MTL - My Whole Sect Transmigrated to The Interstellar World-Chapter 54 The rebels will be silent when they hear it, and the star beast will listen...

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After Song Ningfeng announced the exercises, Xu Yi called Song Ningfeng and Cheng Zhi two apprentices to his side, "Did you feel it?"

Both nodded solemnly.

"Master, this is the real reason why you let us come to the capital star."

They felt that the way of heaven was gradually becoming harmonious.

It was recorded in the ancient books that if a cultivator wants to ascend, he must cultivate the "Dao" to a harmonious level.

But later, the world of comprehension gradually lost people who had ascended, because the "Tao" was incomplete. Therefore, later people said that there was no hope of ascension, and the interior of the comprehension world became more and more convoluted.

Xu Yi's swordsmanship is the most mellow one. He decided to change his life against the sky and break the confinement to have a look, and he ended up in the interstellar. Although Lei Jie seriously injured him, it also brought him a new insight: the way of heaven is incomplete, and their way is not complete either.

It's just that this feeling is very vague, and Xu Yi doesn't know how to fix the "Tao".

However, after Sa Sa taught his body technique, Xu Yi observed that the way of heaven was somehow repaired. At that time, he wasn't sure yet, but just as Song Ningfeng was about to expand the influence of the sect, Xu Yi asked him to do it.

The results were as he expected: the deeper their interaction with the world, the greater the positive impact they had on ordinary people, and the greater the repair of the Tao.

Xu Yi's injuries cannot be repaired by his own strong strength, but after the Heavenly Dao is repaired, he will also feedback some benefits to him to repair his injuries.

This is why Xu Yi deliberately temporarily blocked his cultivation. Interacting with this world as an "ordinary person" without spiritual power can heal wounds as quickly as possible.

Based on Song Ningfeng and Cheng Zhi's cultivation, they almost had a vague sense of their own way. After Song Ningfeng's mecha patent was released to the public, and Cheng Zhi's medicinal pill was sold to the public, the two directly related people felt the deepest.

Xu Yi deliberately arranged for Xie Rong to go to the chaotic area, not only because he wanted him to endure hardships, but also because there were many people there who might be the cause and effect of Xie Rong's interaction. Xie Rong majored in the Dao of Fate, and most needed to perfect cause and effect.

And this time, Song Ningfeng disclosed the basic cultivation technique to the public, and was regarded as a hero by countless interstellar people. His cultivation level directly broke through the bottleneck and entered the stage of spiritual transformation, and he did not even have a thunder tribulation. Although this had something to do with Song Ningfeng's usual practice and never slack off, it was enough to illustrate the peculiarity of this world.

Maybe, they will come here, not by accident, but by divine arrangement.

Xu Yi reminded them, "This may seem like a shortcut, but no matter what the outside world is like, you should never forget to stick to yourselves."

"Master, don't worry, we understand." Song Ningfeng and Cheng Zhi said solemnly.

Soon they understood why the master specially brought them over to talk like that.

Song Ningfeng's promotion of the cultivation method has benefited many people, so he was praised as a god. But the altar is not so good. People expect God to be omnipotent. When they find that man is not God and cannot be omniscient and omnipotent, they begin to curse and curse.

"Why can others cultivate, but I can't? What kind of **** is this? It's my fault that I had such high expectations!"

"How many sailors did you hire to make Song Ningfeng and Tai Yizong so good? I heard that they have practiced internally for a long time, but they didn't announce the practice until now. It's just selfish. If it was announced earlier, We will not be so passive in the face of the evolved version of the star beast."

"I heard that there are better exercises inside them, and the announcement is just to appease us ordinary people."

"Tai Yizong's food appearance is not much different from that of aristocratic families. We are grateful for their small profits, but everything they do is just to consolidate their superior class."

The more people there are, the more different voices will be heard. You can see the noblest side of human beings, and you may see the meanest side.

