MTL - My Whole Sect Transmigrated to The Interstellar World-Chapter 3 The teacher's door is bankrupt, dangerous!

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In fact, not to mention Sa Sa and Xie Rong, Song Ningfeng himself also wanted a brainless man, but Song Ningfeng understood that they were in a lot of money now.

There are only five people in the entire sect of Taiyi Sect, and they have never been worried about Lingshi before. However, there are many reserves of spirit stones, which have become waste mines in this world and cannot be circulated at all. Except for Sa Sa, there is almost no gold and silver reserves in their pockets.

But the gold and silver in Sa Sa's hand is also limited, it is prepared for the convenience of walking in the mortal world, it is impossible to prepare too much. They are newcomers, and there are too many new things in this world for them, and they have to buy everything sooner or later to make ends meet.

As a senior brother, Song Ningfeng had to think a bit longer. Before he found a stable source of income, he didn't want to spend money casually.

However, he thought about it, the light brain is too useful, and it is a small investment that may have a big return, so he still has to prepare.

So Song Ningfeng asked Luo Zhen, "How much does this kind of brain cost?"

He now knows the currency unit of the star coin.

"Guinao is very cheap, depending on the style you buy, there are several thousand yuan, tens of thousands and hundreds of thousands of dollars. It is even free when a newborn registers to receive the first light brain. are black households now. The procedure will be troublesome.”

Although there are optical brains in the black market that can be authenticated without their real names, Luo Zhen can also get them by his own connections. But he had never known these people before, so Luo Zhen wouldn't introduce them to this way.

Song Ningfeng had already roughly understood the purchasing power of Star Coins, but he didn't expect something so useful to be so cheap. Buying, buying and buying is a must. Since it is cheap, it is enough to have one manpower.

However, the household registration management here is strict, and the few of them who appear out of thin air have to find a way to get a legal identity.

Song Ningfeng finally met an indigenous "little sheep" who seemed to be getting along well. Naturally, he couldn't let Luo Zhen go. He said sincerely, "Brother Luo Zhen, what procedures do you need to go through to get this status? Do you have any acquaintances who can help? Your kindness, we will definitely keep it in our hearts, and we will definitely repay you in the future!"

Now, they can only write a bad check first.

Luo Zhen patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, wrap it on me."

But pat and pat, he felt something was wrong, why should he help? The other party just made an empty promise, and he will go to great lengths to help?

This wasn't his original intention to find Song Ningfeng and the others!

He's been drugged with hallucinogens! It must be so!

But Song Ningfeng and the others wouldn't give him a chance to go back. The three brothers and sisters said in unison, "Thank you, I know you are a good person."

Luo Zhen: …

He had a feeling of being on a pirate ship.

Luo Zhen really did not regret it.

He wasn't a fool, he was pretty sure Song Ningfeng and the others didn't use hallucinogens on him. Under such circumstances, he could make him vaguely agree to things that he was not prepared to agree to. Could these few be simple people?

In this case, it is better to follow the words and sell a copy.

Luo Zhen is not very old, but he can let his family take care of B111's entire planet's business, and he has a lot of hearts.

"Brother Luo Zhen, to tell you the truth, there are still two people in our division who haven't gone down the mountain."

"If you have photos and basic information, I can help. Anyway, just contact me when the time comes." Luo Zhen said generously. Now that all this good has been sold, Luo Zhen of course wants them to accept their feelings to the greatest extent possible.

Then, he remembered the most important thing, and asked casually, "Where is the sect you are talking about?"

Song Ningfeng didn't quite understand the coordinate description of this world, so he described the surrounding environment.

Luo Zhen's acting is superb, as if he just knew about it, "If I'm not mistaken, that land belongs to my family."

Song Ningfeng, Xie Rong, Sa Sa:…

It is very broken!

Who would have thought that in a different world, they even lost the land of the sect!

Think about the money they have left, and you don't need to ask to be sure: they're bankrupt!

The former Taiyi Sect, although there were few people, was well-known in the cultivation world. Who would have thought that even the site would become someone else’s? And the Lord of Sufferers is right in front of them!

Several people were so embarrassed that they could not wait to dig out a sect directly with their toes.

They can use words to ask Luo Zhen to help, because it is a small matter, and they will definitely reciprocate. But the fact that the sect was occupying other people's land, Song Ningfeng and the others were not enough.

Xie Rong and Sa Sa frantically winked at Song Ningfeng: At this time, it's up to you, Senior Brother, to die!

Song Ningfeng was embarrassed but embarrassed, but the important affairs of the sect should not be slack.

He coughed dryly, organized the language, and then said, "Brother Luo Zhen, this is an accident. We didn't expect it to be your land, but we thought it was a wasteland... I'm really embarrassed, but I still speak cheeky. Now, can we lease that piece of land? When we have more money and want to buy it, we will definitely not treat you badly in terms of conditions."

