneasy, and he had to shut up for fear of revealing his emotions as soon as he spoke.

The three rushed to the testing center, but in very different moods.

Soon after, Chen Shen got Li Chengyu's test report.

Chen Shen remembered the grades and grades of each student. Li Chengyu's gene level was only B-level, and his spiritual sea level was A-level. It is really not easy for him to be admitted to the Mecha Department of the First Federal Comprehensive College.

However, the test report now shows that Li Chengyu's genetic level and spiritual level are both A+.

If it wasn't for Chen Shen who pushed the person into the holographic cabin, he would suspect that it was not Li Chengyu himself.

Chen Shen had long known the efficacy of this medicine pill, but he was still shocked when the living example was in front of him.

He also knew that this medicinal pill had limitations, and if he ate too much or he was too tall, it would have no effect.

But its existence is enough to rewrite history: once, gene level and spiritual sea level determined a person's upper limit of talent, and the possibility of breaking through one's own ceiling is extremely low, but now, everything is possible.

Chen Shen handed the test report to Li Chengyu.

Li Chengyu stared blankly at his report, and after a long while, he suddenly knelt down to Sa Sa, "Master, thank you, you can't repay your kindness for my reconstruction, what will happen in the future, but according to your instructions ."

The test report is in hand, what else is there to understand?

No wonder Mr. Chen Shen said "precious", this is really too precious! He couldn't afford to put all his net worth on him or sell him, so he could only show his sincerity.

Li Chengyu did not dare to hypocritically say something like "I knew he would never eat it".

Once, because of his genetic level, many people told him: You are not suitable to be a mecha soldier, because no matter how hard you work, you can only become the most common mecha soldier. If you have the energy, what can you do?

But he still went his own way. Of course, those people were right, he was the one at the bottom of the school.

It's not that Li Chengyu didn't think that if he was the protagonist, he suddenly had a golden finger, and his mental power and genetic level would skyrocket, and he would beat those arrogant sons. But he knew that that was when he was dreaming.

The miracle really happened.

It was an opportunity he had only dreamed of, and an opportunity he could not refuse. Sa Sa provided him with a new possibility, what was the difference between it and the grace of re-creation?

He didn't know what he could do, but he could only express his gratitude and sincerity.

Chen Shen didn't stop Li Chengyu because he knew Li Chengyu's mentality very well. If it were him, he would do the same.

Sa Sa panicked for a moment. Are you going to formally worship her as a teacher with such a big ceremony? But she's not ready yet!

But seeing Li Chengyu's solemn expression, Sa Sa was not so panicked. She felt that she and Li Chengyu had a good relationship. Master had said that accepting an apprentice itself was a fate.

Since fate has arrived, there is no need to refuse.

Sa Sa imitated Xu Yi's tone and said: "Get up, in the future, you will be my first big apprentice, and you will be a member of our Taizong. I will take you back when I have time. Your master uncle I happened to be at the capital star with the third uncle, and I will take you to meet in a while. There is also the apprenticeship ceremony, I am not ready yet, so I will think about what to give."

After all, this is her first official apprentice, she can't be too shabby.

Li Chengyu, who finally got a "name", said excitedly: "Master, what you gave me is good enough! No other preparations are needed."

Bystander Chen Shen: …

Watching a little girl with a little baby fat accepting her apprenticeship is quite discordant.

But at this moment, he was still a little envious of Li Chengyu. Because of Sa Sa's generosity and energy, the medicine pill is like a jelly bean, and you can take it casually. Such a master, he also wants!

Elixir Bhutan medicine is not important, I mainly want to find a master to honor.

At this moment, Song Ningfeng and Xie Rong, whom Sa Sa was thinking about, had already left the academy. Song Ningfeng was reminded that Xie Rong's purpose was relatively simple, he just wanted to go shopping.

Before Song Ningfeng went straight to the material market, Xie Rong stopped him again, "Elder Brother, we can't do this."

Song Ningfeng: ?