In addition, some noble families were dissatisfied with Taiyizong's refusal to cooperate, and deliberately fished in troubled waters to guide public opinion, resulting in some people being hostile to Taiyizong. People who don't know it think that Taiyizong is the one who betrayed all mankind and is heinous.

This was because Song Ningfeng was the one who came forward. He didn't make many public appearances. He was low-key and had no character flaws. If it was Xie Rong who came forward, with his flamboyant personality and temper, I'm afraid there would be more black spots and more people would pick on him.

Once Xu Yi and the others didn't like to interfere in the secular world. People who comprehend are detached from the world and see clearly: they are not gods and cannot save everyone. If you want to carry the fate of others on your back, you will never be able to become detached and unrestrained.

Sa Sa was so angry when she saw the comments on the Internet, does the senior brother owe them something, to be slandered by them like this?

Sa Sa diligently poured tea and water to Song Ningfeng, lest the slander outside would affect his mood.

Song Ningfeng was really unaffected, even without Xu Yi's reminder, how old would he be, wouldn't he understand those things?

So when he saw Sa Sa's diligence, he smiled and said comfortably, "Sa Sa, I'm really not affected, why are you more angry than me?"

Sa Sa pouted, "I just can't get over it. Senior brother, you don't care about them, it's because you have a good temper. But why?"

It's not enough to be favored by others, so what are you doing with these white-eyed wolves?

Song Ningfeng chuckled lightly. He said, "Do you know why I can't be affected? Because I know they can only be so incompetent and furious. They can't cultivate, or their aptitude is not good. They don't change their destiny. Slander to get a little bit of poor psychological comfort. Such people, never need to care. Because they can only be like this."

"The aptitude is good. If you complain that I refuse to give them better, then you don't need to care. Because they are wasting their time. Others can't wait to spend every minute of their time in cultivation. They can't delay me. procrastinate yourself."

"All I can provide is a kind of help from an external force. It is always their own business how to go from there." Song Ningfeng said calmly.

He had no intention of becoming a **** in the eyes of others, even with the cultivation of Master Xu Yi, he would not be able to save all mankind, and he would never do such a thing beyond his power. It feels good to be dragged off the altar now.

In terms of human affection, the serious little fresh meat Sa Sa is naturally inferior to Song Ningfeng, an old Jianghu.

Sa Sa nodded again and again, but after thinking about it, she was still a little unwilling, "Master, don't forget, there are some noble families who deliberately fished in troubled waters, and invited the navy to black you."

These people are also very hateful. If this matter is left like this, Sa Sa feels that his mind is unstable.

Some families are accustomed to being aloof, and if there is a Taiyi clan that is not under their control, shouldn't they panic? They just wanted to show off their muscles and let Taizong understand the consequences of not cooperating with them.

Song Ningfeng smiled, "Don't worry, you don't need to be angry with such people. They are very easy to deal with."

Who said he was a good talker?

Ask people who have dealt with Song Ningfeng in the cultivation world to evaluate him, and you will hear most of the answers: He looks like a gentleman, but he is not leaking.

It's good to talk when it's good to talk, but he's really not a little white flower.

People in the cultivation world will tell you: Offend Song Ningfeng? Then you might as well offend Xu Yi. After all, Xu Yi really doesn't take you seriously, and he doesn't care about general things. And offend Song Ningfeng? What kind of old man do you really think he is?

It is a pity that the people of Interstellar did not get such a reminder.

Seeing the big brother's smile, Sa Sa suddenly felt relieved, she felt that she could be a quiet melon eater.

Xie Rong, who was waiting to die on the D1 star, also saw the slander of Song Ningfeng by the black fans. He didn't have a temper that he couldn't hold back, how could he not explode?

He himself complained that the popularity of the senior brother should not be higher than his own, he must secretly buy fans, that is his business. In the sect before, in front of the senior brother, he did not less to do this kind of death.