Luo Zhen is already a little numb: Although you have no money, you will definitely not treat me badly.

He also wanted to learn the ability of this empty glove white wolf. After learning, why can't he manage the family business well?

Song Ningfeng himself felt that he was too far ahead. They knew that they would definitely repay, and they would definitely repay the money with profit, but Luo Zhen had never known them, so why should he believe them?

He gave Sa Sa a wink, and Sa Sa offered all the gold and silver on his body, "Brother Luo Zhen, these will be used as rent first. We won't go to exchange them for star coins, I believe you can handle it."

Luo Zhen's expression loosened a little. He came to inquire about Song Ningfeng and the others. Seeing that they were extraordinary, they didn't look like ordinary people. If these people see that he is easy to talk, he may have to turn his face.

But fortunately, these people don't just have appearances, they still know how to behave.

"It's just the rent, I can't use that much. It's an undeveloped area and the price isn't expensive." Luo Zhentui refused.

Although many people who knew him scolded him as a profiteer, Luo Zhen always felt that he did not do business with bad intentions, and the conditions were clearly stated, one willing to beat the other willing to suffer.

Song Ningfeng said, "You are the first friend we met outside here. We are really sorry for bothering you everywhere. This gold and silver really doesn't matter. We don't know when we will be able to buy that piece of land."

Luo Zhen was not polite to them either.

Song Ningfeng took out two small porcelain bottles from the storage ring, and handed them over embarrassedly, "It was the first time we met, so I should have given a little greeting. But now we have nothing, only these, these two bottles of medicinal herbs to eat. It's good for the body. You don't mind."

Luo Zhen readily accepted the delicate-looking small porcelain bottle.

Is it good for the body? It is estimated that it is some worthless health care products, and I grab a lot of them outside.

He didn't take it to heart, he just thought they were really good at being human. The worthless ones are put aside first, at least in terms of etiquette, so that people can't find faults.

The medicinal pills Song Ningfeng sent were the body-refining pills and the divine-refining pills. The former helped to train the body, and the latter helped to expand the sea of ​​​​knowledge. They were both refined by the second senior brother Cheng Zhi. They belonged to the basic pills and could be taken by ordinary people.

It's not that there are no more precious medicinal pills, such as the barrier-breaking pills, etc., placed in the former cultivation world, it was an existence that was robbed of the head, but in this world where no one cultivates immortals, there is nothing at all. effect.

So Song Ningfeng could only embarrassedly pull out the medicinal pills from the bottom of the two bottles. He knows that this world is technologically advanced, people's bodies are much better than ordinary people in the self-cultivation world, and any problems with their bodies can be solved by lying down in the medical cabin. Luo Zhen probably didn't like his pills.

Alas, in this world, it is very difficult for practitioners like them to survive.

The three brothers and sisters went out with curiosity, and then returned Yu Yu. Although this line really opened their eyes, the three of them couldn't help themselves: their sect was about to go bankrupt!


However, Luo Zhen's efficiency is very high, and soon someone sent their light brains, and also opened the Internet function for their area.

When registering the age, a few people took a little leave.

The average life expectancy of Interstellar is about 150 years old. Except for Sa Sa, who is a real 18-year-old, if others report their true age, they will probably be considered to be lying. Especially Master Xu Yi, look at that face that doesn't eat human fireworks. If he told others that he was already two hundred years old, would anyone believe it?

Therefore, in terms of identity registration, Xu Yi is forty years old (a youth in Interstellar).

Song Ningfeng, thirty years old.

Cheng Zhi, twenty-eight years old.

Xie Rong, twenty-five years old.

Sa Sa, eighteen years old.

After getting their respective optical brains, Xu Yi gathered the disciples together again.

He said solemnly: "Originally, what this world has become has nothing to do with us, we just need to cultivate well. However, our sect occupies other people's territory, after all, it is not a long-term solution. In order to be able to focus on the future. Cultivation, we have to earn the money here as soon as possible and buy the place back.”

"Do you have any thoughts on this issue?"

No one answered Xu Yi.

Xu Yi looked up and found that the four apprentices were all holding light-brained brushes, with honeyed expressions on their faces, as if they had not heard him at all.

Although the three of Sa Sa had used their brains at the foot of the mountain before, but at that time, the time was short, and the three of them could only understand a superficial information, and they were embarrassed to show too much in front of Luo Zhen. Now that you have your own personal optical brain, why don't you study it?

At the beginning of research, I accidentally indulged in it.

The blue veins on Xu Yi's forehead jumped, this world has too many temptations, and it really isn't suitable for practitioners!

He said with a sullen face: "You are so unprofessional, I will cut off the net!"

Disconnecting the Internet, no matter what world you are in, is an extremely useful trick to deal with bear children. I saw the four apprentices swish their heads up and say very seriously, "Master, I'm listening."

Read The Duke's Passion