Xie Rong said: "Actually, I never understood why we were so well integrated, why we were stopped by the port, and the teacher of Sa Sa seemed to think that we were a bit strange. Now I understand that our hairstyles are not very good. right."

"Our hair is too long, it doesn't match the clothes, let's change our hairstyle." There was a strange excitement in Xie Rong's tone.

Song Ningfeng glanced at him suspiciously. Is that really the reason? Why does he feel something is wrong?

He really lacked trust in Xie Rong now.

Xie Rong showed a hurt expression and said: "Elder brother, how can you not believe me? It was an accident before, I have tried my best to review and come up with a foolproof measure. Look, our hair is so long. , is really rare."

At this time, a passerby eldest brother glanced at Xie Rong again, shook his head and sighed.

This reaction convinced Song Ningfeng subconsciously of Xie Rong's words. He didn't know, but after the passer-by eldest brother walked away, he sighed with his friends: "I saw a very beautiful face today, and I was so moved, his long hair was so flowing, I thought my spring was here. ...and when I got closer, it was a man."

Not to mention, Xie Rong's appearance is outstanding, elegant and elegant, with his hairstyle, there is a kind of beauty that is indistinguishable between males and females, it is normal to be mistaken if you don't take it seriously.

"Cut your hair short? I can do it myself." Song Ningfeng said.

Xie Rong was heartbroken, "Big brother, how can a man be so rough? You know, this is the capital city! There is the best hair salon, an online celebrity shop with one-stop washing, blow-cutting and massage services, let's go and experience it. What do you know? Is it called a hairstyle? A random cut is not a hairstyle, it is called a hairstyle if it is stylish."

Xie Rong involuntarily pushed Song Ningfeng towards the Internet celebrity barber shop.

An hour later, the two came out of the barber shop.

Song Ningfeng couldn't bear it any longer and said, "A Rong, when Master sees you, he may break your legs."

The Internet celebrity barber shop has done a good job in the service, and the haircut is very effective. Song Ningfeng has cut his hair short, and with his serious and calm expression, he is full of masculinity. Even just an ordinary T-shirt and jeans made him look like a model.

Song Ningfeng was still satisfied with his hairstyle, but when he looked at Xie Rong, he felt that he was going blind: Xie Rong had a BOBO haircut and dyed his hair green, but he dyed his bangs pink.

Song Ningfeng felt that his face was greener than Xie Rong's hair color.

Xie Rong was quite satisfied. He blew his bangs and said, "Senior brother, don't be like your master, this is the most popular color scheme recently!"

In fact, Xie Rong's face looks very good with such a disaster-like hairstyle. Killing Matt also has the beauty of killing Matt, but Song Ningfeng still thinks it is too hot.

After he came to Interstellar, he didn't see people with strange hairstyles and colorful hair. He also adapted well, but this person became Xie Rong, no matter how strange it was.

Song Ningfeng patted Xie Rong on the shoulder, "I hope you can live well then."

Next time Master teaches Xie Rong, he will definitely not stop him.

After getting the hairstyle, the two went to the material market.

The material market has a total of fifteen floors. It is said that all interstellar materials can be bought here. Of course, the market accounts for the largest proportion of mecha materials. Among the various material stores, there are also some shops that sell mechas. Some of them are even directly seated by mecha masters here.

Song Ningfeng's research on mechas was done through the courses and drawings on the Star Online. He also bought real materials and tried them out, but he had never really touched the finished products sold outside. It happened to happen now, and he was fascinated by it accidentally.

Although he can do ordinary mechas now, it is not necessarily worse than others, but there are too many types of mechas, and different types of mechas have different characteristics, and it is impossible for him to see all of them online. Tutorials and drawings.

In the physical store, Song Ningfeng could see various types of mechas, touching and studying them at close range was really exciting.

"Leave if you don't buy it, touch whatever you want, you touched all the paint on it!" an old man who was coloring the mecha shouted gruffly.

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