But the big brother is good, is it the turn of outsiders to point fingers? And it's that kind of malicious judgment.

Who is Xie Rong? He is someone who has to make things happen when he has nothing to do, let alone something happening right now.

Thinking of the indomitable character of the sect, Xie Rong sighed, the important task of maintaining justice and regaining his position still fell to himself after all.

Aize couldn't help reminding him: "Do you want to have such an exaggerated smile on your face? It's very villainous."

Ai Ze, who originally defected from the Federation, felt like a big villain, but in front of Xie Rong, Ai Ze felt that he had to step back a little.

Xie Rong touched his face, "Is it so obvious?"

I can't wait to write the word "doing trouble" on my face.

"But so many people said it on the Internet, you can't find them one by one, right? And when you wear a vest, you don't even know who those people are."

Xie Rong said with a smile: "I'm not going to find all of them. The leading ones will definitely be beaten. How can they not find anyone? Haven't you heard of crawling along the network cable?"

Azer: Please don't tell ghost stories in broad daylight, thank you.

Xie Rong wasn't just joking with Aize. He cultivates the way of life and can see cause and effect. Even if you wipe off your traces on the Internet, making it difficult for people to trace, it is impossible to erase your cause and effect. It is not too difficult for Xie Rong to find the past along the cause and effect line.

Not long after returning from the D252 star, Xie Rong's cultivation suddenly broke through to the Nascent Soul stage, and Xu Yi's restraint on him was no longer there. He didn't go back right away because there happened to be a shameful video incident, and Xie Rong didn't want to go out to meet people for the time being.

It just so happened that the embarrassing period had passed, Xie Rong had not been doing anything for a long time, and was a little bored, wouldn't this person be sent to the door?

He simply packed up, borrowed a small starship from Azer, waved his hand and said, "I'll be back."

Over the next two days, people reported missing. Some are reported by parents and wives, and some are reported by servants.

"What are you missing? Didn't you see Guangnao's message? Your husband/your son/your master just went out to play for two days." The public security management is also annoying, there are a lot of things, you can't stop , do you really think they are busy?

The surveillance has also been checked, and it is basically certain that they went out by themselves. Of course, there are also a few cases where surveillance was not found, but this can only prove that the coverage of the surveillance is not wide enough, and it cannot prove that something happened to these people.

But the people who reported missing were horrified, "But this has never happened before? If the one from my family really wants to go out to play, he will definitely say it in advance."

Hearing this, the registered person was a little more attentive, and specially marked: Focus on the object of observation.

"If he doesn't show up in two days, report it to us again."

"Aren't you going to send someone to look for it now?"

"Send people? Where did so many people come from? Haven't your subordinates and human and machines already gone out to find them? We have limited manpower and material resources. If we can't be sure of the accident, don't waste the police force. These are all adults. The legs are on him, how can I find it?"

The registered person has already started calling the next one. The key observation object of this label is not to worry about what really happened to the person, but the current situation is special, and if they go missing at this juncture, maybe this person is a group with Qian Dayou, and the family may need it. Pay special attention.

Where have all these missing people gone?

On a small starship, there are dozens of people stacked there like Arhats.

Xie Rong looked at the list and thought a little regretfully: Unfortunately, the starship that Aize borrowed was a bit small, otherwise it could be more lively.

These are the people Xie Rong specially selected, and they are also the people who spare no effort in the matter of black Song Ningfeng. Among them, the most prominent one is the head of the Watson family, but now he is just like everyone else. Lying on the ground, squeezed together, with no face at all. I'm afraid that people who know the Watson family will not dare to recognize him when they see him now.

These people had long since woken up under the ecstasy array, but because they were too noisy, they were knocked unconscious by Xie Rong.

He wasn't so kind, and he wasted gag talismans for these people. Of course, it was simple and rude.

When they approached their destination, these people woke up again one after another, but this time they were a lot more obedient and didn't dare to make a fuss. They looked at Xie Rong one by one with horror on their faces.

Xie Rong showed a "friendly" smile and said, "Don't be afraid, oh, are you worried that I'm a rebel? I'm not, don't worry, it's because the uniform is pretty good-looking, so I didn't change it."

Thank you, no comfort at all.

Those people can't wait to roar loudly: It's not that they are afraid of the rebels! But knowing who you are is afraid of you!

The rebels have now signed a peace agreement with the Federation, so there is no need to worry about them tearing up the agreement for the time being. It doesn't make any sense for the rebels to target them.

But the problem is, this person is Xie Rong! With this super recognizable face, basically no one doesn't know him now, especially these "black fans", how can they still know why Xie Rong is here?

The owner of Watson was still calm, and he said: "Mr. Xie, it doesn't seem right for you to do this? It's your ability to tie so many of us here, but you are so lawless. Behavior, it will definitely cause objection! If you let us go now, we can pretend that nothing happened..."

There are so many people here, in addition to him, there are large and small family heads, if they all have an accident, it will still cause a sensation. Unless Xie Rong can guarantee that there will be absolutely no traces left. Similarly, when they go back now, they can also accuse Xie Rong and Tai Yizong.

Xie Rong pointed to his clothes and said with a smile, "What are you talking about? I'm a rebel and don't have to obey the laws of the Federation, right?"

The others almost vomited out a mouthful of blood, which he didn't say before. Rebel clothes are so useful!

Xie Rong understands the meaning of the Watson family too well, and it is nothing more than moral kidnapping. But as long as he has no morals, no one can kidnap him.

"Don't worry, I was just joking with you. How could a good citizen like me, abiding by laws and regulations, do terrible things? I just heard that you think that my senior brother's contribution is not enough. I heard about you guys. Killing star beasts in the city is like cutting vegetables, so I want to gain knowledge."

Before they could react, they were thrown out of the starship by Xie Rong.

As soon as they went, a few star beasts locked on them violently, rushing towards them with a roar.

This is a desolate star of the D galaxy, but it was specially transformed by Xie Rong, and a few star beasts with good strength were caught from various places. The star beasts were tortured by Xie Rong, and they were in a period of irritability. Just a few humans with Xie Rong's breath came over, didn't they add fuel to the fire?

The Federation has been at peace for a long time, and the mecha soldier is a line of defense between ordinary people and various dangers. Of course, there are also some people who claim to be mecha soldiers, but in fact have no actual combat capability. Many people have never encountered danger in their life, especially some people from wealthy backgrounds.

Seeing the star beasts with iron lumps all over their bodies rushing towards them, some people were so frightened that their legs went weak, they were fighting, they didn't dare to move, and they couldn't even say the words for help.

Of course, there were some people who carried mechas with them. Xie Rong didn't take away their space buttons. They reacted very quickly, put on the mecha and ran away.

Among these people is the Watson family. He was also a mecha soldier who served in the past, and he still has the power to fight against the star beasts. But he hadn't fought in actual combat for many years, and the level of the star beasts was not low.

Those who were left were despairing, thinking that death was imminent.

Unexpectedly, in the blink of an eye, everyone including the Watson family was thrown back by Xie Rong one by one, he said sternly, "How can you leave your companions alone? Human beings are a whole, why should they fall behind? , to sacrifice another group of people?"

Homeowner Watson: …

Well, it's very visual.

The words Xie Rong said were the words they had accused Song Ningfeng of.

They let people lead the public opinion that Song Ningfeng should not be considered a hero, because the real hero kills star beasts on the front line, throws his head and sheds blood but is ignored.

—Then they were brought in to kill the star beast.

They let people lead the public opinion that Taiyizong's exercises cannot be treated equally, which makes it impossible for some people to practice.

- Now, Xie Rong will let them treat them equally. If you want to die, everyone will die together, and if you want to live, everyone will live together.

Xie Rong also watched the excitement and fanned the flames, "You have to behave better, because I am recording a video, if you behave too cowardly, you will be scolded by everyone. Don't be afraid of sacrifice, when you sacrifice, This video is proof of your heroic devotion. I will apply for the Hero Medal for you."

"Of course, this video was recorded to prove my innocence. I didn't do anything to you, everything was done by the beasts."

Everyone: …

This man is really poisonous!

The rebels will be silent when they hear it, and the star beasts will cry when they hear it.

The owner of Watson is a man who can bend and stretch. After being hit by the star beast several times, he immediately confessed, "Mr. Xie, we can talk about any conditions you have! We know it's wrong, please let us go. !"

He was reluctant to lose his life in such a place.

Xie Rong said, "It's not that we can't talk. But you said that my brother's contribution is not big enough, so you must have contributed a lot? Why don't you talk about what you can contribute?"

"Our Watson family is willing to donate 100 million star coins to support all mankind in the fight against star beasts."

"No, no, the dignified Watson family is so stingy."

"300 million, and we are willing to donate 100 A-level mechas. There is really no more." The heart of the Watson family is bleeding.

"Okay." Xie Rong said reluctantly.

Seeing this, others expressed their willingness to donate money and materials.

People are holding their lives, knowing that this is blackmailing them, they can only recognize it by pinching their noses. Of course, after returning, whether this property really has to be paid is another matter. Even if the contract is signed, there is naturally room for negotiation after returning.

Where did Xie Rong not know about their little nine-nine? He looked at them with a smile and said, "Have you heard of the oath of heaven?"


"Simply put, people are doing it, and God is watching." Xie Rong patted the paper in his hand lightly and said, "I don't rely on these pieces of paper to collect my debts."

There may also be an oath of heaven between ordinary people, but such an oath is not binding enough. But cultivators can connect with heaven and earth, and the binding force cannot be said in the same way. Once an oath is made, it cannot be violated.

"If you don't believe it, you can try to think about it. You are going to breach the contract. Think hard."

Some people actually did, because they thought, just thinking about it, what could happen?

Then, the faces of those people became whiter and paler, and suddenly fainted.

The rest of the people looked at Xie Rong in panic: Just thinking about the breach of contract is so terrifying, is this person some kind of devil?

Xie Rong shrugged, "Don't look at me like that, isn't this what you promised yourself? I didn't force you."

Everyone: …

Good one without coercion.

Everyone wanted to complain too much, but now Xie Rong was terrified of them, all of them were so obedient that they dared not have any more objections.

Xie Rong cut a wave of leeks and was in a good mood. He cleaned up the mess on the desolate star and went back with a group of people.

Before letting them leave, Xie Rong didn't forget to remind, "You know what to say and what not to say? I have recorded all of your actions on Desolate Star."

Some people wet their pants, some push others to block guns, and some run away quickly... This kind of image spread, and my reputation was ruined.

"Understood." A group of people deserves to be very crisp.

After returning, their family members hurriedly asked what happened, whether they should call the police, and whether they were in danger. They all said with a stern face, "What danger could there be? Didn't they already leave a message to you saying that they were just going out to play? Two days? Mind your own business!"

"Then these two days..."

"Don't ask if you shouldn't!" They didn't want to recall the horrible memory at all.

The navy who received the money came to ask, "Do you want to continue to hack Song Ningfeng?"

"Hack your head!" Watson's family owner directly copied his account, "Song Ningfeng is a hero! Whoever dares to scold him will not get along with me! If you have the ability, come to the line!"

People who know that he often stumbles behind his back: ...Is this a hacked account?

These people finally sent away Xie Rong, the big Buddha, and let out a long sigh of relief, but they didn't think that Song Ningfeng, who was "easy to talk", hadn't made a move yet. This sigh of relief was too early.

Read The Duke's Passion